Paul Gschwendtner 1601ee6f6a refactor(dev-infra): ng_rollup_bundle rule should leverage @bazel/rollup (#37623)
Refactors the `ng_rollup_bundle` rule to a macro that relies on
the `@bazel/rollup` package. This means that the rule no longer
deals with custom ESM5 flavour output, but rather only builds
prodmode ES2015 output. This matches the common build output
in Angular projects, and optimizations done in CLI where
ES2015 is the default optimization input.

The motiviation for this change is:

* Not duplicating rollup Bazel rules. Instead leveraging the official
rollup rule.
* Not dealing with a third TS output flavor in Bazel.The ESM5 flavour has the
potential of slowing down local development (as it requires compilation replaying)
* Updating the rule to be aligned with current CLI optimizations.

This also _fixes_ a bug that surfaced in the old rollup bundle rule.
Code that is unused, is not removed properly. The new rule fixes this by
setting the `toplevel` flag. This instructs terser to remove unused
definitions at top-level. This matches the optimization applied in CLI
projects. Notably the CLI doesn't need this flag, as code is always
wrapped by Webpack. Hence, the unused code eliding runs by default.

PR Close #37623
2020-06-22 10:55:28 -07:00

213 lines
8.3 KiB

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"// 1": "Many developer of our checks/scripts/tools have moved to our ng-dev tool",
"// 2": "Find the usage you are looking for with:",
"// 3": "yarn ng-dev --help",
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"//circleci-win-comment": "See the test-win circleci job for why these are needed. If they are not needed anymore, remove them.",
"circleci-win-ve": "bazelisk test --build_tag_filters=-ivy-only --test_tag_filters=-ivy-only,-browser:chromium-local //packages/compiler-cli/... //tools/ts-api-guardian/...",
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"// 2": "devDependencies are not used under Bazel. Many can be removed after is deleted.",
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"// 4": "Overwrite graceful-fs to a version that does not rely on the 'natives' package. This fixes gulp for >= 10.13, more information: #28213",
"// 5": "Ensure a single version of webdriver-manager so it is hoisted as the integration tests depend on it being found at ../../node_modules/webdriver-manager",
"resolutions": {
"**/graceful-fs": "4.2.2",
"**/webdriver-manager": "12.1.7"
"cldr-data-coverage": "full",
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "yarn -s ng-dev commit-message pre-commit-validate --file-env-variable HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"