289 lines
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289 lines
9.3 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AstPath, BoundEventAst, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileTypeMetadata, CssSelector, DirectiveAst, ElementAst, EmbeddedTemplateAst, HtmlAstPath, Identifiers, Node, ParseSourceSpan, RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor, RecursiveVisitor, TemplateAst, TemplateAstPath, identifierName, templateVisitAll, visitAll} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {AstResult, SelectorInfo} from './common';
import {DiagnosticTemplateInfo} from './expression_diagnostics';
import {Span, Symbol, SymbolQuery} from './types';
export interface SpanHolder {
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan;
endSourceSpan?: ParseSourceSpan|null;
children?: SpanHolder[];
export function isParseSourceSpan(value: any): value is ParseSourceSpan {
return value && !!value.start;
export function spanOf(span: SpanHolder): Span;
export function spanOf(span: ParseSourceSpan): Span;
export function spanOf(span: SpanHolder | ParseSourceSpan | undefined): Span|undefined;
export function spanOf(span?: SpanHolder | ParseSourceSpan): Span|undefined {
if (!span) return undefined;
if (isParseSourceSpan(span)) {
return {start: span.start.offset, end: span.end.offset};
} else {
if (span.endSourceSpan) {
return {start: span.sourceSpan.start.offset, end: span.endSourceSpan.end.offset};
} else if (span.children && span.children.length) {
return {
start: span.sourceSpan.start.offset,
end: spanOf(span.children[span.children.length - 1]) !.end
return {start: span.sourceSpan.start.offset, end: span.sourceSpan.end.offset};
export function inSpan(position: number, span?: Span, exclusive?: boolean): boolean {
return span != null && (exclusive ? position >= span.start && position < span.end :
position >= span.start && position <= span.end);
export function offsetSpan(span: Span, amount: number): Span {
return {start: span.start + amount, end: span.end + amount};
export function isNarrower(spanA: Span, spanB: Span): boolean {
return spanA.start >= spanB.start && spanA.end <= spanB.end;
export function isStructuralDirective(type: CompileTypeMetadata): boolean {
for (const diDep of type.diDeps) {
const diDepName = identifierName(diDep.token?.identifier);
if (diDepName === Identifiers.TemplateRef.name ||
diDepName === Identifiers.ViewContainerRef.name) {
return true;
return false;
export function getSelectors(info: AstResult): SelectorInfo {
const map = new Map<CssSelector, CompileDirectiveSummary>();
const results: CssSelector[] = [];
for (const directive of info.directives) {
const selectors: CssSelector[] = CssSelector.parse(directive.selector !);
for (const selector of selectors) {
map.set(selector, directive);
return {selectors: results, map};
export function isTypescriptVersion(low: string, high?: string) {
const version = ts.version;
if (version.substring(0, low.length) < low) return false;
if (high && (version.substring(0, high.length) > high)) return false;
return true;
export function diagnosticInfoFromTemplateInfo(info: AstResult): DiagnosticTemplateInfo {
return {
fileName: info.template.fileName,
offset: info.template.span.start,
query: info.template.query,
members: info.template.members,
htmlAst: info.htmlAst,
templateAst: info.templateAst,
source: info.template.source,
export function findTemplateAstAt(ast: TemplateAst[], position: number): TemplateAstPath {
const path: TemplateAst[] = [];
const visitor = new class extends RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor {
visit(ast: TemplateAst): any {
let span = spanOf(ast);
if (inSpan(position, span)) {
const len = path.length;
if (!len || isNarrower(span, spanOf(path[len - 1]))) {
} else {
// Returning a value here will result in the children being skipped.
return true;
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any {
return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
// Ignore reference, variable and providers
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
// Ingnore providers
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any {
// Ignore the host properties of a directive
const result = this.visitChildren(context, visit => { visit(ast.inputs); });
// We never care about the diretive itself, just its inputs.
if (path[path.length - 1] === ast) {
return result;
templateVisitAll(visitor, ast);
return new AstPath<TemplateAst>(path, position);
* Return the node that most tightly encompass the specified `position`.
* @param node
* @param position
export function findTightestNode(node: ts.Node, position: number): ts.Node|undefined {
if (node.getStart() <= position && position < node.getEnd()) {
return node.forEachChild(c => findTightestNode(c, position)) || node;
interface DirectiveClassLike {
decoratorId: ts.Identifier; // decorator identifier, like @Component
classId: ts.Identifier;
* Return metadata about `node` if it looks like an Angular directive class.
* In this case, potential matches are `@NgModule`, `@Component`, `@Directive`,
* `@Pipe`, etc.
* These class declarations all share some common attributes, namely their
* decorator takes exactly one parameter and the parameter must be an object
* literal.
* For example,
* v---------- `decoratorId`
* @NgModule({ <
* declarations: [], < classDecl
* }) <
* class AppModule {} <
* ^----- `classId`
* @param node Potential node that represents an Angular directive.
export function getDirectiveClassLike(node: ts.Node): DirectiveClassLike|undefined {
if (!ts.isClassDeclaration(node) || !node.name || !node.decorators) {
for (const d of node.decorators) {
const expr = d.expression;
if (!ts.isCallExpression(expr) || expr.arguments.length !== 1 ||
!ts.isIdentifier(expr.expression)) {
const arg = expr.arguments[0];
if (ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(arg)) {
return {
decoratorId: expr.expression,
classId: node.name,
* Finds the value of a property assignment that is nested in a TypeScript node and is of a certain
* type T.
* @param startNode node to start searching for nested property assignment from
* @param propName property assignment name
* @param predicate function to verify that a node is of type T.
* @return node property assignment value of type T, or undefined if none is found
export function findPropertyValueOfType<T extends ts.Node>(
startNode: ts.Node, propName: string, predicate: (node: ts.Node) => node is T): T|undefined {
if (ts.isPropertyAssignment(startNode) && startNode.name.getText() === propName) {
const {initializer} = startNode;
if (predicate(initializer)) return initializer;
return startNode.forEachChild(c => findPropertyValueOfType(c, propName, predicate));
* Find the tightest node at the specified `position` from the AST `nodes`, and
* return the path to the node.
* @param nodes HTML AST nodes
* @param position
export function getPathToNodeAtPosition(nodes: Node[], position: number): HtmlAstPath {
const path: Node[] = [];
const visitor = new class extends RecursiveVisitor {
visit(ast: Node) {
const span = spanOf(ast);
if (inSpan(position, span)) {
} else {
// Returning a truthy value here will skip all children and terminate
// the visit.
return true;
visitAll(visitor, nodes);
return new AstPath<Node>(path, position);
* Inverts an object's key-value pairs.
export function invertMap(obj: {[name: string]: string}): {[name: string]: string} {
const result: {[name: string]: string} = {};
for (const name of Object.keys(obj)) {
const v = obj[name];
result[v] = name;
return result;
* Finds the directive member providing a template output binding, if one exists.
* @param info aggregate template AST information
* @param path narrowing
export function findOutputBinding(
binding: BoundEventAst, path: TemplateAstPath, query: SymbolQuery): Symbol|undefined {
const element = path.first(ElementAst);
if (element) {
for (const directive of element.directives) {
const invertedOutputs = invertMap(directive.directive.outputs);
const fieldName = invertedOutputs[binding.name];
if (fieldName) {
const classSymbol = query.getTypeSymbol(directive.directive.type.reference);
if (classSymbol) {
return classSymbol.members().get(fieldName);