
103 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ApplicationRef, NgModuleFactory, NgModuleRef, PlatformRef, StaticProvider, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {ɵTRANSITION_ID} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {first} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {PlatformState} from './platform_state';
import {platformDynamicServer, platformServer} from './server';
interface PlatformOptions {
document?: string;
url?: string;
extraProviders?: StaticProvider[];
function _getPlatform(
platformFactory: (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) => PlatformRef,
options: PlatformOptions): PlatformRef {
const extraProviders = options.extraProviders ? options.extraProviders : [];
return platformFactory([
{provide: INITIAL_CONFIG, useValue: {document: options.document, url: options.url}},
function _render<T>(
platform: PlatformRef, moduleRefPromise: Promise<NgModuleRef<T>>): Promise<string> {
return moduleRefPromise.then((moduleRef) => {
const transitionId = moduleRef.injector.get(ɵTRANSITION_ID, null);
if (!transitionId) {
throw new Error(
`renderModule[Factory]() requires the use of BrowserModule.withServerTransition() to ensure
the server-rendered app can be properly bootstrapped into a client app.`);
const applicationRef: ApplicationRef = moduleRef.injector.get(ApplicationRef);
return applicationRef.isStable.pipe((first((isStable: boolean) => isStable)))
.then(() => {
const platformState = platform.injector.get(PlatformState);
// Run any BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED callbacks just before rendering to string.
const callbacks = moduleRef.injector.get(BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED, null);
if (callbacks) {
for (const callback of callbacks) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Ignore exceptions.
console.warn('Ignoring BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED Exception: ', e);
const output = platformState.renderToString();
return output;
* Renders a Module to string.
* `document` is the full document HTML of the page to render, as a string.
* `url` is the URL for the current render request.
* `extraProviders` are the platform level providers for the current render request.
* Do not use this in a production server environment. Use pre-compiled {@link NgModuleFactory} with
* {@link renderModuleFactory} instead.
* @experimental
export function renderModule<T>(
module: Type<T>, options: {document?: string, url?: string, extraProviders?: StaticProvider[]}):
Promise<string> {
const platform = _getPlatform(platformDynamicServer, options);
return _render(platform, platform.bootstrapModule(module));
* Renders a {@link NgModuleFactory} to string.
* `document` is the full document HTML of the page to render, as a string.
* `url` is the URL for the current render request.
* `extraProviders` are the platform level providers for the current render request.
* @experimental
export function renderModuleFactory<T>(
moduleFactory: NgModuleFactory<T>,
options: {document?: string, url?: string, extraProviders?: StaticProvider[]}):
Promise<string> {
const platform = _getPlatform(platformServer, options);
return _render(platform, platform.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory));