371 lines
16 KiB
371 lines
16 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NoopImportRewriter} from '../../../src/ngtsc/imports';
import {AbsoluteFsPath} from '../../../src/ngtsc/path';
import {ImportManager} from '../../../src/ngtsc/translator';
import {DecorationAnalyzer} from '../../src/analysis/decoration_analyzer';
import {NgccReferencesRegistry} from '../../src/analysis/ngcc_references_registry';
import {SwitchMarkerAnalyzer} from '../../src/analysis/switch_marker_analyzer';
import {IMPORT_PREFIX} from '../../src/constants';
import {Esm2015ReflectionHost} from '../../src/host/esm2015_host';
import {EsmRenderer} from '../../src/rendering/esm_renderer';
import {makeTestEntryPointBundle} from '../helpers/utils';
import {MockFileSystem} from '../helpers/mock_file_system';
import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger';
const _ = AbsoluteFsPath.fromUnchecked;
function setup(file: {name: AbsoluteFsPath, contents: string}) {
const fs = new MockFileSystem();
const logger = new MockLogger();
const bundle = makeTestEntryPointBundle('es2015', 'esm2015', false, [file]) !;
const typeChecker = bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker();
const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(logger, false, typeChecker);
const referencesRegistry = new NgccReferencesRegistry(host);
const decorationAnalyses = new DecorationAnalyzer(
fs, bundle.src.program, bundle.src.options, bundle.src.host,
typeChecker, host, referencesRegistry, [_('/')], false)
const switchMarkerAnalyses = new SwitchMarkerAnalyzer(host).analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
const renderer = new EsmRenderer(fs, logger, host, false, bundle);
const importManager = new ImportManager(new NoopImportRewriter(), IMPORT_PREFIX);
return {
program: bundle.src.program,
sourceFile: bundle.src.file, renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, importManager,
const PROGRAM = {
name: _('/some/file.js'),
contents: `
/* A copyright notice */
import 'some-side-effect';
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
export class A {}
A.decorators = [
{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] },
{ type: OtherA }
export class B {}
B.decorators = [
{ type: OtherB },
{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[b]' }] }
export class C {}
C.decorators = [
{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[c]' }] },
let compileNgModuleFactory = compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__;
let badlyFormattedVariable = __PRE_R3__badlyFormattedVariable;
function compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {
const compilerFactory = injector.get(CompilerFactory);
const compiler = compilerFactory.createCompiler([options]);
return compiler.compileModuleAsync(moduleType);
function compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {
ngDevMode && assertNgModuleType(moduleType);
return Promise.resolve(new R3NgModuleFactory(moduleType));
// Some other content`
name: _('/some/file.js'),
contents: `
import * as tslib_1 from "tslib";
var D_1;
/* A copyright notice */
import { Directive } from '@angular/core';
const OtherA = () => (node) => { };
const OtherB = () => (node) => { };
let A = class A {
A = tslib_1.__decorate([
Directive({ selector: '[a]' }),
], A);
export { A };
let B = class B {
B = tslib_1.__decorate([
Directive({ selector: '[b]' })
], B);
export { B };
let C = class C {
C = tslib_1.__decorate([
Directive({ selector: '[c]' })
], C);
export { C };
let D = D_1 = class D {
D = D_1 = tslib_1.__decorate([
Directive({ selector: '[d]', providers: [D_1] })
], D);
export { D };
// Some other content`
describe('Esm2015Renderer', () => {
describe('addImports', () => {
it('should insert the given imports after existing imports of the source file', () => {
const {renderer, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
{specifier: '@angular/core', qualifier: 'i0'},
{specifier: '@angular/common', qualifier: 'i1'}
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`/* A copyright notice */
import 'some-side-effect';
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
import * as i1 from '@angular/common';`);
describe('addExports', () => {
it('should insert the given exports at the end of the source file', () => {
const {importManager, renderer, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
output, _(PROGRAM.name.replace(/\.js$/, '')),
{from: _('/some/a.js'), dtsFrom: _('/some/a.d.ts'), identifier: 'ComponentA1'},
{from: _('/some/a.js'), dtsFrom: _('/some/a.d.ts'), identifier: 'ComponentA2'},
{from: _('/some/foo/b.js'), dtsFrom: _('/some/foo/b.d.ts'), identifier: 'ComponentB'},
{from: PROGRAM.name, dtsFrom: PROGRAM.name, identifier: 'TopLevelComponent'},
importManager, sourceFile);
// Some other content
export {ComponentA1} from './a';
export {ComponentA2} from './a';
export {ComponentB} from './foo/b';
export {TopLevelComponent};`);
it('should not insert alias exports in js output', () => {
const {importManager, renderer, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
output, _(PROGRAM.name.replace(/\.js$/, '')),
{from: _('/some/a.js'), alias: 'eComponentA1', identifier: 'ComponentA1'},
{from: _('/some/a.js'), alias: 'eComponentA2', identifier: 'ComponentA2'},
{from: _('/some/foo/b.js'), alias: 'eComponentB', identifier: 'ComponentB'},
{from: PROGRAM.name, alias: 'eTopLevelComponent', identifier: 'TopLevelComponent'},
importManager, sourceFile);
const outputString = output.toString();
expect(outputString).not.toContain(`{eComponentA1 as ComponentA1}`);
expect(outputString).not.toContain(`{eComponentB as ComponentB}`);
expect(outputString).not.toContain(`{eTopLevelComponent as TopLevelComponent}`);
describe('addConstants', () => {
it('should insert the given constants after imports in the source file', () => {
const {renderer, program} = setup(PROGRAM);
const file = program.getSourceFile('some/file.js');
if (file === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not find source file`);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
