Pete Bacon Darwin 48def92cad fix(ivy): ensure that changes to component resources trigger incremental builds (#30954)
Optimizations to skip compiling source files that had not changed
did not account for the case where only a resource file changes,
such as an external template or style file.

Now we track such dependencies and trigger a recompilation
if any of the previously tracked resources have changed.

This will require a change on the CLI side to provide the list of
resource files that changed to trigger the current compilation by
implementing `CompilerHost.getModifiedResourceFiles()`.

Closes #30947

PR Close #30954
2019-06-21 10:13:46 -07:00

294 lines
11 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as chokidar from 'chokidar';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Diagnostics, ParsedConfiguration, PerformCompilationResult, exitCodeFromResult, performCompilation, readConfiguration} from './perform_compile';
import * as api from './transformers/api';
import {createCompilerHost} from './transformers/entry_points';
import {createMessageDiagnostic} from './transformers/util';
function totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(timeInMillis: number): api.Diagnostic {
let duration: string;
if (timeInMillis > 1000) {
duration = `${(timeInMillis / 1000).toPrecision(2)}s`;
} else {
duration = `${timeInMillis}ms`;
return {
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
messageText: `Total time: ${duration}`,
source: api.SOURCE,
export enum FileChangeEvent {
export interface PerformWatchHost {
reportDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostics): void;
readConfiguration(): ParsedConfiguration;
createCompilerHost(options: api.CompilerOptions): api.CompilerHost;
createEmitCallback(options: api.CompilerOptions): api.TsEmitCallback|undefined;
options: api.CompilerOptions, listener: (event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) => void,
ready: () => void): {close: () => void};
setTimeout(callback: () => void, ms: number): any;
clearTimeout(timeoutId: any): void;
export function createPerformWatchHost(
configFileName: string, reportDiagnostics: (diagnostics: Diagnostics) => void,
existingOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions, createEmitCallback?: (options: api.CompilerOptions) =>
api.TsEmitCallback | undefined): PerformWatchHost {
return {
reportDiagnostics: reportDiagnostics,
createCompilerHost: options => createCompilerHost({options}),
readConfiguration: () => readConfiguration(configFileName, existingOptions),
createEmitCallback: options => createEmitCallback ? createEmitCallback(options) : undefined,
onFileChange: (options, listener, ready: () => void) => {
if (!options.basePath) {
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
messageText: 'Invalid configuration option. baseDir not specified',
source: api.SOURCE,
return {close: () => {}};
const watcher =, {
// ignore .dotfiles, .js and .map files.
// can't ignore other files as we e.g. want to recompile if an `.html` file changes as well.
ignored: /((^[\/\\])\..)|(\.js$)|(\.map$)|(\.metadata\.json|node_modules)/,
ignoreInitial: true,
persistent: true,
watcher.on('all', (event: string, path: string) => {
switch (event) {
case 'change':
listener(FileChangeEvent.Change, path);
case 'unlink':
case 'add':
listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete, path);
case 'unlinkDir':
case 'addDir':
listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir, path);
watcher.on('ready', ready);
return {close: () => watcher.close(), ready};
setTimeout: (ts.sys.clearTimeout && ts.sys.setTimeout) || setTimeout,
clearTimeout: (ts.sys.setTimeout && ts.sys.clearTimeout) || clearTimeout,
interface CacheEntry {
exists?: boolean;
sf?: ts.SourceFile;
content?: string;
interface QueuedCompilationInfo {
timerHandle: any;
modifiedResourceFiles: Set<string>;
* The logic in this function is adapted from `tsc.ts` from TypeScript.
export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
{close: () => void, ready: (cb: () => void) => void, firstCompileResult: Diagnostics} {
let cachedProgram: api.Program|undefined; // Program cached from last compilation
let cachedCompilerHost: api.CompilerHost|undefined; // CompilerHost cached from last compilation
let cachedOptions: ParsedConfiguration|undefined; // CompilerOptions cached from last compilation
let timerHandleForRecompilation: QueuedCompilationInfo|
undefined; // Handle for 0.25s wait timer to trigger recompilation
const ignoreFilesForWatch = new Set<string>();
const fileCache = new Map<string, CacheEntry>();
const firstCompileResult = doCompilation();
// Watch basePath, ignoring .dotfiles
let resolveReadyPromise: () => void;
const readyPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolveReadyPromise = resolve);
// Note: ! is ok as options are filled after the first compilation
// Note: ! is ok as resolvedReadyPromise is filled by the previous call
