Terence D. Honles 078b0be4dc fix(common): locales/global/*.js are not ES5 compliant (#36342)
Although this code has been part of Angular 9.x I only noticed this
error when upgrading to Angular 9.1.x because historically the source
locale data was not injected when localizing, but as of
angular/angular-cli#16394 (9.1.0) it is now included. This tipped me off
that my other bundles were not being built properly, and this change
allows me to build a valid ES5 bundle (I have also added a verification
step to my build pipeline to alert me if this error appears again in any
of my bundles).

I found the `locales/global/*.js` file paths being referenced by the
`I18nOptions` in
and following that it looks like it is actually loaded and used in
@angular-devkit/build-angular/src/utils/process-bundle.ts. I saw the
function `terserMangle` does appear that it is likely aware of the build
being ES5, but I'm not sure why this is not producing a valid ES5

This change updates `tools/gulp-tasks/cldr/extract.js` to produce ES5
compliant `locales/global/*.js` and that fixes my issue. However, I am
not sure if @angular-devkit/build-angular should be modified to produce
a valid ES5 bundle instead or if the files could be TypeScript rather
than JavaScript files.

A test that a valid ES5 bundle is produced would be helpful, and I hope
this is reproducible and not some issue with my config.

PR Close #36342
2020-04-09 11:30:32 -07:00

635 lines
22 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const stringify = require('./util').stringify;
// used to extract plural rules
const cldr = require('cldr');
// used to extract all other cldr data
const cldrJs = require('cldrjs');
// used to call to clang-format
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const COMMON_PACKAGE = 'packages/common';
const CORE_PACKAGE = 'packages/core';
const I18N_FOLDER = `${COMMON_PACKAGE}/src/i18n`;
const I18N_CORE_FOLDER = `${CORE_PACKAGE}/src/i18n`;
const I18N_DATA_FOLDER = `${COMMON_PACKAGE}/locales`;
const I18N_DATA_EXTRA_FOLDER = `${I18N_DATA_FOLDER}/extra`;
const I18N_GLOBAL_FOLDER = `${I18N_DATA_FOLDER}/global`;
const RELATIVE_I18N_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../${I18N_FOLDER}`);
const RELATIVE_I18N_CORE_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../${I18N_CORE_FOLDER}`);
const RELATIVE_I18N_DATA_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../${I18N_DATA_FOLDER}`);
path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../${I18N_DATA_EXTRA_FOLDER}`);
const RELATIVE_I18N_GLOBAL_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../${I18N_GLOBAL_FOLDER}`);
const DEFAULT_RULE = 'function anonymous(n) {\nreturn"other"\n}';
const EMPTY_RULE = 'function anonymous(n) {\n\n}';
const WEEK_DAYS = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'];
const HEADER = `/**
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
// See angular/tools/gulp-tasks/cldr/extract.js
// tslint:disable:no-console
module.exports = (gulp, done) => {
const cldrData = require('cldr-data');
const LOCALES = cldrData.availableLocales;
console.log(`Loading CLDR data...`);
console.log(`Writing locale files`);
if (!fs.existsSync(RELATIVE_I18N_FOLDER)) {
if (!fs.existsSync(RELATIVE_I18N_DATA_FOLDER)) {
if (!fs.existsSync(RELATIVE_I18N_DATA_EXTRA_FOLDER)) {
if (!fs.existsSync(RELATIVE_I18N_GLOBAL_FOLDER)) {
console.log(`Writing file ${I18N_FOLDER}/currencies.ts`);
fs.writeFileSync(`${RELATIVE_I18N_FOLDER}/currencies.ts`, generateCurrenciesFile());
const baseCurrencies = generateBaseCurrencies(new cldrJs('en'));
// additional "en" file that will be included in common
