1184 lines
58 KiB
1184 lines
58 KiB
block includes
include _util-fns
//- current.path = ['docs', lang, 'latest', ...]
- var lang = current.path[1]
- var docsPath='/' + current.path[0]
- var docsLatest='/' + current.path.slice(0,3).join('/');
- var _at = lang === 'js' ? '' : '@'
- var _decoratorLink = '<a href="#' + _decorator + '">' + _decorator + '</a>'
# Angular 2词汇表
Angular 2 has a vocabulary of its own.
Most Angular 2 terms are everyday English words
with a specific meaning within the Angular system.
Angular 2有自己的词汇表。
虽然大多数的Angular 2短语都是日常用语,但是在Angular体系中,它们有特别的含义。
This glossary lists the most prominent terms
and a few less familiar ones that have unusual or
unexpected definitions.
[A](#A) [B](#B) [C](#C) [D](#D) [E](#E) [F](#F) [G](#G) [H](#H) [I](#I)
[J](#J) [K](#K) [L](#L) [M](#M) [N](#N) [O](#O) [P](#P) [Q](#Q) [R](#R)
[S](#S) [T](#T) [U](#U) [V](#V) [W](#W) [X](#X) [Y](#Y) [Z](#Z)
## Ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation
## Ahead of Time (AOT) 提前编译
You can compile Angular applications at build-time.
By compiling your application using the compiler-cli, `ngc`, you can bootstrap directly
to a module factory, meaning you don't need to include the Angular compiler in your JavaScript bundle.
Ahead-of-time compiled applications also benefit from decreased load time and increased performance.
开发者可以在构造时(build-time)编译Angular应用程序。通过`Compiler-cli` - `ngc`编译应用程序,应用可以从一个模块工厂(Module Factory)直接启动,意思是不再需要把Angular编译器添加到JavaScript包中。提前编译的应用程序将加载迅速,并具有更高的性能。
## Angular module
## Angular模块
Helps you organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
An Angular module identifies the components, directives, and pipes that the application uses along with the list of external Angular modules that the application needs, such as `FormsModule`.
Every Angular application has an application root module class. By convention the class is
called `AppModule` and resides in a file named `app.component.ts`.
For details and examples, see the [Angular Module](!{docsLatest}/guide/ngmodule.html) page.
## Annotation
## 注解(Annotation)
block annotation-defn
In practice a synonym for [Decoration](#decorator).
## Attribute directive
## 属性型指令(Attribute Directive)
A category of [directive](#directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of
other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented
as HTML attributes, hence the name.
A good example of an attribute directive is the `ngClass` directive for adding and removing CSS class names.
## Barrel
## 封装桶(Barrel)
A barrel is a way to *rollup exports* from several ES2015 modules into a single convenient ES2015 module.
The barrel itself is an ES2015 module file that re-exports *selected* exports of other ES2015 modules.
Imagine three ES2015 modules in a `heroes` folder:
// heroes/hero.component.ts
export class HeroComponent {}
// heroes/hero.model.ts
export class Hero {}
// heroes/hero.service.ts
export class HeroService {}
Without a barrel, a consumer would need three import statements:
import { HeroComponent } from '../heroes/hero.component.ts';
import { Hero } from '../heroes/hero.model.ts';
import { HeroService } from '../heroes/hero.service.ts';
You can add a barrel to the `heroes` folder (called `index`, by convention) that exports all of these items:
export * from './hero.model.ts'; // re-export all of its exports
export * from './hero.service.ts'; // re-export all of its exports
export { HeroComponent } from './hero.component.ts'; // re-export the named thing
Now a consumer can import what it needs from the barrel.
import { Hero, HeroService } from '../heroes'; // index is implied
The Angular [scoped packages](#scoped-package) each have a barrel named `index`.
Angular的每个[范围化包(Scoped Package)](#scoped-package)都有一个叫做`index`的封装桶。
That's why we can write this:
+makeExcerpt('quickstart/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'import', '')
Note that you can often achieve this using [Angular modules](#angular-module) instead.
