Julie Ralph 85d4c4b82e feat(core): update zone.js to 0.8.10 and expose the flush method ()
`flush()` can now be used from within fakeAsync tests to simulate moving
time forward until all macrotask events have been cleared from the
event queue.
2017-05-22 12:19:21 -06:00

133 lines
4.7 KiB

/** @stable */
export declare function async(fn: Function): (done: any) => any;
/** @stable */
export declare class ComponentFixture<T> {
changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef;
componentInstance: T;
componentRef: ComponentRef<T>;
debugElement: DebugElement;
elementRef: ElementRef;
nativeElement: any;
ngZone: NgZone | null;
constructor(componentRef: ComponentRef<T>, ngZone: NgZone | null, _autoDetect: boolean);
autoDetectChanges(autoDetect?: boolean): void;
checkNoChanges(): void;
destroy(): void;
detectChanges(checkNoChanges?: boolean): void;
isStable(): boolean;
whenRenderingDone(): Promise<any>;
whenStable(): Promise<any>;
/** @experimental */
export declare const ComponentFixtureAutoDetect: InjectionToken<boolean[]>;
/** @experimental */
export declare const ComponentFixtureNoNgZone: InjectionToken<boolean[]>;
/** @experimental */
export declare function discardPeriodicTasks(): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare function fakeAsync(fn: Function): (...args: any[]) => any;
/** @experimental */
export declare function flush(maxTurns?: number): number;
/** @experimental */
export declare function flushMicrotasks(): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare function getTestBed(): TestBed;
/** @stable */
export declare function inject(tokens: any[], fn: Function): () => any;
/** @experimental */
export declare class InjectSetupWrapper {
constructor(_moduleDef: () => TestModuleMetadata);
inject(tokens: any[], fn: Function): () => any;
/** @experimental */
export declare type MetadataOverride<T> = {
add?: T;
remove?: T;
set?: T;
/** @experimental */
export declare function resetFakeAsyncZone(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class TestBed implements Injector {
ngModule: Type<any> | Type<any>[];
platform: PlatformRef;
compileComponents(): Promise<any>;
configureCompiler(config: {
providers?: any[];
useJit?: boolean;
}): void;
configureTestingModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata): void;
createComponent<T>(component: Type<T>): ComponentFixture<T>;
execute(tokens: any[], fn: Function, context?: any): any;
get(token: any, notFoundValue?: any): any;
/** @experimental */ initTestEnvironment(ngModule: Type<any> | Type<any>[], platform: PlatformRef, aotSummaries?: () => any[]): void;
overrideComponent(component: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Component>): void;
overrideDirective(directive: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Directive>): void;
overrideModule(ngModule: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<NgModule>): void;
overridePipe(pipe: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Pipe>): void;
overrideProvider(token: any, provider: {
useFactory: Function;
deps: any[];
}): void;
overrideProvider(token: any, provider: {
useValue: any;
}): void;
/** @experimental */ resetTestEnvironment(): void;
resetTestingModule(): void;
static compileComponents(): Promise<any>;
static configureCompiler(config: {
providers?: any[];
useJit?: boolean;
}): typeof TestBed;
static configureTestingModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata): typeof TestBed;
static createComponent<T>(component: Type<T>): ComponentFixture<T>;
static get(token: any, notFoundValue?: any): any;
/** @experimental */ static initTestEnvironment(ngModule: Type<any> | Type<any>[], platform: PlatformRef, aotSummaries?: () => any[]): TestBed;
static overrideComponent(component: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Component>): typeof TestBed;
static overrideDirective(directive: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Directive>): typeof TestBed;
static overrideModule(ngModule: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<NgModule>): typeof TestBed;
static overridePipe(pipe: Type<any>, override: MetadataOverride<Pipe>): typeof TestBed;
static overrideProvider(token: any, provider: {
useFactory: Function;
deps: any[];
}): void;
static overrideProvider(token: any, provider: {
useValue: any;
}): void;
static overrideTemplate(component: Type<any>, template: string): typeof TestBed;
/** @experimental */ static resetTestEnvironment(): void;
static resetTestingModule(): typeof TestBed;
/** @experimental */
export declare class TestComponentRenderer {
insertRootElement(rootElementId: string): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare type TestModuleMetadata = {
providers?: any[];
declarations?: any[];
imports?: any[];
schemas?: Array<SchemaMetadata | any[]>;
/** @experimental */
export declare function tick(millis?: number): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare function withModule(moduleDef: TestModuleMetadata): InjectSetupWrapper;