839 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {ViewEncapsulation} from '../metadata/view';
import {assertLContainer, assertLView} from './assert';
import {attachPatchData} from './context_discovery';
import {CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET, LContainer, NATIVE, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused1} from './interfaces/container';
import {ComponentDef} from './interfaces/definition';
import {NodeInjectorFactory} from './interfaces/injector';
import {TElementNode, TNode, TNodeFlags, TNodeType, TProjectionNode, TViewNode, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused2} from './interfaces/node';
import {unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused3} from './interfaces/projection';
import {ProceduralRenderer3, RComment, RElement, RNode, RText, Renderer3, isProceduralRenderer, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused4} from './interfaces/renderer';
import {CHILD_HEAD, CLEANUP, FLAGS, HookData, LView, LViewFlags, NEXT, PARENT, QUERIES, RENDERER, TVIEW, T_HOST, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused5} from './interfaces/view';
import {assertNodeType} from './node_assert';
import {renderStringify} from './util/misc_utils';
import {findComponentView, getLViewParent} from './util/view_traversal_utils';
import {getNativeByTNode, isComponent, isLContainer, isLView, isRootView, unwrapRNode, viewAttachedToContainer} from './util/view_utils';
const unusedValueToPlacateAjd = unused1 + unused2 + unused3 + unused4 + unused5;
export function getLContainer(tNode: TViewNode, embeddedView: LView): LContainer|null {
ngDevMode && assertLView(embeddedView);
const container = embeddedView[PARENT] as LContainer;
if (tNode.index === -1) {
// This is a dynamically created view inside a dynamic container.
// The parent isn't an LContainer if the embedded view hasn't been attached yet.
return isLContainer(container) ? container : null;
} else {
ngDevMode && assertLContainer(container);
// This is a inline view node (e.g. embeddedViewStart)
return container;
* Retrieves render parent for a given view.
* Might be null if a view is not yet attached to any container.
function getContainerRenderParent(tViewNode: TViewNode, view: LView): RElement|null {
const container = getLContainer(tViewNode, view);
return container ? nativeParentNode(view[RENDERER], container[NATIVE]) : null;
const enum WalkTNodeTreeAction {
/** node insert in the native environment */
Insert = 0,
/** node detach from the native environment */
Detach = 1,
/** node destruction using the renderer's API */
Destroy = 2,
* Stack used to keep track of projection nodes in walkTNodeTree.
* This is deliberately created outside of walkTNodeTree to avoid allocating
* a new array each time the function is called. Instead the array will be
* re-used by each invocation. This works because the function is not reentrant.
const projectionNodeStack: (LView | TNode)[] = [];
* Walks a tree of TNodes, applying a transformation on the element nodes, either only on the first
* one found, or on all of them.
* @param viewToWalk the view to walk
* @param action identifies the action to be performed on the elements
* @param renderer the current renderer.
* @param renderParent Optional the render parent node to be set in all LContainers found,
* required for action modes Insert and Destroy.
* @param beforeNode Optional the node before which elements should be added, required for action
* Insert.
function walkTNodeTree(
viewToWalk: LView, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, renderer: Renderer3,
renderParent: RElement | null, beforeNode?: RNode | null): void {
const rootTNode = viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TViewNode;
let projectionNodeIndex = -1;
let currentView = viewToWalk;
let tNode: TNode|null = rootTNode.child as TNode;
while (tNode) {
let nextTNode: TNode|null = null;
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Element || tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
action, renderer, renderParent, getNativeByTNode(tNode, currentView), tNode, beforeNode);
const nodeOrContainer = currentView[tNode.index];
if (isLContainer(nodeOrContainer)) {
// This element has an LContainer, and its comment needs to be handled
action, renderer, renderParent, nodeOrContainer[NATIVE], tNode, beforeNode);
const firstView = nodeOrContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
if (firstView) {
currentView = firstView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].node;
// When the walker enters a container, then the beforeNode has to become the local native
// comment node.
