Greg Magolan cf598f71fd build: fix ng_package & ng_rollup_bundle windows issues (#33607)
Fixes ng_package and ng_rollup_bundle rollup issue on Windows where .js file was resolved by bazel resolved instead of .mjs file as there is no sandbox.

Fixes by passing globals and external through templated rollup config as Windows CLI argument limit can be easily exceeded. Also fixes this for ng_rollup_bundle.

PR Close #33607
2019-11-06 19:56:57 +00:00

192 lines
6.2 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
// Rollup configuration
const buildOptimizer = require(
const nodeResolve = require('rollup-plugin-node-resolve');
const sourcemaps = require('rollup-plugin-sourcemaps');
const commonjs = require('rollup-plugin-commonjs');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
function log_verbose(...m) {
// This is a template file so we use __filename to output the actual filename
if (!!process.env['VERBOSE_LOGS']) console.error(`[${path.basename(__filename)}]`, ...m);
const workspaceName = 'TMPL_workspace_name';
const useBuildOptimzier = TMPL_build_optimizer;
const rootDir = 'TMPL_root_dir';
const bannerFile = TMPL_banner_file;
const stampData = TMPL_stamp_data;
const moduleMappings = TMPL_module_mappings;
const nodeModulesRoot = 'TMPL_node_modules_root';
log_verbose(`running with
cwd: ${process.cwd()}
workspaceName: ${workspaceName}
useBuildOptimzier: ${useBuildOptimzier}
rootDir: ${rootDir}
bannerFile: ${bannerFile}
stampData: ${stampData}
moduleMappings: ${JSON.stringify(moduleMappings)}
nodeModulesRoot: ${nodeModulesRoot}
function fileExists(filePath) {
try {
return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile();
} catch (e) {
return false;
// This resolver mimics the TypeScript Path Mapping feature, which lets us resolve
// modules based on a mapping of short names to paths.
function resolveBazel(
importee, importer, baseDir = process.cwd(), resolve = require.resolve, root = rootDir) {
log_verbose(`resolving '${importee}' from ${importer}`);
function resolveInRootDir(importee) {
var candidate = path.join(baseDir, root, importee);
log_verbose(`try to resolve '${importee}' at '${candidate}'`);
try {
var result = resolve(candidate);
return result;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
// Since mappings are always in POSIX paths, when comparing the importee to mappings
// we should normalize the importee.
// Having it normalized is also useful to determine relative paths.
const normalizedImportee = importee.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// If import is fully qualified then resolve it directly
if (fileExists(importee)) {
log_verbose(`resolved fully qualified '${importee}'`);
return importee;
var resolved;
if (normalizedImportee.startsWith('./') || normalizedImportee.startsWith('../')) {
// relative import
if (importer) {
let importerRootRelative = path.dirname(importer);
const relative = path.relative(path.join(baseDir, root), importerRootRelative);
if (!relative.startsWith('.')) {
importerRootRelative = relative;
resolved = path.join(importerRootRelative, importee);
} else {
throw new Error('cannot resolve relative paths without an importer');
if (resolved) resolved = resolveInRootDir(resolved);
if (!resolved) {
// possible workspace import or external import if importee matches a module
// mapping
for (const k in moduleMappings) {
if (normalizedImportee == k || normalizedImportee.startsWith(k + '/')) {
// replace the root module name on a mappings match
// note that the module_root attribute is intended to be used for type-checking
// so it uses eg. "index.d.ts". At runtime, we have only index.js, so we strip the
// .d.ts suffix and let node require.resolve do its thing.
var v = moduleMappings[k].replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '');
const mappedImportee = path.join(v, normalizedImportee.slice(k.length + 1));
log_verbose(`module mapped '${importee}' to '${mappedImportee}'`);
resolved = resolveInRootDir(mappedImportee);
if (resolved) break;
if (!resolved) {
// workspace import
const userWorkspacePath = path.relative(workspaceName, importee);
resolved = resolveInRootDir(userWorkspacePath.startsWith('..') ? importee : userWorkspacePath);
if (resolved) {
if (path.extname(resolved) == '.js') {
// check for .mjs file and prioritize that
const resolved_mjs = resolved.substr(0, resolved.length - 3) + '.mjs';
if (fileExists(resolved_mjs)) {
resolved = resolved_mjs;
log_verbose(`resolved to ${resolved}`);
} else {
log_verbose(`allowing rollup to resolve '${importee}' with node module resolution`);
return resolved;
let plugins = [
name: 'resolveBazel',
resolveId: resolveBazel,
// We make mainFields match what was the default for plugin-node-resolve <4.2.0
// when mainFields was introduced. Resolving to 'browser' or 'es2015' first breaks
// some of the benchmarks such as `//modules/benchmarks/src/expanding_rows:perf_chromium-local`.
// See &&
// for affected tests.
mainFields: ['module', 'main'],
jail: process.cwd(),
customResolveOptions: {moduleDirectory: nodeModulesRoot}
commonjs({ignoreGlobal: true}),
if (useBuildOptimzier) {
plugins = [
sideEffectFreeModules: [
let banner = '';
if (bannerFile) {
banner = fs.readFileSync(bannerFile, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
if (stampData) {
const versionTag = fs.readFileSync(stampData, {encoding: 'utf-8'})
.find(s => s.startsWith('BUILD_SCM_VERSION'));
// Don't assume BUILD_SCM_VERSION exists
if (versionTag) {
const version = versionTag.split(' ')[1].trim();
banner = banner.replace(/0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER/, version);
const config = {
external: [TMPL_external],
output: {
globals: {TMPL_globals},
module.exports = config;