2016-06-09 17:00:15 -07:00

243 lines
10 KiB

import {beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xit,} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileFactoryMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileAnimationEntryMetadata, CompileAnimationStyleMetadata, CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata, CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata, CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata, CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, CompileAnimationGroupMetadata} from '@angular/compiler/src/compile_metadata';
import {ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core/src/metadata/view';
import {ChangeDetectionStrategy} from '@angular/core/src/change_detection';
import {LifecycleHooks} from '@angular/core/src/metadata/lifecycle_hooks';
export function main() {
describe('CompileMetadata', () => {
var fullTypeMeta: CompileTypeMetadata;
var fullTemplateMeta: CompileTemplateMetadata;
var fullDirectiveMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata;
beforeEach(() => {
var diDep = new CompileDiDependencyMetadata({
isAttribute: true,
isSelf: true,
isHost: true,
isSkipSelf: true,
isOptional: true,
token: new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'someToken'}),
query: new CompileQueryMetadata({
selectors: [new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'one'})],
descendants: true,
first: true,
propertyName: 'one'
viewQuery: new CompileQueryMetadata({
selectors: [new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'one'})],
descendants: true,
first: true,
propertyName: 'one'
fullTypeMeta = new CompileTypeMetadata(
{name: 'SomeType', moduleUrl: 'someUrl', isHost: true, diDeps: [diDep]});
fullTemplateMeta = new CompileTemplateMetadata({
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
template: '<a></a>',
templateUrl: 'someTemplateUrl',
styles: ['someStyle'],
styleUrls: ['someStyleUrl'],
animations: [new CompileAnimationEntryMetadata(
[new CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata(
'* => *', new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata([
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 0}]),
new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(
1000, new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 1}]))
ngContentSelectors: ['*']
fullDirectiveMeta = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'someSelector',
isComponent: true,
type: fullTypeMeta,
template: fullTemplateMeta,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
inputs: ['someProp'],
outputs: ['someEvent'],
host: {'(event1)': 'handler1', '[prop1]': 'expr1', 'attr1': 'attrValue2'},
lifecycleHooks: [LifecycleHooks.OnChanges],
providers: [new CompileProviderMetadata({
token: new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'token'}),
multi: true,
useClass: fullTypeMeta,
useExisting: new CompileTokenMetadata({
identifier: new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: 'someName'}),
identifierIsInstance: true
useFactory: new CompileFactoryMetadata({name: 'someName', diDeps: [diDep]}),
useValue: 'someValue',
viewProviders: [new CompileProviderMetadata({
token: new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'token'}),
useClass: fullTypeMeta,
useExisting: new CompileTokenMetadata(
{identifier: new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: 'someName'})}),
useFactory: new CompileFactoryMetadata({name: 'someName', diDeps: [diDep]}),
useValue: 'someValue'
queries: [new CompileQueryMetadata({
selectors: [new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'selector'})],
descendants: true,
first: false,
propertyName: 'prop',
read: new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'readToken'})
viewQueries: [new CompileQueryMetadata({
selectors: [new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'selector'})],
descendants: true,
first: false,
propertyName: 'prop',
read: new CompileTokenMetadata({value: 'readToken'})
describe('CompileIdentifierMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileIdentifierMetadata(
{name: 'name', moduleUrl: 'module', value: ['one', ['two']]});
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileIdentifierMetadata();
describe('DirectiveMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
var empty = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create();
describe('TypeMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
var empty = new CompileTypeMetadata();
describe('TemplateMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
var empty = new CompileTemplateMetadata();
describe('CompileAnimationStyleMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 0, 'color': 'red'}]);
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, []);
describe('CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(
'1s linear', new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 0.5, 'color': 'blue'}]))
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata();
describe('CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata([
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 0.5, 'width': 100}]),
new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(
1000, new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'opacity': 1, 'width': 0}]))
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata();
describe('CompileAnimationGroupMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationGroupMetadata([
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'width': 100, 'border': '1px solid red'}]),
new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(
1000, new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(
0, [{'width': 900, 'border': '10px solid blue'}]))
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationGroupMetadata();
describe('CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata([
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'width': 0}]),
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0.5, [{'width': 100}]),
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(1, [{'width': 200}]),
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata();
describe('CompileAnimationEntryMetadata', () => {
it('should serialize with full data', () => {
let full = new CompileAnimationEntryMetadata(
'name', [new CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata(
'key => value', new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata([
new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'color': 'red'}]),
new CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata(
1000, new CompileAnimationStyleMetadata(0, [{'color': 'blue'}]))
it('should serialize with no data', () => {
let empty = new CompileAnimationEntryMetadata();