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block includes
include ../_util-fns
Angular applications are styled with regular CSS. That means we can apply
everything we know about CSS stylesheets, selectors, rules, and media queries
to our Angular applications directly.
Angular 应用使用标准的 CSS 来设置样式。这意味着我们可以把关于 CSS
的那些知识和技能直接用于我们的 Angular 程序中,例如:样式表、选择器、规则以及媒体查询等。
On top of this, Angular has the ability to bundle *component styles*
with our components enabling a more modular design than regular stylesheets.
在此基础上,Angular 还能把*组件样式*捆绑在我们的组件上,以实现比标准样式表更加模块化的设计。
In this chapter we learn how to load and apply these *component styles*.
## Table Of Contents
# 目录
* [Using Component Styles](#using-component-styles)
* [Special selectors](#special-selectors)
* [Loading Styles into Components](#loading-styles)
* [Controlling View Encapsulation: Emulated, Native, and None](#view-encapsulation)
[控制视图的封装模式:仿真 (Emulated)、原生 (Native) 或无 (None)](#view-encapsulation)
* [Appendix 1: Inspecting the generated runtime component styles](#inspect-generated-css)
[附录 1:审查生成的运行时组件样式](#inspect-generated-css)
* [Appendix 2: Loading Styles with Relative URLs](#relative-urls)
[附录 2:使用相对 URL 加载样式](#relative-urls)
Run the <live-example></live-example> of the code shown in this chapter.
## Using Component Styles
## 使用组件样式
For every Angular component we write, we may define not only an HTML template,
but also the CSS styles that go with that template,
specifying any selectors, rules, and media queries that we need.
对于我们写的每个 Angular 组件来说,除了定义 HTML 模板之外,我们还要定义用于模板的 CSS 样式、
One way to do this is to set the `styles` property in the component metadata.
The `styles` property takes #{_an} #{_array} of strings that contain CSS code.
Usually we give it one string as in this example:
`styles`属性可以接受一个包含 CSS 代码的字符串数组。
Component styles differ from traditional, global styles in a couple of ways.
Firstly, the selectors we put into a component's styles *only apply within the template
of that component*. The `h1` selector in the example above only applies to the `<h1>` tag
in the template of `HeroAppComponent`. Any `<h1>` elements elsewhere in
the application are unaffected.
This is a big improvement in modularity compared to how CSS traditionally works:
这种模块化相对于 CSS 的传统工作方式是一个巨大的改进:
1. We can use the CSS class names and selectors that make the most sense in the context of each component.
可以使用对每个组件最有意义的 CSS 类名和选择器。
1. Class names and selectors are local to the component and won't collide with
classes and selectors used elsewhere in the application.
1. Our component's styles *cannot* be changed by changes to styles elsewhere in the application.
1. We can co-locate the CSS code of each component with the TypeScript and HTML code of the component,
which leads to a neat and tidy project structure.
我们可以让每个组件的 CSS 代码和它的 TypeScript、HTML 代码放在一起,这将促成清爽整洁的项目结构。
1. We can change or remove component CSS code in the future without trawling through the
whole application to see where else it may have been used. We just look at the component we're in.
将来我们可以修改或移除组件的 CSS 代码,而不用遍历整个应用来看它有没有被别处用到,只要看看当前组件就可以了。
## Special selectors
## 特殊的选择器
Component styles have a few special *selectors* from the world of
[shadow DOM style scoping](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scoping-1):
组件样式中有一些从[影子 DOM 样式范围 (Shadow DOM style scoping)](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scoping-1) 领域引入的特殊*选择器*:
### :host
Use the `:host` pseudo-class selector to target styles in the element that *hosts* the component (as opposed to
targeting elements *inside* the component's template):
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.css', 'host')(format='.')
This is the *only* way we can target the host element. We cannot reach
it from inside the component with other selectors, because it is not part of the
component's own template. It is in a parent component's template.
Use the *function form* to apply host styles conditionally by
including another selector inside parentheses after `:host`.