beforeNode = nodeOrContainer[NATIVE];
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Container) {
const lContainer = currentView ![tNode.index] as LContainer;
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, lContainer[NATIVE], tNode, beforeNode);
const firstView = lContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
if (firstView) {
currentView = firstView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].node;
// When the walker enters a container, then the beforeNode has to become the local native
// comment node.
beforeNode = lContainer[NATIVE];
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Projection) {
const componentView = findComponentView(currentView !);
const componentHost = componentView[T_HOST] as TElementNode;
const head: TNode|null =
(componentHost.projection as(TNode | null)[])[tNode.projection as number];
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
for (let nativeNode of head) {
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, nativeNode, tNode, beforeNode);
} else {
// Must store both the TNode and the view because this projection node could be nested
// deeply inside embedded views, and we need to get back down to this particular nested
// view.
projectionNodeStack[++projectionNodeIndex] = tNode;
projectionNodeStack[++projectionNodeIndex] = currentView !;
if (head) {
currentView = componentView[PARENT] !as LView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].data[head.index] as TNode;
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a View
nextTNode = tNode.child;
if (nextTNode === null) {
// this last node was projected, we need to get back down to its projection node
if (tNode.projectionNext === null && (tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.isProjected)) {
currentView = projectionNodeStack[projectionNodeIndex--] as LView;
tNode = projectionNodeStack[projectionNodeIndex--] as TNode;
if (tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.isProjected) {
nextTNode = tNode.projectionNext;
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
nextTNode = tNode.child || tNode.next;
} else {
nextTNode = tNode.next;
* Find the next node in the TNode tree, taking into account the place where a node is
* projected (in the shadow DOM) rather than where it comes from (in the light DOM).
* If there is no sibling node, then it goes to the next sibling of the parent node...
* until it reaches rootNode (at which point null is returned).
while (!nextTNode) {
// If parent is null, we're crossing the view boundary, so we should get the host TNode.
tNode = tNode.parent || currentView[T_HOST];
if (tNode === null || tNode === rootTNode) return;
// When exiting a container, the beforeNode must be restored to the previous value
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Container) {
currentView = getLViewParent(currentView) !;
beforeNode = currentView[tNode.index][NATIVE];
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.View) {
* If current lView doesn't have next pointer, we try to find it by going up parents
* chain until:
* - we find an lView with a next pointer
* - or find a tNode with a parent that has a next pointer
* - or find a lContainer
* - or reach root TNode (in which case we exit, since we traversed all nodes)
while (!currentView[NEXT] && currentView[PARENT] &&
!(tNode.parent && tNode.parent.next)) {
if (tNode === rootTNode) return;
currentView = currentView[PARENT] as LView;
if (isLContainer(currentView)) {
tNode = currentView[T_HOST] !;
currentView = currentView[PARENT];
beforeNode = currentView[tNode.index][NATIVE];
tNode = currentView[T_HOST] !;
if (currentView[NEXT]) {
currentView = currentView[NEXT] as LView;
nextTNode = currentView[T_HOST];
} else {
nextTNode = tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer && tNode.child || tNode.next;
} else {
nextTNode = tNode.next;
tNode = nextTNode;
* NOTE: for performance reasons, the possible actions are inlined within the function instead of
* being passed as an argument.
function executeNodeAction(
action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement | null, node: RNode,
tNode: TNode, beforeNode?: RNode | null) {
if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Insert) {
nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent !, node, beforeNode || null);
} else if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach) {
nativeRemoveNode(renderer, node, isComponent(tNode));
} else if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Destroy) {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererDestroyNode++;
(renderer as ProceduralRenderer3).destroyNode !(node);
export function createTextNode(value: any, renderer: Renderer3): RText {
return isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.createText(renderStringify(value)) :
* Adds or removes all DOM elements associated with a view.
