Each node now has two index: nodeIndex and checkIndex. nodeIndex is the index in both the view definition and the view data. checkIndex is the index in in the update function (update directives and update renderer). While nodeIndex and checkIndex have the same value for now, having both of them will allow changing the structure of view definition after compilation (ie for runtime translations).
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Injector, NgModuleRef} from '@angular/core';
import {ArgumentType, NodeCheckFn, NodeDef, Services, ViewData, ViewDefinition, ViewDefinitionFactory, ViewFlags, ViewUpdateFn, initServicesIfNeeded, rootRenderNodes, viewDef} from '@angular/core/src/view/index';
import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter';
export function isBrowser() {
return getDOM().supportsDOMEvents();
export const ARG_TYPE_VALUES = [ArgumentType.Inline, ArgumentType.Dynamic];
export function checkNodeInlineOrDynamic(
check: NodeCheckFn, view: ViewData, nodeIndex: number, argType: ArgumentType,
values: any[]): any {
switch (argType) {
case ArgumentType.Inline:
return (<any>check)(view, nodeIndex, argType, ...values);
case ArgumentType.Dynamic:
return check(view, nodeIndex, argType, values);
export function createRootView(
def: ViewDefinition, context?: any, projectableNodes?: any[][],
rootSelectorOrNode?: any): ViewData {
return Services.createRootView(
TestBed.get(Injector), projectableNodes || [], rootSelectorOrNode, def,
TestBed.get(NgModuleRef), context);
export function createEmbeddedView(parent: ViewData, anchorDef: NodeDef, context?: any): ViewData {
return Services.createEmbeddedView(parent, anchorDef, anchorDef.element !.template !, context);
export function compViewDef(
nodes: NodeDef[], updateDirectives?: null | ViewUpdateFn, updateRenderer?: null | ViewUpdateFn,
viewFlags: ViewFlags = ViewFlags.None): ViewDefinition {
const def = viewDef(viewFlags, nodes, updateDirectives, updateRenderer);
def.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
if (node.nodeIndex !== index) {
throw new Error('nodeIndex should be the same as the index of the node');
// This check should be removed when we start reordering nodes at runtime
if (node.checkIndex > -1 && node.checkIndex !== node.nodeIndex) {
throw new Error(
`nodeIndex and checkIndex should be the same, got ${node.nodeIndex} !== ${node.checkIndex}`);
return def;
export function compViewDefFactory(
nodes: NodeDef[], updateDirectives?: null | ViewUpdateFn, updateRenderer?: null | ViewUpdateFn,
viewFlags: ViewFlags = ViewFlags.None): ViewDefinitionFactory {
return () => compViewDef(nodes, updateDirectives, updateRenderer, viewFlags);
export function createAndGetRootNodes(
viewDef: ViewDefinition, ctx?: any): {rootNodes: any[], view: ViewData} {
const view = createRootView(viewDef, ctx);
const rootNodes = rootRenderNodes(view);
return {rootNodes, view};
let removeNodes: Node[];
beforeEach(() => { removeNodes = []; });
afterEach(() => { removeNodes.forEach((node) => getDOM().remove(node)); });
export function recordNodeToRemove(node: Node) {
export function callMostRecentEventListenerHandler(spy: any, params: any) {
const mostRecent = spy.calls.mostRecent();
if (!mostRecent) {
const obj = mostRecent.object;
const args = mostRecent.args;
const eventName = args[0];
const handler = args[1];
handler && handler.apply(obj, [{type: eventName}]);
} |