add test in gulpfile which will compile a basic TS file with generated angular2.d.ts to ensure generated d.ts is valid syntactic TS Adds support for enums in .d.ts generation pipeline. Removes renaming reexports in http module.
989 lines
28 KiB
989 lines
28 KiB
'use strict';
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
var del = require('del');
var format = require('gulp-clang-format');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var fork = require('child_process').fork;
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gulpPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var madge = require('madge');
var merge = require('merge');
var merge2 = require('merge2');
var path = require('path');
var watch = require('./tools/build/watch');
var transpile = require('./tools/build/transpile');
var pubget = require('./tools/build/pubget');
var linknodemodules = require('./tools/build/linknodemodules');
var pubbuild = require('./tools/build/pubbuild');
var dartanalyzer = require('./tools/build/dartanalyzer');
var jsserve = require('./tools/build/jsserve');
var pubserve = require('./tools/build/pubserve');
var karma = require('karma');
var minimist = require('minimist');
var runServerDartTests = require('./tools/build/run_server_dart_tests');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var tsc = require('gulp-typescript');
var util = require('./tools/build/util');
var bundler = require('./tools/build/bundle');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var insert = require('gulp-insert');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var shouldLog = require('./tools/build/logging');
requiredNpmVersion: '>=2.9.0',
requiredNodeVersion: '>=0.12.2'
// Make it easy to quiet down portions of the build.
// --logs=all -> log everything (This is the default)
// --logs=quiet -> log nothing
// --logs=<comma-separated-list> -> log listed items.
// Not all commands support optional logging, feel free
// to add support by adding a new key to this list,
// and toggling output from the command based on it.
var logs = {
dartfmt: shouldLog('dartfmt')
// dynamic require in so we can bootstrap TypeScript compilation
function throwToolsBuildMissingError() {
throw new Error('ERROR: task should have been run before using angularBuilder');
var angularBuilder = {
rebuildBrowserDevTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError,
rebuildBrowserProdTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError,
rebuildNodeTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError,
rebuildDartTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError,
mock: true
function sequenceComplete(done) {
return function (err) {
if (err) {
var error = new Error('build sequence failed');
error.showStack = false;
} else {
var treatTestErrorsAsFatal = true;
function runJasmineTests(globs, done) {
var args = ['--'].concat(globs);
fork('./tools/traceur-jasmine', args, {
stdio: 'inherit'
}).on('close', function jasmineCloseHandler(exitCode) {
if (exitCode && treatTestErrorsAsFatal) {
var err = new Error('Jasmine tests failed');
// Mark the error for gulp similar to how gulp-utils.PluginError does it.
// The stack is not useful in this context.
err.showStack = false;
} else {
// Note: when DART_SDK is not found, all gulp tasks ending with `.dart` will be skipped.
var DART_SDK = require('./tools/build/dartdetect')(gulp);
// -----------------------
// configuration
var CONFIG = {
dest: {
js: {
all: 'dist/js',
dev: {
es6: 'dist/js/dev/es6',
es5: 'dist/js/dev/es5'
prod: {
es6: 'dist/js/prod/es6',
es5: 'dist/js/prod/es5'
cjs: 'dist/js/cjs',
dart2js: 'dist/js/dart2js'
dart: 'dist/dart',
docs: 'dist/docs',
docs_angular_io: 'dist/'
// ------------
// clean
gulp.task('build/', function() {
del(path.join('dist', 'tools'));
gulp.task('build/clean.js', function(done) {
del(CONFIG.dest.js.all, done);
gulp.task('build/clean.dart', function(done) {
del(CONFIG.dest.dart, done);
gulp.task('build/', function(done) {
del(, done);
gulp.task('build/clean.docs_angular_io', function(done) {
del(CONFIG.dest.docs_angular_io, done);
// ------------
// transpile
gulp.task('build/tree.dart', ['build/clean.dart', ''], function(done) {
runSequence('!build/tree.dart', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('!build/tree.dart', function() {
return angularBuilder.rebuildDartTree();
// ------------
// pubspec
// Run a top-level `pub get` for this project.
