George Kalpakas d1f5a9e44b test(docs-infra): update firebase-test-utils to support regex-based redirects (#41842)
This commit updates the utilities in `firebase-test-utils/` to also
support testing Firebase redirects that are configured using regular
expressions (via the `regex` property).
See the [Firebase docs][1] for more details.


PR Close #41842
2021-04-27 14:05:23 -07:00

112 lines
4.2 KiB

import * as XRegExp from 'xregexp';
// The `XRegExp` typings are not accurate.
interface XRegExp extends RegExp {
xregexp: { captureNames?: string[] };
export class FirebaseRedirectSource {
regex = XRegExp(this.pattern) as XRegExp;
namedGroups: string[] = [];
private constructor(public pattern: string, public restNamedGroups: string[] = []) {
const restNamedGroupsSet = new Set(restNamedGroups);
pattern.replace(/\(\?<([^>]+)>/g, (_, name) => {
if (!restNamedGroupsSet.has(name)) {
return '';
static fromGlobPattern(glob: string): FirebaseRedirectSource {
const dot = /\./g;
const star = /\*/g;
const doubleStar = /(^|\/)\*\*($|\/)/g; // e.g. a/**/b or **/b or a/** but not a**b
const modifiedPatterns = /(.)\(([^)]+)\)/g; // e.g. `@(a|b)
const restParam = /\/:([A-Za-z]+)\*/g; // e.g. `:rest*`
const namedParam = /\/:([A-Za-z]+)/g; // e.g. `:api`
const possiblyEmptyInitialSegments = /^\.🐷\//g; // e.g. `**/a` can also match `a`
const possiblyEmptySegments = /\/\.🐷\//g; // e.g. `a/**/b` can also match `a/b`
const willBeStar = /🐷/g; // e.g. `a**b` not matched by previous rule
try {
const restNamedGroups: string[] = [];
const pattern = glob
.replace(dot, '\\.')
.replace(modifiedPatterns, replaceModifiedPattern)
.replace(restParam, (_, param) => {
// capture the rest of the string
return `(?:/(?<${param}>.🐷))?`;
.replace(namedParam, `/(?<$1>[^/]+)`)
.replace(doubleStar, '$1.🐷$2') // use the pig to avoid replacing ** in next rule
.replace(star, '[^/]*') // match a single segment
.replace(possiblyEmptyInitialSegments, '(?:.*)')// deal with **/ special cases
.replace(possiblyEmptySegments, '(?:/|/.*/)') // deal with /**/ special cases
.replace(willBeStar, '*'); // other ** matches
return new FirebaseRedirectSource(`^${pattern}$`, restNamedGroups);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Error in FirebaseRedirectSource: "${glob}" - ${err.message}`);
static fromRegexPattern(regex: string): FirebaseRedirectSource {
try {
// NOTE:
// Firebase redirect regexes use the [RE2 library](,
// which requires named capture groups to begin with `?P`. See
if (/\(\?<[^>]+>/.test(regex)) {
// Throw if the regex contains a non-RE2 named capture group.
throw new Error(
'The regular expression pattern contains a named capture group of the format ' +
'`(?<name>...)`, which is not compatible with the RE2 library. Use `(?P<name>...)` ' +
// Replace `(?P<...>` with just `(?<...>` to convert to `XRegExp`-compatible syntax for named
// capture groups.
return new FirebaseRedirectSource(regex.replace(/(\(\?)P(<[^>]+>)/g, '$1$2'));
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Error in FirebaseRedirectSource: "${regex}" - ${err.message}`);
test(url: string): boolean {
return XRegExp.test(url, this.regex);
match(url: string): { [key: string]: string } | undefined {
const match = XRegExp.exec(url, this.regex) as ReturnType<typeof XRegExp.exec>;
if (!match) {
return undefined;
const result: { [key: string]: string } = {};
const names = this.regex.xregexp.captureNames || [];
names.forEach(name => result[name] = match.groups![name]);
return result;
function replaceModifiedPattern(_: string, modifier: string, pattern: string) {
switch (modifier) {
case '!':
throw new Error(`"not" expansions are not supported: "${_}"`);
case '?':
case '+':
return `(${pattern})${modifier}`;
case '*':
return `(${pattern})🐷`; // it will become a star
case '@':
return `(${pattern})`;
throw new Error(`unknown expansion type: "${modifier}" in "${_}"`);