Stefanie Fluin bb52e22ecf feat(aio): api pages styling
- Banner class code consolidation for API pages
- Set up temporary table of contents class and file
- API pages title styling
- Add color styling to doc-type listed on each API details page
- Classes and SCSS variables refactor
- Mobile optimization on headers, info-banner, and API pages
- API page table custom styling
- API Class Overview template code overview into table format
2017-04-26 14:31:54 +01:00

20 lines
910 B

<!-- **** This is being duplicated - already in class overview content **** -->
<!--{% if doc.members.length %}
<div class="instance-members api-section">
<h2>Class Details</h2>
{% for member in doc.members %}{% if not member.internal %}
<div class="instance-member">
<a name="{$ $}-anchor" class="anchor-offset"></a>
<pre class="prettyprint no-bg" ng-class="{ 'anchor-focused': appCtrl.isApiDocMemberFocused('{$ $}') }">
<code>{$ $}{$ params.paramList(member.parameters) | trim $}{$ params.returnType(member.returnType) $}</code>
{%- if not member.notYetDocumented %}
{$ member.description | replace('### Example', '') | replace('## Example', '') | replace('# Example', '') | trimBlankLines | marked $}
{% endif -%}
{% if not loop.last %}<hr class="hr-margin">{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}-->