gulp.task('pubget.dart', pubget.dir(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dir: '.', command: DART_SDK.PUB }));
// Run `pub get` only on the angular2 dir of CONFIG.dest.dart
gulp.task('!build/pubget.angular2.dart', pubget.dir(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dir: path.join(CONFIG.dest.dart, 'angular2'),
command: DART_SDK.PUB
// Run `pub get` over CONFIG.dest.dart
gulp.task('build/pubspec.dart', pubget.subDir(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dir: CONFIG.dest.dart,
command: DART_SDK.PUB
// ------------
// dartanalyzer
gulp.task('build/analyze.dart', dartanalyzer(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dest: CONFIG.dest.dart,
// ------------
// pubbuild
gulp.task('build/pubbuild.dart', pubbuild(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
src: CONFIG.dest.dart,
dest: CONFIG.dest.js.dart2js,
command: DART_SDK.PUB
// ------------
// formatting
function doCheckFormat() {
return gulp.src(['modules/**/*.ts', 'tools/**/*.ts', '!**/typings/**/*.d.ts'])
gulp.task('check-format', function() {
return doCheckFormat().on('warning', function(e) {
console.log("NOTE: this will be promoted to an ERROR in the continuous build");
gulp.task('enforce-format', function() {
return doCheckFormat().on('warning', function(e) {
console.log("ERROR: You forgot to run clang-format on your change.");
// ------------
// check circular dependencies in Node.js context
gulp.task('build/checkCircularDependencies', function (done) {
var dependencyObject = madge(, {
format: 'es6',
paths: [],
extensions: ['.js'],
onParseFile: function(data) {
data.src = data.src.replace(/import \* as/g, "//import * as");
var circularDependencies = dependencyObject.circular().getArray();
if (circularDependencies.length > 0) {
function jsServeDev() {
return jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
port: 8000
function jsServeProd() {
return jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
port: 8001
function jsServeDartJs() {
return jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
path: CONFIG.dest.js.dart2js,
port: 8002
// ------------------
// web servers
gulp.task('', [''], function(neverDone) {
watch('modules/**', { ignoreInitial: true }, '!');
gulp.task('', jsServeProd);
gulp.task('', ['', 'build.js.cjs', 'build.css.material'], function(neverDone) {
watch('modules/**', { ignoreInitial: true }, ['!', '!build.js.cjs']);
gulp.task('', ['', 'build.js.cjs', 'build.css.material'], function(neverDone) {
watch('modules/**', { ignoreInitial: true }, ['!', '!build.js.cjs']);
gulp.task('serve.js.dart2js', jsServeDartJs);
gulp.task('serve/examples.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/examples'
gulp.task('serve/benchmarks.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks'
gulp.task('serve/benchmarks_external.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks_external'
// --------------
// doc generation
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
var bower = require('bower');
var webserver = require('gulp-webserver');
gulp.task('docs/bower', function() {
var bowerTask = bower.commands.install(undefined, undefined, { cwd: 'docs' });
bowerTask.on('log', function (result) {
bowerTask.on('error', function(error) {
return bowerTask;
function createDocsTasks(publicBuild) {
var dgeniPackage = publicBuild ? './docs/public-docs-package' : './docs/dgeni-package';
var distDocsPath = publicBuild ? 'dist/public_docs' : 'dist/docs';
var taskPrefix = publicBuild ? 'public_docs' : 'docs';
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/dgeni', function() {
try {
var dgeni = new Dgeni([require(dgeniPackage)]);
return dgeni.generate();
} catch(x) {
throw x;
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/assets', ['docs/bower'], function() {
return gulp.src('docs/bower_components/**/*')
.pipe(gulp.dest(distDocsPath + '/lib'));
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/app', function() {
return gulp.src('docs/app/**/*')
gulp.task(taskPrefix, [taskPrefix + '/assets', taskPrefix + '/app', taskPrefix + '/dgeni']);
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/watch', function() {
return watch('docs/app/**/*', [taskPrefix + '/app']);
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/test', function (done) {
runJasmineTests(['docs/**/*.spec.js'], done);
gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/serve', function() {
gulp.src(distDocsPath + '/')
fallback: 'index.html'
gulp.task('docs/', ['build/clean.docs_angular_io'], function() {
try {
var dgeni = new Dgeni([require('./docs/')]);
return dgeni.generate();
} catch(x) {
