1064 lines
41 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {flatten, sanitizeIdentifier} from '../../compile_metadata';
import {CompileReflector} from '../../compile_reflector';
import {BindingForm, BuiltinFunctionCall, LocalResolver, convertActionBinding, convertPropertyBinding} from '../../compiler_util/expression_converter';
import {ConstantPool} from '../../constant_pool';
import * as core from '../../core';
import {AST, AstMemoryEfficientTransformer, BindingPipe, BindingType, FunctionCall, ImplicitReceiver, Interpolation, LiteralArray, LiteralMap, LiteralPrimitive, PropertyRead} from '../../expression_parser/ast';
import {Lexer} from '../../expression_parser/lexer';
import {Parser} from '../../expression_parser/parser';
import * as html from '../../ml_parser/ast';
import {HtmlParser} from '../../ml_parser/html_parser';
import {WhitespaceVisitor} from '../../ml_parser/html_whitespaces';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG} from '../../ml_parser/interpolation_config';
import {splitNsName} from '../../ml_parser/tags';
import * as o from '../../output/output_ast';
import {ParseError, ParseSourceSpan} from '../../parse_util';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry} from '../../schema/dom_element_schema_registry';
import {CssSelector, SelectorMatcher} from '../../selector';
import {BindingParser} from '../../template_parser/binding_parser';
import {OutputContext, error} from '../../util';
import * as t from '../r3_ast';
import {Identifiers as R3} from '../r3_identifiers';
import {htmlAstToRender3Ast} from '../r3_template_transform';
import {R3QueryMetadata} from './api';
import {parseStyle} from './styling';
import {CONTEXT_NAME, I18N_ATTR, I18N_ATTR_PREFIX, ID_SEPARATOR, IMPLICIT_REFERENCE, MEANING_SEPARATOR, REFERENCE_PREFIX, RENDER_FLAGS, TEMPORARY_NAME, asLiteral, getQueryPredicate, invalid, mapToExpression, noop, temporaryAllocator, trimTrailingNulls, unsupported} from './util';
function mapBindingToInstruction(type: BindingType): o.ExternalReference|undefined {
switch (type) {
case BindingType.Property:
return R3.elementProperty;
case BindingType.Attribute:
return R3.elementAttribute;
case BindingType.Class:
return R3.elementClassProp;
return undefined;
export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver {
private _dataIndex = 0;
private _bindingContext = 0;
private _prefixCode: o.Statement[] = [];
private _creationCode: o.Statement[] = [];
private _variableCode: o.Statement[] = [];
private _bindingCode: o.Statement[] = [];
private _postfixCode: o.Statement[] = [];
private _temporary = temporaryAllocator(this._prefixCode, TEMPORARY_NAME);
private _valueConverter: ValueConverter;
private _unsupported = unsupported;
private _bindingScope: BindingScope;
// Whether we are inside a translatable element (`<p i18n>... somewhere here ... </p>)
private _inI18nSection: boolean = false;
private _i18nSectionIndex = -1;
// Maps of placeholder to node indexes for each of the i18n section
private _phToNodeIdxes: {[phName: string]: number[]}[] = [{}];
// Number of slots to reserve for pureFunctions
private _pureFunctionSlots = 0;
private constantPool: ConstantPool, private contextParameter: string,
parentBindingScope: BindingScope, private level = 0, private contextName: string|null,
private templateName: string|null, private viewQueries: R3QueryMetadata[],
private directiveMatcher: SelectorMatcher|null, private directives: Set<o.Expression>,
private pipeTypeByName: Map<string, o.Expression>, private pipes: Set<o.Expression>,
private _namespace: o.ExternalReference) {
this._bindingScope =
parentBindingScope.nestedScope((lhsVar: o.ReadVarExpr, expression: o.Expression) => {
lhsVar.set(expression).toDeclStmt(o.INFERRED_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Final]));
this._valueConverter = new ValueConverter(
constantPool, () => this.allocateDataSlot(),
(numSlots: number): number => this._pureFunctionSlots += numSlots,
(name, localName, slot, value: o.ReadVarExpr) => {
const pipeType = pipeTypeByName.get(name);
if (pipeType) {
this._bindingScope.set(localName, value);
o.importExpr(R3.pipe).callFn([o.literal(slot), o.literal(name)]).toStmt());
nodes: t.Node[], variables: t.Variable[], hasNgContent: boolean = false,
ngContentSelectors: string[] = []): o.FunctionExpr {
if (this._namespace !== R3.namespaceHTML) {
this.instruction(this._creationCode, null, this._namespace);
// Create variable bindings
for (const variable of variables) {
const variableName = variable.name;
const expression =
o.variable(this.contextParameter).prop(variable.value || IMPLICIT_REFERENCE);
const scopedName = this._bindingScope.freshReferenceName();
// Add the reference to the local scope.
