Make sure that context (`this`) that is passed to functions generated by test helpers is passed through to the callback functions. Enables usage of Jasmine's variable sharing system to prevent accidental memory leaks during test runs.
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompilerOptions, Component, Directive, InjectionToken, Injector, ModuleWithComponentFactories, NgModule, NgModuleRef, NgZone, Pipe, PlatformRef, Provider, ReflectiveInjector, SchemaMetadata, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {AsyncTestCompleter} from './async_test_completer';
import {ComponentFixture} from './component_fixture';
import {stringify} from './facade/lang';
import {MetadataOverride} from './metadata_override';
import {TestingCompiler, TestingCompilerFactory} from './test_compiler';
const UNDEFINED = new Object();
* An abstract class for inserting the root test component element in a platform independent way.
* @experimental
export class TestComponentRenderer {
insertRootElement(rootElementId: string) {}
let _nextRootElementId = 0;
* @experimental
export const ComponentFixtureAutoDetect =
new InjectionToken<boolean[]>('ComponentFixtureAutoDetect');
* @experimental
export const ComponentFixtureNoNgZone = new InjectionToken<boolean[]>('ComponentFixtureNoNgZone');
* @experimental
export type TestModuleMetadata = {
providers?: any[],
declarations?: any[],
imports?: any[],
schemas?: Array<SchemaMetadata|any[]>,
* @whatItDoes Configures and initializes environment for unit testing and provides methods for
* creating components and services in unit tests.
* @description
* TestBed is the primary api for writing unit tests for Angular applications and libraries.
* @stable
export class TestBed implements Injector {
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
static initTestEnvironment(ngModule: Type<any>, platform: PlatformRef): TestBed {
const testBed = getTestBed();
testBed.initTestEnvironment(ngModule, platform);
return testBed;
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
static resetTestEnvironment() { getTestBed().resetTestEnvironment(); }
static resetTestingModule(): typeof TestBed {
return TestBed;
* Allows overriding default compiler providers and settings
* which are defined in test_injector.js
static configureCompiler(config: {providers?: any[]; useJit?: boolean;}): typeof TestBed {
return TestBed;
* Allows overriding default providers, directives, pipes, modules of the test injector,
* which are defined in test_injector.js
static configureTestingModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata): typeof TestBed {
return TestBed;
* Compile components with a `templateUrl` for the test's NgModule.
* It is necessary to call this function
* as fetching urls is asynchronous.
static compileComponents(): Promise<any> { return getTestBed().compileComponents(); }
static overrideModule(ngModule: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<NgModule>): typeof TestBed {
getTestBed().overrideModule(ngModule, override);
return TestBed;
static overrideComponent(component: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Component>):
typeof TestBed {
getTestBed().overrideComponent(component, override);
return TestBed;
static overrideDirective(directive: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Directive>):
typeof TestBed {
getTestBed().overrideDirective(directive, override);
return TestBed;
static overridePipe(pipe: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Pipe>): typeof TestBed {
getTestBed().overridePipe(pipe, override);
return TestBed;
static overrideTemplate(component: Type<any>, template: string): typeof TestBed {
getTestBed().overrideComponent(component, {set: {template, templateUrl: null}});
return TestBed;
static get(token: any, notFoundValue: any = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
return getTestBed().get(token, notFoundValue);
static createComponent<T>(component: Type<T>): ComponentFixture<T> {
return getTestBed().createComponent(component);
private _instantiated: boolean = false;
private _compiler: TestingCompiler = null;
private _moduleRef: NgModuleRef<any> = null;
private _moduleWithComponentFactories: ModuleWithComponentFactories<any> = null;
private _compilerOptions: CompilerOptions[] = [];
private _moduleOverrides: [Type<any>, MetadataOverride<NgModule>][] = [];
private _componentOverrides: [Type<any>, MetadataOverride<Component>][] = [];
private _directiveOverrides: [Type<any>, MetadataOverride<Directive>][] = [];
private _pipeOverrides: [Type<any>, MetadataOverride<Pipe>][] = [];
private _providers: Provider[] = [];
private _declarations: Array<Type<any>|any[]|any> = [];
private _imports: Array<Type<any>|any[]|any> = [];
private _schemas: Array<SchemaMetadata|any[]> = [];
private _activeFixtures: ComponentFixture<any>[] = [];
* Initialize the environment for testing with a compiler factory, a PlatformRef, and an
* angular module. These are common to every test in the suite.
