2018-01-23 16:32:23 -08:00

125 lines
4.5 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as html from '../../src/ml_parser/ast';
import {HtmlParser} from '../../src/ml_parser/html_parser';
import {ExpansionResult, expandNodes} from '../../src/ml_parser/icu_ast_expander';
import {ParseError} from '../../src/parse_util';
import {humanizeNodes} from './ast_spec_utils';
describe('Expander', () => {
function expand(template: string): ExpansionResult {
const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const res = htmlParser.parse(template, 'url', true);
return expandNodes(res.rootNodes);
it('should handle the plural expansion form', () => {
const res = expand(`{messages.length, plural,=0 {zero<b>bold</b>}}`);
[html.Element, 'ng-container', 0],
[html.Attribute, '[ngPlural]', 'messages.length'],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 1],
[html.Attribute, 'ngPluralCase', '=0'],
[html.Text, 'zero', 2],
[html.Element, 'b', 2],
[html.Text, 'bold', 3],
it('should handle nested expansion forms', () => {
const res = expand(`{messages.length, plural, =0 { {p.gender, select, male {m}} }}`);
[html.Element, 'ng-container', 0],
[html.Attribute, '[ngPlural]', 'messages.length'],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 1],
[html.Attribute, 'ngPluralCase', '=0'],
[html.Element, 'ng-container', 2],
[html.Attribute, '[ngSwitch]', 'p.gender'],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 3],
[html.Attribute, 'ngSwitchCase', 'male'],
[html.Text, 'm', 4],
[html.Text, ' ', 2],
it('should correctly set source code positions', () => {
const nodes = expand(`{messages.length, plural,=0 {<b>bold</b>}}`).nodes;
const container: html.Element = <html.Element>nodes[0];
expect(container.sourceSpan !.start.col).toEqual(0);
expect(container.sourceSpan !.end.col).toEqual(42);
expect(container.startSourceSpan !.start.col).toEqual(0);
expect(container.startSourceSpan !.end.col).toEqual(42);
expect(container.endSourceSpan !.start.col).toEqual(0);
expect(container.endSourceSpan !.end.col).toEqual(42);
const switchExp = container.attrs[0];
const template: html.Element = <html.Element>container.children[0];
expect(template.sourceSpan !.start.col).toEqual(25);
expect(template.sourceSpan !.end.col).toEqual(41);
const switchCheck = template.attrs[0];
const b: html.Element = <html.Element>template.children[0];
expect(b.sourceSpan !.start.col).toEqual(29);
expect(b.endSourceSpan !.end.col).toEqual(40);
it('should handle other special forms', () => {
const res = expand(`{person.gender, select, male {m} other {default}}`);
[html.Element, 'ng-container', 0],
[html.Attribute, '[ngSwitch]', 'person.gender'],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 1],
[html.Attribute, 'ngSwitchCase', 'male'],
[html.Text, 'm', 2],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 1],
[html.Attribute, 'ngSwitchDefault', ''],
[html.Text, 'default', 2],
it('should parse an expansion form as a tag single child', () => {
const res = expand(`<div><span>{a, b, =4 {c}}</span></div>`);
[html.Element, 'div', 0],
[html.Element, 'span', 1],
[html.Element, 'ng-container', 2],
[html.Attribute, '[ngSwitch]', 'a'],
[html.Element, 'ng-template', 3],
[html.Attribute, 'ngSwitchCase', '=4'],
[html.Text, 'c', 4],
describe('errors', () => {
it('should error on unknown plural cases', () => {
expect(humanizeErrors(expand('{n, plural, unknown {-}}').errors)).toEqual([
`Plural cases should be "=<number>" or one of zero, one, two, few, many, other`,
function humanizeErrors(errors: ParseError[]): string[] {
return errors.map(error => error.msg);