Igor Minar 3a698e2d08 feat(docs-infra): update script to support v9 multisite setup () was used to pilot the firebase hosting multisites setup for

The deployments so far have been done manually to control the deployment process.

This change, automates the deployment for so that future deployments can be made from
the CI.

See for more info.

In the process of updating the scripts I rediscovered a bug in the script that
incorrect compared two numbers as strings. This previously worked correctly because we were comparing
single digit numbers. With the release of v10, we now compare 9 > 10 which behaves differently for
strings and numbers. The bug was fixed by switching to an arithmetic comparison of the two variables.

This bug has been fixed on the master branch but not on the 9.1.x branch. I realized this during the
rebase, but found my version to be a bit cleaner, so I kept it.

PR Close 
2020-06-25 13:44:52 -07:00

165 lines
11 KiB

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