* refactor(core): remove deprecated ComponentResolver BREAKING CHANGE: deprecated ComponentResolver was removed Please follow deprecation instruction and migrate your code to use ComponentFactoryResolver. * refactor(common): remove deprecated NgSwitchWhen directive BREAKING CHANGE: previously deprecated NgSwitchWhen directive was removed, use NgSwitchCase instead
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/** @stable */
export declare const APP_BASE_HREF: OpaqueToken;
/** @stable */
export declare class AsyncPipe implements OnDestroy {
constructor(_ref: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngOnDestroy(): void;
transform(obj: Observable<any> | Promise<any> | EventEmitter<any>): any;
/** @experimental */
export declare const COMMON_DIRECTIVES: Provider[];
/** @experimental */
export declare const COMMON_PIPES: (typeof AsyncPipe | typeof SlicePipe | typeof I18nPluralPipe | typeof I18nSelectPipe)[];
/** @experimental */
export declare class CommonModule {
/** @stable */
export declare const CORE_DIRECTIVES: Type<any>[];
/** @experimental */
export declare class CurrencyPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, currencyCode?: string, symbolDisplay?: boolean, digits?: string): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class DatePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, pattern?: string): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class DecimalPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, digits?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, _baseHref?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class I18nPluralPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
transform(value: number, pluralMap: {
[count: string]: string;
}): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class I18nSelectPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, mapping: {
[key: string]: string;
}): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class JsonPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class Location {
constructor(platformStrategy: LocationStrategy);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
go(path: string, query?: string): void;
isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: string, query?: string): boolean;
normalize(url: string): string;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string;
replaceState(path: string, query?: string): void;
subscribe(onNext: (value: any) => void, onThrow?: (exception: any) => void, onReturn?: () => void): Object;
static joinWithSlash(start: string, end: string): string;
static normalizeQueryParams(params: string): string;
static stripTrailingSlash(url: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare abstract class LocationStrategy {
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHref(): string;
abstract onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
abstract path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
abstract prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class LowerCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgClass implements DoCheck {
initialClasses: string;
ngClass: string | string[] | Set<string> | {
[key: string]: any;
constructor(_iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers: KeyValueDiffers, _ngEl: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer);
ngDoCheck(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgFor implements DoCheck, OnChanges {
ngForOf: any;
ngForTemplate: TemplateRef<NgForRow>;
ngForTrackBy: TrackByFn;
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _templateRef: TemplateRef<NgForRow>, _iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers, _cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngDoCheck(): void;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgIf {
ngIf: any;
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>);
/** @experimental */
export declare abstract class NgLocalization {
abstract getPluralCategory(value: any): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgPlural {
ngPlural: number;
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgPluralCase {
value: string;
constructor(value: string, template: TemplateRef<Object>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, ngPlural: NgPlural);
/** @stable */
export declare class NgStyle implements DoCheck {
ngStyle: {
[key: string]: string;
constructor(_differs: KeyValueDiffers, _ngEl: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer);
ngDoCheck(): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgSwitch {
ngSwitch: any;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgSwitchCase {
ngSwitchCase: any;
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgSwitchDefault {
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, sswitch: NgSwitch);
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgTemplateOutlet implements OnChanges {
ngOutletContext: Object;
ngTemplateOutlet: TemplateRef<Object>;
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
ngOnChanges(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, href?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class PercentPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, digits?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare abstract class PlatformLocation {
hash: string;
pathname: string;
search: string;
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string;
abstract onHashChange(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
abstract onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class SlicePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, start: number, end?: number): any;
/** @experimental */
export declare class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
/** @experimental */
export interface UrlChangeEvent {
type: string;
/** @experimental */
export interface UrlChangeListener {
(e: UrlChangeEvent): any;