console.log(`Writing file ${I18N_CORE_FOLDER}/locale_en.ts`);
const localeEnFile = generateLocale('en', new cldrJs('en'), baseCurrencies);
fs.writeFileSync(`${RELATIVE_I18N_CORE_FOLDER}/locale_en.ts`, localeEnFile);
LOCALES.forEach((locale, index) => {
const localeData = new cldrJs(locale);
console.log(`${index + 1}/${LOCALES.length}`);
locale === 'en' ? localeEnFile : generateLocale(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies));
`${RELATIVE_I18N_DATA_EXTRA_FOLDER}/${locale}.ts`, generateLocaleExtra(locale, localeData));
locale, locale === 'en' ? new cldrJs('en') : localeData, baseCurrencies));
console.log(`${LOCALES.length} locale files generated.`);
console.log(`All i18n cldr files have been generated, formatting files..."`);
`yarn clang-format -i ${I18N_DATA_FOLDER}/**/*.ts ${I18N_DATA_FOLDER}/*.ts ${I18N_FOLDER}/currencies.ts ${I18N_CORE_FOLDER}/locale_en.ts ${I18N_GLOBAL_FOLDER}/*.js`,
{silent: true});
* Generate contents for the basic locale data file
function generateLocale(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies) {
return `${HEADER}
const u = undefined;
export default ${generateBasicLocaleString(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies)};
* Generate the contents for the extra data file
function generateLocaleExtra(locale, localeData) {
return `${HEADER}
const u = undefined;
export default ${generateDayPeriodsSupplementalString(locale, localeData)};
* Generated the contents for the global locale file
function generateGlobalLocale(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies) {
const basicLocaleData = generateBasicLocaleString(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies);
const extraLocaleData = generateDayPeriodsSupplementalString(locale, localeData);
const data = basicLocaleData.replace(/\]$/, `, ${extraLocaleData}]`);
return `${HEADER}
(function(global) {
global.ng = global.ng || {};
global.ng.common = global.ng.common || {};
global.ng.common.locales = global.ng.common.locales || {};
var u = undefined;
${getPluralFunction(locale, false)}
global.ng.common.locales['${normalizeLocale(locale)}'] = ${data};
})(typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' && globalThis || typeof global !== 'undefined' && global || typeof window !== 'undefined' && window);
* Collect up the basic locale data [ localeId, dateTime, number, currency, pluralCase ].
function generateBasicLocaleString(locale, localeData, baseCurrencies) {
let data = stringify(
...getCurrencySettings(locale, localeData),
generateLocaleCurrencies(localeData, baseCurrencies),
// We remove "undefined" added by spreading arrays when there is no value
.replace(/undefined/g, 'u');
// adding plural function after, because we don't want it as a string
data = data.replace(/\]$/, ', plural]');
return data;
* Collect up the day period rules, and extended day period data.
function generateDayPeriodsSupplementalString(locale, localeData) {
const dayPeriods = getDayPeriodsNoAmPm(localeData);
const dayPeriodRules = getDayPeriodRules(localeData);
let dayPeriodsSupplemental = [];
if (Object.keys(dayPeriods.format.narrow).length) {
const keys = Object.keys(dayPeriods.format.narrow);
if (keys.length !== Object.keys(dayPeriodRules).length) {
throw new Error(`Error: locale ${locale} has not the correct number of day period rules`);
const dayPeriodsFormat = removeDuplicates([
objectValues(dayPeriods.format.narrow), objectValues(dayPeriods.format.abbreviated),
const dayPeriodsStandalone = removeDuplicates([
const rules = keys.map(key => dayPeriodRules[key]);
dayPeriodsSupplemental = [...removeDuplicates([dayPeriodsFormat, dayPeriodsStandalone]), rules];
