2016-06-15 15:14:45 -07:00

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include ../_util-fns
Motion is an important aspect in the design of modern web applications. We want our
user interfaces to have smooth transitions between states, and engaging animations
that call attention where it's needed. Well-designed animations can make a UI not only
more fun but also easier to use.
Angular's animation system gives us what we need to make the kinds of animations we want.
We can build animations that run with the same kind of native performance that we're used
to with pure CSS animations. But we can also have our animation logic tightly integrated
with the rest of our application code, where they can be easily triggered and controlled.
Angular animations are built on top of the standard [Web Animations API](
and they run natively on [browsers that support it](
For other browsers, a polyfill is required. Grab
[`web-animations.min.js` from here]( and
add it to your page.
A more lightweight polyfill maintained by the Angular team is coming soon.
# Table of Contents
* [Quickstart Example: Transitioning Between Two States](#example-transitioning-between-states)
* [States and Transitions](#states-and-transitions)
* [Example: Entering and Leaving](#example-entering-and-leaving)
* [Example: Entering and Leaving from Different States](#example-entering-and-leaving-from-different-states)
* [Animatable Properties and Units](#animatable-properties-and-units)
* [Automatic Property Calculation](#automatic-property-calculation)
* [Animation Timing](#animation-timing)
* [Multi-Step Animations with Keyframes](#multi-step-animations-with-keyframes)
* [Parallel Animation Groups](#parallel-animation-groups)
The examples referenced in this chapter are available as a [live example](/resources/live-examples/animations/ts/plnkr.html).
## Quickstart Example: Transitioning Between Two States
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_basic_click.gif" alt="A simple transition animation" align="right" style="width:220px;margin-left:20px" )
Let's build a simple animation that transitions an element between two states
driven by a model attribute.
Animations are defined inside `@Component` metadata. Before we can add some, we need
to import a few animation-specific functions:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts', 'imports')(format=".")
With these we can now define an *animation trigger* called `heroState` in the component
metadata. It has animated transitions between two states: `active` and `inactive`. When a
hero is active, we display a the element in slightly larger size and lighter color.
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
In this example we are defining animation styles (color and transform) inline in the
animation metadata. In an upcoming release of Angular, support will be added for pulling
the styles in from the component CSS stylesheet instead.
We now have an animation defined but it is not yet used anywhere. We can change that by
attaching it to one or more elements in the component's template using the "`@triggerName`"
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts', 'template')(format=".")
Here we've applied the animation trigger to every element repeated by an `ngFor`. Each of
the repeated elements will animate independently. We're binding the value of the
attribute to the expression `hero.state`. We expect it to always be either `inactive`
or `active`, since that's what we have defined animation states for.
With this setup, an animated transition is shown whenever a hero object changes state!
Here's the full component implementation:
## States and Transitions
Angular animations are defined in terms of logical **states** and **transitions**
between states.
An animation state is a string value that we define in our application code. In the example
above we used the states `'active'` and `'inactive'` based on the logical state of
hero objects. The source of the state can be a simple object attribute as it was in this case,
or it can be a value computed in a method. The important thing is that we can read it into the
component's template.
We can define *styles* for each animation state:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts', 'states')(format=".")
These `state` definitions specify the *end styles* of each state.
They are applied to the element once it has transitioned to that state, and will stay
*as long as it remains in that state*. In that sense, we are defining more than just
animations here. We're actually defining what styles the element has in different states.
Once we have states, we can define *transitions* between the states. Each transition
controls the timing of switching between one set of styles and the next:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts', 'transitions')(format=".")
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active.png" alt="In Angular animations we defines states and transitions between states" width="400")
If we have the same timing configuration for several transitions, we can combine
them into the same `transition` definition:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-combined-transitions.component.ts', 'transitions')(format=".")
When we have the same timing for both directions of a transition, as we do in the previous
example, we can use the `<=>` shorthand syntax:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-twoway.component.ts', 'transitions')(format=".")
Sometimes we have styles that we want to apply during an animation but not keep around
after it finishes. We can define such styles inline in the `transition`. In this example,
the element receives one set of styles immediately and is then animated to the next.
When the transition finishes, none of these styles will be kept because they're not
defined in a `state`.
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-inline-styles.component.ts', 'transitions')(format=".")
### The wildcard state `*`
The `*` ("wildcard") state matches *any* animation state. This is useful for defining styles and
transitions that should apply regardless of which state the animation is in. For example:
* The `active => *` transition applies when the element's state changes from `active` to anything else.
* The `* => *` transition applies when *any* change between two states takes place.
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active_wildcards.png" alt="The wildcard state can be used to match many different transitions at once" width="400")
### The `void` state
There's one special state called `void` that may apply to any animation. It applies
when the element is *not* attached to a view. This may be because it has not yet been
added or because it has been removed. The `void` state is useful for defining "enter" and
"leave" animations.
For example the `* => void` transition applies when the element leaves the view,
regardless of what state it was in before it left.
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_void_in.png" alt="The void state can be used for enter and leave transitions" width="400")
The wildcard state `*` also matches `void`.
