This commit fixes several issues discovered through use in real apps. * The sha1() function operated on text content, causing issues for binary-format files. A sha1Binary() function which operates on unparsed data now avoids any encoding issues. * The characters '?' and '+' were not escaped in Glob-to-regex conversion previously, but are now. * URLs from the browser contain the full origin, but were checked against the table of hashes from the manifest which only has the path for URLs from the same origin. Now the origin is checked and URLs are relativized to the domain root before comparison if appropriate. * ngsw: prefix was missing from data groups, is now added. * Occasionally servers will return a redirected response for an asset, and caching it could cause errors for navigation requests. The SW now handles this by detecting such responses and following the redirect manually, to avoid caching a redirected response. * The request for known assets is now created from scratch from the URL before fetching from the network, in order to sanitize it and avoid carrying any special modes or headers that might result in opaque responses. * Debugging log for troubleshooting. * Avoid creating errors by returning 504 responses on error. * Fix bug where idle queue doesn't run in some circumstances. * Add tests for the above.
570 lines
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570 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Adapter, Context} from './adapter';
import {Database, Table} from './database';
import {DataGroupConfig} from './manifest';
* A metadata record of how old a particular cached resource is.
interface AgeRecord {
age: number;
* A node in the LRU chain for a given `DataGroup`.
* Serializable as previous/next are identified by their URL and are not references.
interface LruNode {
* The URL tracked by this node.
url: string;
* The previous (more recent) node in the chain, or null if this is the head.
previous: string|null;
* The next (less recent) node in the chain, or null if this is the tail.
next: string|null;
* Serializable state of an entire LRU chain.
* Essentially a doubly linked list of URLs.
interface LruState {
* URL of the head node, or null if the chain is empty.
head: string|null;
* URL of the tail node, or null if the chain is empty.
tail: string|null;
* Map of URLs to data for each URL (including next/prev pointers).
map: {[url: string]: LruNode | undefined};
* Count of the number of nodes in the chain.
count: number;
* Manages an instance of `LruState` and moves URLs to the head of the
* chain when requested.
class LruList {
state: LruState;
constructor(state?: LruState) {
if (state === undefined) {
state = {
head: null,
tail: null,
map: {},
count: 0,
this.state = state;
* The current count of URLs in the list.
get size(): number { return this.state.count; }
* Remove the tail.
pop(): string|null {
// If there is no tail, return null.
if (this.state.tail === null) {
return null;
const url = this.state.tail;
// Special case if this is the last node.
if (this.state.head === this.state.tail) {
// When removing the last node, both head and tail pointers become null.
this.state.head = null;
this.state.tail = null;
} else {
// Normal node removal. All that needs to be done is to clear the next pointer
// of the previous node and make it the new tail.
const block =[url] !;
const previous =[block.previous !] !;
this.state.tail = previous.url;
| =;
// In any case, this URL is no longer tracked, so remove it from the count and the
// map of tracked URLs.
// This URL has been successfully evicted.
return url;
remove(url: string): boolean {
const node =[url];
if (node === undefined) {
return false;
// Special case if removing the current head.
if (this.state.head === url) {
// The node is the current head. Special case the removal.
if ( === null) {
// This is the only node. Reset the cache to be empty.
this.state.head = null;
this.state.tail = null;
| = {};
this.state.count = 0;
return true;
// There is at least one other node. Make the next node the new head.
const next =[ !] !;
next.previous = null;
this.state.head = next.url;
return true;
// The node is not the head, so it has a previous. It may or may not be the tail.
// If it is not, then it has a next. First, grab the previous node.
const previous =[node.previous !] !;
// Fix the forward pointer to skip over node and go directly to
| =;
// may or may not be set. If it is, fix the back pointer to skip over node.
// If it's not set, then this node happened to be the tail, and the tail needs to be
// updated to point to the previous node (removing the tail).
if ( !== null) {
// There is a next node, fix its back pointer to skip this node.
|[] !.previous = node.previous !;
} else {
// There is no next node - the accessed node must be the tail. Move the tail pointer.
this.state.tail = node.previous !;
// Count the removal.
return true;
accessed(url: string): void {
// When a URL is accessed, its node needs to be moved to the head of the chain.
// This is accomplished in two steps:
// 1) remove the node from its position within the chain.
// 2) insert the node as the new head.
// Sometimes, a URL is accessed which has not been seen before. In this case, step 1 can
// be skipped completely (which will grow the chain by one). Of course, if the node is
// already the head, this whole operation can be skipped.
if (this.state.head === url) {
// The URL is already in the head position, accessing it is a no-op.
// Look up the node in the map, and construct a new entry if it's
const node =[url] || {url, next: null, previous: null};
// Step 1: remove the node from its position within the chain, if it is in the chain.
if ([url] !== undefined) {
// Step 2: insert the node at the head of the chain.
// First, check if there's an existing head node. If there is, it has previous: null.