return stringify(dayPeriodsSupplemental).replace(/undefined/g, 'u');
* Generate a list of currencies to be used as a based for other currencies
* e.g.: {'ARS': [, '$'], 'AUD': ['A$', '$'], ...}
function generateBaseCurrencies(localeData, addDigits) {
const currenciesData = localeData.main('numbers/currencies');
const fractions = new cldrJs('en').get(`supplemental/currencyData/fractions`);
const currencies = {};
Object.keys(currenciesData).forEach(key => {
let symbolsArray = [];
const symbol = currenciesData[key].symbol;
const symbolNarrow = currenciesData[key]['symbol-alt-narrow'];
if (symbol && symbol !== key) {
if (symbolNarrow && symbolNarrow !== symbol) {
if (symbolsArray.length > 0) {
} else {
symbolsArray = [undefined, symbolNarrow];
if (addDigits && fractions[key] && fractions[key]['_digits']) {
const digits = parseInt(fractions[key]['_digits'], 10);
if (symbolsArray.length === 2) {
} else if (symbolsArray.length === 1) {
symbolsArray = [...symbolsArray, undefined, digits];
} else {
symbolsArray = [undefined, undefined, digits];
if (symbolsArray.length > 0) {
currencies[key] = symbolsArray;
return currencies;
* To minimize the file even more, we only output the differences compared to the base currency
function generateLocaleCurrencies(localeData, baseCurrencies) {
const currenciesData = localeData.main('numbers/currencies');
const currencies = {};
Object.keys(currenciesData).forEach(code => {
let symbolsArray = [];
const symbol = currenciesData[code].symbol;
const symbolNarrow = currenciesData[code]['symbol-alt-narrow'];
if (symbol && symbol !== code) {
if (symbolNarrow && symbolNarrow !== symbol) {
if (symbolsArray.length > 0) {
} else {
symbolsArray = [undefined, symbolNarrow];
// if locale data are different, set the value
if ((baseCurrencies[code] || []).toString() !== symbolsArray.toString()) {
currencies[code] = symbolsArray;
return currencies;
* Generate a file that contains the list of currencies and their symbols
function generateCurrenciesFile() {
const baseCurrencies = generateBaseCurrencies(new cldrJs('en'), true);
return `${HEADER}
export type CurrenciesSymbols = [string] | [string | undefined, string];
/** @internal */
export const CURRENCIES_EN: {[code: string]: CurrenciesSymbols | [string | undefined, string | undefined, number]} = ${stringify(baseCurrencies, true)};
* Returns data for the chosen day periods
* @returns {
* format: {narrow / abbreviated / wide: [...]},
* stand-alone: {narrow / abbreviated / wide: [...]}
* }
function getDayPeriods(localeData, dayPeriodsList) {
const dayPeriods = localeData.main(`dates/calendars/gregorian/dayPeriods`);
const result = {};
// cleaning up unused keys
Object.keys(dayPeriods).forEach(key1 => { // format / stand-alone
result[key1] = {};
Object.keys(dayPeriods[key1]).forEach(key2 => { // narrow / abbreviated / wide
result[key1][key2] = {};
Object.keys(dayPeriods[key1][key2]).forEach(key3 => {
if (dayPeriodsList.indexOf(key3) !== -1) {
result[key1][key2][key3] = dayPeriods[key1][key2][key3];
return result;
* Returns the basic day periods (am/pm)
function getDayPeriodsAmPm(localeData) {
return getDayPeriods(localeData, ['am', 'pm']);
* Returns the extra day periods (without am/pm)
function getDayPeriodsNoAmPm(localeData) {
return getDayPeriods(localeData, [
'noon', 'midnight', 'morning1', 'morning2', 'afternoon1', 'afternoon2', 'evening1', 'evening2',
'night1', 'night2'
* Returns date-related translations for a locale
* @returns [ dayPeriodsFormat, dayPeriodsStandalone, daysFormat, dayStandalone, monthsFormat,
* monthsStandalone, eras ]
* each value: [ narrow, abbreviated, wide, short? ]
function getDateTimeTranslations(localeData) {
