Currently, template expressions and statements have their location recorded relative to the HTML element they are in, with no handle to absolute location in a source file except for a line/column location. However, the line/column location is also not entirely accurate, as it points an entire semantic expression, and not necessarily the start of an expression recorded by the expression parser. To support record of the source code expressions originate from, add a new `sourceSpan` field to `ASTWithSource` that records the absolute byte offset of an expression within a source code. Implement part 2 of [refactoring template parsing for stability](https://hackmd.io/@X3ECPVy-RCuVfba-pnvIpw/BkDUxaW84/%2FMA1oxh6jRXqSmZBcLfYdyw?type=book). PR Close #31391
603 lines
21 KiB
603 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {ASTWithSource, BindingPipe, Interpolation, ParserError, TemplateBinding} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/ast';
import {Lexer} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/lexer';
import {Parser, SplitInterpolation, TemplateBindingParseResult} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/parser';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
import {unparse} from './utils/unparser';
import {validate} from './utils/validator';
describe('parser', () => {
describe('parseAction', () => {
it('should parse numbers', () => { checkAction('1'); });
it('should parse strings', () => {
checkAction('\'1\'', '"1"');
it('should parse null', () => { checkAction('null'); });
it('should parse undefined', () => { checkAction('undefined'); });
it('should parse unary - expressions', () => {
checkAction('-1', '0 - 1');
checkAction('+1', '1 - 0');
checkAction(`-'1'`, `0 - "1"`);
checkAction(`+'1'`, `"1" - 0`);
it('should parse unary ! expressions', () => {
it('should parse postfix ! expression', () => {
it('should parse multiplicative expressions',
() => { checkAction('3*4/2%5', '3 * 4 / 2 % 5'); });
it('should parse additive expressions', () => { checkAction('3 + 6 - 2'); });
it('should parse relational expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 < 3');
checkAction('2 > 3');
checkAction('2 <= 2');
checkAction('2 >= 2');
it('should parse equality expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 == 3');
checkAction('2 != 3');
it('should parse strict equality expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 === 3');
checkAction('2 !== 3');
it('should parse expressions', () => {
checkAction('true && true');
checkAction('true || false');
it('should parse grouped expressions', () => { checkAction('(1 + 2) * 3', '1 + 2 * 3'); });
it('should ignore comments in expressions', () => { checkAction('a //comment', 'a'); });
it('should retain // in string literals',
() => { checkAction(`"http://www.google.com"`, `"http://www.google.com"`); });
it('should parse an empty string', () => { checkAction(''); });
describe('literals', () => {
it('should parse array', () => {
checkAction('[1, 2].length');
it('should parse map', () => {
checkAction('{a: 1, "b": 2}[2]');
it('should only allow identifier, string, or keyword as map key', () => {
expectActionError('{(:0}', 'expected identifier, keyword, or string');
expectActionError('{1234:0}', 'expected identifier, keyword, or string');
describe('member access', () => {
it('should parse field access', () => {
checkAction('this.a', 'a');
it('should only allow identifier or keyword as member names', () => {
expectActionError('x.(', 'identifier or keyword');
expectActionError('x. 1234', 'identifier or keyword');
expectActionError('x."foo"', 'identifier or keyword');
it('should parse safe field access', () => {
describe('method calls', () => {
it('should parse method calls', () => {
checkAction('add(1, 2)');
checkAction('a.add(1, 2)');
checkAction('fn().add(1, 2)');
describe('functional calls', () => {
it('should parse function calls', () => { checkAction('fn()(1, 2)'); });
describe('conditional', () => {
it('should parse ternary/conditional expressions', () => {
checkAction('7 == 3 + 4 ? 10 : 20');
checkAction('false ? 10 : 20');
it('should report incorrect ternary operator syntax', () => {
expectActionError('true?1', 'Conditional expression true?1 requires all 3 expressions');
describe('assignment', () => {
it('should support field assignments', () => {
checkAction('a = 12');
checkAction('a.a.a = 123');
checkAction('a = 123; b = 234;');
it('should report on safe field assignments',
() => { expectActionError('a?.a = 123', 'cannot be used in the assignment'); });
it('should support array updates', () => { checkAction('a[0] = 200'); });
it('should error when using pipes',
() => { expectActionError('x|blah', 'Cannot have a pipe'); });
it('should store the source in the result',
() => { expect(parseAction('someExpr', 'someExpr')); });
it('should store the passed-in location',
() => { expect(parseAction('someExpr', 'location').location).toBe('location'); });
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
expectActionError('{{a()}}', 'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
describe('general error handling', () => {
it('should report an unexpected token',
() => { expectActionError('[1,2] trac', 'Unexpected token \'trac\''); });
it('should report reasonable error for unconsumed tokens',
() => { expectActionError(')', 'Unexpected token ) at column 1 in [)]'); });
it('should report a missing expected token', () => {
expectActionError('a(b', 'Missing expected ) at the end of the expression [a(b]');
describe('parseBinding', () => {
describe('pipes', () => {
it('should parse pipes', () => {
checkBinding('a(b | c)', 'a((b | c))');
checkBinding('a.b(c.d(e) | f)', 'a.b((c.d(e) | f))');
checkBinding('[1, 2, 3] | a', '([1, 2, 3] | a)');
checkBinding('{a: 1, "b": 2} | c', '({a: 1, "b": 2} | c)');
checkBinding('a[b] | c', '(a[b] | c)');
checkBinding('a?.b | c', '(a?.b | c)');
checkBinding('true | a', '(true | a)');
checkBinding('a | b:c | d', '((a | b:c) | d)');