## Binding
## 绑定(Binding)
Almost always refers to [Data Binding](#data-binding) and the act of
binding an HTML object property to a data object property.
几乎都是指的[数据绑定(Data Binding)](#data-binding)和将一个HTML对象属性绑定到一个数据对象属性的行为。
May refer to a [dependency injection](#dependency-injection) binding
between a "token", also referred to as a "key", and a dependency [provider](#provider).
This more rare usage should be clear in context.
有可能指的是[依赖注入(Dependency Injection)](#dependency-injection)在一个令牌(Token)(也叫键值Key)和一个依赖的[提供商(Provider)](#provider)之间的绑定。
## Bootstrap
## 启动/引导(Bootstrap)
block bootstrap-defn-top
You launch an Angular application by "bootstrapping" it using the application root Angular module (`AppModule`). Bootstrapping identifies an application's top level "root" [component](#component), which is the first component that is loaded for the application. For more information, see [QuickStart](!{docsLatest}/quickstart.html).
通过一个名叫`bootstrap`的方法来引导Angular应用程序。这个`bootstrap`方法会识别应用程序的顶级“根”[组件(Component)](#component),并可能通过[依赖注入体系(Dependency Injection System)](#dependency-injection)注册服务的[提供商(Provider)](#provider)。要了解详情,参见[快速起步](!{docsLatest}/quickstart.html)。
You can bootstrap multiple apps in the same `index.html`, each with its own top level root.
## camelCase
## 驼峰式命名法(camelCase)
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter
_except the first letter, which is lowercase_.
Function, property, and method names are typically spelled in camelCase. Examples include: `square`, `firstName` and `getHeroes`. Notice that `square` is an example of how you write a single word in camelCase.
函数、属性和方法命名一般都使用驼峰式拼写法。比如`square`, `firstName` 和 `getHeroes`等。注意这里的`square`只是一个例子,用来示范如何用驼峰式命名法表示单一词。
This form is also known as **lower camel case**, to distinguish it from **upper camel case**, which is [PascalCase](#pascalcase).
When you see "camelCase" in this documentation it always means *lower camel case*.
这种形式也被叫做**小驼峰式命名法(lower camel case)**,以区分于**大驼峰式命名法**(也叫[Pascal命名法(PascalCase)](#pascalcase))。
## Component
## 组件(Component)
An Angular class responsible for exposing data to a [view](#view) and handling most of the view’s display and user-interaction logic.
The *component* is one of the most important building blocks in the Angular system.
It is, in fact, an Angular [directive](#directive) with a companion [template](#template).
You apply the `!{_at}Component` !{_decoratorLink} to
the component class, thereby attaching to the class the essential component metadata
that Angular needs to create a component instance and render it with its template
as a view.
Those familiar with "MVC" and "MVVM" patterns will recognize
the component in the role of "controller" or "view model".
如果你熟悉 "MVC" 和 "MVVM" 架构模式,就会意识到“组件”充当了“控制器(Controller)”和“视图模型(View Model)”的角色。
// #enddocregion b-c
## dash-case
## 中线命名法(dash-case)
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word is separated by a dash or hyphen (-).
This form is also known as [kebab-case](#kebab-case).
[Directive](#directive) selectors (like `my-app`) <span if-docs="ts">and
the root of filenames (such as `hero-list.component.ts`)</span> are often
spelled in dash-case.
[指令](#directive)的选择器(例如`my-app`)<span if-docs="ts">和文件名(比如``hero-list.component.ts`)</span>通常都是通过中线命名法来命名的。
## Data binding
## 数据绑定(Data Binding)
Applications display data values to a user and respond to user
actions (clicks, touches, keystrokes).
Instead of manually pushing application data values into HTML, attaching
event listeners, pulling changed values from the screen, and
updating application data values, you can use data binding by declaring the relationship between an HTML widget and data source and let the
framework handle the details.
Angular has a rich data binding framework with a variety of data binding
operations and supporting declaration syntax.
Read about the forms of binding in the [Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#data-binding) page:
* [Interpolation](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#interpolation).