* Because some root nodes of the view may be containers, we sometimes need
* to propagate deeply into the nested containers to remove all elements in the
* views beneath it.
* @param viewToWalk The view from which elements should be added or removed
* @param insertMode Whether or not elements should be added (if false, removing)
* @param beforeNode The node before which elements should be added, if insert mode
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(
viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: true, beforeNode: RNode | null): void;
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: false): void;
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(
viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: boolean, beforeNode?: RNode | null): void {
const renderParent = getContainerRenderParent(viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TViewNode, viewToWalk);
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TNode, TNodeType.View);
if (renderParent) {
const renderer = viewToWalk[RENDERER];
viewToWalk, insertMode ? WalkTNodeTreeAction.Insert : WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach, renderer,
renderParent, beforeNode);
* Detach a `LView` from the DOM by detaching its nodes.
* @param lView the `LView` to be detached.
export function renderDetachView(lView: LView) {
walkTNodeTree(lView, WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach, lView[RENDERER], null);
* Traverses down and up the tree of views and containers to remove listeners and
* call onDestroy callbacks.
* Notes:
* - Because it's used for onDestroy calls, it needs to be bottom-up.
* - Must process containers instead of their views to avoid splicing
* when views are destroyed and re-added.
* - Using a while loop because it's faster than recursion
* - Destroy only called on movement to sibling or movement to parent (laterally or up)
* @param rootView The view to destroy
export function destroyViewTree(rootView: LView): void {
// If the view has no children, we can clean it up and return early.
let lViewOrLContainer = rootView[CHILD_HEAD];
if (!lViewOrLContainer) {
return cleanUpView(rootView);
while (lViewOrLContainer) {
let next: LView|LContainer|null = null;
if (isLView(lViewOrLContainer)) {
// If LView, traverse down to child.
next = lViewOrLContainer[CHILD_HEAD];
} else {
ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lViewOrLContainer);
// If container, traverse down to its first LView.
const firstView: LView|undefined = lViewOrLContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
if (firstView) next = firstView;
if (!next) {
// Only clean up view when moving to the side or up, as destroy hooks
// should be called in order from the bottom up.
while (lViewOrLContainer && !lViewOrLContainer ![NEXT] && lViewOrLContainer !== rootView) {
lViewOrLContainer = getParentState(lViewOrLContainer, rootView);
cleanUpView(lViewOrLContainer || rootView);
next = lViewOrLContainer && lViewOrLContainer ![NEXT];
lViewOrLContainer = next;
* Inserts a view into a container.
* This adds the view to the container's array of active views in the correct
* position. It also adds the view's elements to the DOM if the container isn't a
* root node of another view (in that case, the view's elements will be added when
* the container's parent view is added later).
* @param lView The view to insert
* @param lContainer The container into which the view should be inserted
* @param index Which index in the container to insert the child view into
export function insertView(lView: LView, lContainer: LContainer, index: number) {
ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lContainer);
const indexInContainer = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + index;
const containerLength = lContainer.length;
if (index > 0) {
// This is a new view, we need to add it to the children.
lContainer[indexInContainer - 1][NEXT] = lView;
if (index < containerLength - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET) {
lView[NEXT] = lContainer[indexInContainer];
lContainer.splice(CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + index, 0, lView);
} else {
lView[NEXT] = null;
lView[PARENT] = lContainer;
// Notify query that a new view has been added
if (lView[QUERIES]) {
lView[QUERIES] !.insertView(index);
// Sets the attached flag
lView[FLAGS] |= LViewFlags.Attached;
* Detaches a view from a container.
* This method splices the view from the container's array of active views. It also
* removes the view's elements from the DOM.