this._bindingScope.set(variableName, o.variable(variableName + scopedName), expression);
// Output a `ProjectionDef` instruction when some `<ng-content>` are present
if (hasNgContent) {
const parameters: o.Expression[] = [];
// Only selectors with a non-default value are generated
if (ngContentSelectors.length > 1) {
const r3Selectors = ngContentSelectors.map(s => core.parseSelectorToR3Selector(s));
// `projectionDef` needs both the parsed and raw value of the selectors
const parsed = this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(asLiteral(r3Selectors), true);
const unParsed = this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(asLiteral(ngContentSelectors), true);
parameters.push(parsed, unParsed);
this.instruction(this._creationCode, null, R3.projectionDef, ...parameters);
// Define and update any view queries
for (let query of this.viewQueries) {
// e.g. r3.Q(0, somePredicate, true);
const querySlot = this.allocateDataSlot();
const predicate = getQueryPredicate(query, this.constantPool);
const args: o.Expression[] = [
o.literal(querySlot, o.INFERRED_TYPE),
o.literal(query.descendants, o.INFERRED_TYPE),
if (query.read) {
this.instruction(this._creationCode, null, R3.query, ...args);
// (r3.qR(tmp = r3.ɵld(0)) && (ctx.someDir = tmp));
const temporary = this._temporary();
const getQueryList = o.importExpr(R3.load).callFn([o.literal(querySlot)]);
const refresh = o.importExpr(R3.queryRefresh).callFn([temporary.set(getQueryList)]);
const updateDirective = o.variable(CONTEXT_NAME)
.set(query.first ? temporary.prop('first') : temporary);
t.visitAll(this, nodes);
if (this._pureFunctionSlots > 0) {
this._creationCode, null, R3.reserveSlots, o.literal(this._pureFunctionSlots));
const creationCode = this._creationCode.length > 0 ?
o.variable(RENDER_FLAGS).bitwiseAnd(o.literal(core.RenderFlags.Create), null, false),
this._creationCode)] :
const updateCode = this._bindingCode.length > 0 ?
o.variable(RENDER_FLAGS).bitwiseAnd(o.literal(core.RenderFlags.Update), null, false),
this._bindingCode)] :
// Generate maps of placeholder name to node indexes
// TODO(vicb): This is a WIP, not fully supported yet
for (const phToNodeIdx of this._phToNodeIdxes) {
if (Object.keys(phToNodeIdx).length > 0) {
const scopedName = this._bindingScope.freshReferenceName();
const phMap = o.variable(scopedName)
.set(mapToExpression(phToNodeIdx, true))
.toDeclStmt(o.INFERRED_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Final]);
return o.fn(
[new o.FnParam(RENDER_FLAGS, o.NUMBER_TYPE), new o.FnParam(this.contextParameter, null)],
// Temporary variable declarations for query refresh (i.e. let _t: any;)
// Creating mode (i.e. if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { ... })
// Temporary variable declarations for local refs (i.e. const tmp = ld(1) as any)
// Binding and refresh mode (i.e. if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {...})
// Nested templates (i.e. function CompTemplate() {})
o.INFERRED_TYPE, null, this.templateName);
// LocalResolver
getLocal(name: string): o.Expression|null { return this._bindingScope.get(name); }
visitContent(ngContent: t.Content) {
const slot = this.allocateDataSlot();
const selectorIndex = ngContent.selectorIndex;
const parameters: o.Expression[] = [o.literal(slot)];
const attributeAsList: string[] = [];
ngContent.attributes.forEach((attribute) => {
const name = attribute.name;
if (name !== 'select') {
attributeAsList.push(name, attribute.value);
if (attributeAsList.length > 0) {
parameters.push(o.literal(selectorIndex), asLiteral(attributeAsList));
} else if (selectorIndex !== 0) {
this.instruction(this._creationCode, ngContent.sourceSpan, R3.projection, ...parameters);
getNamespaceInstruction(namespaceKey: string|null) {
switch (namespaceKey) {
case 'math':
return R3.namespaceMathML;
case 'svg':
return R3.namespaceSVG;
return R3.namespaceHTML;
addNamespaceInstruction(nsInstruction: o.ExternalReference, element: t.Element) {
this._namespace = nsInstruction;
this.instruction(this._creationCode, element.sourceSpan, nsInstruction);
visitElement(element: t.Element) {
const elementIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
const referenceDataSlots = new Map<string, number>();
const wasInI18nSection = this._inI18nSection;
const outputAttrs: {[name: string]: string} = {};
const attrI18nMetas: {[name: string]: string} = {};
let i18nMeta: string = '';
