Joey Perrott d1ea1f4c7f build: update license headers to reference Google LLC ()
Update the license headers throughout the repository to reference Google LLC
rather than Google Inc, for the required license headers.

PR Close 
2020-05-26 14:26:58 -04:00

548 lines
18 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerHostAdapter, MetadataBundler, MetadataBundlerHost} from '../../src/metadata/bundler';
import {MetadataCollector} from '../../src/metadata/collector';
import {ClassMetadata, MetadataEntry, MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, ModuleMetadata} from '../../src/metadata/schema';
import {Directory, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks';
describe('compiler host adapter', () => {
it('should retrieve metadata for an explicit index relative path reference', () => {
const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two/index', '.');
it('should retrieve metadata for an implied index relative path reference', () => {
const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY_WITH_IMPLIED_INDEX);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two', '.');
it('should fail to retrieve metadata for an implied index with classic module resolution', () => {
const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY_WITH_IMPLIED_INDEX);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two', '.');
it('should retrieve exports for an explicit index relative path reference', () => {
const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/index', '.');
expect(metadata!.exports!.map(e => e.export !)
.reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next), [])
it('should look for .ts file when resolving metadata via a package.json "main" entry', () => {
const files = {
'lib': {
'one.ts': `
class One {}
class OneMore extends One {}
class PrivateOne {}
const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne];
export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES};
'one.js': `
// This will throw an error if the metadata collector tries to load one.js
'package.json': `
"main": "one"
const context = new MockAotContext('.', files);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib', '.');
it('should look for non-declaration file when resolving metadata via a package.json "types" entry',
() => {
const files = {
'lib': {
'one.ts': `
class One {}
class OneMore extends One {}
class PrivateOne {}
const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne];
export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES};
'one.d.ts': `
declare class One {
declare class OneMore extends One {
declare class PrivateOne {
declare const ONE_CLASSES: (typeof One)[];
export { One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES };
'one.js': `
// This will throw an error if the metadata collector tries to load one.js
'package.json': `
"main": "one",
"types": "one.d.ts"
const context = new MockAotContext('.', files);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib', '.');
describe('metadata bundler', () => {
it('should be able to bundle a simple library', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', SIMPLE_LIBRARY);
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host, 'prfx_');
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', 'ɵprfx_a', 'ɵprfx_b'
const originalOne = './src/one';
const originalTwo = './src/two/index';
.map(name => ({name, value:![name]})))
{name: 'ONE_CLASSES', value: originalOne}, {name: 'One', value: originalOne},
{name: 'OneMore', value: originalOne}, {name: 'TWO_CLASSES', value: originalTwo},
{name: 'Two', value: originalTwo}, {name: 'TwoMore', value: originalTwo},
{name: 'ɵprfx_a', value: originalOne}, {name: 'ɵprfx_b', value: originalTwo}
{privateName: 'ɵprfx_a', name: 'PrivateOne', module: originalOne},
{privateName: 'ɵprfx_b', name: 'PrivateTwo', module: originalTwo}
it('should rewrite call expression references for static class members', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'lib': {
'index.ts': `export * from './deep/index';`,
'shared.ts': `
export function sharedFn() {
return {foo: true};
'deep': {
'index.ts': `
import {sharedFn} from '../shared';
export class MyClass {
static ɵprov = sharedFn();
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host);
const bundledMetadata = bundler.getMetadataBundle().metadata;
const deepIndexMetadata = host.getMetadataFor('/lib/deep/index')!;
// The unbundled metadata should reference symbols using the relative module path.
statics: {
ɵprov: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'sharedFn',
module: '../shared',
// For the bundled metadata, the "sharedFn" symbol should not be referenced using the
// relative module path (like for unbundled), because the metadata bundle can be stored
// anywhere and it's not guaranteed that the relatively referenced files are present.