* @param lContainer The container from which to detach a view
* @param removeIndex The index of the view to detach
* @returns Detached LView instance.
export function detachView(lContainer: LContainer, removeIndex: number): LView|undefined {
if (lContainer.length <= CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET) return;
const indexInContainer = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + removeIndex;
const viewToDetach = lContainer[indexInContainer];
if (viewToDetach) {
if (removeIndex > 0) {
lContainer[indexInContainer - 1][NEXT] = viewToDetach[NEXT] as LView;
lContainer.splice(CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + removeIndex, 1);
addRemoveViewFromContainer(viewToDetach, false);
if ((viewToDetach[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Attached) &&
!(viewToDetach[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Destroyed) && viewToDetach[QUERIES]) {
viewToDetach[QUERIES] !.removeView();
viewToDetach[PARENT] = null;
viewToDetach[NEXT] = null;
// Unsets the attached flag
viewToDetach[FLAGS] &= ~LViewFlags.Attached;
return viewToDetach;
* Removes a view from a container, i.e. detaches it and then destroys the underlying LView.
* @param lContainer The container from which to remove a view
* @param removeIndex The index of the view to remove
export function removeView(lContainer: LContainer, removeIndex: number) {
const detachedView = detachView(lContainer, removeIndex);
detachedView && destroyLView(detachedView);
* A standalone function which destroys an LView,
* conducting cleanup (e.g. removing listeners, calling onDestroys).
* @param view The view to be destroyed.
export function destroyLView(view: LView) {
if (!(view[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Destroyed)) {
const renderer = view[RENDERER];
if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer) && renderer.destroyNode) {
walkTNodeTree(view, WalkTNodeTreeAction.Destroy, renderer, null);
* Determines which LViewOrLContainer to jump to when traversing back up the
* tree in destroyViewTree.
* Normally, the view's parent LView should be checked, but in the case of
* embedded views, the container (which is the view node's parent, but not the
* LView's parent) needs to be checked for a possible next property.
* @param lViewOrLContainer The LViewOrLContainer for which we need a parent state
* @param rootView The rootView, so we don't propagate too far up the view tree
* @returns The correct parent LViewOrLContainer
export function getParentState(lViewOrLContainer: LView | LContainer, rootView: LView): LView|
LContainer|null {
let tNode;
if (isLView(lViewOrLContainer) && (tNode = lViewOrLContainer[T_HOST]) &&
tNode.type === TNodeType.View) {
// if it's an embedded view, the state needs to go up to the container, in case the
// container has a next
return getLContainer(tNode as TViewNode, lViewOrLContainer);
} else {
// otherwise, use parent view for containers or component views
return lViewOrLContainer[PARENT] === rootView ? null : lViewOrLContainer[PARENT];
* Calls onDestroys hooks for all directives and pipes in a given view and then removes all
* listeners. Listeners are removed as the last step so events delivered in the onDestroys hooks
* can be propagated to @Output listeners.
* @param view The LView to clean up
function cleanUpView(view: LView | LContainer): void {
if (isLView(view) && !(view[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Destroyed)) {
// Usually the Attached flag is removed when the view is detached from its parent, however
// if it's a root view, the flag won't be unset hence why we're also removing on destroy.
view[FLAGS] &= ~LViewFlags.Attached;
// Mark the LView as destroyed *before* executing the onDestroy hooks. An onDestroy hook
// runs arbitrary user code, which could include its own `viewRef.destroy()` (or similar). If
// We don't flag the view as destroyed before the hooks, this could lead to an infinite loop.