const [namespaceKey, elementName] = splitNsName(element.name);
// Elements inside i18n sections are replaced with placeholders
// TODO(vicb): nested elements are a WIP in this phase
if (this._inI18nSection) {
const phName = element.name.toLowerCase();
if (!this._phToNodeIdxes[this._i18nSectionIndex][phName]) {
this._phToNodeIdxes[this._i18nSectionIndex][phName] = [];
// Handle i18n attributes
for (const attr of element.attributes) {
const name = attr.name;
const value = attr.value;
if (name === I18N_ATTR) {
if (this._inI18nSection) {
throw new Error(
`Could not mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section`);
this._inI18nSection = true;
this._phToNodeIdxes[this._i18nSectionIndex] = {};
i18nMeta = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX)) {
attrI18nMetas[name.slice(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX.length)] = value;
} else {
outputAttrs[name] = value;
// Match directives on non i18n attributes
if (this.directiveMatcher) {
const selector = createCssSelector(element.name, outputAttrs);
selector, (sel: CssSelector, staticType: any) => { this.directives.add(staticType); });
// Element creation mode
const parameters: o.Expression[] = [
// Add the attributes
const i18nMessages: o.Statement[] = [];
const attributes: o.Expression[] = [];
const initialStyleDeclarations: o.Expression[] = [];
const initialClassDeclarations: o.Expression[] = [];
const styleInputs: t.BoundAttribute[] = [];
const classInputs: t.BoundAttribute[] = [];
const allOtherInputs: t.BoundAttribute[] = [];
element.inputs.forEach((input: t.BoundAttribute) => {
switch (input.type) {
// [attr.style] or [attr.class] should not be treated as styling-based
// bindings since they are intended to be written directly to the attr
// and therefore will skip all style/class resolution that is present
// with style="", [style]="" and [style.prop]="", class="",
// [class.prop]="". [class]="" assignments
case BindingType.Property:
if (input.name == 'style') {
// this should always go first in the compilation (for [style])
styleInputs.splice(0, 0, input);
} else if (isClassBinding(input)) {
// this should always go first in the compilation (for [class])
classInputs.splice(0, 0, input);
} else {
case BindingType.Style:
case BindingType.Class:
let currStyleIndex = 0;
let currClassIndex = 0;
let staticStylesMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = null;
let staticClassesMap: {[key: string]: boolean}|null = null;
const stylesIndexMap: {[key: string]: number} = {};
const classesIndexMap: {[key: string]: number} = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(outputAttrs).forEach(name => {
const value = outputAttrs[name];
if (name == 'style') {
staticStylesMap = parseStyle(value);
Object.keys(staticStylesMap).forEach(prop => { stylesIndexMap[prop] = currStyleIndex++; });
} else if (name == 'class') {
staticClassesMap = {};
value.split(/\s+/g).forEach(className => {
classesIndexMap[className] = currClassIndex++;
staticClassesMap ![className] = true;
} else {
if (attrI18nMetas.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
const meta = parseI18nMeta(attrI18nMetas[name]);
const variable = this.constantPool.getTranslation(value, meta);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < styleInputs.length; i++) {
const input = styleInputs[i];
const isMapBasedStyleBinding = i === 0 && input.name === 'style';
if (!isMapBasedStyleBinding && !stylesIndexMap.hasOwnProperty(input.name)) {
stylesIndexMap[input.name] = currStyleIndex++;
for (let i = 0; i < classInputs.length; i++) {
const input = classInputs[i];
const isMapBasedClassBinding = i === 0 && isClassBinding(input);
if (!isMapBasedClassBinding && !stylesIndexMap.hasOwnProperty(input.name)) {
classesIndexMap[input.name] = currClassIndex++;
// this will build the instructions so that they fall into the following syntax
// => [prop1, prop2, prop3, 0, prop1, value1, prop2, value2]
Object.keys(stylesIndexMap).forEach(prop => {
if (staticStylesMap) {
Object.keys(staticStylesMap).forEach(prop => {
const value = staticStylesMap ![prop];
Object.keys(classesIndexMap).forEach(prop => {
if (staticClassesMap) {
Object.keys(staticClassesMap).forEach(className => {
const hasStylingInstructions = initialStyleDeclarations.length || styleInputs.length ||
initialClassDeclarations.length || classInputs.length;
const attrArg: o.Expression = attributes.length > 0 ?