## Example: Entering and Leaving
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_enter_leave.gif" alt="Enter and leave animations" align="right" style="width:250px;" )
Using the `void` and `*` states we can define transitions that animate the
entering and leaving of elements:
* Enter: `void => *`
* Leave: `* => void`
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
Note that in this case we have the styles applied to the void state directly in the
transition definitions, and not in a separate `state(void)` definition. We do this because
we want the transforms to be different on enter and leave: The element enters from the left
and leaves to the right.
## Example: Entering and Leaving from Different States
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_enter_leave_states.gif" alt="Enter and leave animations combined with state animations" align="right" style="width:200px" )
We can also combine this animation with the earlier state transition animation by
using the hero state as the animation state. What this will let us do is configure
different transitions for entering and leaving based on what the state of the hero
* Inactive hero enter: `void => inactive`
* Active hero enter: `void => active`
* Inactive hero leave: `active => void`
* Active hero leave: `inactive => void`
We now have fine-grained control over each transition:
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active_void.png" alt="This example transitions between active, inactive, and void states" width="400")
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-enter-leave-states.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
## Animatable Properties and Units
Since Angular's animation support builds on top of Web Animations, we can animate any property
that the browser considers *animatable*. This includes positions, sizes, transforms, colors,
borders and many others. The W3C maintains
[a list of animatable properties](
For positional properties that have a numeric value, we can define a unit by providing
the value as a string with the appropriate suffix:
* `'50px'`
* `'3em'`
* `'100%'`
For most dimensinal properties we can also just define a number which is then assumed to be
in pixels:
* `50` is the same as saying `'50px'`
## Automatic Property Calculation
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_auto.gif" alt="Animation with automated height calculation" align="right" style="width:220px;margin-left:20px" )
Sometimes the value of a dimensional style property that we want to
animate is not known until at runtime. For example, it is quite common for elements
to have widths and heights that depend on their content and the screen size. These
properties are often tricky to animate with CSS.
With Angular we can use a special `*` property value in these cases. What it means
is that the value of this property will be computed at runtime and then plugged into
the animation.
The "leave" animation in this example takes whatever height the element has before it
leaves and animates from that height to zero:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-auto.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
## Animation Timing
There are three timing properties we can tune for every animated transition:
The duration, the delay, and the easing function. They are all combined into
a single transition *timing string*.
### Duration
The duration controls how long the animation takes to run from start to finish.
We can define a duration in three ways:
* As a plain number, in milliseconds: `100`
* In a string, as milliseconds: `'100ms'`
* In a string, as seconds: `'0.1s'`
### Delay
The delay controls how long to wait after an animation triggers before the
transition actually begins. We can define one by adding it in the same string
following the duration. It also has the same format options as the duration:
* Wait for 100ms and then run for 200ms: `'0.2s 100ms'`
### Easing
The [easing function]( controls how the animation accelerates
and decelerates during its runtime. For example, using an `ease-in` function means
the animation begins relatively slowly but then picks up speed as it progresses. We
can control the easing by adding it as a *third* value in the string after the duration
and the delay (or as the *second* value when there is no delay):
* Wait for 100ms and then run for 200ms, with easing: `'0.2s 100ms ease-out'`
* Run for 200ms, with easing: `'0.2s ease-in-out'`
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_timings.gif" alt="Animations with specific timings" align="right" style="width:220px;margin-left:20px" )
### Example
Here are a couple of custom timings in action. Both "enter" and "leave" last for
200 milliseconds but they have different easings. The leave begins after a
slight delay:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-timings.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
## Multi-Step Animations with Keyframes
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_multistep.gif" alt="Animations with some bounce implemented with keyframes" align="right" style="width:220px;margin-left:20px" )
With animation *keyframes* we can go beyond a simple transition between two
sets of styles to a more intricate animation that goes through one or more
intermediate styles in between.
For each keyframe, we can specify an *offset* that defines at which point
in the animation that keyframe applies. The offset is a number between zero,
which marks the beginning of the animation, and one, which marks the end.
In this example we add some "bounce" to our enter and leave animations with
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-multistep.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
Note that the offsets are *not* defined in terms of absolute time. They are relative
measures from 0 to 1. The final timeline of the animation will based on the combination
of keyframe offsets, duration, delay, and easing.
Defining offsets for keyframes is optional. If we omit them, offsets with even
spacing are automatically assigned. For example, three keyframes without predefined
offsets will receive offsets `0`, `0.5`, and `1`.
## Parallel Animation Groups
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/animations/animation_groups.gif" alt="Parallel animations with different timings, implemented with groups" align="right" style="width:220px;margin-left:20px" )
We've already seen how we can animate multiple style properties at the same time:
Just put all of them into the same `style()` definition!
But we may also want to configure different *timings* for animations that happen
in parallel. For example, we may want to animate two CSS properties but use a
different easing function for each one.
For this we can use animation *groups*. In this example we use groups both on
enter and leave so that we can use two different timing configurations. Both
are applied to the same element in parallel, but run independent of each other:
+makeExample('animations/ts/app/hero-list-groups.component.ts', 'animationdef')(format=".")
One group animates the element transform and width. The other animates the opacity.