Pete Bacon Darwin cc6f36a9d7 ci(docs-infra): change AIO preview server stuff to pull builds from CircleCI
Previously, Travis pushed the build artitfacts to the preview server.
This required us to use JWT to secure the POST request from Travis, to
ensure we couldn't receive malicious builds.

JWT has been deprecated and we are moving our builds to CircleCI.

This commit rewrites the TypeScript part of the preview server that
handles converting build artifact into hosted previews of the docs.
2018-08-16 10:26:13 +01:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

import * as express from 'express';
import * as http from 'http';
import {promisify} from 'util';
import {UploadError} from './upload-error';
* Update the response to report that an error has occurred.
* @param res The response to configure as an error.
* @param err The error that needs to be reported.
export async function respondWithError(res: express.Response, err: any) {
if (!(err instanceof UploadError)) {
err = new UploadError(500, String((err && err.message) || err));
const statusText = http.STATUS_CODES[err.status] || '???';
console.error(`Upload error: ${err.status} - ${statusText}`);
await promisify(res.end.bind(res))(err.message);
* Throw an exception that describes the given error information.
* @param status The HTTP status code include in the error.
* @param error The error message to include in the error.
* @param req The request that triggered this error.
export function throwRequestError(status: number, error: string, req: express.Request): never {
const message = `${error} in request: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}` +
(!req.body ? '' : ` ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`);
throw new UploadError(status, message);