throw x;
// ------------------
// CI tests suites
function runKarma(configFile, done) {
var cmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'node_modules\\.bin\\karma run ' :
'node node_modules/.bin/karma run ';
cmd += configFile;
exec(cmd, function(e, stdout) {
// ignore errors, we don't want to fail the build in the interactive (non-ci) mode
// karma server will print all test failures
gulp.task('test.js', function(done) {
runSequence('', 'test.transpiler.unittest', 'docs/test', 'test.unit.js/ci',
'test.unit.cjs/ci', 'test.typings', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('test.dart', function(done) {
runSequence('test.transpiler.unittest', 'docs/test', 'test.unit.dart/ci', sequenceComplete(done));
// Reuse the Travis scripts
// TODO: rename test_*.sh to test_all_*.sh
gulp.task('test.all.js', shell.task(['./scripts/ci/']))
gulp.task('test.all.dart', shell.task(['./scripts/ci/']))
// karma tests
// These tests run in the browser and are allowed to access
function getBrowsersFromCLI() {
var args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
return [args.browsers?args.browsers:'DartiumWithWebPlatform']
gulp.task('test.unit.js', [''], function (neverDone) {
function() {
watch('modules/**', [
gulp.task('!test.unit.js/karma-server', function() {
karma.server.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js', reporters: 'dots'});
gulp.task('!test.unit.js/karma-run', function(done) {
// run the run command in a new process to avoid duplicate logging by both server and runner from
// a single process
runKarma('karma-js.conf.js', done);
gulp.task('test.unit.dart', function (done) {
function(error) {
// if initial build failed (likely due to build or formatting step) then exit
// otherwise karma server doesn't start and we can't continue running properly
if (error) {
watch('modules/angular2/**', { ignoreInitial: true }, [
gulp.task('!test.unit.dart/karma-run', function (done) {
// run the run command in a new process to avoid duplicate logging by both server and runner from
// a single process
runKarma('karma-dart.conf.js', done);
gulp.task('!test.unit.dart/karma-server', function() {
karma.server.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-dart.conf.js', reporters: 'dots'});
gulp.task('test.unit.js/ci', function (done) {
karma.server.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js',
singleRun: true, reporters: ['dots'], browsers: getBrowsersFromCLI()}, done);
gulp.task('test.unit.dart/ci', function (done) {
karma.server.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-dart.conf.js',
singleRun: true, reporters: ['dots'], browsers: getBrowsersFromCLI()}, done);
gulp.task('test.unit.cjs/ci', function(done) {
runJasmineTests(['dist/js/cjs/{angular2,benchpress}/test/**/*_spec.js'], done);
gulp.task('test.unit.cjs', ['build/clean.js', ''], function (neverDone) {
treatTestErrorsAsFatal = false;
var buildAndTest = [
watch('modules/**', buildAndTest);
gulp.task('test.unit.dartvm', function (done) {
function(error) {
// if initial build failed (likely due to build or formatting step) then exit
// otherwise karma server doesn't start and we can't continue running properly
if (error) {
watch('modules/angular2/**', { ignoreInitial: true }, [
gulp.task('!test.unit.dartvm/run', runServerDartTests(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dir: 'dist/dart/angular2'
gulp.task('', function(done) {
runJasmineTests(['dist/tools/**/*.spec.js', 'tools/**/*.spec.js'], done);
gulp.task('', ['build/'], function(done) {
treatTestErrorsAsFatal = false;
var buildAndTest = [
watch(['tools/**', '!tools/**/test-fixtures/**'], buildAndTest);
// ------------------
// server tests
// These tests run on the VM on the command-line and are
// allowed to access the file system and network.
gulp.task('test.server.dart', runServerDartTests(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dest: 'dist/dart'
// -----------------
// test builders
gulp.task('test.transpiler.unittest', function(done) {
runJasmineTests(['tools/transpiler/unittest/**/*.js'], done);
// -----------------
// Pre/Post-test checks
gulp.task('pre-test-checks', function(done) {
runSequence('build/checkCircularDependencies', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('post-test-checks', function(done) {
runSequence('enforce-format', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('!pre.test.typings', [], function(done) {
return gulp
'modules/angular2/typings/**/*'], {
base: 'modules/angular2/typings/**'
// -----------------
// TODO: Use a version of TypeScript that matches what is used by DefinitelyTyped.