* [插值表达式(Interpolation)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#interpolation)。
* [Property binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding).
* [属性绑定(Property Binding)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding)。
* [Event binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding).
* [事件绑定(Event Binding)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding)。
* [Attribute binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#attribute-binding).
* [Attribute绑定(Attribute Binding)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#attribute-binding)。
* [Class binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#class-binding).
* [CSS类绑定(Class Binding)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#class-binding)。
* [Style binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#style-binding).
* [样式绑定(Style Binding)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#style-binding)。
* [Two-way data binding with ngModel](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#ngModel).
* [基于ngModel的双向数据绑定(Two-way data binding with ngModel)](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#ngModel)。
## Decorator | decoration
## 装饰器(Decorator | Decoration)
block decorator-defn
A decorator is a **function** that adds metadata to a class, its members (properties, methods) and function arguments.
Decorators are a JavaScript language [feature](https://github.com/wycats/javascript-decorators), implemented in TypeScript and proposed for ES2016 (AKA ES7).
To apply a decorator, position it immediately above or to the left of the thing it decorates.
Angular has its own set of decorators to help it interoperate with your application parts.
Here is an example of a `@Component` decorator that identifies a
class as an Angular [component](#component) and an `@Input` decorator applied to the `name` property
of that component. The elided object argument to the `@Component` decorator would contain the pertinent component metadata.
export class AppComponent {
constructor(@Inject('SpecialFoo') public foo:Foo) {}
@Input() name:string;
The scope of a decorator is limited to the language feature
that it decorates. None of the decorations shown here will "leak" to other
classes appearing below it in the file.
Always include parentheses `()` when applying a decorator.
## Dependency injection
## 依赖注入(Dependency Injection)
Dependency injection is both a design pattern and a mechanism
for creating and delivering parts of an application to other
parts of an application that request them.
Angular developers prefer to build applications by defining many simple parts
that each do one thing well and then wiring them together at runtime.
These parts often rely on other parts. An Angular [component](#component)
part might rely on a service part to get data or perform a calculation. When
part "A" relies on another part "B", you say that "A" depends on "B" and
that "B" is a dependency of "A".
You can ask a "dependency injection system" to create "A"
for us and handle all the dependencies.
If "A" needs "B" and "B" needs "C", the system resolves that chain of dependencies
and returns a fully prepared instance of "A".
Angular provides and relies upon its own sophisticated
[dependency injection](dependency-injection.html) system
to assemble and run applications by "injecting" application parts
into other application parts where and when needed.
Angular提供并使用自己精心设计的[依赖注入(Dependency Injection)](dependency-injection.html)系统来组装和运行应用程序:在要用时,将一些部件“注入”到另一些部件里面。
At the core there is an [`injector`](#injector) that returns dependency values on request.
The expression `injector.get(token)` returns the value associated with the given token.
A token is an Angular type (`OpaqueToken`). You rarely deal with tokens directly; most
methods accept a class name (`Foo`) or a string ("foo") and Angular converts it
to a token. When you write `injector.get(Foo)`, the injector returns
the value associated with the token for the `Foo` class, typically an instance of `Foo` itself.
During many of its operations, Angular makes similar requests internally, such as when it creates a [`component`](#component) for display.
The `Injector` maintains an internal map of tokens to dependency values.
If the `Injector` can't find a value for a given token, it creates
a new value using a `Provider` for that token.
A [provider](#provider) is a recipe for
creating new instances of a dependency value associated with a particular token.
An injector can only create a value for a given token if it has
a `provider` for that token in its internal provider registry.
Registering providers is a critical preparatory step.
Angular registers some of its own providers with every injector.
We can register our own providers.
Read more in the [Dependency Injection](!{docsLatest}/guide/dependency-injection.html) page.
要了解关于依赖注入的更多知识,请参见[依赖注入(Dependency Injection)](!{docsLatest}/guide/dependency-injection.html)页。
## Directive
## 指令(Directive)
An Angular class responsible for creating, reshaping, and interacting with HTML elements
in the browser DOM. Directives are Angular's most fundamental feature.