const fileWatcher =
host.onFileChange(cachedOptions !.options, watchedFileChanged, resolveReadyPromise !);
return {close, ready: cb => readyPromise.then(cb), firstCompileResult};
function cacheEntry(fileName: string): CacheEntry {
fileName = path.normalize(fileName);
let entry = fileCache.get(fileName);
if (!entry) {
entry = {};
fileCache.set(fileName, entry);
return entry;
function close() {
if (timerHandleForRecompilation) {
timerHandleForRecompilation = undefined;
// Invoked to perform initial compilation or re-compilation in watch mode
function doCompilation(modifiedResourceFiles?: Set<string>): Diagnostics {
if (!cachedOptions) {
cachedOptions = host.readConfiguration();
if (cachedOptions.errors && cachedOptions.errors.length) {
return cachedOptions.errors;
const startTime =;
if (!cachedCompilerHost) {
cachedCompilerHost = host.createCompilerHost(cachedOptions.options);
const originalWriteFileCallback = cachedCompilerHost.writeFile;
cachedCompilerHost.writeFile = function(
fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles: ReadonlyArray<ts.SourceFile> = []) {
return originalWriteFileCallback(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
const originalFileExists = cachedCompilerHost.fileExists;
cachedCompilerHost.fileExists = function(fileName: string) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (ce.exists == null) {
ce.exists =, fileName);
return ce.exists !;
const originalGetSourceFile = cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile;
cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile = function(
fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (!ce.sf) {
ce.sf =, fileName, languageVersion);
return ce.sf !;
const originalReadFile = cachedCompilerHost.readFile;
cachedCompilerHost.readFile = function(fileName: string) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (ce.content == null) {
ce.content =, fileName);
return ce.content !;
// Provide access to the file paths that triggered this rebuild
cachedCompilerHost.getModifiedResourceFiles =
modifiedResourceFiles !== undefined ? () => modifiedResourceFiles : undefined;
const oldProgram = cachedProgram;
// We clear out the `cachedProgram` here as a
// program can only be used as `oldProgram` 1x
cachedProgram = undefined;
const compileResult = performCompilation({
rootNames: cachedOptions.rootNames,
options: cachedOptions.options,
host: cachedCompilerHost,
oldProgram: oldProgram,
emitCallback: host.createEmitCallback(cachedOptions.options)
if (compileResult.diagnostics.length) {
const endTime =;
if (cachedOptions.options.diagnostics) {
const totalTime = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
host.reportDiagnostics([totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(endTime - startTime)]);
const exitCode = exitCodeFromResult(compileResult.diagnostics);
if (exitCode == 0) {
cachedProgram = compileResult.program;
[createMessageDiagnostic('Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.')]);
} else {
[createMessageDiagnostic('Compilation failed. Watching for file changes.')]);
return compileResult.diagnostics;
function resetOptions() {
cachedProgram = undefined;
cachedCompilerHost = undefined;
cachedOptions = undefined;
function watchedFileChanged(event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) {
if (cachedOptions && event === FileChangeEvent.Change &&
// TODO(chuckj): validate that this is sufficient to skip files that were written.
// This assumes that the file path we write is the same file path we will receive in the
// change notification.
path.normalize(fileName) === path.normalize(cachedOptions.project)) {
// If the configuration file changes, forget everything and start the recompilation timer
} else if (
event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete || event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) {
// If a file was added or removed, reread the configuration
// to determine the new list of root files.
cachedOptions = undefined;
if (event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) {
} else {
if (!ignoreFilesForWatch.has(path.normalize(fileName))) {
// Ignore the file if the file is one that was written by the compiler.
// Upon detecting a file change, wait for 250ms and then perform a recompilation. This gives batch
// operations (such as saving all modified files in an editor) a chance to complete before we kick
// off a new compilation.
function startTimerForRecompilation(changedPath: string) {
if (timerHandleForRecompilation) {
} else {
timerHandleForRecompilation = {
modifiedResourceFiles: new Set<string>(),
timerHandle: undefined
timerHandleForRecompilation.timerHandle = host.setTimeout(recompile, 250);
function recompile() {
[createMessageDiagnostic('File change detected. Starting incremental compilation.')]);
doCompilation(timerHandleForRecompilation !.modifiedResourceFiles);
timerHandleForRecompilation = undefined;