2015-06-12 19:05:51 +02:00

403 lines
13 KiB

import {isPresent, isBlank, RegExpWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {List, Map, MapWrapper, StringMap, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {ASTWithSource} from 'angular2/change_detection';
* General notes:
* The methods for creating / destroying views in this API are used in the AppViewHydrator
* and RenderViewHydrator as well.
* We are already parsing expressions on the render side:
* - this makes the ElementBinders more compact
* (e.g. no need to distinguish interpolations from regular expressions from literals)
* - allows to retrieve which properties should be accessed from the event
* by looking at the expression
* - we need the parse at least for the `template` attribute to match
* directives in it
* - render compiler is not on the critical path as
* its output will be stored in precompiled templates.
export class EventBinding {
fullName: string; // name/target:name, e.g "click", "window:resize"
source: ASTWithSource;
constructor(fullName: string, source: ASTWithSource) {
this.fullName = fullName;
this.source = source;
export class ElementBinder {
index: number;
parentIndex: number;
distanceToParent: number;
directives: List<DirectiveBinder>;
nestedProtoView: ProtoViewDto;
propertyBindings: Map<string, ASTWithSource>;
variableBindings: Map<string, string>;
// Note: this contains a preprocessed AST
// that replaced the values that should be extracted from the element
// with a local name
eventBindings: List<EventBinding>;
textBindings: List<ASTWithSource>;
readAttributes: Map<string, string>;
constructor({index, parentIndex, distanceToParent, directives, nestedProtoView, propertyBindings,
variableBindings, eventBindings, textBindings, readAttributes}: {
index?: number,
parentIndex?: number,
distanceToParent?: number,
directives?: List<DirectiveBinder>,
nestedProtoView?: ProtoViewDto,
propertyBindings?: Map<string, ASTWithSource>,
variableBindings?: Map<string, string>,
eventBindings?: List<EventBinding>,
textBindings?: List<ASTWithSource>,
readAttributes?: Map<string, string>
} = {}) {
this.index = index;
this.parentIndex = parentIndex;
this.distanceToParent = distanceToParent;
this.directives = directives;
this.nestedProtoView = nestedProtoView;
this.propertyBindings = propertyBindings;
this.variableBindings = variableBindings;
this.eventBindings = eventBindings;
this.textBindings = textBindings;
this.readAttributes = readAttributes;
export class DirectiveBinder {
// Index into the array of directives in the View instance
directiveIndex: number;
propertyBindings: Map<string, ASTWithSource>;
// Note: this contains a preprocessed AST
// that replaced the values that should be extracted from the element
// with a local name
eventBindings: List<EventBinding>;
hostPropertyBindings: Map<string, ASTWithSource>;
constructor({directiveIndex, propertyBindings, eventBindings, hostPropertyBindings}: {
directiveIndex?: number,
propertyBindings?: Map<string, ASTWithSource>,
eventBindings?: List<EventBinding>,
hostPropertyBindings?: Map<string, ASTWithSource>
}) {
this.directiveIndex = directiveIndex;
this.propertyBindings = propertyBindings;
this.eventBindings = eventBindings;
this.hostPropertyBindings = hostPropertyBindings;
export enum ViewType {
// A view that contains the host element with bound component directive.