const dayNames = localeData.main(`dates/calendars/gregorian/days`);
const monthNames = localeData.main(`dates/calendars/gregorian/months`);
const erasNames = localeData.main(`dates/calendars/gregorian/eras`);
const dayPeriods = getDayPeriodsAmPm(localeData);
const dayPeriodsFormat = removeDuplicates([
objectValues(dayPeriods.format.narrow), objectValues(dayPeriods.format.abbreviated),
const dayPeriodsStandalone = removeDuplicates([
const daysFormat = removeDuplicates([
objectValues(dayNames.format.narrow), objectValues(dayNames.format.abbreviated),
objectValues(dayNames.format.wide), objectValues(dayNames.format.short)
const daysStandalone = removeDuplicates([
objectValues(dayNames['stand-alone'].narrow), objectValues(dayNames['stand-alone'].abbreviated),
objectValues(dayNames['stand-alone'].wide), objectValues(dayNames['stand-alone'].short)
const monthsFormat = removeDuplicates([
objectValues(monthNames.format.narrow), objectValues(monthNames.format.abbreviated),
const monthsStandalone = removeDuplicates([
const eras = removeDuplicates([
[erasNames.eraNarrow['0'], erasNames.eraNarrow['1']],
[erasNames.eraAbbr['0'], erasNames.eraAbbr['1']],
[erasNames.eraNames['0'], erasNames.eraNames['1']]
const dateTimeTranslations = [
...removeDuplicates([dayPeriodsFormat, dayPeriodsStandalone]),
...removeDuplicates([daysFormat, daysStandalone]),
...removeDuplicates([monthsFormat, monthsStandalone]), eras
return dateTimeTranslations;
* Returns date, time and dateTime formats for a locale
* @returns [dateFormats, timeFormats, dateTimeFormats]
* each format: [ short, medium, long, full ]
function getDateTimeFormats(localeData) {
function getFormats(data) {
return removeDuplicates([
data.short._value || data.short, data.medium._value || data.medium,
data.long._value || data.long, data.full._value || data.full
const dateFormats = localeData.main('dates/calendars/gregorian/dateFormats');
const timeFormats = localeData.main('dates/calendars/gregorian/timeFormats');
const dateTimeFormats = localeData.main('dates/calendars/gregorian/dateTimeFormats');
return [getFormats(dateFormats), getFormats(timeFormats), getFormats(dateTimeFormats)];
* Returns day period rules for a locale
* @returns string[]
function getDayPeriodRules(localeData) {
const dayPeriodRules =
const rules = {};
if (dayPeriodRules) {
Object.keys(dayPeriodRules).forEach(key => {
if (dayPeriodRules[key]._at) {
rules[key] = dayPeriodRules[key]._at;
} else {
rules[key] = [dayPeriodRules[key]._from, dayPeriodRules[key]._before];
return rules;
* Returns the first day of the week, based on US week days
* @returns number
function getFirstDayOfWeek(localeData) {
return WEEK_DAYS.indexOf(localeData.supplemental.weekData.firstDay());
* Returns week-end range for a locale, based on US week days
* @returns [number, number]
function getWeekendRange(localeData) {
const startDay =
localeData.get(`supplemental/weekData/weekendStart/${localeData.attributes.territory}`) ||
const endDay =
localeData.get(`supplemental/weekData/weekendEnd/${localeData.attributes.territory}`) ||
return [WEEK_DAYS.indexOf(startDay), WEEK_DAYS.indexOf(endDay)];
* Returns dateTime data for a locale
* @returns [ firstDayOfWeek, weekendRange, formats ]
function getDateTimeSettings(localeData) {
return [
getFirstDayOfWeek(localeData), getWeekendRange(localeData), ...getDateTimeFormats(localeData)
* Returns the number symbols and formats for a locale
* @returns [ symbols, formats ]
* symbols: [ decimal, group, list, percentSign, plusSign, minusSign, exponential,
* superscriptingExponent, perMille, infinity, nan, timeSeparator, currencyDecimal?, currencyGroup?
