436 lines
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436 lines
16 KiB
import {BaseException, Type, isBlank, isPresent, isString} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {
} from './parser/ast';
import {ChangeDetector, ProtoChangeDetector, ChangeDetectorDefinition} from './interfaces';
import {ChangeDetectionUtil} from './change_detection_util';
import {DynamicChangeDetector} from './dynamic_change_detector';
import {BindingRecord, BindingTarget} from './binding_record';
import {DirectiveRecord, DirectiveIndex} from './directive_record';
import {EventBinding} from './event_binding';
import {coalesce} from './coalesce';
import {ProtoRecord, RecordType} from './proto_record';
export class DynamicProtoChangeDetector implements ProtoChangeDetector {
_propertyBindingRecords: ProtoRecord[];
_propertyBindingTargets: BindingTarget[];
_eventBindingRecords: EventBinding[];
_directiveIndices: DirectiveIndex[];
constructor(private definition: ChangeDetectorDefinition) {
this._propertyBindingRecords = createPropertyRecords(definition);
this._eventBindingRecords = createEventRecords(definition);
this._propertyBindingTargets = this.definition.bindingRecords.map(b => b.target);
this._directiveIndices = this.definition.directiveRecords.map(d => d.directiveIndex);
instantiate(dispatcher: any): ChangeDetector {
return new DynamicChangeDetector(
this.definition.id, dispatcher, this._propertyBindingRecords.length,
this._propertyBindingTargets, this._directiveIndices,
this._propertyBindingRecords, this._eventBindingRecords, this.definition.directiveRecords);
export function createPropertyRecords(definition: ChangeDetectorDefinition): ProtoRecord[] {
var recordBuilder = new ProtoRecordBuilder();
(b, index) => recordBuilder.add(b, definition.variableNames, index));
return coalesce(recordBuilder.records);
export function createEventRecords(definition: ChangeDetectorDefinition): EventBinding[] {
// TODO: vsavkin: remove $event when the compiler handles render-side variables properly
var varNames = ListWrapper.concat(['$event'], definition.variableNames);
return definition.eventRecords.map(er => {
var records = _ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords.create(er, varNames);
var dirIndex = er.implicitReceiver instanceof DirectiveIndex ? er.implicitReceiver : null;
return new EventBinding(er.target.name, er.target.elementIndex, dirIndex, records);
export class ProtoRecordBuilder {
records: List<ProtoRecord>;
constructor() { this.records = []; }
add(b: BindingRecord, variableNames: string[], bindingIndex: number) {
var oldLast = ListWrapper.last(this.records);
if (isPresent(oldLast) && oldLast.bindingRecord.directiveRecord == b.directiveRecord) {
oldLast.lastInDirective = false;
var numberOfRecordsBefore = this.records.length;
this._appendRecords(b, variableNames, bindingIndex);
var newLast = ListWrapper.last(this.records);
if (isPresent(newLast) && newLast !== oldLast) {
newLast.lastInBinding = true;
newLast.lastInDirective = true;
_setArgumentToPureFunction(startIndex: number): void {
for (var i = startIndex; i < this.records.length; ++i) {
var rec = this.records[i];
if (rec.isPureFunction()) {
rec.args.forEach(recordIndex => this.records[recordIndex - 1].argumentToPureFunction =
_appendRecords(b: BindingRecord, variableNames: string[], bindingIndex: number) {
if (b.isDirectiveLifecycle()) {
this.records.push(new ProtoRecord(RecordType.DIRECTIVE_LIFECYCLE, b.lifecycleEvent, null, [],
[], -1, null, this.records.length + 1, b, false, false,
false, false, null));
} else {
_ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords.append(this.records, b, variableNames, bindingIndex);
class _ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords implements AstVisitor {
constructor(private _records: List<ProtoRecord>, private _bindingRecord: BindingRecord,
private _variableNames: string[], private _bindingIndex: number) {}
static append(records: List<ProtoRecord>, b: BindingRecord, variableNames: string[],
bindingIndex: number) {
var c = new _ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords(records, b, variableNames, bindingIndex);
static create(b: BindingRecord, variableNames: List<any>): ProtoRecord[] {
var rec = [];
_ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords.append(rec, b, variableNames, null);
rec[rec.length - 1].lastInBinding = true;
return rec;
visitImplicitReceiver(ast: ImplicitReceiver): any { return this._bindingRecord.implicitReceiver; }
visitInterpolation(ast: Interpolation): number {
var args = this._visitAll(ast.expressions);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.INTERPOLATE, "interpolate", _interpolationFn(ast.strings),
args, ast.strings, 0);
visitLiteralPrimitive(ast: LiteralPrimitive): number {
return this._addRecord(RecordType.CONST, "literal", ast.value, [], null, 0);