// Contains a COMPONENT view
// The view of the component
// Can contain 0 to n EMBEDDED views
// A view that is embedded into another View via a <template> element
// inside of a COMPONENT view
export class ProtoViewDto {
render: RenderProtoViewRef;
elementBinders: List<ElementBinder>;
variableBindings: Map<string, string>;
type: ViewType;
constructor({render, elementBinders, variableBindings, type}: {
render?: RenderProtoViewRef,
elementBinders?: List<ElementBinder>,
variableBindings?: Map<string, string>,
type?: ViewType
}) {
this.render = render;
this.elementBinders = elementBinders;
this.variableBindings = variableBindings;
this.type = type;
// group 1: property from "[property]"
// group 2: event from "(event)"
// group 3: action from "@action"
var hostRegExp = RegExpWrapper.create('^(?:(?:\\[([^\\]]+)\\])|(?:\\(([^\\)]+)\\))|(?:@(.+)))$');
export class DirectiveMetadata {
static get DIRECTIVE_TYPE() { return 0; }
static get COMPONENT_TYPE() { return 1; }
id: any;
selector: string;
compileChildren: boolean;
events: List<string>;
properties: List<string>;
readAttributes: List<string>;
type: number;
callOnDestroy: boolean;
callOnChange: boolean;
callOnCheck: boolean;
callOnInit: boolean;
callOnAllChangesDone: boolean;
changeDetection: string;
exportAs: string;
hostListeners: Map<string, string>;
hostProperties: Map<string, string>;
hostAttributes: Map<string, string>;
hostActions: Map<string, string>;
constructor({id, selector, compileChildren, events, hostListeners, hostProperties, hostAttributes,
hostActions, properties, readAttributes, type, callOnDestroy, callOnChange,
callOnCheck, callOnInit, callOnAllChangesDone, changeDetection, exportAs}: {
id?: string,
selector?: string,
compileChildren?: boolean,
events?: List<string>,
hostListeners?: Map<string, string>,
hostProperties?: Map<string, string>,
hostAttributes?: Map<string, string>,
hostActions?: Map<string, string>,
properties?: List<string>,
readAttributes?: List<string>,
type?: number,
callOnDestroy?: boolean,
callOnChange?: boolean,
callOnCheck?: boolean,
callOnInit?: boolean,
callOnAllChangesDone?: boolean,
changeDetection?: string,
exportAs?: string
}) {
this.id = id;
this.selector = selector;
this.compileChildren = isPresent(compileChildren) ? compileChildren : true;
this.events = events;
this.hostListeners = hostListeners;
this.hostAttributes = hostAttributes;
this.hostProperties = hostProperties;
this.hostActions = hostActions;
this.properties = properties;
this.readAttributes = readAttributes;
this.type = type;
this.callOnDestroy = callOnDestroy;
this.callOnChange = callOnChange;
this.callOnCheck = callOnCheck;
this.callOnInit = callOnInit;
this.callOnAllChangesDone = callOnAllChangesDone;
this.changeDetection = changeDetection;
this.exportAs = exportAs;
static create({id, selector, compileChildren, events, host, properties, readAttributes, type,
callOnDestroy, callOnChange, callOnCheck, callOnInit, callOnAllChangesDone,
changeDetection, exportAs}: {
id?: string,
selector?: string,
compileChildren?: boolean,
events?: List<string>,
host?: Map<string, string>,
properties?: List<string>,
readAttributes?: List<string>,
type?: number,
callOnDestroy?: boolean,
callOnChange?: boolean,
callOnCheck?: boolean,
callOnInit?: boolean,
callOnAllChangesDone?: boolean,
changeDetection?: string,
exportAs?: string
}) {
let hostListeners = MapWrapper.create();
let hostProperties = MapWrapper.create();
let hostAttributes = MapWrapper.create();
let hostActions = MapWrapper.create();
if (isPresent(host)) {
MapWrapper.forEach(host, (value: string, key: string) => {
var matches = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(hostRegExp, key);
if (isBlank(matches)) {
MapWrapper.set(hostAttributes, key, value);
} else if (isPresent(matches[1])) {
MapWrapper.set(hostProperties, matches[1], value);
} else if (isPresent(matches[2])) {
MapWrapper.set(hostListeners, matches[2], value);
} else if (isPresent(matches[3])) {
MapWrapper.set(hostActions, matches[3], value);
return new DirectiveMetadata({
id: id,
selector: selector,
compileChildren: compileChildren,
events: events,
hostListeners: hostListeners,
hostProperties: hostProperties,
hostAttributes: hostAttributes,
hostActions: hostActions,
properties: properties,
readAttributes: readAttributes,
type: type,
callOnDestroy: callOnDestroy,
callOnChange: callOnChange,
callOnCheck: callOnCheck,
callOnInit: callOnInit,
callOnAllChangesDone: callOnAllChangesDone,
changeDetection: changeDetection,
exportAs: exportAs
// An opaque reference to a DomProtoView
export class RenderProtoViewRef {}
// An opaque reference to a DomView
export class RenderViewRef {}
export class ViewDefinition {
componentId: string;
absUrl: string;
template: string;
directives: List<DirectiveMetadata>;
constructor({componentId, absUrl, template, directives}: {
componentId?: string,
absUrl?: string,
template?: string,
directives?: List<DirectiveMetadata>
}) {
this.componentId = componentId;
this.absUrl = absUrl;
this.template = template;
this.directives = directives;
export class RenderCompiler {
* Creats a ProtoViewDto that contains a single nested component with the given componentId.
