Paul Gschwendtner 474ecf6d00 feat(dev-infra): add logic for printing active release trains ()
Adds a method for printing active release trains for a configured
project. This is helpful for the release tool that will print
the active release trains. Also this can be useful for the
caretaker status command, where we could print the active
version branches (i.e. "is there currently a feature-freeze branch").

PR Close 
2020-09-28 16:11:41 -04:00

221 lines
8.1 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import chalk from 'chalk';
import {writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import {createPromptModule, ListChoiceOptions, prompt} from 'inquirer';
import * as inquirerAutocomplete from 'inquirer-autocomplete-prompt';
import {join} from 'path';
import {Arguments} from 'yargs';
import {getRepoBaseDir} from './config';
/** Reexport of chalk colors for convenient access. */
export const red: typeof chalk =;
export const green: typeof chalk =;
export const yellow: typeof chalk = chalk.yellow;
export const bold: typeof chalk = chalk.bold;
export const blue: typeof chalk =;
/** Prompts the user with a confirmation question and a specified message. */
export async function promptConfirm(message: string, defaultValue = false): Promise<boolean> {
return (await prompt<{result: boolean}>({
type: 'confirm',
name: 'result',
message: message,
default: defaultValue,
/** Prompts the user to select an option from a filterable autocomplete list. */
export async function promptAutocomplete(
message: string, choices: (string|ListChoiceOptions)[]): Promise<string>;
* Prompts the user to select an option from a filterable autocomplete list, with an option to
* choose no value.
export async function promptAutocomplete(
message: string, choices: (string|ListChoiceOptions)[],
noChoiceText?: string): Promise<string|false>;
export async function promptAutocomplete(
message: string, choices: (string|ListChoiceOptions)[],
noChoiceText?: string): Promise<string|false> {
// Creates a local prompt module with an autocomplete prompt type.
const prompt = createPromptModule({}).registerPrompt('autocomplete', inquirerAutocomplete);
if (noChoiceText) {
choices = [noChoiceText, ...choices];
// `prompt` must be cast as `any` as the autocomplete typings are not available.
const result = (await (prompt as any)({
type: 'autocomplete',
name: 'result',
source: (_: any, input: string) => {
if (!input) {
return Promise.resolve(choices);
return Promise.resolve(choices.filter(choice => {
if (typeof choice === 'string') {
return choice.includes(input);
if (result === noChoiceText) {
return false;
return result;
/** Prompts the user for one line of input. */
export async function promptInput(message: string): Promise<string> {
return (await prompt<{result: string}>({type: 'input', name: 'result', message})).result;
* Supported levels for logging functions.
* Levels are mapped to numbers to represent a hierarchy of logging levels.
export enum LOG_LEVELS {
ERROR = 1,
WARN = 2,
LOG = 3,
INFO = 4,
DEBUG = 5,
/** Default log level for the tool. */
/** Write to the console for at INFO logging level */
export const info = buildLogLevelFunction(() =>, LOG_LEVELS.INFO);
/** Write to the console for at ERROR logging level */
export const error = buildLogLevelFunction(() => console.error, LOG_LEVELS.ERROR);
/** Write to the console for at DEBUG logging level */
export const debug = buildLogLevelFunction(() => console.debug, LOG_LEVELS.DEBUG);
/** Write to the console for at LOG logging level */
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-console
export const log = buildLogLevelFunction(() => console.log, LOG_LEVELS.LOG);
/** Write to the console for at WARN logging level */
export const warn = buildLogLevelFunction(() => console.warn, LOG_LEVELS.WARN);
/** Build an instance of a logging function for the provided level. */
function buildLogLevelFunction(loadCommand: () => Function, level: LOG_LEVELS) {
/** Write to stdout for the LOG_LEVEL. */
const loggingFunction = (...text: string[]) => {
runConsoleCommand(loadCommand, level, ...text);
/** Start a group at the LOG_LEVEL, optionally starting it as collapsed. */ = (text: string, collapsed = false) => {
const command = collapsed ? console.groupCollapsed :;
runConsoleCommand(() => command, level, text);
/** End the group at the LOG_LEVEL. */
loggingFunction.groupEnd = () => {
runConsoleCommand(() => console.groupEnd, level);
return loggingFunction;
* Run the console command provided, if the environments logging level greater than the
* provided logging level.
* The loadCommand takes in a function which is called to retrieve the console.* function
* to allow for jasmine spies to still work in testing. Without this method of retrieval
* the console.* function, the function is saved into the closure of the created logging
* function before jasmine can spy.
function runConsoleCommand(loadCommand: () => Function, logLevel: LOG_LEVELS, ...text: string[]) {
if (getLogLevel() >= logLevel) {
printToLogFile(logLevel, ...text);
* Retrieve the log level from environment variables, if the value found
* based on the LOG_LEVEL environment variable is undefined, return the default
* logging level.
function getLogLevel() {
const logLevelEnvValue: any = (process.env[`LOG_LEVEL`] || '').toUpperCase();
const logLevel = LOG_LEVELS[logLevelEnvValue];
if (logLevel === undefined) {
return logLevel;
/** All text to write to the log file. */
let LOGGED_TEXT = '';
/** Whether file logging as been enabled. */
* The number of columns used in the prepended log level information on each line of the logging
* output file.
* Enable writing the logged outputs to the log file on process exit, sets initial lines from the
* command execution, containing information about the timing and command parameters.
* This is expected to be called only once during a command run, and should be called by the
* middleware of yargs to enable the file logging before the rest of the command parsing and
* response is executed.
export function captureLogOutputForCommand(argv: Arguments) {
throw Error('`captureLogOutputForCommand` cannot be called multiple times');
/** The date time used for timestamping when the command was invoked. */
const now = new Date();
/** Header line to separate command runs in log files. */
const headerLine = Array(100).fill('#').join('');
LOGGED_TEXT += `${headerLine}\nCommand: ${argv.$0} ${argv._.join(' ')}\nRan at: ${now}\n`;
// On process exit, write the logged output to the appropriate log files
process.on('exit', (code: number) => {
LOGGED_TEXT += `Command ran in ${new Date().getTime() - now.getTime()}ms`;
/** Path to the log file location. */
const logFilePath = join(getRepoBaseDir(), '.ng-dev.log');
// Strip ANSI escape codes from log outputs.
LOGGED_TEXT = LOGGED_TEXT.replace(/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]/g, '');
writeFileSync(logFilePath, LOGGED_TEXT);
// For failure codes greater than 1, the new logged lines should be written to a specific log
// file for the command run failure.
if (code > 1) {
writeFileSync(join(getRepoBaseDir(), `.ng-dev.err-${now.getTime()}.log`), LOGGED_TEXT);
// Mark file logging as enabled to prevent the function from executing multiple times.
/** Write the provided text to the log file, prepending each line with the log level. */
function printToLogFile(logLevel: LOG_LEVELS, ...text: string[]) {
const logLevelText = `${LOG_LEVELS[logLevel]}:`.padEnd(LOG_LEVEL_COLUMNS);
LOGGED_TEXT += text.join(' ').split('\n').map(l => `${logLevelText} ${l}\n`).join('');