visitPropertyRead(ast: PropertyRead): number {
var receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
if (isPresent(this._variableNames) && ListWrapper.contains(this._variableNames, ast.name) &&
ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
return this._addRecord(RecordType.LOCAL, ast.name, ast.name, [], null, receiver);
} else {
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PROPERTY_READ, ast.name, ast.getter, [], null, receiver);
visitPropertyWrite(ast: PropertyWrite): number {
if (isPresent(this._variableNames) && ListWrapper.contains(this._variableNames, ast.name) &&
ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
throw new BaseException(`Cannot reassign a variable binding ${ast.name}`);
} else {
var receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
var value = ast.value.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PROPERTY_WRITE, ast.name, ast.setter, [value], null,
visitKeyedWrite(ast: KeyedWrite): number {
var obj = ast.obj.visit(this);
var key = ast.key.visit(this);
var value = ast.value.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.KEYED_WRITE, null, null, [key, value], null, obj);
visitSafePropertyRead(ast: SafePropertyRead): number {
var receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.SAFE_PROPERTY, ast.name, ast.getter, [], null, receiver);
visitMethodCall(ast: MethodCall): number {
var receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
var args = this._visitAll(ast.args);
if (isPresent(this._variableNames) && ListWrapper.contains(this._variableNames, ast.name)) {
var target = this._addRecord(RecordType.LOCAL, ast.name, ast.name, [], null, receiver);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.INVOKE_CLOSURE, "closure", null, args, null, target);
} else {
return this._addRecord(RecordType.INVOKE_METHOD, ast.name, ast.fn, args, null, receiver);
visitSafeMethodCall(ast: SafeMethodCall): number {
var receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
var args = this._visitAll(ast.args);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.SAFE_INVOKE_METHOD, ast.name, ast.fn, args, null, receiver);
visitFunctionCall(ast: FunctionCall): number {
var target = ast.target.visit(this);
var args = this._visitAll(ast.args);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.INVOKE_CLOSURE, "closure", null, args, null, target);
visitLiteralArray(ast: LiteralArray): number {
var primitiveName = `arrayFn${ast.expressions.length}`;
return this._addRecord(RecordType.COLLECTION_LITERAL, primitiveName,
_arrayFn(ast.expressions.length), this._visitAll(ast.expressions), null,
visitLiteralMap(ast: LiteralMap): number {
return this._addRecord(RecordType.COLLECTION_LITERAL, _mapPrimitiveName(ast.keys),
ChangeDetectionUtil.mapFn(ast.keys), this._visitAll(ast.values), null,
visitBinary(ast: Binary): number {
var left = ast.left.visit(this);
var right = ast.right.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PRIMITIVE_OP, _operationToPrimitiveName(ast.operation),
_operationToFunction(ast.operation), [left, right], null, 0);
visitPrefixNot(ast: PrefixNot): number {
var exp = ast.expression.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PRIMITIVE_OP, "operation_negate",
ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_negate, [exp], null, 0);
visitConditional(ast: Conditional): number {
var c = ast.condition.visit(this);
var t = ast.trueExp.visit(this);
var f = ast.falseExp.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PRIMITIVE_OP, "cond", ChangeDetectionUtil.cond, [c, t, f],
null, 0);
visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe): number {
var value = ast.exp.visit(this);
var args = this._visitAll(ast.args);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PIPE, ast.name, ast.name, args, null, value);
visitKeyedRead(ast: KeyedRead): number {
var obj = ast.obj.visit(this);
var key = ast.key.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.KEYED_READ, "keyedAccess", ChangeDetectionUtil.keyedAccess,
[key], null, obj);
visitChain(ast: Chain): number {
var args = ast.expressions.map(e => e.visit(this));
return this._addRecord(RecordType.CHAIN, "chain", null, args, null, 0);
visitIf(ast: If) { throw new BaseException('Not supported'); }
_visitAll(asts: List<any>) {
var res = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(asts.length);
for (var i = 0; i < asts.length; ++i) {
res[i] = asts[i].visit(this);
return res;
_addRecord(type, name, funcOrValue, args, fixedArgs, context) {
var selfIndex = this._records.length + 1;
if (context instanceof DirectiveIndex) {
this._records.push(new ProtoRecord(type, name, funcOrValue, args, fixedArgs, -1, context,
selfIndex, this._bindingRecord, false, false, false, false,
} else {
this._records.push(new ProtoRecord(type, name, funcOrValue, args, fixedArgs, context, null,
