JiaLiPassion 19d543f71e fix(zone.js): disable wrap uncaught promise rejection should handle primitive value (#38476)
Close #38334.

zone.js provides a flag DISABLE_WRAPPING_UNCAUGHT_PROMISE_REJECTION to let zone.js
throw the original error instead of wrap it when uncaught promise rejection found.
But the rejection value could be anything includes primitive value such as number.
In that case, we should not attach any additional properties to the value.

PR Close #38476
2020-09-24 11:32:44 -04:00

517 lines
18 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {patchMethod} from './utils';
Zone.__load_patch('ZoneAwarePromise', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
const ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
const ObjectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
function readableObjectToString(obj: any) {
if (obj && obj.toString === Object.prototype.toString) {
const className = obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name;
return (className ? className : '') + ': ' + JSON.stringify(obj);
return obj ? obj.toString() : Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
const __symbol__ = api.symbol;
const _uncaughtPromiseErrors: UncaughtPromiseError[] = [];
const isDisableWrappingUncaughtPromiseRejection =
const symbolPromise = __symbol__('Promise');
const symbolThen = __symbol__('then');
const creationTrace = '__creationTrace__';
api.onUnhandledError = (e: any) => {
if (api.showUncaughtError()) {
const rejection = e && e.rejection;
if (rejection) {
'Unhandled Promise rejection:',
rejection instanceof Error ? rejection.message : rejection,
'; Zone:', (<Zone>e.zone).name, '; Task:', e.task && (<Task>e.task).source,
'; Value:', rejection, rejection instanceof Error ? rejection.stack : undefined);
} else {
api.microtaskDrainDone = () => {
while (_uncaughtPromiseErrors.length) {
const uncaughtPromiseError: UncaughtPromiseError = _uncaughtPromiseErrors.shift()!;
try {
uncaughtPromiseError.zone.runGuarded(() => {
if (uncaughtPromiseError.throwOriginal) {
throw uncaughtPromiseError.rejection;
throw uncaughtPromiseError;
} catch (error) {
const UNHANDLED_PROMISE_REJECTION_HANDLER_SYMBOL = __symbol__('unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler');
function handleUnhandledRejection(this: unknown, e: any) {
try {
if (typeof handler === 'function') {
handler.call(this, e);
} catch (err) {
function isThenable(value: any): boolean {
return value && value.then;
function forwardResolution(value: any): any {
return value;
function forwardRejection(rejection: any): any {
return ZoneAwarePromise.reject(rejection);
const symbolState: string = __symbol__('state');
const symbolValue: string = __symbol__('value');
const symbolFinally: string = __symbol__('finally');
const symbolParentPromiseValue: string = __symbol__('parentPromiseValue');
const symbolParentPromiseState: string = __symbol__('parentPromiseState');
const source: string = 'Promise.then';
const UNRESOLVED: null = null;
const RESOLVED = true;
const REJECTED = false;
function makeResolver(promise: ZoneAwarePromise<any>, state: boolean): (value: any) => void {
return (v) => {
try {
resolvePromise(promise, state, v);
} catch (err) {
resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
// Do not return value or you will break the Promise spec.
const once = function() {
let wasCalled = false;
return function wrapper(wrappedFunction: Function) {
return function() {
if (wasCalled) {
wasCalled = true;
wrappedFunction.apply(null, arguments);
const TYPE_ERROR = 'Promise resolved with itself';
const CURRENT_TASK_TRACE_SYMBOL = __symbol__('currentTaskTrace');
// Promise Resolution
function resolvePromise(
promise: ZoneAwarePromise<any>, state: boolean, value: any): ZoneAwarePromise<any> {
const onceWrapper = once();
if (promise === value) {
throw new TypeError(TYPE_ERROR);
if ((promise as any)[symbolState] === UNRESOLVED) {
// should only get value.then once based on promise spec.
let then: any = null;
try {
if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
then = value && value.then;
} catch (err) {
onceWrapper(() => {
resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
return promise;
// if (value instanceof ZoneAwarePromise) {
if (state !== REJECTED && value instanceof ZoneAwarePromise &&
value.hasOwnProperty(symbolState) && value.hasOwnProperty(symbolValue) &&
(value as any)[symbolState] !== UNRESOLVED) {
resolvePromise(promise, (value as any)[symbolState], (value as any)[symbolValue]);
} else if (state !== REJECTED && typeof then === 'function') {
try {
value, onceWrapper(makeResolver(promise, state)),
onceWrapper(makeResolver(promise, false)));
} catch (err) {
onceWrapper(() => {
resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
} else {
(promise as any)[symbolState] = state;
const queue = (promise as any)[symbolValue];
(promise as any)[symbolValue] = value;
if ((promise as any)[symbolFinally] === symbolFinally) {
// the promise is generated by Promise.prototype.finally
if (state === RESOLVED) {
// the state is resolved, should ignore the value
// and use parent promise value
(promise as any)[symbolState] = (promise as any)[symbolParentPromiseState];
(promise as any)[symbolValue] = (promise as any)[symbolParentPromiseValue];
// record task information in value when error occurs, so we can
// do some additional work such as render longStackTrace
if (state === REJECTED && value instanceof Error) {
// check if longStackTraceZone is here
const trace = Zone.currentTask && Zone.currentTask.data &&
(Zone.currentTask.data as any)[creationTrace];
if (trace) {
// only keep the long stack trace into error when in longStackTraceZone
{configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: trace});
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length;) {
scheduleResolveOrReject(promise, queue[i++], queue[i++], queue[i++], queue[i++]);
if (queue.length == 0 && state == REJECTED) {
(promise as any)[symbolState] = REJECTED_NO_CATCH;
let uncaughtPromiseError = value;
try {
// Here we throws a new Error to print more readable error log
// and if the value is not an error, zone.js builds an `Error`
// Object here to attach the stack information.