In the next example we target the host element again, but only when it also has the `active` CSS class.
在下一个例子中,我们又一次把宿主元素作为目标,但是只有当它同时带有`active` CSS 类的时候才会生效。
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.css', 'hostfunction')(format=".")
### :host-context
Sometimes it is useful to apply styles based on some condition *outside* a component's view.
For example, there may be a CSS theme class applied to the document `<body>` element, and
we want to change how our component looks based on that.
例如,在文档的`<body>`元素上可能有一个用于表示样式主题 (theme) 的 CSS 类,而我们应当基于它来决定组件的样式。
Use the `:host-context()` pseudo-class selector. It works just like the function
form of `:host()`. It looks for a CSS class in *any ancestor* of the component host element, all the way
up to the document root. It's useful when combined with another selector.
这时可以使用`:host-context()`伪类选择器。它也以类似`:host()`形式使用。它在当前组件宿主元素的*祖先节点*中查找 CSS 类,
In the following example, we apply a `background-color` style to all `<h2>` elements *inside* the component, only
if some ancestor element has the CSS class `theme-light`.
在下面的例子中,只有当某个祖先元素有 CSS 类`theme-light`时,我们才会把`background-color`样式应用到组件*内部*的所有`<h2>`元素中。
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.css', 'hostcontext')(format='.')
### /deep/
Component styles normally apply only to the HTML in the component's own template.
组件样式通常只会作用于组件自身的 HTML 上。
We can use the `/deep/` selector to force a style down through the child component tree into all the child component views.
The `/deep/` selector works to any depth of nested components, and it applies *both to the view
children and the content children* of the component.
In this example, we target all `<h3>` elements, from the host element down
through this component to all of its child elements in the DOM:
在这个例子中,我们以所有的`<h3>`元素为目标,从宿主元素到当前元素再到 DOM 中的所有子元素:
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.css', 'deep')(format=".")
The `/deep/` selector also has the alias `>>>`. We can use either of the two interchangeably.
The `/deep/` and `>>>` selectors should only be used with **emulated** view encapsulation.
This is the default and it is what we use most of the time. See the
[Controlling View Encapsulation](#view-encapsulation)
section for more details.
`/deep/`和`>>>`选择器只能被用在**仿真 (emulated) **模式下。
## Loading Styles into Components
## 把样式加载进组件中
We have several ways to add styles to a component:
* inline in the template HTML
内联在模板的 HTML 中
* by setting `styles` or `styleUrls` metadata
* with CSS imports
通过 CSS 文件导入
The scoping rules outlined above apply to each of these loading patterns.
### Styles in Metadata
### 元数据中的样式
We can add a `styles` #{_array} property to the `@Component` #{_decorator}.
Each string in the #{_array} (usually just one string) defines the CSS.
这个数组中的每一个字符串(通常也只有一个)定义一份 CSS。
### Template Inline Styles
### 模板内联样式
We can embed styles directly into the HTML template by putting them
inside `<style>` tags.
我们也可以把它们放到`<style>`标签中来直接在 HTML 模板中嵌入样式。
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-controls.component.ts', 'inlinestyles')
### Style URLs in Metadata
### 元数据中的样式表 URL
We can load styles from external CSS files by adding a `styleUrls` attribute
into a component's `@Component` #{_decorator}:
我们还可以通过给组件的`@Component`#{_decoratorCn}中添加一个`styleUrls`属性来从外部 CSS 文件中加载样式:
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.ts', 'styleurls')
block style-url
The URL is ***relative to the application root*** which is usually the
location of the `index.html` web page that hosts the application.
The style file URL is *not* relative to the component file.
That's why the example URL begins `src/app/`.
See [Appendix 2](#relative-urls) to specify a URL relative to the
component file.