// This also aligns with the ViewEngine behavior. It also means that the onDestroy hook is
// really more of an "afterDestroy" hook if you think about it.
view[FLAGS] |= LViewFlags.Destroyed;
const hostTNode = view[T_HOST];
// For component views only, the local renderer is destroyed as clean up time.
if (hostTNode && hostTNode.type === TNodeType.Element && isProceduralRenderer(view[RENDERER])) {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererDestroy++;
(view[RENDERER] as ProceduralRenderer3).destroy();
// For embedded views still attached to a container: remove query result from this view.
if (viewAttachedToContainer(view) && view[QUERIES]) {
view[QUERIES] !.removeView();
/** Removes listeners and unsubscribes from output subscriptions */
function removeListeners(lView: LView): void {
const tCleanup = lView[TVIEW].cleanup !;
if (tCleanup != null) {
const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP] !;
for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (typeof tCleanup[i] === 'string') {
// This is a native DOM listener
const idxOrTargetGetter = tCleanup[i + 1];
const target = typeof idxOrTargetGetter === 'function' ?
idxOrTargetGetter(lView) :
const listener = lCleanup[tCleanup[i + 2]];
const useCaptureOrSubIdx = tCleanup[i + 3];
if (typeof useCaptureOrSubIdx === 'boolean') {
// native DOM listener registered with Renderer3
target.removeEventListener(tCleanup[i], listener, useCaptureOrSubIdx);
} else {
if (useCaptureOrSubIdx >= 0) {
// unregister
} else {
// Subscription
i += 2;
} else {
// This is a cleanup function that is grouped with the index of its context
const context = lCleanup[tCleanup[i + 1]];
lView[CLEANUP] = null;
/** Calls onDestroy hooks for this view */
function executeOnDestroys(view: LView): void {
const tView = view[TVIEW];
let destroyHooks: HookData|null;
if (tView != null && (destroyHooks = tView.destroyHooks) != null) {
for (let i = 0; i < destroyHooks.length; i += 2) {
const context = view[destroyHooks[i] as number];
// Only call the destroy hook if the context has been requested.
if (!(context instanceof NodeInjectorFactory)) {
(destroyHooks[i + 1] as() => void).call(context);
* Returns a native element if a node can be inserted into the given parent.
* There are two reasons why we may not be able to insert a element immediately.
* - Projection: When creating a child content element of a component, we have to skip the
* insertion because the content of a component will be projected.
* `<component><content>delayed due to projection</content></component>`
* - Parent container is disconnected: This can happen when we are inserting a view into
* parent container, which itself is disconnected. For example the parent container is part
* of a View which has not be inserted or is made for projection but has not been inserted
* into destination.
function getRenderParent(tNode: TNode, currentView: LView): RElement|null {
// Nodes of the top-most view can be inserted eagerly.
if (isRootView(currentView)) {
return nativeParentNode(currentView[RENDERER], getNativeByTNode(tNode, currentView));
// Skip over element and ICU containers as those are represented by a comment node and
// can't be used as a render parent.
const parent = getHighestElementOrICUContainer(tNode).parent;
// If the parent is null, then we are inserting across views: either into an embedded view or a
// component view.
if (parent == null) {
const hostTNode = currentView[T_HOST] !;
if (hostTNode.type === TNodeType.View) {
// We are inserting a root element of an embedded view We might delay insertion of children
// for a given view if it is disconnected. This might happen for 2 main reasons:
// - view is not inserted into any container(view was created but not inserted yet)
// - view is inserted into a container but the container itself is not inserted into the DOM
// (container might be part of projection or child of a view that is not inserted yet).
// In other words we can insert children of a given view if this view was inserted into a
// container and the container itself has its render parent determined.
return getContainerRenderParent(hostTNode as TViewNode, currentView);
} else {
// We are inserting a root element of the component view into the component host element and
// it should always be eager.
return getHostNative(currentView);
} else {
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(parent, TNodeType.Element);
if (parent.flags & TNodeFlags.isComponent) {
const tData = currentView[TVIEW].data;
const tNode = tData[parent.index] as TNode;
const encapsulation = (tData[tNode.directiveStart] as ComponentDef<any>).encapsulation;
// We've got a parent which is an element in the current view. We just need to verify if the
// parent element is not a component. Component's content nodes are not inserted immediately
// because they will be projected, and so doing insert at this point would be wasteful.