* This may only be called once, to set up the common providers for the current test
* suite on the current platform. If you absolutely need to change the providers,
* first use `resetTestEnvironment`.
* Test modules and platforms for individual platforms are available from
* '@angular/<platform_name>/testing'.
* @experimental
initTestEnvironment(ngModule: Type<any>, platform: PlatformRef) {
if (this.platform || this.ngModule) {
throw new Error('Cannot set base providers because it has already been called');
this.platform = platform;
this.ngModule = ngModule;
* Reset the providers for the test injector.
* @experimental
resetTestEnvironment() {
this.platform = null;
this.ngModule = null;
resetTestingModule() {
this._compiler = null;
this._moduleOverrides = [];
this._componentOverrides = [];
this._directiveOverrides = [];
this._pipeOverrides = [];
this._moduleRef = null;
this._moduleWithComponentFactories = null;
this._compilerOptions = [];
this._providers = [];
this._declarations = [];
this._imports = [];
this._schemas = [];
this._instantiated = false;
this._activeFixtures.forEach((fixture) => fixture.destroy());
this._activeFixtures = [];
platform: PlatformRef = null;
ngModule: Type<any> = null;
configureCompiler(config: {providers?: any[], useJit?: boolean}) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('TestBed.configureCompiler', 'configure the compiler');
configureTestingModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata) {
this._assertNotInstantiated('TestBed.configureTestingModule', 'configure the test module');
if (moduleDef.providers) {
if (moduleDef.declarations) {
if (moduleDef.imports) {
if (moduleDef.schemas) {
compileComponents(): Promise<any> {
if (this._moduleWithComponentFactories || this._instantiated) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
const moduleType = this._createCompilerAndModule();
return this._compiler.compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync(moduleType)
.then((moduleAndComponentFactories) => {
this._moduleWithComponentFactories = moduleAndComponentFactories;
private _initIfNeeded() {
if (this._instantiated) {
if (!this._moduleWithComponentFactories) {
try {
const moduleType = this._createCompilerAndModule();
this._moduleWithComponentFactories =
} catch (e) {
if (e.compType) {
throw new Error(
`This test module uses the component ${stringify(e.compType)} which is using a "templateUrl" or "styleUrls", but they were never compiled. ` +
`Please call "TestBed.compileComponents" before your test.`);
} else {
throw e;
const ngZone = new NgZone({enableLongStackTrace: true});
const ngZoneInjector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate(
[{provide: NgZone, useValue: ngZone}], this.platform.injector);
this._moduleRef = this._moduleWithComponentFactories.ngModuleFactory.create(ngZoneInjector);
this._instantiated = true;
private _createCompilerAndModule(): Type<any> {
const providers = this._providers.concat([{provide: TestBed, useValue: this}]);
const declarations = this._declarations;
const imports = [this.ngModule, this._imports];
const schemas = this._schemas;
{providers: providers, declarations: declarations, imports: imports, schemas: schemas})
class DynamicTestModule {
const compilerFactory: TestingCompilerFactory =
this._compiler =
compilerFactory.createTestingCompiler(this._compilerOptions.concat([{useDebug: true}]));
this._moduleOverrides.forEach((entry) => this._compiler.overrideModule(entry[0], entry[1]));
(entry) => this._compiler.overrideComponent(entry[0], entry[1]));
(entry) => this._compiler.overrideDirective(entry[0], entry[1]));
this._pipeOverrides.forEach((entry) => this._compiler.overridePipe(entry[0], entry[1]));
return DynamicTestModule;
private _assertNotInstantiated(methodName: string, methodDescription: string) {
if (this._instantiated) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot ${methodDescription} when the test module has already been instantiated. ` +
`Make sure you are not using \`inject\` before \`${methodName}\`.`);
get(token: any, notFoundValue: any = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
if (token === TestBed) {
return this;
// Tests can inject things from the ng module and from the compiler,
// but the ng module can't inject things from the compiler and vice versa.