// Its previous pointer should be set to the node we're inserting.
if (this.state.head !== null) {
|[this.state.head] !.previous = url;
// The next pointer of the node being inserted gets set to the old head, before the head
// pointer is updated to this node.
| = this.state.head;
// The new head is the new node.
this.state.head = url;
// If there is no tail, then this is the first node, and is both the head and the tail.
if (this.state.tail === null) {
this.state.tail = url;
// Set the node in the map of nodes (if the URL has been seen before, this is a no-op)
// and count the insertion.
|[url] = node;
* A group of cached resources determined by a set of URL patterns which follow a LRU policy
* for caching.
export class DataGroup {
* Compiled regular expression set used to determine which resources fall under the purview
* of this group.
private readonly patterns: RegExp[];
* The `Cache` instance in which resources belonging to this group are cached.
private readonly cache: Promise<Cache>;
* Tracks the LRU state of resources in this cache.
private _lru: LruList|null = null;
* Database table used to store the state of the LRU cache.
private readonly lruTable: Promise<Table>;
* Database table used to store metadata for resources in the cache.
private readonly ageTable: Promise<Table>;
private scope: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope, private adapter: Adapter,
private config: DataGroupConfig, private db: Database, private prefix: string) {
this.patterns = => new RegExp(pattern));
this.cache =`${this.prefix}:dynamic:${}:cache`);
this.lruTable =`${this.prefix}:dynamic:${}:lru`);
this.ageTable =`${this.prefix}:dynamic:${}:age`);
* Lazily initialize/load the LRU chain.
private async lru(): Promise<LruList> {
if (this._lru === null) {
const table = await this.lruTable;
try {
this._lru = new LruList(await<LruState>('lru'));
} catch (e) {
this._lru = new LruList();
return this._lru;
* Sync the LRU chain to non-volatile storage.
async syncLru(): Promise<void> {
if (this._lru === null) {
const table = await this.lruTable;
return table.write('lru', this._lru !.state);
* Process a fetch event and return a `Response` if the resource is covered by this group,
* or `null` otherwise.
async handleFetch(req: Request, ctx: Context): Promise<Response|null> {
// Do nothing
if (!this.patterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(req.url))) {
return null;
// Lazily initialize the LRU cache.
const lru = await this.lru();
// The URL matches this cache. First, check whether this is a mutating request or not.
switch (req.method) {
case 'OPTIONS':
// Don't try to cache this - it's non-mutating, but is part of a mutating request.
// Most likely SWs don't even see this, but this guard is here just in case.
return null;
case 'GET':
case 'HEAD':
// Handle the request with whatever strategy was selected.
switch (this.config.strategy) {
case 'freshness':
return this.handleFetchWithFreshness(req, ctx, lru);
case 'performance':
return this.handleFetchWithPerformance(req, ctx, lru);
throw new Error(`Unknown strategy: ${this.config.strategy}`);
// This was a mutating request. Assume the cache for this URL is no longer valid.
const wasCached = lru.remove(req.url);
// If there was a cached entry, remove it.
if (wasCached) {
await this.clearCacheForUrl(req.url);
// Sync the LRU chain to non-volatile storage.
await this.syncLru();
// Finally, fall back on the network.
return this.safeFetch(req);
private async handleFetchWithPerformance(req: Request, ctx: Context, lru: LruList):
Promise<Response|null> {
let res: Response|null|undefined = null;
// Check the cache first. If the resource exists there (and is not expired), the cached
// version can be used.
const fromCache = await this.loadFromCache(req, lru);
if (fromCache !== null) {
res = fromCache.res;
// Check the age of the resource.
if (this.config.refreshAheadMs !== undefined && fromCache.age >= this.config.refreshAheadMs) {
ctx.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, this.safeFetch(req)));
if (res !== null) {
return res;
// No match from the cache. Go to the network. Note that this is not an 'await'
// call, networkFetch is the actual Promise. This is due to timeout handling.
const [timeoutFetch, networkFetch] = this.networkFetchWithTimeout(req);
res = await timeoutFetch;
// Since fetch() will always return a response, undefined indicates a timeout.
if (res === undefined) {
// The request timed out. Return a Gateway Timeout error.
res = this.adapter.newResponse(null, {status: 504, statusText: 'Gateway Timeout'});
// Cache the network response eventually.
ctx.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, networkFetch));
// The request completed in time, so cache it inline with the response flow.
// Make sure to clone it so the real response can still be returned to the user.
await this.cacheResponse(req, res.clone(), lru);
return res;
private async handleFetchWithFreshness(req: Request, ctx: Context, lru: LruList):
Promise<Response|null> {
// Start with a network fetch.
const [timeoutFetch, networkFetch] = this.networkFetchWithTimeout(req);
let res: Response|null|undefined;
// If that fetch errors, treat it as a timed out request.
try {
res = await timeoutFetch;
} catch (e) {
res = undefined;
// If the network fetch times out or errors, fall back on the cache.
if (res === undefined) {
ctx.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, networkFetch));
// Ignore the age, the network response will be cached anyway due to the
// behavior of freshness.
const fromCache = await this.loadFromCache(req, lru);
res = (fromCache !== null) ? fromCache.res : null;
} else {
await this.cacheResponse(req, res, lru, true);
// Either the network fetch didn't time out, or the cache yielded a usable response.