// Since the projection would then move it to its final destination. Note that we can't
// make this assumption when using the Shadow DOM, because the native projection placeholders
// (<content> or <slot>) have to be in place as elements are being inserted.
if (encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom &&
encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.Native) {
return null;
return getNativeByTNode(parent, currentView) as RElement;
* Gets the native host element for a given view. Will return null if the current view does not have
* a host element.
function getHostNative(currentView: LView): RElement|null {
ngDevMode && assertLView(currentView);
const hostTNode = currentView[T_HOST];
return hostTNode && hostTNode.type === TNodeType.Element ?
(getNativeByTNode(hostTNode, getLViewParent(currentView) !) as RElement) :
* Inserts a native node before another native node for a given parent using {@link Renderer3}.
* This is a utility function that can be used when native nodes were determined - it abstracts an
* actual renderer being used.
export function nativeInsertBefore(
renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode, beforeNode: RNode | null): void {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererInsertBefore++;
if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
renderer.insertBefore(parent, child, beforeNode);
} else {
parent.insertBefore(child, beforeNode, true);
function nativeAppendChild(renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode): void {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererAppendChild++;
if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
renderer.appendChild(parent, child);
} else {
function nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(
renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode, beforeNode: RNode | null) {
if (beforeNode) {
nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, child, beforeNode);
} else {
nativeAppendChild(renderer, parent, child);
/** Removes a node from the DOM given its native parent. */
function nativeRemoveChild(
renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode, isHostElement?: boolean): void {
if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
renderer.removeChild(parent, child, isHostElement);
} else {
* Returns a native parent of a given native node.
export function nativeParentNode(renderer: Renderer3, node: RNode): RElement|null {
return (isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.parentNode(node) : node.parentNode) as RElement;
* Returns a native sibling of a given native node.
export function nativeNextSibling(renderer: Renderer3, node: RNode): RNode|null {
return isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.nextSibling(node) : node.nextSibling;
* Finds a native "anchor" node for cases where we can't append a native child directly
* (`appendChild`) and need to use a reference (anchor) node for the `insertBefore` operation.
* @param parentTNode
* @param lView
function getNativeAnchorNode(parentTNode: TNode, lView: LView): RNode|null {
if (parentTNode.type === TNodeType.View) {
const lContainer = getLContainer(parentTNode as TViewNode, lView) !;
const index = lContainer.indexOf(lView, CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET) - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET;
return getBeforeNodeForView(index, lContainer);
} else if (
parentTNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer ||
parentTNode.type === TNodeType.IcuContainer) {
return getNativeByTNode(parentTNode, lView);
return null;
* Appends the `child` native node (or a collection of nodes) to the `parent`.
* The element insertion might be delayed {@link canInsertNativeNode}.
* @param childEl The native child (or children) that should be appended
* @param childTNode The TNode of the child element
* @param currentView The current LView
* @returns Whether or not the child was appended
export function appendChild(childEl: RNode | RNode[], childTNode: TNode, currentView: LView): void {
const renderParent = getRenderParent(childTNode, currentView);
if (renderParent != null) {
const renderer = currentView[RENDERER];
const parentTNode: TNode = childTNode.parent || currentView[T_HOST] !;
const anchorNode = getNativeAnchorNode(parentTNode, currentView);
if (Array.isArray(childEl)) {
for (let nativeNode of childEl) {
nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(renderer, renderParent, nativeNode, anchorNode);
} else {
nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(renderer, renderParent, childEl, anchorNode);
* Gets the top-level element or an ICU container if those containers are nested.
