`ngcc` supports both synchronous and asynchronous execution. The default mode when using `ngcc` programmatically (which is how `@angular/cli` is using it) is synchronous. When running `ngcc` from the command line (i.e. via the `ivy-ngcc` script), it runs in async mode. Previously, the work would be executed in the same way in both modes. This commit improves the performance of `ngcc` in async mode by processing tasks in parallel on multiple processes. It uses the Node.js built-in [`cluster` module](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html) to launch a cluster of Node.js processes and take advantage of multi-core systems. Preliminary comparisons indicate a 1.8x to 2.6x speed improvement when processing the angular.io app (apparently depending on the OS, number of available cores, system load, etc.). Further investigation is needed to better understand these numbers and identify potential areas of improvement. Inspired by/Based on @alxhub's prototype: alxhub/angular@cb631bdb1 Original design doc: https://hackmd.io/uYG9CJrFQZ-6FtKqpnYJAA?view Jira issue: [FW-1460](https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/FW-1460) PR Close #32427
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as cluster from 'cluster';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {Task, TaskCompletedCallback, TaskProcessingOutcome} from '../../../src/execution/api';
import {ClusterWorker} from '../../../src/execution/cluster/worker';
import {mockProperty} from '../../helpers/spy_utils';
describe('ClusterWorker', () => {
const runAsClusterMaster = mockProperty(cluster, 'isMaster');
const mockProcessSend = mockProperty(process, 'send');
let processSendSpy: jasmine.Spy;
let compileFnSpy: jasmine.Spy;
let createCompileFnSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(() => {
compileFnSpy = jasmine.createSpy('compileFn');
createCompileFnSpy = jasmine.createSpy('createCompileFn').and.returnValue(compileFnSpy);
processSendSpy = jasmine.createSpy('process.send');
describe('constructor()', () => {
describe('(on cluster master)', () => {
beforeEach(() => runAsClusterMaster(true));
it('should throw an error', () => {
expect(() => new ClusterWorker(createCompileFnSpy))
.toThrowError('Tried to instantiate `ClusterWorker` on the master process.');
describe('(on cluster worker)', () => {
beforeEach(() => runAsClusterMaster(false));
it('should create the `compileFn()`', () => {
new ClusterWorker(createCompileFnSpy);
it('should set up `compileFn()` to send a `task-completed` message to master', () => {
new ClusterWorker(createCompileFnSpy);
const onTaskCompleted: TaskCompletedCallback = createCompileFnSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0];
onTaskCompleted(null as any, TaskProcessingOutcome.AlreadyProcessed);
type: 'task-completed',
outcome: TaskProcessingOutcome.AlreadyProcessed,
onTaskCompleted(null as any, TaskProcessingOutcome.Processed);
type: 'task-completed',
outcome: TaskProcessingOutcome.Processed,
describe('run()', () => {
'(on cluster master)',
() => {/* No tests needed, becasue the constructor would have thrown. */});
describe('(on cluster worker)', () => {
// The `cluster.worker` property is normally `undefined` on the master process and set to the
// current `cluster.Worker` on worker processes.
const mockClusterWorker = mockProperty(cluster, 'worker');
let worker: ClusterWorker;
beforeEach(() => {
mockClusterWorker(Object.assign(new EventEmitter(), {id: 42}) as cluster.Worker);
worker = new ClusterWorker(createCompileFnSpy);
it('should return a promise (that is never resolved)', done => {
const promise = worker.run();
() => done.fail('Expected promise not to resolve'),
() => done.fail('Expected promise not to reject'));
// We can't wait forever to verify that the promise is not resolved, but at least verify
// that it is not resolved immediately.
setTimeout(done, 100);
it('should handle `process-task` messages', () => {
const mockTask = { foo: 'bar' } as unknown as Task;
cluster.worker.emit('message', {type: 'process-task', task: mockTask});
it('should send errors during task processing back to the master process', () => {
let err: string|Error;
compileFnSpy.and.callFake(() => { throw err; });
err = 'Error string.';
cluster.worker.emit('message', {type: 'process-task', task: {} as Task});
expect(processSendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({type: 'error', error: err});
err = new Error('Error object.');
cluster.worker.emit('message', {type: 'process-task', task: {} as Task});
expect(processSendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({type: 'error', error: err.stack});
it('should throw, when an unknown message type is received', () => {
cluster.worker.emit('message', {type: 'unknown', foo: 'bar'});
type: 'error',
error: jasmine.stringMatching(
'Error: Invalid message received on worker #42: {"type":"unknown","foo":"bar"}'),