this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(o.literalArr(attributes), true) :
if (element.references && element.references.length > 0) {
const references = flatten(element.references.map(reference => {
const slot = this.allocateDataSlot();
referenceDataSlots.set(reference.name, slot);
// Generate the update temporary.
const variableName = this._bindingScope.freshReferenceName();
this._variableCode.push(o.variable(variableName, o.INFERRED_TYPE)
.toDeclStmt(o.INFERRED_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Final]));
this._bindingScope.set(reference.name, o.variable(variableName));
return [reference.name, reference.value];
parameters.push(this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(asLiteral(references), true));
} else {
// Generate the instruction create element instruction
if (i18nMessages.length > 0) {
const wasInNamespace = this._namespace;
const currentNamespace = this.getNamespaceInstruction(namespaceKey);
// If the namespace is changing now, include an instruction to change it
// during element creation.
if (currentNamespace !== wasInNamespace) {
this.addNamespaceInstruction(currentNamespace, element);
const implicit = o.variable(CONTEXT_NAME);
const createSelfClosingInstruction =
!hasStylingInstructions && element.children.length === 0 && element.outputs.length === 0;
if (createSelfClosingInstruction) {
this._creationCode, element.sourceSpan, R3.element, ...trimTrailingNulls(parameters));
} else {
// Generate the instruction create element instruction
if (i18nMessages.length > 0) {
this._creationCode, element.sourceSpan, R3.elementStart,
// initial styling for static style="..." attributes
if (hasStylingInstructions) {
const paramsList: (o.Expression)[] = [];
if (initialStyleDeclarations.length) {
// the template compiler handles initial style (e.g. style="foo") values
// in a special command called `elementStyle` so that the initial styles
// can be processed during runtime. These initial styles values are bound to
// a constant because the inital style values do not change (since they're static).
this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(o.literalArr(initialStyleDeclarations), true));
} else if (initialClassDeclarations.length) {
// no point in having an extra `null` value unless there are follow-up params
if (initialClassDeclarations.length) {
// the template compiler handles initial class styling (e.g. class="foo") values
// in a special command called `elementClass` so that the initial class
// can be processed during runtime. These initial class values are bound to
// a constant because the inital class values do not change (since they're static).
this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(o.literalArr(initialClassDeclarations), true));
// Generate Listeners (outputs)
element.outputs.forEach((outputAst: t.BoundEvent) => {
const elName = sanitizeIdentifier(element.name);
const evName = sanitizeIdentifier(outputAst.name);
const functionName = `${this.templateName}_${elName}_${evName}_listener`;
const localVars: o.Statement[] = [];
const bindingScope =
this._bindingScope.nestedScope((lhsVar: o.ReadVarExpr, rhsExpression: o.Expression) => {
lhsVar.set(rhsExpression).toDeclStmt(o.INFERRED_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Final]));
const bindingExpr = convertActionBinding(
bindingScope, implicit, outputAst.handler, 'b',
() => error('Unexpected interpolation'));
const handler = o.fn(
[new o.FnParam('$event', o.DYNAMIC_TYPE)], [...localVars, ...bindingExpr.render3Stmts],
o.INFERRED_TYPE, null, functionName);
this._creationCode, outputAst.sourceSpan, R3.listener, o.literal(outputAst.name),
if ((styleInputs.length || classInputs.length) && hasStylingInstructions) {
const indexLiteral = o.literal(elementIndex);
const firstStyle = styleInputs[0];
const mapBasedStyleInput = firstStyle && firstStyle.name == 'style' ? firstStyle : null;
const firstClass = classInputs[0];
const mapBasedClassInput = firstClass && isClassBinding(firstClass) ? firstClass : null;
const stylingInput = mapBasedStyleInput || mapBasedClassInput;
if (stylingInput) {
const params: o.Expression[] = [];
if (mapBasedStyleInput) {
params.push(this.convertPropertyBinding(implicit, mapBasedStyleInput.value, true));
} else if (mapBasedClassInput) {
if (mapBasedClassInput) {
params.push(this.convertPropertyBinding(implicit, mapBasedClassInput.value, true));