throw new Error(
'Uncaught (in promise): ' + readableObjectToString(value) +
(value && value.stack ? '\n' + value.stack : ''));
} catch (err) {
uncaughtPromiseError = err;
if (isDisableWrappingUncaughtPromiseRejection) {
// If disable wrapping uncaught promise reject
// use the value instead of wrapping it.
uncaughtPromiseError.throwOriginal = true;
uncaughtPromiseError.rejection = value;
uncaughtPromiseError.promise = promise;
uncaughtPromiseError.zone = Zone.current;
uncaughtPromiseError.task = Zone.currentTask!;
api.scheduleMicroTask(); // to make sure that it is running
// Resolving an already resolved promise is a noop.
return promise;
const REJECTION_HANDLED_HANDLER = __symbol__('rejectionHandledHandler');
function clearRejectedNoCatch(this: unknown, promise: ZoneAwarePromise<any>): void {
if ((promise as any)[symbolState] === REJECTED_NO_CATCH) {
// if the promise is rejected no catch status
// and queue.length > 0, means there is a error handler
// here to handle the rejected promise, we should trigger
// windows.rejectionhandled eventHandler or nodejs rejectionHandled
// eventHandler
try {
const handler = (Zone as any)[REJECTION_HANDLED_HANDLER];
if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {
handler.call(this, {rejection: (promise as any)[symbolValue], promise: promise});
} catch (err) {
(promise as any)[symbolState] = REJECTED;
for (let i = 0; i < _uncaughtPromiseErrors.length; i++) {
if (promise === _uncaughtPromiseErrors[i].promise) {
_uncaughtPromiseErrors.splice(i, 1);
function scheduleResolveOrReject<R, U1, U2>(
promise: ZoneAwarePromise<any>, zone: Zone, chainPromise: ZoneAwarePromise<any>,
onFulfilled?: ((value: R) => U1)|null|undefined,
onRejected?: ((error: any) => U2)|null|undefined): void {
const promiseState = (promise as any)[symbolState];
const delegate = promiseState ?
(typeof onFulfilled === 'function') ? onFulfilled : forwardResolution :
(typeof onRejected === 'function') ? onRejected : forwardRejection;
zone.scheduleMicroTask(source, () => {
try {
const parentPromiseValue = (promise as any)[symbolValue];
const isFinallyPromise =
!!chainPromise && symbolFinally === (chainPromise as any)[symbolFinally];
if (isFinallyPromise) {
// if the promise is generated from finally call, keep parent promise's state and value
(chainPromise as any)[symbolParentPromiseValue] = parentPromiseValue;
(chainPromise as any)[symbolParentPromiseState] = promiseState;
// should not pass value to finally callback
const value = zone.run(
delegate, undefined,
isFinallyPromise && delegate !== forwardRejection && delegate !== forwardResolution ?
[] :
resolvePromise(chainPromise, true, value);
} catch (error) {
// if error occurs, should always return this error
resolvePromise(chainPromise, false, error);
}, chainPromise as TaskData);
const ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE_TO_STRING = 'function ZoneAwarePromise() { [native code] }';
const noop = function() {};
class ZoneAwarePromise<R> implements Promise<R> {
static toString() {
static resolve<R>(value: R): Promise<R> {
return resolvePromise(<ZoneAwarePromise<R>>new this(null as any), RESOLVED, value);
static reject<U>(error: U): Promise<U> {
return resolvePromise(<ZoneAwarePromise<U>>new this(null as any), REJECTED, error);
static race<R>(values: PromiseLike<any>[]): Promise<R> {
let resolve: (v: any) => void;
let reject: (v: any) => void;
let promise: any = new this((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
function onResolve(value: any) {
function onReject(error: any) {
for (let value of values) {
if (!isThenable(value)) {
value = this.resolve(value);
value.then(onResolve, onReject);
return promise;
static all<R>(values: any): Promise<R> {
return ZoneAwarePromise.allWithCallback(values);
static allSettled<R>(values: any): Promise<R> {
const P = this && this.prototype instanceof ZoneAwarePromise ? this : ZoneAwarePromise;
return P.allWithCallback(values, {
thenCallback: (value: any) => ({status: 'fulfilled', value}),
errorCallback: (err: any) => ({status: 'rejected', reason: err})
static allWithCallback<R>(values: any, callback?: {
thenCallback: (value: any) => any,
errorCallback: (err: any) => any
}): Promise<R> {
let resolve: (v: any) => void;
let reject: (v: any) => void;
let promise = new this<R>((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
// Start at 2 to prevent prematurely resolving if .then is called immediately.