// In either case, use it.
if (res !== null) {
return res;
// No response in the cache. No choice but to fall back on the full network fetch.
res = await networkFetch;
await this.cacheResponse(req, res.clone(), lru, true);
return res;
private networkFetchWithTimeout(req: Request): [Promise<Response|undefined>, Promise<Response>] {
// If there is a timeout configured, race a timeout Promise with the network fetch.
// Otherwise, just fetch from the network directly.
if (this.config.timeoutMs !== undefined) {
const networkFetch = this.scope.fetch(req);
const safeNetworkFetch = (async() => {
try {
return await networkFetch;
} catch (err) {
return this.adapter.newResponse(null, {
status: 504,
statusText: 'Gateway Timeout',
const networkFetchUndefinedError = (async() => {
try {
return await networkFetch;
} catch (err) {
return undefined;
// Construct a Promise<undefined> for the timeout.
const timeout = this.adapter.timeout(this.config.timeoutMs) as Promise<undefined>;
// Race that with the network fetch. This will either be a Response, or `undefined`
// in the event that the request errored or timed out.
return [Promise.race([networkFetchUndefinedError, timeout]), safeNetworkFetch];
} else {
const networkFetch = this.safeFetch(req);
// Do a plain fetch.
return [networkFetch, networkFetch];
private async safeCacheResponse(req: Request, res: Promise<Response>): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.cacheResponse(req, await res, await this.lru());
} catch (e) {
// TODO: handle this error somehow?
private async loadFromCache(req: Request, lru: LruList):
Promise<{res: Response, age: number}|null> {
// Look for a response in the cache. If one exists, return it.
const cache = await this.cache;
let res = await cache.match(req);
if (res !== undefined) {
// A response was found in the cache, but its age is not yet known. Look it up.
try {
const ageTable = await this.ageTable;
const age = this.adapter.time - (await<AgeRecord>(req.url)).age;
// If the response is young enough, use it.
if (age <= this.config.maxAge) {
// Successful match from the cache. Use the response, after marking it as having
// been accessed.
return {res, age};
// Otherwise, or if there was an error, assume the response is expired, and evict it.
} catch (e) {
// Some error getting the age for the response. Assume it's expired.
await this.clearCacheForUrl(req.url);
// TODO: avoid duplicate in event of network timeout, maybe.
await this.syncLru();
return null;
* Operation for caching the response from the server. This has to happen all
* at once, so that the cache and LRU tracking remain in sync. If the network request
* completes before the timeout, this logic will be run inline with the response flow.
* If the request times out on the server, an error will be returned but the real network
* request will still be running in the background, to be cached when it completes.
private async cacheResponse(
req: Request, res: Response, lru: LruList, okToCacheOpaque: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
// Only cache successful responses.
if (!res.ok || (okToCacheOpaque && res.type === 'opaque')) {
// If caching this response would make the cache exceed its maximum size, evict something
// first.
if (lru.size >= this.config.maxSize) {
// The cache is too big, evict something.
const evictedUrl = lru.pop();
if (evictedUrl !== null) {
await this.clearCacheForUrl(evictedUrl);
// TODO: evaluate for possible race conditions during flaky network periods.
// Mark this resource as having been accessed recently. This ensures it won't be evicted
// until enough other resources are requested that it falls off the end of the LRU chain.
// Store the response in the cache.
await(await this.cache).put(req, res);
// Store the age of the cache.
const ageTable = await this.ageTable;
await ageTable.write(req.url, {age: this.adapter.time});
// Sync the LRU chain to non-volatile storage.
await this.syncLru();
* Delete all of the saved state which this group uses to track resources.
async cleanup(): Promise<void> {
// Remove both the cache and the database entries which track LRU stats.
await Promise.all([
* Clear the state of the cache for a particular resource.
* This doesn't remove the resource from the LRU table, that is assumed to have
* been done already. This clears the GET and HEAD versions of the request from
* the cache itself, as well as the metadata stored in the age table.
private async clearCacheForUrl(url: string): Promise<void> {
const [cache, ageTable] = await Promise.all([this.cache, this.ageTable]);
await Promise.all([
cache.delete(this.adapter.newRequest(url, {method: 'GET'})),
cache.delete(this.adapter.newRequest(url, {method: 'HEAD'})),
private async safeFetch(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
try {
return this.scope.fetch(req);
} catch (err) {
return this.adapter.newResponse(null, {
status: 504,
statusText: 'Gateway Timeout',