* ]
* formats: [ currency, decimal, percent, scientific ]
function getNumberSettings(localeData) {
const decimalFormat = localeData.main('numbers/decimalFormats-numberSystem-latn/standard');
const percentFormat = localeData.main('numbers/percentFormats-numberSystem-latn/standard');
const scientificFormat = localeData.main('numbers/scientificFormats-numberSystem-latn/standard');
const currencyFormat = localeData.main('numbers/currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn/standard');
const symbols = localeData.main('numbers/symbols-numberSystem-latn');
const symbolValues = [
if (symbols.currencyDecimal || symbols.currencyGroup) {
if (symbols.currencyGroup) {
return [symbolValues, [decimalFormat, percentFormat, currencyFormat, scientificFormat]];
* Returns the currency code, symbol and name for a locale
* @returns [ code, symbol, name ]
function getCurrencySettings(locale, localeData) {
const currencyInfo = localeData.main(`numbers/currencies`);
let currentCurrency = '';
// find the currency currently used in this country
const currencies =
localeData.get(`supplemental/currencyData/region/${localeData.attributes.territory}`) ||
if (currencies) {
currencies.some(currency => {
const keys = Object.keys(currency);
return keys.some(key => {
if (currency[key]._from && !currency[key]._to) {
return currentCurrency = key;
if (!currentCurrency) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find currency for locale "${locale}"`);
let currencySettings = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
if (currentCurrency) {
currencySettings = [
currentCurrency, currencyInfo[currentCurrency].symbol,
return currencySettings;
* Returns the writing direction for a locale
* @returns 'rtl' | 'ltr'
function getDirectionality(localeData) {
const rtl = localeData.get('scriptMetadata/{script}/rtl');
return rtl === 'YES' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
* Transforms a string into a regexp
function toRegExp(s) {
return new RegExp(s.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'), 'g');
* Returns the plural function for a locale
* todo(ocombe): replace "cldr" extractPluralRuleFunction with our own extraction using "CldrJS"
* because the 2 libs can become out of sync if they use different versions of the cldr database
function getPluralFunction(locale, typescript = true) {
let fn = cldr.extractPluralRuleFunction(locale).toString();
if (fn === EMPTY_RULE) {
const numberType = typescript ? ': number' : '';
fn = fn.replace(/function anonymous\(n[^}]+{/g, `function plural(n${numberType})${numberType} {`)
.replace(toRegExp('if(typeof n==="string")n=parseInt(n,10);'), '')
.replace(toRegExp('\n}'), ';\n}');
if (typescript) {
fn = fn.replace(toRegExp('var'), 'let');
// The replacement values must match the `Plural` enum from common.
// We do not use the enum directly to avoid depending on that package.
return fn.replace(toRegExp('"zero"'), ' 0')
.replace(toRegExp('"one"'), ' 1')
.replace(toRegExp('"two"'), ' 2')
.replace(toRegExp('"few"'), ' 3')
.replace(toRegExp('"many"'), ' 4')
.replace(toRegExp('"other"'), ' 5');
* Return an array of values from an object
function objectValues(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key]);
* To create smaller locale files, we remove duplicated data.
* To be make this work we need to store similar data in arrays, if some value in an array
* is undefined, we can take the previous defined value instead, because it means that it has
* been deduplicated.
* e.g.: [x, y, undefined, z, undefined, undefined]
* The first undefined is equivalent to y, the second and third are equivalent to z
* Note that the first value in an array is always defined.
* Also since we need to know which data is assumed similar, it is important that we store those
* similar data in arrays to mark the delimitation between values that have different meanings
* (e.g. months and days).
* For further size improvements, "undefined" values will be replaced by a constant in the arrays
* as the last step of the file generation (in generateLocale and generateLocaleExtra).
* e.g.: [x, y, undefined, z, undefined, undefined] will be [x, y, u, z, u, u]
function removeDuplicates(data) {
const dedup = [data[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
if (stringify(data[i]) !== stringify(data[i - 1])) {
} else {
return dedup;
* In Angular the locale is referenced by a "normalized" form.
function normalizeLocale(locale) {
return locale.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-');
module.exports.I18N_FOLDER = I18N_FOLDER;
module.exports.I18N_DATA_FOLDER = I18N_DATA_FOLDER;
module.exports.HEADER = HEADER;