384 lines
11 KiB
384 lines
11 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as chars from '../chars';
import {NumberWrapper, isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {CompilerInjectable} from '../injectable';
export enum TokenType {
const KEYWORDS = ['var', 'let', 'null', 'undefined', 'true', 'false', 'if', 'else', 'this'];
export class Lexer {
tokenize(text: string): Token[] {
const scanner = new _Scanner(text);
const tokens: Token[] = [];
let token = scanner.scanToken();
while (token != null) {
token = scanner.scanToken();
return tokens;
export class Token {
public index: number, public type: TokenType, public numValue: number,
public strValue: string) {}
isCharacter(code: number): boolean {
return this.type == TokenType.Character && this.numValue == code;
isNumber(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Number; }
isString(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.String; }
isOperator(operater: string): boolean {
return this.type == TokenType.Operator && this.strValue == operater;
isIdentifier(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Identifier; }
isKeyword(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword; }
isKeywordLet(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'let'; }
isKeywordNull(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'null'; }
isKeywordUndefined(): boolean {
return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'undefined';
isKeywordTrue(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'true'; }
isKeywordFalse(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'false'; }
isKeywordThis(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'this'; }
isError(): boolean { return this.type == TokenType.Error; }
toNumber(): number { return this.type == TokenType.Number ? this.numValue : -1; }
toString(): string {
switch (this.type) {
case TokenType.Character:
case TokenType.Identifier:
case TokenType.Keyword:
case TokenType.Operator:
case TokenType.String:
case TokenType.Error:
return this.strValue;
case TokenType.Number:
return this.numValue.toString();
return null;
function newCharacterToken(index: number, code: number): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Character, code, String.fromCharCode(code));
function newIdentifierToken(index: number, text: string): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Identifier, 0, text);
function newKeywordToken(index: number, text: string): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Keyword, 0, text);
function newOperatorToken(index: number, text: string): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Operator, 0, text);
function newStringToken(index: number, text: string): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.String, 0, text);
function newNumberToken(index: number, n: number): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Number, n, '');
function newErrorToken(index: number, message: string): Token {
return new Token(index, TokenType.Error, 0, message);
export const EOF: Token = new Token(-1, TokenType.Character, 0, '');
class _Scanner {
length: number;
peek: number = 0;
index: number = -1;
constructor(public input: string) {
this.length = input.length;
advance() {
this.peek = ++this.index >= this.length ? chars.$EOF : this.input.charCodeAt(this.index);
scanToken(): Token {
const input = this.input, length = this.length;
let peek = this.peek, index = this.index;
// Skip whitespace.
while (peek <= chars.$SPACE) {
if (++index >= length) {
peek = chars.$EOF;
} else {
peek = input.charCodeAt(index);
this.peek = peek;
this.index = index;
if (index >= length) {
return null;
// Handle identifiers and numbers.
if (isIdentifierStart(peek)) return this.scanIdentifier();
if (chars.isDigit(peek)) return this.scanNumber(index);
const start: number = index;
switch (peek) {
case chars.$PERIOD:
return chars.isDigit(this.peek) ? this.scanNumber(start) :
newCharacterToken(start, chars.$PERIOD);
case chars.$LPAREN:
case chars.$RPAREN:
case chars.$LBRACE:
case chars.$RBRACE:
case chars.$LBRACKET:
case chars.$RBRACKET:
case chars.$COMMA:
case chars.$COLON:
case chars.$SEMICOLON:
return this.scanCharacter(start, peek);
case chars.$SQ:
case chars.$DQ:
return this.scanString();
case chars.$HASH:
case chars.$PLUS:
case chars.$MINUS:
case chars.$STAR:
case chars.$SLASH:
case chars.$PERCENT:
case chars.$CARET:
return this.scanOperator(start, String.fromCharCode(peek));
case chars.$QUESTION:
return this.scanComplexOperator(start, '?', chars.$PERIOD, '.');
case chars.$LT:
case chars.$GT:
return this.scanComplexOperator(start, String.fromCharCode(peek), chars.$EQ, '=');
case chars.$BANG:
case chars.$EQ:
return this.scanComplexOperator(