statics: {
ɵprov: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'ɵa',
it('should be able to bundle an oddly constructed library', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'lib': {
'index.ts': `
export * from './src/index';
'src': {
'index.ts': `
export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one';
export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two/index';
'one.ts': `
class One {}
class OneMore extends One {}
class PrivateOne {}
const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne];
export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES};
'two': {
'index.ts': `
class Two {}
class TwoMore extends Two {}
class PrivateTwo {}
const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo];
export {Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo, TWO_CLASSES};
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', 'ɵa', 'ɵb'
{privateName: 'ɵa', name: 'PrivateOne', module: './src/one'},
{privateName: 'ɵb', name: 'PrivateTwo', module: './src/two/index'}
it('should not output windows paths in metadata', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'index.ts': `
export * from './exports/test';
'exports': {'test.ts': `export class TestExport {}`}
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
expect({'TestExport': './exports/test'});
it('should convert re-exported to the export', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'index.ts': `
export * from './bar';
export * from './foo';
'bar.ts': `
import {Foo} from './foo';
export class Bar extends Foo {
'foo.ts': `
export {Foo} from 'foo';
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
// Expect the extends reference to refer to the imported module
expect((result.metadata.metadata as any).Bar.extends.module).toEqual('foo');
it('should treat import then export as a simple export', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'index.ts': `
export * from './a';
export * from './c';
'a.ts': `
import { B } from './b';
export { B };
'b.ts': `
export class B { }
'c.ts': `
import { B } from './b';
export class C extends B { }
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual(['B', 'C']);
it('should be able to bundle a private from a un-exported module', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'index.ts': `
export * from './foo';
'foo.ts': `
import {Bar} from './bar';
export class Foo extends Bar {
'bar.ts': `
export class Bar {}
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual(['Foo', 'ɵa']);
expect(result.privates).toEqual([{privateName: 'ɵa', name: 'Bar', module: './bar'}]);
it('should be able to bundle a library with re-exported symbols', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'public-api.ts': `
export * from './src/core';
export * from './src/externals';
'src': {
'core.ts': `
export class A {}
export class B extends A {}
'externals.ts': `
export {E, F, G} from 'external_one';
export * from 'external_two';
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
{from: 'external_two'}, {
export: [{name: 'E', as: 'E'}, {name: 'F', as: 'F'}, {name: 'G', as: 'G'}],
from: 'external_one'
it('should be able to bundle a library with multiple unnamed re-exports', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'public-api.ts': `
export * from '@mypkg/secondary1';
export * from '@mypkg/secondary2';
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
{from: '@mypkg/secondary1'}, {from: '@mypkg/secondary2'}
it('should be able to de-duplicate symbols of re-exported modules', () => {
const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', {
'public-api.ts': `
export {A as A2, A, B as B1, B as B2} from './src/core';
export {A as A3} from './src/alternate';
'src': {
'core.ts': `
export class A {}
export class B {}
'alternate.ts': `
export class A {}
const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host);
const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle();
const {A, A2, A3, B1, B2} = result.metadata.metadata as {
A: ClassMetadata,
A2: MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression,
A3: ClassMetadata,
B1: ClassMetadata,
B2: MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression
export class MockStringBundlerHost implements MetadataBundlerHost {
collector = new MetadataCollector();
adapter: CompilerHostAdapter;
constructor(private dirName: string, directory: Directory) {
const context = new MockAotContext(dirName, directory);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
const options = {
moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
this.adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options);
getMetadataFor(moduleName: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined {
return this.adapter.getMetadataFor(moduleName, this.dirName);
export const SIMPLE_LIBRARY = {
'lib': {
'index.ts': `
export * from './src/index';
'src': {
'index.ts': `
export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one';
export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two/index';
'one.ts': `
export class One {}
export class OneMore extends One {}
export class PrivateOne {}
export const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne];
'two': {
'index.ts': `
export class Two {}
export class TwoMore extends Two {}
export class PrivateTwo {}
export const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo];
'lib': {
'index.ts': `
export * from './src';
'src': {
'index.ts': `
export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one';
export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two';
'one.ts': `
export class One {}
export class OneMore extends One {}
export class PrivateOne {}
export const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne];
'two': {
'index.ts': `
export class Two {}
export class TwoMore extends Two {}
export class PrivateTwo {}
export const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo];