2018-09-18 13:29:54 -07:00

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# These options are enabled when running on CI with Remote Build Execution.
# Toolchain related flags for remote build execution. #
# Remote Build Execution requires a strong hash function, such as SHA256.
startup --host_jvm_args=-Dbazel.DigestFunction=SHA256
# Depending on how many machines are in the remote execution instance, setting
# this higher can make builds faster by allowing more jobs to run in parallel.
# Setting it too high can result in jobs that timeout, however, while waiting
# for a remote machine to execute them.
build --jobs=150
# Set several flags related to specifying the platform, toolchain and java
# properties.
# These flags are duplicated rather than imported from (for example)
# %workspace%/configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/1.0/toolchain.bazelrc to make this
# bazelrc a standalone file that can be copied more easily.
# These flags should only be used as is for the rbe-ubuntu16-04 container
# and need to be adapted to work with other toolchain containers.
build --host_javabase=@bazel_toolchains//configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/1.0:jdk8
build --javabase=@bazel_toolchains//configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/1.0:jdk8
build --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build --crosstool_top=@bazel_toolchains//configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/1.0/bazel_0.15.0/default:toolchain
# Platform flags:
# The toolchain container used for execution is defined in the target indicated
# by "extra_execution_platforms", "host_platform" and "platforms".
# If you are using your own toolchain container, you need to create a platform
# target with "constraint_values" that allow for the toolchain specified with
# "extra_toolchains" to be selected (given constraints defined in
# "exec_compatible_with").
# More about platforms:
build --extra_toolchains=@bazel_toolchains//configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/1.0/bazel_0.15.0/cpp:cc-toolchain-clang-x86_64-default
build --extra_execution_platforms=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
build --host_platform=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
build --platforms=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
# Set various strategies so that all actions execute remotely. Mixing remote
# and local execution will lead to errors unless the toolchain and remote
# machine exactly match the host machine.
build --spawn_strategy=remote
build --strategy=Javac=remote
build --strategy=Closure=remote
build --genrule_strategy=remote
build --define=EXECUTOR=remote
# Enable the remote cache so action results can be shared across machines,
# developers, and workspaces.
# Enable remote execution so actions are performed on the remote systems.
# Remote instance.
build --remote_instance_name=projects/internal-200822/instances/default_instance
# Enable encryption.
build --tls_enabled=true
# Enforce stricter environment rules, which eliminates some non-hermetic
# behavior and therefore improves both the remote cache hit rate and the
# correctness and repeatability of the build.
build --experimental_strict_action_env=true
# Set a higher timeout value, just in case.
build --remote_timeout=3600
# Enable authentication. This will pick up application default credentials by
# default. You can use --auth_credentials=some_file.json to use a service
# account credential instead.
build --auth_enabled=true
# Do not accept remote cache.
build --remote_accept_cached=false