let unresolvedCount = 2;
let valueIndex = 0;
const resolvedValues: any[] = [];
for (let value of values) {
if (!isThenable(value)) {
value = this.resolve(value);
const curValueIndex = valueIndex;
try {
(value: any) => {
resolvedValues[curValueIndex] = callback ? callback.thenCallback(value) : value;
if (unresolvedCount === 0) {
(err: any) => {
if (!callback) {
} else {
resolvedValues[curValueIndex] = callback.errorCallback(err);
if (unresolvedCount === 0) {
} catch (thenErr) {
// Make the unresolvedCount zero-based again.
unresolvedCount -= 2;
if (unresolvedCount === 0) {
return promise;
(resolve: (value?: R|PromiseLike<R>) => void, reject: (error?: any) => void) => void) {
const promise: ZoneAwarePromise<R> = this;
if (!(promise instanceof ZoneAwarePromise)) {
throw new Error('Must be an instanceof Promise.');
(promise as any)[symbolState] = UNRESOLVED;
(promise as any)[symbolValue] = []; // queue;
try {
executor && executor(makeResolver(promise, RESOLVED), makeResolver(promise, REJECTED));
} catch (error) {
resolvePromise(promise, false, error);
get[Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'Promise' as any;
get[Symbol.species]() {
return ZoneAwarePromise;
then<TResult1 = R, TResult2 = never>(
onFulfilled?: ((value: R) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>)|undefined|null,
onRejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>)|undefined|
null): Promise<TResult1|TResult2> {
let C = (this.constructor as any)[Symbol.species];
if (!C || typeof C !== 'function') {
C = this.constructor || ZoneAwarePromise;
const chainPromise: Promise<TResult1|TResult2> = new (C as typeof ZoneAwarePromise)(noop);
const zone = Zone.current;
if ((this as any)[symbolState] == UNRESOLVED) {
(<any[]>(this as any)[symbolValue]).push(zone, chainPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected);
} else {
scheduleResolveOrReject(this, zone, chainPromise as any, onFulfilled, onRejected);
return chainPromise;
catch<TResult = never>(onRejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>)|undefined|
null): Promise<R|TResult> {
return this.then(null, onRejected);
finally<U>(onFinally?: () => U | PromiseLike<U>): Promise<R> {
let C = (this.constructor as any)[Symbol.species];
if (!C || typeof C !== 'function') {
C = ZoneAwarePromise;
const chainPromise: Promise<R|never> = new (C as typeof ZoneAwarePromise)(noop);
(chainPromise as any)[symbolFinally] = symbolFinally;
const zone = Zone.current;
if ((this as any)[symbolState] == UNRESOLVED) {
(<any[]>(this as any)[symbolValue]).push(zone, chainPromise, onFinally, onFinally);
} else {
scheduleResolveOrReject(this, zone, chainPromise as any, onFinally, onFinally);
return chainPromise;
// Protect against aggressive optimizers dropping seemingly unused properties.
// E.g. Closure Compiler in advanced mode.
ZoneAwarePromise['resolve'] = ZoneAwarePromise.resolve;
ZoneAwarePromise['reject'] = ZoneAwarePromise.reject;
ZoneAwarePromise['race'] = ZoneAwarePromise.race;
ZoneAwarePromise['all'] = ZoneAwarePromise.all;
const NativePromise = global[symbolPromise] = global['Promise'];
global['Promise'] = ZoneAwarePromise;
const symbolThenPatched = __symbol__('thenPatched');
function patchThen(Ctor: Function) {
const proto = Ctor.prototype;
const prop = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'then');
if (prop && (prop.writable === false || !prop.configurable)) {
// check Ctor.prototype.then propertyDescriptor is writable or not
// in meteor env, writable is false, we should ignore such case
const originalThen = proto.then;
// Keep a reference to the original method.
proto[symbolThen] = originalThen;
Ctor.prototype.then = function(onResolve: any, onReject: any) {
const wrapped = new ZoneAwarePromise((resolve, reject) => {
originalThen.call(this, resolve, reject);
return wrapped.then(onResolve, onReject);
(Ctor as any)[symbolThenPatched] = true;
api.patchThen = patchThen;
function zoneify(fn: Function) {
return function(self: any, args: any[]) {
let resultPromise = fn.apply(self, args);
if (resultPromise instanceof ZoneAwarePromise) {
return resultPromise;
let ctor = resultPromise.constructor;
if (!ctor[symbolThenPatched]) {
return resultPromise;
if (NativePromise) {
patchMethod(global, 'fetch', delegate => zoneify(delegate));
// This is not part of public API, but it is useful for tests, so we expose it.
(Promise as any)[Zone.__symbol__('uncaughtPromiseErrors')] = _uncaughtPromiseErrors;
return ZoneAwarePromise;