A Directive is almost always associated with an HTML element or attribute.
We often refer to such an element or attribute as the directive itself.
When Angular finds a directive in an HTML template,
it creates the matching directive class instance
and gives the instance control over that portion of the browser DOM.
You can invent custom HTML markup (for example, `<my-directive>`) to
associate with your custom directives. You add this custom markup to HTML templates
as if you were writing native HTML. In this way, directives become extensions of
HTML itself.
Directives fall into one of three categories:
1. [Components](#component) that combine application logic with an HTML template to
render application [views]. Components are usually represented as HTML elements.
They are the building blocks of an Angular application and the
developer can expect to write a lot of them.
1. [组件(Component)](#component): 用来把程序逻辑和HTML模板组合起来,渲染出应用程序的视图。组件一般表示成HTML元素的形式,它们是构建Angular应用程序的基本单元。可以预见,开发人员将会写很多很多组件。
1. [Attribute directives](#attribute-directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of
other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented
as HTML attributes, hence the name.
1. [属性型指令(Attribute Directive)](#attribute-directive):可以监控和修改其它HTML元素、HTML属性(Attribute)、DOM属性(Property)、组件等行为等等。它们一般表示为HTML元素的属性(Attibute),故名。
1. [Structural directives](#structural-directive), a directive responsible for
shaping or reshaping HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating
elements and their children.
1. [结构型指令(Structural Directive)](#structural-directive):负责塑造或重塑HTML布局。这一般是通过添加、删除或者操作HTML元素及其子元素来实现的。
// #enddocregion d2
## ECMAScript
The [official JavaScript language specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript).
The latest approved version of JavaScript is
[ECMAScript 2016](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/)
(AKA "ES2016" or "ES7") and many Angular 2 developers write their applications
either in this version of the language or a dialect that strives to be
compatible with it, such as [TypeScript](#typescript).
最新的被认可的JavaScript版本是[ECMAScript 2015](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/),(也叫“ES2015”或“ES6”)。Angular 2的开发者要么使用这个版本的JavaScript,要么使用与这个版本兼容的语言,比如[TypeScript](#typesScript)。
Most modern browsers today only support the much older "ECMAScript 5" (AKA ES5) standard.
Applications written in ES2016, ES2015 or one of their dialects must be "[transpiled](#transpile)"
to ES5 JavaScript.
目前,几乎所有现代游览器都只支持上老版本的“ECMAScript 5” (也就是ES5)标准。使用ES2015,ES2016或者其它兼容语言开发的应用程序,都必须被“[转译(Transpile)](#transpile)”成ES5 JavaScript。
Angular 2 developers may choose to write in ES5 directly.
Angular 2的开发者也可以选择直接使用ES5编程。
## ES 2015
## ES 2015
Short hand for [ECMAScript](#ecmascript) 2015.
[ECMAScript](#ecmascript) 2015的缩写。
## ES6
Short hand for [ECMAScript](#ecmascript) 2015.
[ECMAScript](#ecmascript) 2015的简写。
## ES5
Short hand for [ECMAScript](#ecmascript) 5, the version of JavaScript run by most modern browsers.
See [ECMAScript](#ecmascript).
“ECMAScript 5”的简写,大部分现代浏览器使用的JavaScript版本。参见[ECMAScript](#ecmascript)。
// #enddocregion e2
## Injector
## 注入器(Injector)
An object in the Angular [dependency injection system](#dependency-injection)
that can find a named "dependency" in its cache or create such a thing
with a registered [provider](#provider).
Angular[依赖注入系统(Dependency Injection System)](#dependency-injection)中的一个对象,它可以在自己的缓存中找到一个“有名字的依赖”或者利用一个已注册的[提供商(Provider)](#provider)来创建这样一个依赖。
## Input
## 输入属性(Input)
A directive property that can be the ***target*** of a
[property binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding) (explained in detail in the [Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html) page).
