Chuck Jazdzewski cf3548a02f fix(compiler): Improved error reporting of the static reflector.
StaticReflector provides more context on errors reported by the

The metadata collector now records the line and character of the node that
caused it to report the error.

Includes other minor fixes to error reporting and a wording change.

Fixes #8978
Closes #9011
2016-06-07 08:38:32 -07:00

601 lines
25 KiB

import {
} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {isBlank} from '@angular/facade/src/lang';
import {ListWrapper} from '@angular/facade/src/collection';
import {
} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/static_reflector';
import {transition, sequence, group, trigger, state, style, animate, keyframes} from '@angular/core';
describe('StaticReflector', () => {
let noContext = new StaticSymbol('', '');
let host: StaticReflectorHost;
let reflector: StaticReflector;
beforeEach(() => {
host = new MockReflectorHost();
reflector = new StaticReflector(host);
function simplify(context: StaticSymbol, value: any) {
return reflector.simplify(context, value);
it('should get annotations for NgFor', () => {
let NgFor = host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
let annotations = reflector.annotations(NgFor);
let annotation = annotations[0];
expect(annotation.inputs).toEqual(['ngForTrackBy', 'ngForOf', 'ngForTemplate']);
it('should get constructor for NgFor', () => {
let NgFor = host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
let ViewContainerRef =
host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/core/linker/view_container_ref', 'ViewContainerRef');
let TemplateRef = host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/core/linker/template_ref', 'TemplateRef');
let IterableDiffers = host.findDeclaration(
'angular2/src/core/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs', 'IterableDiffers');
let ChangeDetectorRef = host.findDeclaration(
'angular2/src/core/change_detection/change_detector_ref', 'ChangeDetectorRef');
let parameters = reflector.parameters(NgFor);
.toEqual([[ViewContainerRef], [TemplateRef], [IterableDiffers], [ChangeDetectorRef]]);
it('should get annotations for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
let HeroDetailComponent =
host.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
let annotations = reflector.annotations(HeroDetailComponent);
let annotation = annotations[0];
.toEqual([[host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor')]]);
trigger("myAnimation", [
state("state1", style({ "background": "white" })),
transition("* => *", sequence([
animate("1s 0.5s", keyframes([
style({ "background": "blue"}),
style({ "background": "red"})
it('should throw and exception for unsupported metadata versions', () => {
let e = host.findDeclaration('src/version-error', 'e');
expect(() => reflector.annotations(e)).toThrow(new Error('Metadata version mismatch for module /tmp/src/version-error.d.ts, found version 100, expected 1'));
it('should get and empty annotation list for an unknown class', () => {
let UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
let annotations = reflector.annotations(UnknownClass);
it('should get propMetadata for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
let HeroDetailComponent =
host.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
let props = reflector.propMetadata(HeroDetailComponent);
it('should get an empty object from propMetadata for an unknown class', () => {
let UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
let properties = reflector.propMetadata(UnknownClass);
it('should get empty parameters list for an unknown class ', () => {
let UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
let parameters = reflector.parameters(UnknownClass);
it('should provide context for errors reported by the collector', () => {
let SomeClass = host.findDeclaration('src/error-reporting', 'SomeClass');
expect(() => reflector.annotations(SomeClass)).toThrow(new Error('Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. A reasonable error message (position 12:33 in the original .ts file), resolving symbol ErrorSym in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link2 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link1 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts'));
it('should simplify primitive into itself', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, 1)).toBe(1);
expect(simplify(noContext, true)).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, "some value")).toBe("some value");
it('should simplify an array into a copy of the array',
() => { expect(simplify(noContext, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); });
it('should simplify an object to a copy of the object', () => {
let expr = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toEqual(expr);
it('should simplify &&', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: true}))).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: false}))).toBe(false);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: true}))).toBe(false);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: false}))).toBe(false);