renderer.addConstants(output, 'const x = 3;', file);
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
const x = 3;
export class A {}`);
it('should insert constants after inserted imports', () => {
const {renderer, program} = setup(PROGRAM);
const file = program.getSourceFile('some/file.js');
if (file === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not find source file`);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
renderer.addConstants(output, 'const x = 3;', file);
renderer.addImports(output, [{specifier: '@angular/core', qualifier: 'i0'}], file);
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
const x = 3;
export class A {`);
describe('rewriteSwitchableDeclarations', () => {
it('should switch marked declaration initializers', () => {
const {renderer, program, switchMarkerAnalyses, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM);
const file = program.getSourceFile('some/file.js');
if (file === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not find source file`);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
output, file, switchMarkerAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.declarations);
.not.toContain(`let compileNgModuleFactory = compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__;`);
.toContain(`let badlyFormattedVariable = __PRE_R3__badlyFormattedVariable;`);
.toContain(`let compileNgModuleFactory = compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__;`);
.toContain(`function compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {`);
.toContain(`function compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {`);
describe('addDefinitions', () => {
it('should insert the definitions directly after the class declaration', () => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'A') !;
renderer.addDefinitions(output, compiledClass, 'SOME DEFINITION TEXT');
export class A {}
A.decorators = [
describe('removeDecorators', () => {
describe('[static property declaration]', () => {
it('should delete the decorator (and following comma) that was matched in the analysis',
() => {
const {decorationAnalyses, sourceFile, renderer} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'A') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators[0];
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
.not.toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] },`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherA }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[b]' }] }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherB }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[c]' }] }`);
it('should delete the decorator (but cope with no trailing comma) that was matched in the analysis',
() => {
const {decorationAnalyses, sourceFile, renderer} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'B') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators[0];
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] },`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherA }`);
.not.toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[b]' }] }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherB }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[c]' }] }`);
it('should delete the decorator (and its container if there are no other decorators left) that was matched in the analysis',
() => {
const {decorationAnalyses, sourceFile, renderer} = setup(PROGRAM);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'C') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators[0];
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] },`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherA }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[b]' }] }`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`{ type: OtherB }`);
.not.toContain(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[c]' }] }`);
expect(output.toString()).not.toContain(`C.decorators = [`);
describe('[__decorate declarations]', () => {
it('should delete the decorator (and following comma) that was matched in the analysis', () => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'A') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators.find(d => d.name === 'Directive') !;
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
expect(output.toString()).not.toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[a]' }),`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[b]' })`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[c]' })`);
it('should delete the decorator (but cope with no trailing comma) that was matched in the analysis',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'B') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators.find(d => d.name === 'Directive') !;
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[a]' }),`);
expect(output.toString()).not.toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[b]' })`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[c]' })`);
it('should delete the decorator (and its container if there are not other decorators left) that was matched in the analysis',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, sourceFile} = setup(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER);
const output = new MagicString(PROGRAM_DECORATE_HELPER.contents);
const compiledClass =
decorationAnalyses.get(sourceFile) !.compiledClasses.find(c => c.name === 'C') !;
const decorator = compiledClass.decorators.find(d => d.name === 'Directive') !;
const decoratorsToRemove = new Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>();
decoratorsToRemove.set(decorator.node.parent !, [decorator.node]);
renderer.removeDecorators(output, decoratorsToRemove);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[a]' }),`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[b]' })`);
expect(output.toString()).not.toContain(`Directive({ selector: '[c]' })`);
expect(output.toString()).not.toContain(`C = tslib_1.__decorate([`);
expect(output.toString()).toContain(`let C = class C {\n};\nexport { C };`);