Data values flow *into* this property from the data source identified
in the template expression to the right of the equal sign.
See the [Input and output properties](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) section of the [Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html) page.
## Interpolation
## 插值表达式(Interpolation)
A form of [property data binding](#data-binding) in which a
[template expression](#template-expression) between double-curly braces
renders as text. That text may be concatenated with neighboring text
before it is assigned to an element property
or displayed between element tags, as in this example.
[属性数据绑定(Property Data Binding)](#data-binding) 的形式之一:位于双大括号中的[模板表达式(Template Expression)](#template-expression)会被渲染成文本。在被赋值给元素属性或者显示在元素标签中之前,这些文本可能会先与周边的文本合并,参见下面的例子。
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
<label>My current hero is {{hero.name}}</label>
Read more about [interpolation](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#interpolation) in the
[Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html) page.
## Just-in-time (JiT) compilation
## 即时(Just-in-time (JiT))编译
With Angular _just-in-time_ bootstrapping you compile your components and modules in the browser
and launch the application dynamically. This is a good choice during development.
Consider using the [ahead-of-time](#aot) mode for production apps.
推荐采用[提前编译(Ahead of Time)](#aot)模式。
## kebab-case
## 烤串命名法(kebab-case)
See [dash-case](#dash-case).
## Lifecycle hooks
## 生命周期钩子(Lifecycle Hook)
[Directives](#directive) and [components](#component) have a lifecycle
managed by Angular as it creates, updates, and destroys them.
You can tap into key moments in that lifecycle by implementing
one or more of the lifecycle hook interfaces.
Each interface has a single hook method whose name is the interface name prefixed with `ng`.
For example, the `OnInit` interface has a hook method named `ngOnInit`.
每个接口只有一个钩子方法,方法名一般是接口的名字加前缀 `ng`。比如,`OnInit`接口的钩子类的方法名为 `ngOnInit`。
Angular calls these hook methods in the following order:
* `ngOnChanges` - when an [input](#input)/[output](#output) binding value changes.
* `ngOnChanges` - 在[输入属性(Input)](#input)/[输出属性(Output)](#output)的绑定值发生变化的时候调用。
* `ngOnInit` - after the first `ngOnChanges`.
* `ngOnInit` - 在第一轮`ngOnChanges`完成后调用。
* `ngDoCheck` - developer's custom change detection.
* `ngDoCheck` - 开发者自定义变化监测器。
* `ngAfterContentInit` - after component content initialized.
* `ngAfterContentInit` - 在组件初始化以后调用。
* `ngAfterContentChecked` - after every check of component content.
* `ngAfterContentChecked` - 在检查每个组件内容后调用。
* `ngAfterViewInit` - after component's view(s) are initialized.
* `ngAfterViewInit` - 在组件视图初始化后调用。
* `ngAfterViewChecked` - after every check of a component's view(s).
* `ngAfterViewChecked` - 在检查每个组件视图后调用
* `ngOnDestroy` - just before the directive is destroyed.
* `ngOnDestroy` - 在指令销毁前调用。
Read more in the [Lifecycle Hooks](!{docsLatest}/guide/lifecycle-hooks.html) page.
要了解更多,参见[生命周期钩子(Lifecycle Hook)](!{docsLatest}/guide/lifecycle-hooks.html)一章。
// #enddocregion f-l
## Module
## 模块(Module)
block module-defn
In Angular, there are two types of modules:
- [Angular modules](#angular-module).
For details and examples, see the [Angular Modules](!{docsLatest}/guide/ngmodule.html) page.
- [Angular 模块](#angular-module)。到[Angular Module](!{docsLatest}/guide/ngmodule.html)页查看详情和例子。
- ES2015 modules, as described in this section.
- 本节描述的ES2015模块。
Angular apps are modular.
In general, you assemble your application from many modules, both the ones you write and the ones you acquire from others.
A typical module is a cohesive block of code dedicated to a single purpose.
A module **exports** something of value in that code, typically one thing such as a class.
A module that needs that thing, **imports** it.