this._bindingCode, stylingInput.sourceSpan, R3.elementStylingMap, indexLiteral,
let lastInputCommand: t.BoundAttribute|null = null;
if (styleInputs.length) {
let i = mapBasedStyleInput ? 1 : 0;
for (i; i < styleInputs.length; i++) {
const input = styleInputs[i];
const convertedBinding = this.convertPropertyBinding(implicit, input.value, true);
const key = input.name;
const styleIndex: number = stylesIndexMap[key] !;
this._bindingCode, input.sourceSpan, R3.elementStyleProp, indexLiteral,
o.literal(styleIndex), convertedBinding);
lastInputCommand = styleInputs[styleInputs.length - 1];
if (classInputs.length) {
let i = mapBasedClassInput ? 1 : 0;
for (i; i < classInputs.length; i++) {
const input = classInputs[i];
const convertedBinding = this.convertPropertyBinding(implicit, input.value, true);
const key = input.name;
const classIndex: number = classesIndexMap[key] !;
this._bindingCode, input.sourceSpan, R3.elementClassProp, indexLiteral,
o.literal(classIndex), convertedBinding);
lastInputCommand = classInputs[classInputs.length - 1];
this._bindingCode, lastInputCommand !.sourceSpan, R3.elementStylingApply, indexLiteral);
// Generate element input bindings
allOtherInputs.forEach((input: t.BoundAttribute) => {
if (input.type === BindingType.Animation) {
console.error('warning: animation bindings not yet supported');
const convertedBinding = this.convertPropertyBinding(implicit, input.value);
const instruction = mapBindingToInstruction(input.type);
if (instruction) {
// TODO(chuckj): runtime: security context?
this._bindingCode, input.sourceSpan, instruction, o.literal(elementIndex),
o.literal(input.name), convertedBinding);
} else {
this._unsupported(`binding type ${input.type}`);
// Traverse element child nodes
if (this._inI18nSection && element.children.length == 1 &&
element.children[0] instanceof t.Text) {
const text = element.children[0] as t.Text;
this.visitSingleI18nTextChild(text, i18nMeta);
} else {
t.visitAll(this, element.children);
if (!createSelfClosingInstruction) {
// Finish element construction mode.
this._creationCode, element.endSourceSpan || element.sourceSpan, R3.elementEnd);
// Restore the state before exiting this node
this._inI18nSection = wasInI18nSection;
visitTemplate(template: t.Template) {
const templateIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
let elName = '';
if (template.children.length === 1 && template.children[0] instanceof t.Element) {
// When the template as a single child, derive the context name from the tag
elName = sanitizeIdentifier((template.children[0] as t.Element).name);
const contextName = elName ? `${this.contextName}_${elName}` : '';
const templateName =
contextName ? `${contextName}_Template_${templateIndex}` : `Template_${templateIndex}`;
const templateContext = `ctx${this.level}`;
const parameters: o.Expression[] = [
const attributeNames: o.Expression[] = [];
const attributeMap: {[name: string]: string} = {};
template.attributes.forEach(a => {
attributeNames.push(asLiteral(a.name), asLiteral(''));
attributeMap[a.name] = a.value;
// Match directives on template attributes
if (this.directiveMatcher) {
const selector = createCssSelector('ng-template', attributeMap);
selector, (cssSelector, staticType) => { this.directives.add(staticType); });
if (attributeNames.length) {
parameters.push(this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(o.literalArr(attributeNames), true));
// e.g. C(1, C1Template)
this._creationCode, template.sourceSpan, R3.containerCreate,
// e.g. p(1, 'forOf', ɵb(ctx.items));
const context = o.variable(CONTEXT_NAME);
template.inputs.forEach(input => {
const convertedBinding = this.convertPropertyBinding(context, input.value);
this._bindingCode, template.sourceSpan, R3.elementProperty, o.literal(templateIndex),
o.literal(input.name), convertedBinding);
// Create the template function
const templateVisitor = new TemplateDefinitionBuilder(
this.constantPool, templateContext, this._bindingScope, this.level + 1, contextName,
templateName, [], this.directiveMatcher, this.directives, this.pipeTypeByName, this.pipes,
const templateFunctionExpr =
templateVisitor.buildTemplateFunction(template.children, template.variables);
this._postfixCode.push(templateFunctionExpr.toDeclStmt(templateName, null));
// These should be handled in the template or element directly.