compileHost(directiveMetadata: DirectiveMetadata): Promise<ProtoViewDto> { return null; }
* Compiles a single DomProtoView. Non recursive so that
* we don't need to serialize all possible components over the wire,
* but only the needed ones based on previous calls.
compile(template: ViewDefinition): Promise<ProtoViewDto> { return null; }
export class Renderer {
* Creates a root host view that includes the given element.
* @param {RenderProtoViewRef} hostProtoViewRef a RenderProtoViewRef of type
* @param {any} hostElementSelector css selector for the host element (will be queried against the
* main document)
* @return {RenderViewRef} the created view
createRootHostView(hostProtoViewRef: RenderProtoViewRef,
hostElementSelector: string): RenderViewRef {
return null;
* Detaches a free view's element from the DOM.
detachFreeView(view: RenderViewRef) {}
* Creates a regular view out of the given ProtoView
createView(protoViewRef: RenderProtoViewRef): RenderViewRef { return null; }
* Destroys the given view after it has been dehydrated and detached
destroyView(viewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Attaches a componentView into the given hostView at the given element
attachComponentView(hostViewRef: RenderViewRef, elementIndex: number,
componentViewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Detaches a componentView into the given hostView at the given element
detachComponentView(hostViewRef: RenderViewRef, boundElementIndex: number,
componentViewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Attaches a view into a ViewContainer (in the given parentView at the given element) at the
* given index.
attachViewInContainer(parentViewRef: RenderViewRef, boundElementIndex: number, atIndex: number,
viewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Detaches a view into a ViewContainer (in the given parentView at the given element) at the
* given index.
// TODO(tbosch): this should return a promise as it can be animated!
detachViewInContainer(parentViewRef: RenderViewRef, boundElementIndex: number, atIndex: number,
viewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Hydrates a view after it has been attached. Hydration/dehydration is used for reusing views
* inside of the view pool.
hydrateView(viewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Dehydrates a view after it has been attached. Hydration/dehydration is used for reusing views
* inside of the view pool.
dehydrateView(viewRef: RenderViewRef) {}
* Sets a property on an element.
* Note: This will fail if the property was not mentioned previously as a host property
* in the ProtoView
setElementProperty(viewRef: RenderViewRef, elementIndex: number, propertyName: string,
propertyValue: any) {}
* Calls an action.
* Note: This will fail if the action was not mentioned previously as a host action
* in the ProtoView
callAction(viewRef: RenderViewRef, elementIndex: number, actionExpression: string,
actionArgs: any) {}
* Sets the value of a text node.
setText(viewRef: RenderViewRef, textNodeIndex: number, text: string) {}
* Sets the dispatcher for all events of the given view
setEventDispatcher(viewRef: RenderViewRef, dispatcher: EventDispatcher) {}
* A dispatcher for all events happening in a view.
export interface EventDispatcher {
* Called when an event was triggered for a on-* attribute on an element.
* @param {Map<string, any>} locals Locals to be used to evaluate the
* event expressions
dispatchEvent(elementIndex: number, eventName: string, locals: Map<string, any>);