selfIndex, this._bindingRecord, false, false, false, false,
return selfIndex;
function _arrayFn(length: number): Function {
switch (length) {
case 0:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn0;
case 1:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn1;
case 2:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn2;
case 3:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn3;
case 4:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn4;
case 5:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn5;
case 6:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn6;
case 7:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn7;
case 8:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn8;
case 9:
return ChangeDetectionUtil.arrayFn9;
throw new BaseException(`Does not support literal maps with more than 9 elements`);
function _mapPrimitiveName(keys: List<any>) {
var stringifiedKeys =
ListWrapper.join(ListWrapper.map(keys, (k) => isString(k) ? `"${k}"` : `${k}`), ", ");
return `mapFn([${stringifiedKeys}])`;
function _operationToPrimitiveName(operation: string): string {
switch (operation) {
case '+':
return "operation_add";
case '-':
return "operation_subtract";
case '*':
return "operation_multiply";
case '/':
return "operation_divide";
case '%':
return "operation_remainder";
case '==':
return "operation_equals";
case '!=':
return "operation_not_equals";
case '===':
return "operation_identical";
case '!==':
return "operation_not_identical";
case '<':
return "operation_less_then";
case '>':
return "operation_greater_then";
case '<=':
return "operation_less_or_equals_then";
case '>=':
return "operation_greater_or_equals_then";
case '&&':
return "operation_logical_and";
case '||':
return "operation_logical_or";
throw new BaseException(`Unsupported operation ${operation}`);
function _operationToFunction(operation: string): Function {
switch (operation) {
case '+':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_add;
case '-':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_subtract;
case '*':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_multiply;
case '/':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_divide;
case '%':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_remainder;
case '==':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_equals;
case '!=':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_not_equals;
case '===':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_identical;
case '!==':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_not_identical;
case '<':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_less_then;
case '>':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_greater_then;
case '<=':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_less_or_equals_then;
case '>=':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_greater_or_equals_then;
case '&&':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_logical_and;
case '||':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_logical_or;
throw new BaseException(`Unsupported operation ${operation}`);
function s(v): string {
return isPresent(v) ? `${v}` : '';
function _interpolationFn(strings: List<any>) {
var length = strings.length;
var c0 = length > 0 ? strings[0] : null;
var c1 = length > 1 ? strings[1] : null;
var c2 = length > 2 ? strings[2] : null;
var c3 = length > 3 ? strings[3] : null;
var c4 = length > 4 ? strings[4] : null;
var c5 = length > 5 ? strings[5] : null;
var c6 = length > 6 ? strings[6] : null;
var c7 = length > 7 ? strings[7] : null;
var c8 = length > 8 ? strings[8] : null;
var c9 = length > 9 ? strings[9] : null;
switch (length - 1) {
case 1:
return (a1) => c0 + s(a1) + c1;
case 2:
return (a1, a2) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2;
case 3:
return (a1, a2, a3) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3;
case 4:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 + s(a4) + c4;
case 5:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) =>
c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 + s(a4) + c4 + s(a5) + c5;
case 6:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) =>
c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 + s(a4) + c4 + s(a5) + c5 + s(a6) + c6;
case 7:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 + s(a4) +
c4 + s(a5) + c5 + s(a6) + c6 + s(a7) + c7;
case 8:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 + s(a4) +
c4 + s(a5) + c5 + s(a6) + c6 + s(a7) + c7 + s(a8) +
case 9:
return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) => c0 + s(a1) + c1 + s(a2) + c2 + s(a3) + c3 +
s(a4) + c4 + s(a5) + c5 + s(a6) + c6 + s(a7) +
c7 + s(a8) + c8 + s(a9) + c9;
throw new BaseException(`Does not support more than 9 expressions`);