gulp.task('test.typings', ['!pre.test.typings'], function(done) {
var stream = gulp.src(['typings_spec/*.ts', 'dist/docs/typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts'])
.pipe(tsc({target: 'ES5', module: 'commonjs',
// Don't use the version of typescript that gulp-typescript depends on, we need 1.5
// see
typescript: require('typescript')}))
.on('error', function(error) {
// nodejs doesn't propagate errors from the src stream into the final stream so we are
// forwarding the error into the final stream
stream.emit('error', error);
// -----------------
// orchestrated targets
// Pure Dart packages only contain Dart code and conform to pub package layout.
// These packages need no transpilation. All code is copied over to `dist`
// unmodified and directory structure is preserved.
// This task also fixes relative `dependency_overrides` paths in `pubspec.yaml`
// files.
gulp.task('build/pure-packages.dart', function() {
var through2 = require('through2');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var originalPrefix = '../../dist/dart/';
return gulp
.pipe(through2.obj(function(file, enc, done) {
if (file.path.endsWith('pubspec.yaml')) {
// Pure packages specify dependency_overrides relative to
// `modules_dart`, so they have to walk up and into `dist`.
// Example:
// dependency_overrides:
// angular2:
// path: ../../dist/dart/angular2
// When we copy a pure package into `dist` the relative path
// must be updated. The code below replaces paths accordingly.
// So the example above is turned into:
// dependency_overrides:
// angular2:
// path: ../angular2
var pubspec = yaml.safeLoad(file.contents.toString());
var overrides = pubspec['dependency_overrides'];
if (overrides) {
Object.keys(overrides).forEach(function(pkg) {
var overridePath = overrides[pkg]['path'];
if (overridePath.startsWith(originalPrefix)) {
overrides[pkg]['path'] = overridePath.replace(originalPrefix, '../');
file.contents = new Buffer(yaml.safeDump(pubspec));
// Builds all Dart packages, but does not compile them
gulp.task('build/packages.dart', function(done) {
// Run after 'build/tree.dart' because broccoli clears the dist/dart folder
// Builds and compiles all Dart packages
gulp.task('build.dart', function(done) {
// public task to build tools
gulp.task('', ['build/'], function(done) {
runSequence('!', sequenceComplete(done));
// private task to build tools
gulp.task('!', function() {
var stream = gulp.src(['tools/**/*.ts'])
.pipe(tsc({target: 'ES5', module: 'commonjs',
// Don't use the version of typescript that gulp-typescript depends on, we need 1.5
// see
typescript: require('typescript')}))
.on('error', function(error) {
// nodejs doesn't propagate errors from the src stream into the final stream so we are
// forwarding the error into the final stream
stream.emit('error', error);
.on('end', function() {
var AngularBuilder = require('./dist/tools/broccoli/angular_builder').AngularBuilder;
angularBuilder = new AngularBuilder({
outputPath: 'dist',
logs: logs
return stream;
gulp.task('', [''], function(done) {
runSequence('!', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('!', function() {
return angularBuilder.rebuildBrowserDevTree();
gulp.task('!', function() {
return angularBuilder.rebuildBrowserProdTree();
gulp.task('', ['build/clean.js'], function(done) {
gulp.task('', [''], function(done) {
runSequence('!', sequenceComplete(done));
* public task
gulp.task('build.js.cjs', [''], function(done) {
runSequence('!build.js.cjs', sequenceComplete(done));
var firstBuildJsCjs = true;
* private task
gulp.task('!build.js.cjs', function() {
return angularBuilder.rebuildNodeTree().then(function() {
if (firstBuildJsCjs) {
firstBuildJsCjs = false;
console.log('creating node_modules symlink hack');
// linknodemodules is all sync
linknodemodules(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
dir: CONFIG.dest.js.cjs
var bundleConfig = {
paths: {
"*": "dist/js/prod/es6/*.js",
"rx": "node_modules/rx/dist/rx.js"
meta: {
// auto-detection fails to detect properly here -
'rx': {
format: 'cjs'
// production build
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
return bundler.bundle(
sourceMaps: true
// minified production build
gulp.task('bundle.js.min', [''], function() {
return bundler.bundle(
sourceMaps: true,
minify: true
// development build
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig);
devBundleConfig.paths =
merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, {
"*": "dist/js/dev/es6/*.js"
return bundler.bundle(
{ sourceMaps: true });
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig);
devBundleConfig.paths =
merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, {
"*": "dist/js/dev/es6/*.js"
return bundler.bundle(
'angular2/router - angular2/angular2',
{ sourceMaps: true });
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig);
devBundleConfig.paths =
merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, {
"*": "dist/js/dev/es6/*.js"
return bundler.bundle(
'angular2/mock - angular2/angular2',
{ sourceMaps: true });
// self-executing development build
// This bundle executes its main module - angular2_sfx, when loaded, without
// a corresponding System.import call. It is aimed at ES5 developers that do not
// use System loader polyfills (like system.js and es6 loader).