这个样式文件的 URL *不是*相对于组件文件的。这就是为什么范例中的 URL 用`app/`开头。
参见[附录 2](#relative-urls) 来了解如何指定相对于组件文件的 URL。
block module-bundlers
Users of module bundlers like Webpack may also use the `styles` attribute
to load styles from external files at build time. They could write:
像 Webpack 这类模块打包器的用户可能会使用`styles`属性来在构建时从外部文件中加载样式。它们可能这样写:
`styles: [require('my.component.css')]`
We set the `styles` property, **not** `styleUrls` property! The module
bundler is loading the CSS strings, not Angular.
Angular only sees the CSS strings *after* the bundler loads them.
To Angular it is as if we wrote the `styles` array by hand.
Refer to the module bundler's documentation for information on
loading CSS in this manner.
是模块打包器在加载 CSS 字符串,而不是 Angular。
Angular 看到的只是打包器加载它们之后的 CSS 字符串。
对 Angular 来说,这跟我们手写了`styles`数组没有任何区别。
要了解这种 CSS 加载方式的更多信息,请参阅相应模块打包器的文档。
### Template Link Tags
### 模板中的 link 标签
We can also embed `<link>` tags into the component's HTML template.
我们也可以在组件的 HTML 模板中嵌入`<link>`标签。
As with `styleUrls`, the link tag's `href` URL is relative to the
application root, not relative to the component file.
像`styleUrls`标签一样,这个 link 标签的`href`指向的 URL 也是相对于应用的根目录的,而不是组件文件。
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-team.component.ts', 'stylelink')
### CSS @imports
We can also import CSS files into our CSS files by using the standard CSS
[`@import` rule](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/@import).
我们还可以利用标准的 CSS [`@import`规则](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/@import)来把其它
CSS 文件导入到我们的 CSS 文件中。
block css-import-url
In *this* case the URL is relative to the CSS file into which we are importing.
在*这种*情况下,URL 是相对于我们执行导入操作的 CSS 文件的。
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/hero-details.component.css', 'import', 'src/app/hero-details.component.css (excerpt)')
## Controlling View Encapsulation: Native, Emulated, and None
## 控制视图的封装模式:原生 (Native)、仿真 (Emulated) 和无 (None)
As discussed above, component CSS styles are *encapsulated* into the component's own view and do
not affect the rest of the application.
像上面讨论过的一样,组件的 CSS 样式被封装进了自己的视图中,而不会影响到应用程序的其它部分。
We can control how this encapsulation happens on a *per
component* basis by setting the *view encapsulation mode* in the component metadata. There
are three modes to choose from:
* `Native` view encapsulation uses the browser's native [Shadow DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Shadow_DOM)
implementation to attach a Shadow DOM to the component's host element, and then puts the component
view inside that Shadow DOM. The component's styles are included within the Shadow DOM.
`Native`模式使用浏览器原生的 [Shadow DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Shadow_DOM)
实现来为组件的宿主元素附加一个 Shadow DOM。组件的样式被包裹在这个 Shadow DOM 中。(译注:不进不出,没有样式能进来,组件样式出不去。)
* `Emulated` view encapsulation (**the default**) emulates the behavior of Shadow DOM by preprocessing
(and renaming) the CSS code to effectively scope the CSS to the component's view.
See [Appendix 1](#inspect-generated-css) for details.
`Emulated`模式(**默认值**)通过预处理(并改名)CSS 代码来模拟 Shadow DOM 的行为,以达到把 CSS 样式局限在组件视图中的目的。
更多信息,见[附录 1](#inspect-generated-css) 。(译注:只进不出,全局样式能进来,组件样式出不去)
* `None` means that Angular does no view encapsulation.
Angular adds the CSS to the global styles.
The scoping rules, isolations, and protections discussed earlier do not apply.
This is essentially the same as pasting the component's styles into the HTML.
`None`意味着 Angular 不使用视图封装。
Angular 会把 CSS 添加到全局样式中。而不会应用上前面讨论过的那些作用域规则、隔离和保护等。
从本质上来说,这跟把组件的样式直接放进 HTML 是一样的。(译注:能进能出。)
Set the components encapsulation mode using the `encapsulation` property in the component metadata:
+makeExample('component-styles/ts/src/app/quest-summary.component.ts', 'encapsulation.native')(format='.')