checkBinding('a | b:(c | d)', '(a | b:(c | d))');
it('should only allow identifier or keyword as formatter names', () => {
expectBindingError('"Foo"|(', 'identifier or keyword');
expectBindingError('"Foo"|1234', 'identifier or keyword');
expectBindingError('"Foo"|"uppercase"', 'identifier or keyword');
it('should parse quoted expressions', () => { checkBinding('a:b', 'a:b'); });
it('should not crash when prefix part is not tokenizable',
() => { checkBinding('"a:b"', '"a:b"'); });
it('should ignore whitespace around quote prefix', () => { checkBinding(' a :b', 'a:b'); });
it('should refuse prefixes that are not single identifiers', () => {
expectBindingError('a + b:c', '');
expectBindingError('1:c', '');
it('should store the source in the result',
() => { expect(parseBinding('someExpr').source).toBe('someExpr'); });
it('should store the passed-in location',
() => { expect(parseBinding('someExpr', 'location').location).toBe('location'); });
it('should report chain expressions',
() => { expectError(parseBinding('1;2'), 'contain chained expression'); });
it('should report assignment',
() => { expectError(parseBinding('a=2'), 'contain assignments'); });
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
expectBindingError('{{a.b}}', 'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should parse conditional expression', () => { checkBinding('a < b ? a : b'); });
it('should ignore comments in bindings', () => { checkBinding('a //comment', 'a'); });
it('should retain // in string literals',
() => { checkBinding(`"http://www.google.com"`, `"http://www.google.com"`); });
it('should retain // in : microsyntax', () => { checkBinding('one:a//b', 'one:a//b'); });
describe('parseTemplateBindings', () => {
function keys(templateBindings: any[]) { return templateBindings.map(binding => binding.key); }
function keyValues(templateBindings: any[]) {
return templateBindings.map(binding => {
if (binding.keyIsVar) {
return 'let ' + binding.key + (binding.name == null ? '=null' : '=' + binding.name);
} else {
return binding.key + (binding.expression == null ? '' : `=${binding.expression}`);
function keySpans(source: string, templateBindings: TemplateBinding[]) {
return templateBindings.map(
binding => source.substring(binding.span.start, binding.span.end));
function exprSources(templateBindings: any[]) {
return templateBindings.map(
binding => binding.expression != null ? binding.expression.source : null);
it('should parse a key without a value',
() => { expect(keys(parseTemplateBindings('a', ''))).toEqual(['a']); });
it('should allow string including dashes as keys', () => {
let bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', 'b');
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a-b', 'c');
it('should detect expressions as value', () => {
let bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', 'b');
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', '1+1');
it('should detect names as value', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', 'let b');
expect(keyValues(bindings)).toEqual(['a', 'let b=$implicit']);
it('should allow space and colon as separators', () => {
let bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', 'b');
it('should allow multiple pairs', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', '1 b 2');
expect(keys(bindings)).toEqual(['a', 'aB']);
expect(exprSources(bindings)).toEqual(['1 ', '2']);
it('should store the sources in the result', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', '1,b 2');
expect(bindings[0].expression !.source).toEqual('1');
expect(bindings[1].expression !.source).toEqual('2');
it('should store the passed-in location', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('a', '1,b 2', 'location');
expect(bindings[0].expression !.location).toEqual('location');
it('should support let notation', () => {
let bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let i');
expect(keyValues(bindings)).toEqual(['key', 'let i=$implicit']);
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let a; let b');
'let a=$implicit',
'let b=$implicit',
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let a; let b;');
'let a=$implicit',
'let b=$implicit',
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let i-a = k-a');
'let i-a=k-a',
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let item; let i = k');
'let item=$implicit',
'let i=k',
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('directive', 'let item in expr; let a = b', 'location');
'let item=$implicit',
'directiveIn=expr in location',
'let a=b',
it('should support as notation', () => {
let bindings = parseTemplateBindings('ngIf', 'exp as local', 'location');
expect(keyValues(bindings)).toEqual(['ngIf=exp in location', 'let local=ngIf']);
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('ngFor', 'let item of items as iter; index as i', 'L');
'ngFor', 'let item=$implicit', 'ngForOf=items in L', 'let iter=ngForOf', 'let i=index'
it('should parse pipes', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('key', 'value|pipe');
const ast = bindings[0].expression !.ast;
describe('spans', () => {
it('should should support let', () => {
const source = 'let i';
expect(keySpans(source, parseTemplateBindings('key', 'let i'))).toEqual(['', 'let i']);
it('should support multiple lets', () => {
const source = 'let item; let i=index; let e=even;';
expect(keySpans(source, parseTemplateBindings('key', source))).toEqual([
'', 'let item', 'let i=index', 'let e=even'
it('should support a prefix', () => {
const source = 'let person of people';
const prefix = 'ngFor';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(prefix, source);
'ngFor', 'let person=$implicit', 'ngForOf=people in null'
expect(keySpans(source, bindings)).toEqual(['', 'let person ', 'of people']);
describe('parseInterpolation', () => {
it('should return null if no interpolation',
() => { expect(parseInterpolation('nothing')).toBe(null); });