// see: (SFX bundles).
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig);
devBundleConfig.paths =
merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, {
'*': 'dist/js/dev/es6/*.js'
return bundler.bundle(
{ sourceMaps: true },
/* self-executing */ true);
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
return bundler.modify(
['node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone-microtask.js', 'node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js',
gulp.task('bundle.js.min.deps', ['bundle.js.min'], function() {
return bundler.modify(
'node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js', 'dist/build/angular2.min.js'],
var JS_DEV_DEPS = [
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
return bundler.modify(JS_DEV_DEPS.concat(['dist/build/']), '')
gulp.task('', [''], function() {
return bundler.modify(JS_DEV_DEPS.concat(['dist/build/']),
gulp.task('bundle.js.deps', ['', '', 'bundle.js.min.deps', '', '', '']);
gulp.task('build.js', ['', '', 'build.js.cjs', 'bundle.js.deps']);
gulp.task('clean', ['build/', 'build/clean.js', 'build/clean.dart', 'build/']);
gulp.task('build', ['build.js', 'build.dart']);
// ------------
// change detection codegen
gulp.task('build.change_detect.dart', function(done) {
return runSequence('build/packages.dart', '!build/pubget.angular2.dart',
'!build/change_detect.dart', done);
gulp.task('!build/change_detect.dart', function(done) {
var fs = require('fs');
var changeDetectDir = path.join(CONFIG.dest.dart, 'angular2/test/change_detection/');
var srcDir = path.join(changeDetectDir, 'generator');
var destDir = path.join(changeDetectDir, 'generated');
var dartStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(destDir, 'change_detector_classes.dart'));
var genMain = path.join(srcDir, 'gen_change_detectors.dart');
var proc = spawn(DART_SDK.VM, [genMain], { stdio:['ignore', 'pipe', 'inherit'] });
proc.on('error', function(code) {
done(new Error('Failed while generating change detector classes. Please run manually: ' +
DART_SDK.VM + ' ' + dartArgs.join(' ')));
proc.on('close', function() {
// ------------
// angular material testing rules
gulp.task('build.css.material', function() {
return gulp.src('modules/*/src/**/*.scss')
.pipe(gulp.dest(CONFIG.dest.js.dart2js + '/examples/packages'));
gulp.task('build.js.material', function(done) {
runSequence('', 'build.css.material', sequenceComplete(done));
gulp.task('build.dart2js.material', function(done) {
runSequence('build.dart', 'build.css.material', sequenceComplete(done));
// TODO: this target is temporary until we find a way to use the SASS transformer
gulp.task('build.dart.material', ['build/packages.dart'], function() {
return gulp.src('dist/dart/angular2_material/src/**/*.scss')
gulp.task('cleanup.builder', function(done) {
angularBuilder.cleanup().then(function() {
del('tmp', done); // TODO(iminar): remove after 2015-06-01
// this is here just to cleanup old files that we leaked in the past
// register cleanup listener for ctrl+c/kill used to quit any persistent task (autotest or serve tasks)
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
if (!angularBuilder.mock) {
runSequence('cleanup.builder', function () {
// register cleanup listener for all non-persistent tasks
var beforeExitRan = false;
process.on('beforeExit', function() {
if (beforeExitRan) return;
beforeExitRan = true;
if (!angularBuilder.mock) {