const result = this._moduleRef.injector.get(token, UNDEFINED);
return result === UNDEFINED ? this._compiler.injector.get(token, notFoundValue) : result;
execute(tokens: any[], fn: Function, context?: any): any {
const params = => this.get(t));
return fn.apply(context, params);
overrideModule(ngModule: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<NgModule>): void {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideModule', 'override module metadata');
this._moduleOverrides.push([ngModule, override]);
overrideComponent(component: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Component>): void {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideComponent', 'override component metadata');
this._componentOverrides.push([component, override]);
overrideDirective(directive: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Directive>): void {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overrideDirective', 'override directive metadata');
this._directiveOverrides.push([directive, override]);
overridePipe(pipe: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Pipe>): void {
this._assertNotInstantiated('overridePipe', 'override pipe metadata');
this._pipeOverrides.push([pipe, override]);
createComponent<T>(component: Type<T>): ComponentFixture<T> {
const componentFactory = this._moduleWithComponentFactories.componentFactories.find(
(compFactory) => compFactory.componentType === component);
if (!componentFactory) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot create the component ${stringify(component)} as it was not imported into the testing module!`);
const noNgZone = this.get(ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, false);
const autoDetect: boolean = this.get(ComponentFixtureAutoDetect, false);
const ngZone: NgZone = noNgZone ? null : this.get(NgZone, null);
const testComponentRenderer: TestComponentRenderer = this.get(TestComponentRenderer);
const rootElId = `root${_nextRootElementId++}`;
const initComponent = () => {
const componentRef = componentFactory.create(this, [], `#${rootElId}`);
return new ComponentFixture<T>(componentRef, ngZone, autoDetect);
const fixture = !ngZone ? initComponent() :;
return fixture;
let _testBed: TestBed = null;
* @experimental
export function getTestBed() {
return _testBed = _testBed || new TestBed();
* Allows injecting dependencies in `beforeEach()` and `it()`.
* Example:
* ```
* beforeEach(inject([Dependency, AClass], (dep, object) => {
* // some code that uses `dep` and `object`
* // ...
* }));
* it('...', inject([AClass], (object) => {
* object.doSomething();
* expect(...);
* })
* ```
* Notes:
* - inject is currently a function because of some Traceur limitation the syntax should
* eventually
* becomes `it('...', @Inject (object: AClass, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { ... });`
* @stable
export function inject(tokens: any[], fn: Function): () => any {
const testBed = getTestBed();
if (tokens.indexOf(AsyncTestCompleter) >= 0) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function() {
// Return an async test method that returns a Promise if AsyncTestCompleter is one of
// the injected tokens.
return testBed.compileComponents().then(() => {
const completer: AsyncTestCompleter = testBed.get(AsyncTestCompleter);
testBed.execute(tokens, fn, this);
return completer.promise;
} else {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function() { return testBed.execute(tokens, fn, this); };
* @experimental
export class InjectSetupWrapper {
constructor(private _moduleDef: () => TestModuleMetadata) {}
private _addModule() {
const moduleDef = this._moduleDef();
if (moduleDef) {
inject(tokens: any[], fn: Function): () => any {
const self = this;
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function() {
return inject(tokens, fn).call(this);
* @experimental
export function withModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata): InjectSetupWrapper;
export function withModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata, fn: Function): () => any;
export function withModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata, fn: Function = null): (() => any)|
InjectSetupWrapper {
if (fn) {
// Not using an arrow function to preserve context passed from call site
return function() {
const testBed = getTestBed();
if (moduleDef) {
return fn.apply(this);
return new InjectSetupWrapper(() => moduleDef);