`Native` view encapsulation only works on [browsers that have native support
for Shadow DOM](http://caniuse.com/#feat=shadowdom). The support is still limited,
which is why `Emulated` view encapsulation is the default mode and recommended
in most cases.
原生(`Native`)模式只适用于[有原生 Shadow DOM 支持的浏览器](http://caniuse.com/#feat=shadowdom)。
因此仍然受到很多限制,这就是为什么我们会把仿真 (`Emulated`) 模式作为默认选项,并建议将其用于大多数情况。
## Appendix 1: Inspecting The CSS Generated in Emulated View Encapsulation
## 附录 1:查看仿真 (Emulated) 模式下生成的 CSS
When using the default emulated view encapsulation, Angular preprocesses
all component styles so that they approximate the standard Shadow CSS scoping rules.
当使用默认的仿真模式时,Angular 会对组件的所有样式进行预处理,让它们模仿出标准的 Shadow CSS 作用域规则。
When we inspect the DOM of a running Angular application with emulated view
encapsulation enabled, we see that each DOM element has some extra attributes
attached to it:
当我们查看启用了仿真模式的 Angular 应用时,我们看到每个 DOM 元素都被加上了一些额外的属性。
<hero-details _nghost-pmm-5>
<h2 _ngcontent-pmm-5>Mister Fantastic</h2>
<hero-team _ngcontent-pmm-5 _nghost-pmm-6>
<h3 _ngcontent-pmm-6>Team</h3>
We see two kinds of generated attributes:
* An element that would be a Shadow DOM host in native encapsulation has a
generated `_nghost` attribute. This is typically the case for component host elements.
一个元素在原生封装方式下可能是 Shadow DOM 的宿主,在这里被自动添加上一个`_nghost`属性。
* An element within a component's view has a `_ngcontent` attribute
that identifies to which host's emulated Shadow DOM this element belongs.
组件视图中的每一个元素,都有一个`_ngcontent`属性,它会标记出该元素是哪个宿主的模拟 Shadow DOM。
The exact values of these attributes are not important. They are automatically
generated and we never refer to them in application code. But they are targeted
by the generated component styles, which we'll find in the `<head>` section of the DOM:
但它们会作为生成的组件样式的目标,就像我们在 DOM 的`<head>`区所看到的:
[_nghost-pmm-5] {
display: block;
border: 1px solid black;
h3[_ngcontent-pmm-6] {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #777;
These are the styles we wrote, post-processed so that each selector is augmented
with `_nghost` or `_ngcontent` attribute selectors.
These extra selectors enable the scoping rules described in this guide.
We'll likely live with *emulated* mode until shadow DOM gains traction.
小伙伴们会很愉快的使用*仿真*模式 —— 直到有一天 Shadow DOM 获得全面支持。
## Appendix 2: Loading Styles with Relative URLs
## 附录 2:使用相对 URL 加载样式
It's common practice to split a component's code, HTML, and CSS into three separate files in the same directory:
把组件的代码 (ts/js)、HTML 和 CSS 分别放到同一个目录下的三个不同文件,是一个常用的实践:
We include the template and CSS files by setting the `templateUrl` and `styleUrls` metadata properties respectively.
Because these files are co-located with the component,
it would be nice to refer to them by name without also having to specify a path back to the root of the application.
我们会通过设置元数据的`templateUrl`和`styleUrls`属性把模板和 CSS 文件包含进来。
block module-id
We can change the way Angular calculates the full URL be setting the component metadata's `moduleId` property to `module.id`.
通过把组件元数据的`moduleId`属性设置为`module.id`,我们可以更改 Angular 计算完整 URL 的方式
Learn more about `moduleId` in the [Component-Relative Paths](../cookbook/component-relative-paths.html) chapter.