readonly visitReference = invalid;
readonly visitVariable = invalid;
readonly visitTextAttribute = invalid;
readonly visitBoundAttribute = invalid;
readonly visitBoundEvent = invalid;
visitBoundText(text: t.BoundText) {
const nodeIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
this.instruction(this._creationCode, text.sourceSpan, R3.text, o.literal(nodeIndex));
this._bindingCode, text.sourceSpan, R3.textBinding, o.literal(nodeIndex),
this.convertPropertyBinding(o.variable(CONTEXT_NAME), text.value));
visitText(text: t.Text) {
this._creationCode, text.sourceSpan, R3.text, o.literal(this.allocateDataSlot()),
// When the content of the element is a single text node the translation can be inlined:
// `<p i18n="desc|mean">some content</p>`
// compiles to
// ```
// /**
// * @desc desc
// * @meaning mean
// */
// const MSG_XYZ = goog.getMsg('some content');
// i0.ɵT(1, MSG_XYZ);
// ```
visitSingleI18nTextChild(text: t.Text, i18nMeta: string) {
const meta = parseI18nMeta(i18nMeta);
const variable = this.constantPool.getTranslation(text.value, meta);
this._creationCode, text.sourceSpan, R3.text, o.literal(this.allocateDataSlot()), variable);
private allocateDataSlot() { return this._dataIndex++; }
private bindingContext() { return `${this._bindingContext++}`; }
private instruction(
statements: o.Statement[], span: ParseSourceSpan|null, reference: o.ExternalReference,
...params: o.Expression[]) {
statements.push(o.importExpr(reference, null, span).callFn(params, span).toStmt());
private convertPropertyBinding(implicit: o.Expression, value: AST, skipBindFn?: boolean):
o.Expression {
const pipesConvertedValue = value.visit(this._valueConverter);
if (pipesConvertedValue instanceof Interpolation) {
const convertedPropertyBinding = convertPropertyBinding(
this, implicit, pipesConvertedValue, this.bindingContext(), BindingForm.TrySimple,
return convertedPropertyBinding.currValExpr;
} else {
const convertedPropertyBinding = convertPropertyBinding(
this, implicit, pipesConvertedValue, this.bindingContext(), BindingForm.TrySimple,
() => error('Unexpected interpolation'));
const valExpr = convertedPropertyBinding.currValExpr;
return skipBindFn ? valExpr : o.importExpr(R3.bind).callFn([valExpr]);
class ValueConverter extends AstMemoryEfficientTransformer {
private constantPool: ConstantPool, private allocateSlot: () => number,
private allocatePureFunctionSlots: (numSlots: number) => number,
private definePipe:
(name: string, localName: string, slot: number, value: o.Expression) => void) {
// AstMemoryEfficientTransformer
visitPipe(pipe: BindingPipe, context: any): AST {
// Allocate a slot to create the pipe
const slot = this.allocateSlot();
const slotPseudoLocal = `PIPE:${slot}`;
// Allocate one slot for the result plus one slot per pipe argument
const pureFunctionSlot = this.allocatePureFunctionSlots(2 + pipe.args.length);
const target = new PropertyRead(pipe.span, new ImplicitReceiver(pipe.span), slotPseudoLocal);
const {identifier, isVarLength} = pipeBindingCallInfo(pipe.args);
this.definePipe(pipe.name, slotPseudoLocal, slot, o.importExpr(identifier));
const args: AST[] = [pipe.exp, ...pipe.args];
const convertedArgs: AST[] =
isVarLength ? this.visitAll([new LiteralArray(pipe.span, args)]) : this.visitAll(args);
return new FunctionCall(pipe.span, target, [
new LiteralPrimitive(pipe.span, slot),
new LiteralPrimitive(pipe.span, pureFunctionSlot),
visitLiteralArray(array: LiteralArray, context: any): AST {
return new BuiltinFunctionCall(array.span, this.visitAll(array.expressions), values => {
// If the literal has calculated (non-literal) elements transform it into
// calls to literal factories that compose the literal and will cache intermediate
// values. Otherwise, just return an literal array that contains the values.