it('should parse no prefix/suffix interpolation', () => {
const ast = parseInterpolation('{{a}}') !.ast as Interpolation;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['', '']);
it('should parse prefix/suffix with multiple interpolation', () => {
const originalExp = 'before {{ a }} middle {{ b }} after';
const ast = parseInterpolation(originalExp) !.ast;
it('should report empty interpolation expressions', () => {
parseInterpolation('{{}}') !,
'Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings');
parseInterpolation('foo {{ }}') !,
'Parser Error: Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings');
it('should parse conditional expression', () => { checkInterpolation('{{ a < b ? a : b }}'); });
it('should parse expression with newline characters', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ 'foo' +\n 'bar' +\r 'baz' }}`, `{{ "foo" + "bar" + "baz" }}`);
it('should support custom interpolation', () => {
const parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
const ast =
parser.parseInterpolation('{% a %}', null, 0, {start: '{%', end: '%}'}) !.ast as any;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['', '']);
describe('comments', () => {
it('should ignore comments in interpolation expressions',
() => { checkInterpolation('{{a //comment}}', '{{ a }}'); });
it('should retain // in single quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ 'http://www.google.com' }}`, `{{ "http://www.google.com" }}`);
it('should retain // in double quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "http://www.google.com" }}`, `{{ "http://www.google.com" }}`);
it('should ignore comments after string literals',
() => { checkInterpolation(`{{ "a//b" //comment }}`, `{{ "a//b" }}`); });
it('should retain // in complex strings', () => {
`{{"//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" //comment}}`, `{{ "//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" }}`);
it('should retain // in nested, unterminated strings',
() => { checkInterpolation(`{{ "a\'b\`" //comment}}`, `{{ "a\'b\`" }}`); });
describe('parseSimpleBinding', () => {
it('should parse a field access', () => {
const p = parseSimpleBinding('name');
it('should report when encountering pipes', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBinding('a | somePipe')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should report when encountering field write', () => {
expectError(validate(parseSimpleBinding('a = b')), 'Bindings cannot contain assignments');
describe('wrapLiteralPrimitive', () => {
it('should wrap a literal primitive', () => {
expect(unparse(validate(createParser().wrapLiteralPrimitive('foo', null, 0))))
describe('error recovery', () => {
function recover(text: string, expected?: string) {
const expr = validate(parseAction(text));
expect(unparse(expr)).toEqual(expected || text);
it('should be able to recover from an extra paren', () => recover('((a)))', 'a'));
it('should be able to recover from an extra bracket', () => recover('[[a]]]', '[[a]]'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing )', () => recover('(a;b', 'a; b;'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing ]', () => recover('[a,b', '[a, b]'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing selector', () => recover('a.'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing selector in a array literal',
() => recover('[[a.], b, c]'));
describe('offsets', () => {
it('should retain the offsets of an interpolation', () => {
const interpolations = splitInterpolation('{{a}} {{b}} {{c}}') !;
expect(interpolations.offsets).toEqual([2, 9, 16]);
it('should retain the offsets into the expression AST of interpolations', () => {
const source = parseInterpolation('{{a}} {{b}} {{c}}') !;
const interpolation = source.ast as Interpolation;
expect(interpolation.expressions.map(e => e.span.start)).toEqual([2, 9, 16]);
function createParser() {
return new Parser(new Lexer());
function parseAction(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseAction(text, location, offset);
function parseBinding(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseBinding(text, location, offset);
function parseTemplateBindingsResult(
key: string, value: string, location: any = null,
offset: number = 0): TemplateBindingParseResult {
return createParser().parseTemplateBindings(key, value, location, offset);
function parseTemplateBindings(
key: string, value: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): TemplateBinding[] {
return parseTemplateBindingsResult(key, value, location).templateBindings;
function parseInterpolation(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource|
null {
return createParser().parseInterpolation(text, location, offset);
function splitInterpolation(text: string, location: any = null): SplitInterpolation|null {
return createParser().splitInterpolation(text, location);
function parseSimpleBinding(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseSimpleBinding(text, location, offset);
function checkInterpolation(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseInterpolation(exp) !;
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
function checkBinding(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseBinding(exp);
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
function checkAction(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseAction(exp);
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
function expectError(ast: {errors: ParserError[]}, message: string) {
for (const error of ast.errors) {
if (error.message.indexOf(message) >= 0) {
const errMsgs = ast.errors.map(err => err.message).join('\n');
throw Error(
`Expected an error containing "${message}" to be reported, but got the errors:\n` + errMsgs);
function expectActionError(text: string, message: string) {
expectError(validate(parseAction(text)), message);
function expectBindingError(text: string, message: string) {
expectError(validate(parseBinding(text)), message);