it('should simplify ||', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: true}))).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: false}))).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: true}))).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: false}))).toBe(false);
it('should simplify &', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))).toBe(0x22 & 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 & 0xF0);
it('should simplify |', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))).toBe(0x22 | 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 | 0xF0);
it('should simplify ^', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))).toBe(0x22 | 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 | 0xF0);
it('should simplify ==', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))).toBe(0x22 == 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 == 0xF0);
it('should simplify !=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))).toBe(0x22 != 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 != 0xF0);
it('should simplify ===', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))).toBe(0x22 === 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 === 0xF0);
it('should simplify !==', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))).toBe(0x22 !== 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))).toBe(0x22 !== 0xF0);
it('should simplify >', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 1}))).toBe(1 > 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 0}))).toBe(1 > 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 0, right: 1}))).toBe(0 > 1);
it('should simplify >=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 1}))).toBe(1 >= 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 0}))).toBe(1 >= 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 0, right: 1}))).toBe(0 >= 1);
it('should simplify <=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 1}))).toBe(1 <= 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 0}))).toBe(1 <= 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 0, right: 1}))).toBe(0 <= 1);
it('should simplify <', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 1}))).toBe(1 < 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 0}))).toBe(1 < 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 0, right: 1}))).toBe(0 < 1);
it('should simplify <<', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<<', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 << 2);
it('should simplify >>', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>>', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 >> 2);
it('should simplify +', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '+', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 + 2);
it('should simplify -', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '-', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 - 2);
it('should simplify *', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '*', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 * 2);
it('should simplify /', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '/', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 / 2);
it('should simplify %', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '%', left: 0x55, right: 2}))).toBe(0x55 % 2);
it('should simplify prefix -', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'pre', operator: '-', operand: 2}))).toBe(-2);
it('should simplify prefix ~', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'pre', operator: '~', operand: 2}))).toBe(~2);
it('should simplify prefix !', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: true}))).toBe(!true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({ __symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: false}))).toBe(!false);
it('should simplify an array index', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: "index", expression: [1, 2, 3], index: 2}))).toBe(3);
it('should simplify an object index', () => {
let expr = {__symbolic: "select", expression: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, member: "b"};
expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toBe(2);
it('should simplify a module reference', () => {
expect(simplify(new StaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''),
({__symbolic: "reference", module: "./extern", name: "s"})))
it('should simplify a non existing reference as a static symbol', () => {
expect(simplify(new StaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''),
({__symbolic: "reference", module: "./extern", name: "nonExisting"})))
.toEqual(host.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'));
class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
private staticTypeCache = new Map<string, StaticSymbol>();
angularImportLocations() {
return {
coreDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/metadata',
diDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/di/decorators',
diMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/di/metadata',
animationMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata',
provider: 'angular2/src/core/di/provider'
getStaticSymbol(declarationFile: string, name: string): StaticSymbol {
var cacheKey = `${declarationFile}:${name}`;
var result = this.staticTypeCache.get(cacheKey);
if (isBlank(result)) {
result = new StaticSymbol(declarationFile, name);