const literal = o.literalArr(values);
return values.every(a => a.isConstant()) ?
this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(literal, true) :
getLiteralFactory(this.constantPool, literal, this.allocatePureFunctionSlots);
visitLiteralMap(map: LiteralMap, context: any): AST {
return new BuiltinFunctionCall(map.span, this.visitAll(map.values), values => {
// If the literal has calculated (non-literal) elements transform it into
// calls to literal factories that compose the literal and will cache intermediate
// values. Otherwise, just return an literal array that contains the values.
const literal = o.literalMap(values.map(
(value, index) => ({key: map.keys[index].key, value, quoted: map.keys[index].quoted})));
return values.every(a => a.isConstant()) ?
this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(literal, true) :
getLiteralFactory(this.constantPool, literal, this.allocatePureFunctionSlots);
// Pipes always have at least one parameter, the value they operate on
const pipeBindingIdentifiers = [R3.pipeBind1, R3.pipeBind2, R3.pipeBind3, R3.pipeBind4];
function pipeBindingCallInfo(args: o.Expression[]) {
const identifier = pipeBindingIdentifiers[args.length];
return {
identifier: identifier || R3.pipeBindV,
isVarLength: !identifier,
const pureFunctionIdentifiers = [
R3.pureFunction0, R3.pureFunction1, R3.pureFunction2, R3.pureFunction3, R3.pureFunction4,
R3.pureFunction5, R3.pureFunction6, R3.pureFunction7, R3.pureFunction8
function pureFunctionCallInfo(args: o.Expression[]) {
const identifier = pureFunctionIdentifiers[args.length];
return {
identifier: identifier || R3.pureFunctionV,
isVarLength: !identifier,
function getLiteralFactory(
constantPool: ConstantPool, literal: o.LiteralArrayExpr | o.LiteralMapExpr,
allocateSlots: (numSlots: number) => number): o.Expression {
const {literalFactory, literalFactoryArguments} = constantPool.getLiteralFactory(literal);
// Allocate 1 slot for the result plus 1 per argument
const startSlot = allocateSlots(1 + literalFactoryArguments.length);
literalFactoryArguments.length > 0 || error(`Expected arguments to a literal factory function`);
const {identifier, isVarLength} = pureFunctionCallInfo(literalFactoryArguments);
// Literal factories are pure functions that only need to be re-invoked when the parameters
// change.
const args = [
if (isVarLength) {
} else {
return o.importExpr(identifier).callFn(args);
* Function which is executed whenever a variable is referenced for the first time in a given
* scope.
* It is expected that the function creates the `const localName = expression`; statement.
export type DeclareLocalVarCallback = (lhsVar: o.ReadVarExpr, rhsExpression: o.Expression) => void;
export class BindingScope implements LocalResolver {
* Keeps a map from local variables to their expressions.
* This is used when one refers to variable such as: 'let abc = a.b.c`.
* - key to the map is the string literal `"abc"`.
* - value `lhs` is the left hand side which is an AST representing `abc`.
* - value `rhs` is the right hand side which is an AST representing `a.b.c`.
* - value `declared` is true if the `declareLocalVarCallback` has been called for this scope
* already.
private map = new Map < string, {
lhs: o.ReadVarExpr;
rhs: o.Expression|undefined;
declared: boolean;
> ();
private referenceNameIndex = 0;
static ROOT_SCOPE = new BindingScope().set('$event', o.variable('$event'));
private constructor(
private parent: BindingScope|null = null,
private declareLocalVarCallback: DeclareLocalVarCallback = noop) {}
get(name: string): o.Expression|null {
let current: BindingScope|null = this;
while (current) {
let value = current.map.get(name);
if (value != null) {
if (current !== this) {
// make a local copy and reset the `declared` state.
value = {lhs: value.lhs, rhs: value.rhs, declared: false};
// Cache the value locally.
this.map.set(name, value);
if (value.rhs && !value.declared) {
// if it is first time we are referencing the variable in the scope
// than invoke the callback to insert variable declaration.
this.declareLocalVarCallback(value.lhs, value.rhs);
value.declared = true;
return value.lhs;
current = current.parent;
return null;
* Create a local variable for later reference.
* @param name Name of the variable.
* @param lhs AST representing the left hand side of the `let lhs = rhs;`.
