Joey Perrott d1ea1f4c7f build: update license headers to reference Google LLC ()
Update the license headers throughout the repository to reference Google LLC
rather than Google Inc, for the required license headers.

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2020-05-26 14:26:58 -04:00

452 lines
14 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {core} from '@angular/compiler';
import {DirectiveResolver} from '@angular/compiler/src/directive_resolver';
import {Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, Directive, HostBinding, HostListener, Input, Output, ViewChild, ViewChildren} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {JitReflector} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/src/compiler_reflector';
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective'})
class SomeDirective {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', inputs: ['c']})
class SomeDirectiveWithInputs {
@Input() a: any;
@Input('renamed') b: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', outputs: ['c']})
class SomeDirectiveWithOutputs {
@Output() a: any;
@Output('renamed') b: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective'})
class SomeDirectiveWithSetterProps {
set a(value: any) {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective'})
class SomeDirectiveWithGetterOutputs {
get a(): any {
return null;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', host: {'[c]': 'c'}})
class SomeDirectiveWithHostBindings {
@HostBinding() a: any;
@HostBinding('renamed') b: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', host: {'(c)': 'onC()'}})
class SomeDirectiveWithHostListeners {
onA() {
@HostListener('b', ['$event.value'])
onB(value: any) {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', queries: {'cs': new ContentChildren('c')}})
class SomeDirectiveWithContentChildren {
@ContentChildren('a') as: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', queries: {'cs': new ViewChildren('c')}})
class SomeDirectiveWithViewChildren {
@ViewChildren('a') as: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', queries: {'c': new ContentChild('c')}})
class SomeDirectiveWithContentChild {
@ContentChild('a') a: any;
c: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', queries: {'c': new ViewChild('c')}})
class SomeDirectiveWithViewChild {
@ViewChild('a') a: any;
c: any;
selector: 'sample',
template: 'some template',
styles: ['some styles'],
preserveWhitespaces: true
class ComponentWithTemplate {
selector: 'someDirective',
host: {'[decorator]': 'decorator'},
inputs: ['decorator'],
class SomeDirectiveWithSameHostBindingAndInput {
@Input() @HostBinding() prop: any;
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective'})
class SomeDirectiveWithMalformedHostBinding1 {
onA() {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective'})
class SomeDirectiveWithMalformedHostBinding2 {
onA() {
class SomeDirectiveWithoutMetadata {}
describe('DirectiveResolver', () => {
let resolver: DirectiveResolver;
beforeEach(() => {
resolver = new DirectiveResolver(new JitReflector());
it('should read out the Directive metadata', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirective);
selector: 'someDirective',
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
host: {},
queries: {},
guards: {},
exportAs: undefined,
providers: undefined
it('should throw if not matching metadata is found', () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError('No Directive annotation found on SomeDirectiveWithoutMetadata');
it('should support inheriting the Directive metadata', function() {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
class ChildNoDecorator extends Parent {}
@Directive({selector: 'c'})
class ChildWithDecorator extends Parent {
selector: 'p',
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
host: {},
queries: {},
guards: {},
exportAs: undefined,
providers: undefined
selector: 'c',
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
host: {},
queries: {},
guards: {},
exportAs: undefined,
providers: undefined
describe('inputs', () => {
it('should append directive inputs', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithInputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['c', 'a', 'b: renamed']);
it('should work with getters and setters', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithSetterProps);
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['a: renamed']);
it('should remove duplicate inputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', inputs: ['a', 'a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs);
it('should use the last input if duplicate inputs (with rename)', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', inputs: ['a', 'localA: a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['localA: a']);
it('should prefer @Input over @Directive.inputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', inputs: ['a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs {
@Input('a') propA: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateInputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['propA: a']);
it('should support inheriting inputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
@Input() p1: any;
