This commit updates the preview server tests to take advantage of features supported in the latest version of Jasmine that were not supported when the rests were first written. Changes include: - Use [async/await] in tests. - Use the new [toBeInstanceOf()] and [toHaveBeenCalledBefore()] matchers. - Use the new [toBeResolved()] and [toBeRejected()] async matchers (and their variants). - Use the new [withArgs()] method of `Spy` to simplify "trained" responses. - Use the new [resolveTo()]/[rejectWith()] methods of `SpyStrategy` (and their variants) to simplify promise-based spies. - Implement custom async matchers (via [addAsyncMatchers()]) to simplify certain tests. [addAsyncMatchers()]: [async/await]: [rejectWith()]: [resolveTo()]: [toBeInstanceOf()]: [toBeRejected()]: [toBeResolved()]: [toHaveBeenCalledBefore()]: [withArgs()]: PR Close #36837
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// Imports
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {join} from 'path';
import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils';
import {ALT_SHA, BuildNums, PrNums, SHA, SIMILAR_SHA} from './constants';
import {helper as h, makeCurl, payload} from './helper';
import {customMatchers} from './jasmine-custom-matchers';
// Tests
describe('preview-server', () => {
const host = `http://${hostname}:${port}`;
beforeEach(() => jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000);
beforeEach(() => jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers));
afterEach(() => h.cleanUp());
describe(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, {
defaultData: null,
defaultExtraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`,
defaultHeaders: [],
defaultMethod: 'GET',
it('should disallow non-GET requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'POST'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `-foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `nfoo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: '/f00'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: '/'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 500 if checking for significant file changes fails', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_404}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_404/)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_ERROR/)),
it('should respond with 200 (false) if no significant files were touched', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: false,
reason: 'No significant files touched.',
await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse));
it('should respond with 500 if checking "trusted" status fails', async () => {
await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, 'TRUST_CHECK_ERROR'));
it('should respond with 200 (false) if the PR is not automatically verifiable as "trusted"', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: false,
reason: 'Not automatically verifiable as \\"trusted\\".',
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
it('should respond with 200 (true) if the PR can have a public preview', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: true,
reason: null,
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
describe(`${host}/circle-build`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/circle-build`);
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({url: `${host}/foo/circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/foo-circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/fooncircle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build-foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-buildnfoo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/pr`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build42`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
it('should respond with 400 if the body is not valid', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: {} } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1 } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1, build_parameters: {} } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI API request errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 204 if the build on CircleCI failed', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_BUILD_FAILED)).then(h.verifyResponse(204));
it('should respond with 500 if the github org from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_ORG)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the github repo from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_REPO)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the github files API errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 204 if no significant files are changed by the PR', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE)).then(h.verifyResponse(204));
it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI artifact API fails', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_MISSING)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if fetching the artifact errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the GH trusted API fails', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should respond with 201 if a new public build is created', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).then(h.verifyResponse(201));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should respond with 202 if a new private build is created', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).then(h.verifyResponse(202));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
[true, false].forEach(isPublic => {
const label = isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public';
const overwriteRe = RegExp(`^Request to overwrite existing ${label} directory`);
const statusCode = isPublic ? 201 : 202;
describe(`for ${label} builds`, () => {
it('should extract the contents of the build artifact', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic))
.toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /index.html`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'foo/bar.js', isPublic))
.toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /foo/bar.js`);
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it(`should create files/directories owned by '${AIO_WWW_USER}'`, async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA);
const { stdout: allFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir}`);
const { stdout: userFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir} -user ${AIO_WWW_USER}`);
expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'index.html'));
expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should delete the build artifact file', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
expect({ prNum, SHA }).not.toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should make the build directory non-writable', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
// See
const isNotWritable = (fileOrDir: string) => {
const mode = fs.statSync(fileOrDir).mode;
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise
return !(mode & parseInt('222', 8));
const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA);
expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'index.html'))).toBe(true);
expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'))).toBe(true);
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should ignore a legacy 40-chars long build directory (even if it starts with the same chars)',
async () => {
// It is possible that 40-chars long build directories exist, if they had been deployed
// before implementing the shorter build directory names. In that case, we don't want the
// second (shorter) name to be considered the same as the old one (even if they originate
// from the same SHA).
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic, false, true);
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic, true);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content');
await curl(payload(build))
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, false)).toContain('index.html');
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild();
it(`should not overwrite existing builds`, async () => {
// setup a build already in place
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic);
// distinguish this build from the downloaded one
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe));
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it(`should not overwrite existing builds (even if the SHA is different)`, async () => {
// Since only the first few characters of the SHA are used, it is possible for two different
// SHAs to correspond to the same directory. In that case, we don't want the second SHA to
// overwrite the first.
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain('index.html');
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe));
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should only delete the SHA directory on error (for existing PR)', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic);
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
describe('when the PR\'s visibility has changed', () => {
it('should update the PR\'s visibility', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should not overwrite existing builds (but keep the updated visibility)', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, !isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic: !isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild();
// since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should?
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should reject the request if it fails to update the PR\'s visibility', async () => {
// One way to cause an error is to have both a public and a hidden directory for the same PR.
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic);
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic);
const errorRegex = new RegExp(`^Request to move '${h.getPrDir(prNum, !isPublic)}' ` +
`to existing directory '${h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic)}'.`);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, errorRegex));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild();
// The bad folders should have been deleted
expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic: !isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
// since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should?
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
describe(`${host}/health-check`, () => {
it('should respond with 200', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should respond with 404 if the path does not match exactly', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check-foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-checknfoo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo-health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foonhealth-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
describe(`${host}/pr-updated`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/pr-updated`);
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 400 for requests without a payload', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 400 for requests without a \'number\' field', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
curl({ data: { number: null} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
it('should reject requests for which checking the PR visibility fails', async () => {
await curl({ data: { number: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR } }).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /TRUST_CHECK_ERROR/));
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const mockPayload = JSON.stringify({number: 1}); // MockExternalApiFlags.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER });
const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX POST --data "${mockPayload}" ${host}`;
await Promise.all([
it('should do nothing if PR\'s visibility is already up-to-date', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => {
// Public build is already public.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
// Hidden build is already hidden.
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, true);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, false);
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
// Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change.
it('should do nothing if \'action\' implies no visibility change', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => {
// Public build is hidden atm.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
// Hidden build is public atm.
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true);
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
// Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change.
describe('when the visiblity has changed', () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
beforeEach(() => {
// Create initial PR builds with opposite visibilities as the ones that will be reported:
// - The now public PR was previously hidden.
// - The now hidden PR was previously public.
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
afterEach(() => {
// Expect PRs' visibility to have been updated:
// - The public PR should be actually public (previously it was hidden).
// - The hidden PR should be actually hidden (previously it was public).
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild();
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: undefined)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: labeled)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: unlabeled)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
describe(`${host}/*`, () => {
it('should respond with 404 for requests to unknown URLs', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/;
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),