this.staticTypeCache.set(cacheKey, result);
return result;
// In tests, assume that symbols are not re-exported
findDeclaration(modulePath: string, symbolName: string, containingFile?: string): StaticSymbol {
function splitPath(path: string): string[] { return path.split(/\/|\\/g); }
function resolvePath(pathParts: string[]): string {
let result: string[] = [];
ListWrapper.forEachWithIndex(pathParts, (part, index) => {
switch (part) {
case '':
case '.':
if (index > 0) return;
case '..':
if (index > 0 && result.length != 0) result.pop();
return result.join('/');
function pathTo(from: string, to: string): string {
let result = to;
if (to.startsWith('.')) {
let fromParts = splitPath(from);
fromParts.pop(); // remove the file name.
let toParts = splitPath(to);
result = resolvePath(fromParts.concat(toParts));
return result;
if (modulePath.indexOf('.') === 0) {
return this.getStaticSymbol(pathTo(containingFile, modulePath) + '.d.ts', symbolName);
return this.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/' + modulePath + '.d.ts', symbolName);
getMetadataFor(moduleId: string): any {
let data: {[key: string]: any} = {
'/tmp/angular2/src/common/forms/directives.d.ts': [{
"__symbolic": "module",
"version": 1,
"metadata": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "NgFor",
"module": "angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for"
'/tmp/angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for.d.ts': {
"__symbolic": "module",
"version": 1,
"metadata": {
"NgFor": {
"__symbolic": "class",
"decorators": [
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "Directive",
"module": "../../core/metadata"
"arguments": [
"selector": "[ngFor][ngForOf]",
"inputs": ["ngForTrackBy", "ngForOf", "ngForTemplate"]
"members": {
"__ctor__": [
"__symbolic": "constructor",
"parameters": [
"__symbolic": "reference",
"module": "../../core/linker/view_container_ref",
"name": "ViewContainerRef"
"__symbolic": "reference",
"module": "../../core/linker/template_ref",
"name": "TemplateRef"
"__symbolic": "reference",
"module": "../../core/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs",
"name": "IterableDiffers"
"__symbolic": "reference",
"module": "../../core/change_detection/change_detector_ref",
"name": "ChangeDetectorRef"
{version: 1, "metadata": {"ViewContainerRef": {"__symbolic": "class"}}},
{version: 1, "module": "./template_ref", "metadata": {"TemplateRef": {"__symbolic": "class"}}},
{version: 1, "metadata": {"IterableDiffers": {"__symbolic": "class"}}},
{version: 1, "metadata": {"ChangeDetectorRef": {"__symbolic": "class"}}},
'/tmp/src/app/hero-detail.component.d.ts': {
"__symbolic": "module",
"version": 1,
"metadata": {
"HeroDetailComponent": {
"__symbolic": "class",
"decorators": [
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "Component",
"module": "angular2/src/core/metadata"
"arguments": [
"selector": "my-hero-detail",
"\n <div *ngIf=\"hero\">\n <h2>{{}} details!</h2>\n <div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>\n <div>\n <label>name: </label>\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"\" placeholder=\"name\"/>\n </div>\n </div>\n",
"directives": [
"__symbolic": "reference",
"module": "angular2/src/common/forms/directives"
"animations": [{
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "trigger",
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments": [
[{ "__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "state",
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments": [
{ "__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "style",
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments": [
{ "background":"white" }
}, {
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments": [
"* => *",
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments":[[{ "__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"1s 0.5s",
{ "__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments":[[{ "__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments":[ { "background": "blue"} ]
}, {
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"module": "angular2/src/core/animation/metadata"
"arguments":[ { "background": "red"} ]
"members": {
"hero": [
"__symbolic": "property",
"decorators": [
"__symbolic": "call",
"expression": {
"__symbolic": "reference",
"name": "Input",
"module": "angular2/src/core/metadata"
'/src/extern.d.ts': {"__symbolic": "module", "version": 1, metadata: {s: "s"}},
'/tmp/src/version-error.d.ts': {"__symbolic": "module", "version": 100, metadata: {e: "s"}},
'/tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts': {
__symbolic: "module",
version: 1,
metadata: {
SomeClass: {
__symbolic: "class",
decorators: [
__symbolic: "call",
expression: {
__symbolic: "reference",
name: "Component",
module: "angular2/src/core/metadata"
arguments: [
directives: [
__symbolic: "reference",
module: "src/error-references",
name: "Link1",
'/tmp/src/error-references.d.ts': {
__symbolic: "module",
version: 1,
metadata: {
Link1: {
__symbolic: "reference",
module: "src/error-references",
name: "Link2"
Link2: {
__symbolic: "reference",
module: "src/error-references",
name: "ErrorSym"
ErrorSym: {
__symbolic: "error",
message: "A reasonable error message",
line: 12,
character: 33
return data[moduleId];