
385 lines
16 KiB

import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {Parser, Lexer} from 'angular2/src/core/change_detection/change_detection';
import {TemplateParser, splitClasses} from 'angular2/src/compiler/template_parser';
import {HtmlParser} from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_parser';
import {DirectiveMetadata, ComponentMetadata, TypeMeta} from 'angular2/src/compiler/api';
import {
} from 'angular2/src/compiler/template_ast';
import {Unparser} from '../core/change_detection/parser/unparser';
var expressionUnparser = new Unparser();
export function main() {
describe('TemplateParser', () => {
var domParser: HtmlParser;
var parser: TemplateParser;
beforeEach(() => {
domParser = new HtmlParser();
parser = new TemplateParser(new Parser(new Lexer()));
function parse(template: string, directives: DirectiveMetadata[]): TemplateAst[] {
return parser.parse(domParser.parse(template, 'TestComp'), directives);
describe('parse', () => {
describe('nodes without bindings', () => {
it('should parse text nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('a', [])))
.toEqual([[TextAst, 'a', 'TestComp > #text(a):nth-child(0)']]);
it('should parse elements with attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div a=b>', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[AttrAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[a=b]']
it('should parse ngContent', () => {
var parsed = parse('<ng-content select="a">', []);
.toEqual([[NgContentAst, 'a', 'TestComp > ng-content:nth-child(0)']]);
it('should parse bound text nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('{{a}}', [])))
.toEqual([[BoundTextAst, '{{ a }}', 'TestComp > #text({{a}}):nth-child(0)']]);
describe('property, event and variable bindings', () => {
it('should parse bound properties via [...] and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div [prop]="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'prop', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[[prop]=v]']
it('should camel case bound properties', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div [some-prop]="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'someProp', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[[some-prop]=v]']
it('should parse bound properties via bind- and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div bind-prop="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'prop', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[bind-prop=v]']
it('should parse bound properties via {{...}} and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div prop="{{v}}">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'prop', '{{ v }}', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[prop={{v}}]']
it('should parse bound events via (...) and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div (event)="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundEventAst, 'event', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[(event)=v]']
it('should camel case event names', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div (some-event)="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundEventAst, 'someEvent', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[(some-event)=v]']
it('should parse bound events via on- and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div on-event="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundEventAst, 'event', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[on-event=v]']
it('should parse bound events and properties via [(...)] and not report them as attributes',
() => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div [(prop)]="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'prop', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[[(prop)]=v]'],
'v = $event',
'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[[(prop)]=v]'
it('should parse bound events and properties via bindon- and not report them as attributes',
() => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div bindon-prop="v">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'prop', 'v', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[bindon-prop=v]'],
'v = $event',
'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[bindon-prop=v]'
it('should parse variables via #... and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div #a="b">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[#a=b]']
it('should parse variables via var-... and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div var-a="b">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[var-a=b]']
it('should camel case variables', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div var-some-a="b">', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'someA', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[var-some-a=b]']
it('should use $implicit as variable name if none was specified', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div var-a>', [])))
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', '$implicit', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[var-a=]']
describe('directives', () => {
it('should locate directives ordered by typeName and components first', () => {
var dirA =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a=b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirA'})});
var dirB =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirB'})});
var comp =
new ComponentMetadata({selector: 'div', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'ZComp'})});
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div a="b">', [dirB, dirA, comp])))
[ElementAst, [comp, dirA, dirB], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[AttrAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[a=b]']
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a=b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirA'})});
var dirB =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirB'})});
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div [a]="b">', [dirA, dirB])))
[ElementAst, [dirA], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[[a]=b]']
it('should locate directives in variable bindings', () => {
var dirA =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a=b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirA'})});
var dirB =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirB'})});
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div #a="b">', [dirA, dirB])))
[ElementAst, [dirA], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[#a=b]']
describe('explicit templates', () => {
it('should create embedded templates for <template> elements', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<template></template>', [])))
.toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > template:nth-child(0)']]);
describe('inline templates', () => {
it('should wrap the element into an EmbeddedTemplateAST', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template>', [])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']
it('should parse bound properties', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template="ngIf test">', [])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[template=ngIf test]'
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']
it('should parse variables via #...', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template="ngIf #a=b">', [])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[template=ngIf #a=b]'],
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']
it('should parse variables via var ...', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template="ngIf var a=b">', [])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[template=ngIf var a=b]'],
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']
describe('directives', () => {
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a=b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirA'})});
var dirB =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirB'})});
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template="a b" b>', [dirA, dirB])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [dirA], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[template=a b]'],
[ElementAst, [dirB], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[AttrAst, 'b', '', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[b=]']
it('should locate directives in variable bindings', () => {
var dirA =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[a=b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirA'})});
var dirB =
new DirectiveMetadata({selector: '[b]', type: new TypeMeta({typeName: 'DirB'})});
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div template="#a=b" b>', [dirA, dirB])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [dirA], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[template=#a=b]'],
[ElementAst, [dirB], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[AttrAst, 'b', '', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[b=]']
it('should work with *... and use the attribute name as property binding name', () => {
expect(humanizeTemplateAsts(parse('<div *ng-if="test">', [])))
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)'],
[BoundPropertyAst, 'ngIf', 'test', 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)[*ng-if=test]'],
[ElementAst, [], 'TestComp > div:nth-child(0)']
describe('splitClasses', () => {
it('should keep an empty class', () => { expect(splitClasses('a')).toEqual(['a']); });
it('should split 2 classes', () => { expect(splitClasses('a b')).toEqual(['a', 'b']); });
it('should trim classes', () => { expect(splitClasses(' a b ')).toEqual(['a', 'b']); });
export function humanizeTemplateAsts(templateAsts: TemplateAst[]): any[] {
var humanizer = new TemplateHumanizer();
templateVisitAll(humanizer, templateAsts);
return humanizer.result;
class TemplateHumanizer implements TemplateAstVisitor {
result: any[] = [];
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst): any {
this.result.push([NgContentAst,, ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst): any {
this.result.push([EmbeddedTemplateAst, ast.directives, ast.sourceInfo]);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.attrs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.vars);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitElement(ast: ElementAst): any {
this.result.push([ElementAst, ast.directives, ast.sourceInfo]);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.attrs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.vars);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst): any {
this.result.push([VariableAst,, ast.value, ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst): any {
[BoundEventAst,, expressionUnparser.unparse(ast.handler), ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitProperty(ast: BoundPropertyAst): any {
[BoundPropertyAst,, expressionUnparser.unparse(ast.value), ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst): any {
this.result.push([AttrAst,, ast.value, ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst): any {
this.result.push([BoundTextAst, expressionUnparser.unparse(ast.value), ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;
visitText(ast: TextAst): any {
this.result.push([TextAst, ast.value, ast.sourceInfo]);
return null;