The naïve matching algorithm we previously used to match declarations in source files to declarations in typings files was based only on the name of the thing being declared. This did not handle cases where the declared item had been exported via an alias - a common scenario when one of the two file sets (source or typings) has been flattened, while the other has not. The new algorithm tries to overcome this by creating two maps of export name to declaration (i.e. `Map<string, ts.Declaration>`). One for the source files and one for the typings files. It then joins these two together by matching export names, resulting in a new map that maps source declarations to typings declarations directly (i.e. `Map<ts.Declaration, ts.Declaration>`). This new map can handle the declaration names being different between the source and typings as long as they are ultimately both exported with the same alias name. Further more, there is one map for "public exports", i.e. exported via the root of the source tree (the entry-point), and another map for "private exports", which are exported from individual files in the source tree but not necessarily from the root. This second map can be used to "guess" the mapping between exports in a deep (non-flat) file tree, which can be used by ngcc to add required private exports to the entry-point. Fixes #33593 PR Close #34254
The sources for this package are in the main Angular repo. Please file issues and pull requests against that repo.
Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.
License: MIT