The structure of Angular modules and the import/export syntax
is based on the [ES2015 module standard](http://www.2ality.com/2014/09/es6-modules-final.html).
An application that adheres to this standard requires a module loader to
load modules on request, and resolve inter-module dependencies.
Angular does not ship with a module loader and does not have a preference
for any particular 3rd party library (although most examples use SystemJS).
You may pick any module library that conforms to the standard.
Modules are typically named after the file in which the exported thing is defined.
The Angular [DatePipe](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/@angular/common/src/pipes/date_pipe.ts)
class belongs to a feature module named `date_pipe` in the file `date_pipe.ts`.
模块一般与它定义导出物的文件同名。比如, Angular的[日期管道(DatePipe)](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/angular2/src/common/pipes/date_pipe.ts)类属于名叫`date_pipe`的特性模块,位于文件`date_pipe.ts`中。
You rarely access Angular feature modules directly. You usually import them from one of the Angular [scoped packages](#scoped-package) such as `@angular/core`.
而通常会从一个Angular的[范围化包(Scoped Package)](#scoped-package)中导入它们,比如`@angular/core`。
## Observable
## Observable
You can think of an observable as an array whose items arrive asynchronously over time.
Observables help you manage asynchronous data, such as data coming from a backend service.
Observables are used within Angular itself, including Angular's event system and its http client service.
To use observables, Angular uses a third-party library called Reactive Extensions (RxJS).
Observables are a proposed feature for ES 2016, the next version of JavaScript.
为了利用`Observable`,Angular使用了名为Reactive Extensions (RxJS)的第三方包。
在下个版本的JavaScript - ES 2016中,`Observable`是建议的功能之一。
## Output
## 输出属性(Output)
A directive property that can be the ***target*** of
[event binding](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding).
Events stream *out* of this property to the receiver identified
in the template expression to the right of the equal sign.
输出属性是指令的一种属性,它可作为[事件绑定](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding)的 **目标** 。
See the [Input and output properties](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) section of the [Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html) page.
## PascalCase
## Pascal命名法(PascalCase)
The practice of writing individual words, compound words, or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter. Class names are typically spelled in PascalCase. Examples include: `Person` and `HeroDetailComponent`.
This form is also known as **upper camel case** to distinguish it from **lower camel case**, which is simply called [camelCase](#camelcase). In this documentation, "PascalCase" means *upper camel case* and "camelCase" means *lower camel case*.
这种命名法也叫**大驼峰式命名法**,以区别于 **小驼峰式命名法”或[驼峰式命名法(camelCase)](#camelCase)** 。
## Pipe
## 管道(Pipe)
An Angular pipe is a function that transforms input values to output values for
display in a [view](#view). Use the `!{_at}Pipe` !{_decoratorLink}
to associate the pipe function with a name. You then use that
name in your HTML to declaratively transform values on screen.
Here's an example that uses the built-in `currency` pipe to display
a numeric value in the local currency.
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
<label>Price: </label>{{product.price | currency}}
Read more in the page on [pipes](!{docsLatest}/guide/pipes.html).
- var _ProviderUrl = docsLatest+'/api/'+(lang == 'dart' ? 'angular2.core' : 'core/index')+'/Provider-class.html'
## Provider
## 提供商(Provider)
A [provider](!{_ProviderUrl}) creates a new instance of a dependency for the
[dependency injection](#dependency-injection) system.
It relates a lookup token to code—sometimes called a "recipe"—that can create a dependency value.
## Reactive forms
## 动态表格(Reactive Forms)
A technique for building Angular forms through code in a component.
The alternate technique is [Template-Driven Forms](#template-driven-forms).
When building reactive forms:
- The "source of truth" is the component. The validation is defined using code in the component.
- “真理来源”于组件。表单验证在组件代码中定义。
- Each control is explicitly created in the component class with `new FormControl()` or with `FormBuilder`.
- 每个控制器都是在组件类中使用`new FormControl()`或者`FormBuilder`显性的创建的。
- The template input elements do *not* use `ngModel`.