* @param tNode The starting TNode for which we should skip element and ICU containers
* @returns The TNode of the highest level ICU container or element container
function getHighestElementOrICUContainer(tNode: TNode): TNode {
while (tNode.parent != null && (tNode.parent.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer ||
tNode.parent.type === TNodeType.IcuContainer)) {
tNode = tNode.parent;
return tNode;
export function getBeforeNodeForView(index: number, lContainer: LContainer) {
const containerNative = lContainer[NATIVE];
if (index + 1 < lContainer.length - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET) {
const view = lContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + index + 1] as LView;
const viewTNode = view[T_HOST] as TViewNode;
return viewTNode.child ? getNativeByTNode(viewTNode.child, view) : containerNative;
} else {
return containerNative;
* Removes a native node itself using a given renderer. To remove the node we are looking up its
* parent from the native tree as not all platforms / browsers support the equivalent of
* node.remove().
* @param renderer A renderer to be used
* @param rNode The native node that should be removed
* @param isHostElement A flag indicating if a node to be removed is a host of a component.
export function nativeRemoveNode(renderer: Renderer3, rNode: RNode, isHostElement?: boolean): void {
const nativeParent = nativeParentNode(renderer, rNode);
if (nativeParent) {
nativeRemoveChild(renderer, nativeParent, rNode, isHostElement);
* Appends nodes to a target projection place. Nodes to insert were previously re-distribution and
* stored on a component host level.
* @param lView A LView where nodes are inserted (target VLview)
* @param tProjectionNode A projection node where previously re-distribution should be appended
* (target insertion place)
* @param selectorIndex A bucket from where nodes to project should be taken
* @param componentView A where projectable nodes were initially created (source view)
export function appendProjectedNodes(
lView: LView, tProjectionNode: TProjectionNode, selectorIndex: number,
componentView: LView): void {
const projectedView = componentView[PARENT] !as LView;
const componentNode = componentView[T_HOST] as TElementNode;
let nodeToProject = (componentNode.projection as(TNode | null)[])[selectorIndex];
if (Array.isArray(nodeToProject)) {
appendChild(nodeToProject, tProjectionNode, lView);
} else {
while (nodeToProject) {
if (nodeToProject.type === TNodeType.Projection) {
lView, tProjectionNode, (nodeToProject as TProjectionNode).projection,
} else {
// This flag must be set now or we won't know that this node is projected
// if the nodes are inserted into a container later.
nodeToProject.flags |= TNodeFlags.isProjected;
appendProjectedNode(nodeToProject, tProjectionNode, lView, projectedView);
nodeToProject = nodeToProject.projectionNext;
* Appends a projected node to the DOM, or in the case of a projected container,
* appends the nodes from all of the container's active views to the DOM.
* @param projectedTNode The TNode to be projected
* @param tProjectionNode The projection (ng-content) TNode
* @param currentView Current LView
* @param projectionView Projection view (view above current)
function appendProjectedNode(
projectedTNode: TNode, tProjectionNode: TNode, currentView: LView,
projectionView: LView): void {
const native = getNativeByTNode(projectedTNode, projectionView);
appendChild(native, tProjectionNode, currentView);
// the projected contents are processed while in the shadow view (which is the currentView)
// therefore we need to extract the view where the host element lives since it's the
// logical container of the content projected views
attachPatchData(native, projectionView);
const nodeOrContainer = projectionView[projectedTNode.index];
if (projectedTNode.type === TNodeType.Container) {
// The node we are adding is a container and we are adding it to an element which
// is not a component (no more re-projection).
// Alternatively a container is projected at the root of a component's template
// and can't be re-projected (as not content of any component).
// Assign the final projection location in those cases.
for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < nodeOrContainer.length; i++) {
addRemoveViewFromContainer(nodeOrContainer[i], true, nodeOrContainer[NATIVE]);
} else {
if (projectedTNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
let ngContainerChildTNode: TNode|null = projectedTNode.child as TNode;
while (ngContainerChildTNode) {
appendProjectedNode(ngContainerChildTNode, tProjectionNode, currentView, projectionView);
ngContainerChildTNode = ngContainerChildTNode.next;
if (isLContainer(nodeOrContainer)) {
appendChild(nodeOrContainer[NATIVE], tProjectionNode, currentView);