start, String.fromCharCode(peek), chars.$EQ, '=', chars.$EQ, '=');
case chars.$AMPERSAND:
return this.scanComplexOperator(start, '&', chars.$AMPERSAND, '&');
case chars.$BAR:
return this.scanComplexOperator(start, '|', chars.$BAR, '|');
case chars.$NBSP:
while (chars.isWhitespace(this.peek)) this.advance();
return this.scanToken();
return this.error(`Unexpected character [${String.fromCharCode(peek)}]`, 0);
scanCharacter(start: number, code: number): Token {
return newCharacterToken(start, code);
scanOperator(start: number, str: string): Token {
return newOperatorToken(start, str);
* Tokenize a 2/3 char long operator
* @param start start index in the expression
* @param one first symbol (always part of the operator)
* @param twoCode code point for the second symbol
* @param two second symbol (part of the operator when the second code point matches)
* @param threeCode code point for the third symbol
* @param three third symbol (part of the operator when provided and matches source expression)
* @returns {Token}
start: number, one: string, twoCode: number, two: string, threeCode?: number,
three?: string): Token {
let str: string = one;
if (this.peek == twoCode) {
str += two;
if (isPresent(threeCode) && this.peek == threeCode) {
str += three;
return newOperatorToken(start, str);
scanIdentifier(): Token {
const start: number = this.index;
while (isIdentifierPart(this.peek)) this.advance();
const str: string = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
return KEYWORDS.indexOf(str) > -1 ? newKeywordToken(start, str) :
newIdentifierToken(start, str);
scanNumber(start: number): Token {
let simple: boolean = (this.index === start);
this.advance(); // Skip initial digit.
while (true) {
if (chars.isDigit(this.peek)) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (this.peek == chars.$PERIOD) {
simple = false;
} else if (isExponentStart(this.peek)) {
if (isExponentSign(this.peek)) this.advance();
if (!chars.isDigit(this.peek)) return this.error('Invalid exponent', -1);
simple = false;
} else {
const str: string = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
const value: number = simple ? NumberWrapper.parseIntAutoRadix(str) : parseFloat(str);
return newNumberToken(start, value);
scanString(): Token {
const start: number = this.index;
const quote: number = this.peek;
this.advance(); // Skip initial quote.
let buffer: string = '';
let marker: number = this.index;
const input: string = this.input;
while (this.peek != quote) {
if (this.peek == chars.$BACKSLASH) {
buffer += input.substring(marker, this.index);
let unescapedCode: number;
if (this.peek == chars.$u) {
// 4 character hex code for unicode character.
const hex: string = input.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5);
if (/^[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(hex)) {
unescapedCode = parseInt(hex, 16);
} else {
return this.error(`Invalid unicode escape [\\u${hex}]`, 0);
for (let i: number = 0; i < 5; i++) {
} else {
unescapedCode = unescape(this.peek);
buffer += String.fromCharCode(unescapedCode);
marker = this.index;
} else if (this.peek == chars.$EOF) {
return this.error('Unterminated quote', 0);
} else {
const last: string = input.substring(marker, this.index);
this.advance(); // Skip terminating quote.
return newStringToken(start, buffer + last);
error(message: string, offset: number): Token {
const position: number = this.index + offset;
return newErrorToken(
position, `Lexer Error: ${message} at column ${position} in expression [${this.input}]`);
function isIdentifierStart(code: number): boolean {
return (chars.$a <= code && code <= chars.$z) || (chars.$A <= code && code <= chars.$Z) ||
(code == chars.$_) || (code == chars.$$);
export function isIdentifier(input: string): boolean {
if (input.length == 0) return false;
const scanner = new _Scanner(input);
if (!isIdentifierStart(scanner.peek)) return false;
while (scanner.peek !== chars.$EOF) {
if (!isIdentifierPart(scanner.peek)) return false;
return true;
function isIdentifierPart(code: number): boolean {
return chars.isAsciiLetter(code) || chars.isDigit(code) || (code == chars.$_) ||
(code == chars.$$);
function isExponentStart(code: number): boolean {
return code == chars.$e || code == chars.$E;
function isExponentSign(code: number): boolean {
return code == chars.$MINUS || code == chars.$PLUS;
export function isQuote(code: number): boolean {
return code === chars.$SQ || code === chars.$DQ || code === chars.$BT;
function unescape(code: number): number {
switch (code) {
case chars.$n:
return chars.$LF;
case chars.$f:
return chars.$FF;
case chars.$r:
return chars.$CR;
case chars.$t:
return chars.$TAB;
case chars.$v:
return chars.$VTAB;
return code;