- 模板中的`input`元素**不**使用`ngModel`。
- The associated Angular directives are all prefixed with `Form` such as `FormGroup`, `FormControl`, and `FormControlName`.
- 相关联的Angular指令全部以`Form`开头,比如`FormGroup`、`FormControl`和`FormControlName`。
Reactive forms are powerful, flexible, and great for more complex data entry form scenarios such as dynamic generation of form controls.
## Router
## 路由器(Router)
Most applications consist of many screens or [views](#view).
The user navigates among them by clicking links and buttons,
and performing other similar actions that cause the application to
replace one view with another.
The Angular [component router](!{docsLatest}/guide/router.html) is a richly featured mechanism for configuring and managing the entire view navigation process including the creation and destruction
of views.
Angular的[路由器(Component Router)](!{docsLatest}/guide/router.html)是一个特性丰富的机制,它可以配置和管理整个导航过程,包括建立和销毁视图。
In most cases, components become attached to a [router](#router) by means
of a `RouterConfig` that defines routes to views.
A [routing component's](#routing-component) template has a `RouterOutlet` element
where it can display views produced by the router.
Other views in the application likely have anchor tags or buttons with `RouterLink`
directives that users can click to navigate.
For more information, see the [Routing & Navigation](!{docsLatest}/guide/router.html) page.
## Router module
A separate [Angular module](#angular-module) that provides the necessary service providers and directives for navigating through application views.
For more information, see the [Routing & Navigation](!{docsLatest}/guide/router.html) page.
## Routing component
## 路由组件(Routing Component)
block routing-component-defn
An Angular [component](#component) with a RouterOutlet that displays views based on router navigations.
For more information, see the [Routing & Navigation](!{docsLatest}/guide/router.html) page.
## Scoped package
## 范围化包(Scoped Package)
Angular modules are delivered within *scoped packages* such as `@angular/core`, `@angular/common`, `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic`,
`@angular/http`, and `@angular/router`.
A [*scoped package*](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scope) is a way to group related *npm* packages.
[*范围化包(Scoped Package)*](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scope)是对相关*npm*包进行分组的一种方式。
You import a scoped package the same way that you'd import a *normal* package.
The only difference, from a consumer perspective,
is that the *scoped package* name begins with the Angular *scope name*, `@angular`.
+makeExcerpt('architecture/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'import', '')
## snake_case
## 下划线命名法(蛇形命名法)
block snake-case-defn
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that an
underscore (`_`) separates one word from the next. This form is also known as **underscore case**.
## Service
## 服务
For data or logic that is not associated
with a specific view or that you want to share across components, build services.
Applications often require services such as a hero data service or a logging service.
A service is a class with a focused purpose.
We often create a service to implement features that are
independent from any specific view,
provide shared data or logic across components, or encapsulate external interactions.
For more information, see the [Services](!{docsLatest}/tutorial/toh-pt4.html) page of the [Tour of Heroes](!{docsLatest}/tutorial/) tutorial.
## Structural directive
## 结构型指令(Structural Directive)
A category of [directive](#directive) that can
shape or reshape HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating
elements and their children; for example, the `ngIf` "conditional element" directive and the `ngFor` "repeater" directive.
Read more in the [Structural Directives](!{docsLatest}/guide/structural-directives.html) page.
// #enddocregion n-s-2
## Template
## 模板(Template)
A template is a chunk of HTML that Angular uses to render a [view](#view) with
the support and continuing guidance of an Angular [directive](#directive),
most notably a [component](#component).
## Template-driven forms
## 模板驱动表单
A technique for building Angular forms using HTML forms and input elements in the view.
The alternate technique is [Reactive Forms](#reactive-forms).
When building template-driven forms:
- The "source of truth" is the template. The validation is defined using attributes on the individual input elements.
- “信任之源”是模板。验证规则是用属性(Attribute)的形式定义在独立输入控件上的。
- [Two-way binding](#data-binding) with `ngModel` keeps the component model in synchronization with the user's entry into the input elements.