* @param rhs AST representing the right hand side of the `let lhs = rhs;`. The `rhs` can be
* `undefined` for variable that are ambient such as `$event` and which don't have `rhs`
* declaration.
set(name: string, lhs: o.ReadVarExpr, rhs?: o.Expression): BindingScope {
!this.map.has(name) ||
error(`The name ${name} is already defined in scope to be ${this.map.get(name)}`);
this.map.set(name, {lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs, declared: false});
return this;
getLocal(name: string): (o.Expression|null) { return this.get(name); }
nestedScope(declareCallback: DeclareLocalVarCallback): BindingScope {
return new BindingScope(this, declareCallback);
freshReferenceName(): string {
let current: BindingScope = this;
// Find the top scope as it maintains the global reference count
while (current.parent) current = current.parent;
const ref = `${REFERENCE_PREFIX}${current.referenceNameIndex++}`;
return ref;
* Creates a `CssSelector` given a tag name and a map of attributes
function createCssSelector(tag: string, attributes: {[name: string]: string}): CssSelector {
const cssSelector = new CssSelector();
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes).forEach((name) => {
const value = attributes[name];
cssSelector.addAttribute(name, value);
if (name.toLowerCase() === 'class') {
const classes = value.trim().split(/\s+/g);
classes.forEach(className => cssSelector.addClassName(className));
return cssSelector;
// Parse i18n metas like:
// - "@@id",
// - "description[@@id]",
// - "meaning|description[@@id]"
function parseI18nMeta(i18n?: string): {description?: string, id?: string, meaning?: string} {
let meaning: string|undefined;
let description: string|undefined;
let id: string|undefined;
if (i18n) {
// TODO(vicb): figure out how to force a message ID with closure ?
const idIndex = i18n.indexOf(ID_SEPARATOR);
const descIndex = i18n.indexOf(MEANING_SEPARATOR);
let meaningAndDesc: string;
[meaningAndDesc, id] =
(idIndex > -1) ? [i18n.slice(0, idIndex), i18n.slice(idIndex + 2)] : [i18n, ''];
[meaning, description] = (descIndex > -1) ?
[meaningAndDesc.slice(0, descIndex), meaningAndDesc.slice(descIndex + 1)] :
['', meaningAndDesc];
return {description, id, meaning};
function interpolate(args: o.Expression[]): o.Expression {
args = args.slice(1); // Ignore the length prefix added for render2
switch (args.length) {
case 3:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation1).callFn(args);
case 5:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation2).callFn(args);
case 7:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation3).callFn(args);
case 9:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation4).callFn(args);
case 11:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation5).callFn(args);
case 13:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation6).callFn(args);
case 15:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation7).callFn(args);
case 17:
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolation8).callFn(args);
(args.length >= 19 && args.length % 2 == 1) ||
error(`Invalid interpolation argument length ${args.length}`);
return o.importExpr(R3.interpolationV).callFn([o.literalArr(args)]);
* Parse a template into render3 `Node`s and additional metadata, with no other dependencies.
* @param template text of the template to parse
* @param templateUrl URL to use for source mapping of the parsed template
export function parseTemplate(
template: string, templateUrl: string, options: {preserveWhitespaces?: boolean} = {}):
{errors?: ParseError[], nodes: t.Node[], hasNgContent: boolean, ngContentSelectors: string[]} {
const bindingParser = makeBindingParser();
const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const parseResult = htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl);
if (parseResult.errors && parseResult.errors.length > 0) {
return {errors: parseResult.errors, nodes: [], hasNgContent: false, ngContentSelectors: []};
let rootNodes: html.Node[] = parseResult.rootNodes;
if (!options.preserveWhitespaces) {
rootNodes = html.visitAll(new WhitespaceVisitor(), rootNodes);
const {nodes, hasNgContent, ngContentSelectors, errors} =
htmlAstToRender3Ast(rootNodes, bindingParser);
if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
return {errors, nodes: [], hasNgContent: false, ngContentSelectors: []};
return {nodes, hasNgContent, ngContentSelectors};
* Construct a `BindingParser` with a default configuration.
export function makeBindingParser(): BindingParser {
return new BindingParser(
new Parser(new Lexer()), DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, new DomElementSchemaRegistry(), null,
function isClassBinding(input: t.BoundAttribute): boolean {
return input.name == 'className' || input.name == 'class';