@Input('p21') p2: any;
class Child extends Parent {
@Input('p22') p2: any;
@Input() p3: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['p1', 'p2: p22', 'p3']);
describe('outputs', () => {
it('should append directive outputs', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithOutputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.outputs).toEqual(['c', 'a', 'b: renamed']);
it('should work with getters and setters', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithGetterOutputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.outputs).toEqual(['a: renamed']);
it('should remove duplicate outputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', outputs: ['a', 'a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs);
it('should use the last output if duplicate outputs (with rename)', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', outputs: ['a', 'localA: a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.outputs).toEqual(['localA: a']);
it('should prefer @Output over @Directive.outputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'someDirective', outputs: ['a']})
class SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs {
@Output('a') propA: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithDuplicateOutputs);
expect(directiveMetadata.outputs).toEqual(['propA: a']);
it('should support inheriting outputs', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
@Output() p1: any;
@Output('p21') p2: any;
class Child extends Parent {
@Output('p22') p2: any;
@Output() p3: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
expect(directiveMetadata.outputs).toEqual(['p1', 'p2: p22', 'p3']);
describe('host', () => {
it('should append host bindings', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithHostBindings);
expect({'[c]': 'c', '[a]': 'a', '[renamed]': 'b'});
it('should append host binding and input on the same property', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithSameHostBindingAndInput);
expect({'[decorator]': 'decorator', '[prop]': 'prop'});
expect(directiveMetadata.inputs).toEqual(['decorator', 'prop']);
it('should append host listeners', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithHostListeners);
.toEqual({'(c)': 'onC()', '(a)': 'onA()', '(b)': 'onB($event.value)'});
it('should throw when @HostBinding name starts with "("', () => {
expect(() => resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithMalformedHostBinding1))
.toThrowError('@HostBinding can not bind to events. Use @HostListener instead.');
it('should throw when @HostBinding name starts with "["', () => {
expect(() => resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithMalformedHostBinding2))
`@HostBinding parameter should be a property name, 'class.<name>', or 'attr.<name>'.`);
it('should support inheriting host bindings', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
@HostBinding() p1: any;
@HostBinding('p21') p2: any;
class Child extends Parent {
@HostBinding('p22') p2: any;
@HostBinding() p3: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
.toEqual({'[p1]': 'p1', '[p21]': 'p2', '[p22]': 'p2', '[p3]': 'p3'});
it('should support inheriting host listeners', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
p1() {
p2() {
class Child extends Parent {
p2() {
p3() {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
.toEqual({'(p1)': 'p1()', '(p21)': 'p2()', '(p22)': 'p2()', '(p3)': 'p3()'});
it('should combine host bindings and listeners during inheritance', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
p1() {
@HostBinding('p21') @HostBinding('p22') p2: any;
class Child extends Parent {
p1() {
@HostBinding('c2') p2: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
'(p11)': 'p1()',
'(p12)': 'p1()',
'(c1)': 'p1()',
'[p21]': 'p2',
'[p22]': 'p2',
'[c2]': 'p2'
describe('queries', () => {
it('should append ContentChildren', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithContentChildren);
.toEqual({'cs': new ContentChildren('c'), 'as': new ContentChildren('a')});
it('should append ViewChildren', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithViewChildren);
.toEqual({'cs': new ViewChildren('c'), 'as': new ViewChildren('a')});
it('should append ContentChild', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithContentChild);
.toEqual({'c': new ContentChild('c'), 'a': new ContentChild('a')});
it('should append ViewChild', () => {
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(SomeDirectiveWithViewChild);
.toEqual({'c': new ViewChild('c'), 'a': new ViewChild('a')});
it('should support inheriting queries', () => {
@Directive({selector: 'p'})
class Parent {
@ContentChild('p1') p1: any;
@ContentChild('p21') p2: any;
class Child extends Parent {
@ContentChild('p22') p2: any;
@ContentChild('p3') p3: any;
const directiveMetadata = resolver.resolve(Child);
'p1': new ContentChild('p1'),
'p2': new ContentChild('p22'),
'p3': new ContentChild('p3')
describe('Component', () => {
it('should read out the template related metadata from the Component metadata', () => {
const compMetadata: Component = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithTemplate);
expect(compMetadata.template).toEqual('some template');
expect(compMetadata.styles).toEqual(['some styles']);