- 使用`ngModel`的[双向绑定](#data-binding)负责组件模型和用户输入之间的同步。
- Behind the scenes, Angular creates a new control for each input element, provided you have set up a `name` attribute and two-way binding for each input.
- 在幕后,Angular为每个带有`name`属性和双向绑定的input元素创建了一个新的控件。
- The associated Angular directives are all prefixed with `ng` such as `ngForm`, `ngModel`, and `ngModelGroup`.
- 相关的Angular指令都带有`ng`前缀,比如`ngForm`、`ngModel`和`ngModelGroup`。
Template-driven forms are convenient, quick, and simple. They are a good choice for many basic data entry form scenarios.
Read about how to build template-driven forms
in the [Forms](!{docsLatest}/guide/forms.html) page.
## Template expression
## 模板表达式(Template Expression)
An expression is a !{_Lang}-like syntax that Angular evaluates within
a [data binding](#data-binding).
Read about how to write template expressions
in the [Template Syntax](!{docsLatest}/guide/template-syntax.html#template-expressions) page.
Angular用来在[数据绑定(Data Binding)](#data-binding)内求值的、**类似**JavaScript语法的表达式。到[模板语法](guide/template-syntax.html#template-expressions)一章中了解更多模板表达式的知识。
// #enddocregion t1
// #docregion t2
## Transpile
## 转译(Transpile)
The process of transforming code written in one form of JavaScript
(for example, TypeScript) into another form of JavaScript (for example, [ES5](#es5)).
## TypeScript
A version of JavaScript that supports most [ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)
language features such as [decorators](#decorator).
一种支持了几乎所有[ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)语言特性和一些未来版本可能有的特性(比如[装饰器(Decorator)](#decorator))的JavaScript语言。
TypeScript is also noteable for its optional typing system, which gives
us compile-time type checking and strong tooling support (for example, "intellisense",
code completion, refactoring, and intelligent search). Many code editors
and IDEs support TypeScript either natively or with plugins.
TypeScript还以它的可选类型系统而著称。该类型系统提供了编译期类型检查和强大的工具支持(比如“Intellisense”, 自动代码补齐,重构和智能搜索等)。许多程序编辑器和开发环境都自带了TypeScript支持或通过插件提供支持。
TypeScript is the preferred language for Angular 2 development although
you can use other JavaScript dialects such as [ES5](#es5).
TypeScript是Angular 2的首选语言,当然,我们也欢迎你使用其它JavaScript语言,比如[ES5](#es5)。
Read more about TypeScript at [typescript.org](http://www.typescriptlang.org/).
// #enddocregion t2
## View
## 视图(View)
A view is a portion of the screen that displays information and responds
to user actions such as clicks, mouse moves, and keystrokes.
Angular renders a view under the control of one or more [directives](#directive),
especially [component](#component) directives and their companion [templates](#template).
The component plays such a prominent role that it's often
convenient to refer to a component as a view.
组件扮演着非常重要的角色,我们甚至经常会为了方便, 直接用“视图”作为组件的代名词。
Views often contain other views and any view might be loaded and unloaded
dynamically as the user navigates through the application, typically
under the control of a [router](#router).
## Zones
## 区域(Zones)
block zone-defn
Zones are a mechanism for encapsulating and intercepting
a JavaScript application's asynchronous activity.
The browser DOM and JavaScript have a limited number
of asynchronous activities, activities such as DOM events (for example, clicks),
[promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise), and
calls to remote servers.
Zones intercept all of these activities and give a "zone client" the opportunity
to take action before and after the async activity finishes.
Angular runs your application in a zone where it can respond to
asynchronous events by checking for data changes, and updating
the information it displays via [data bindings](#data-binding).
Angular会在一个 Zone 区域中运行应用程序,在这个区域中,它可以对异步事件做出反应,可以通过检查数据变更、利用[数据绑定(Data Bindings)](#data-binding)来更新信息显示。
Learn more about zones in this
[Brian Ford video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IqtmUscE_U).
到[Brian Ford的视频](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IqtmUscE_U)学习更多关于区域的知识。