Alex Rickabaugh f99cb5c995 fix(compiler-cli): flat module index metadata should be transformed (#23129)
Currently, the flat module index metadata is produced directly from
the source metadata. The compiler, however, applies transformations
on the Typescript sources during transpilation, and also equivalent
transformations on the metadata itself. This transformed metadata
doesn't end up in the flat module index.

This changes the compiler to generate the flat module index metadata
from its transformed version instead of directly from source.

PR Close #23129
2018-04-04 09:44:14 -07:00

642 lines
24 KiB

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* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
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import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {MetadataCollector} from '../metadata/collector';
import {ClassMetadata, ConstructorMetadata, FunctionMetadata, METADATA_VERSION, MemberMetadata, MetadataEntry, MetadataError, MetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, MetadataMap, MetadataObject, MetadataSymbolicExpression, MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression, MetadataValue, MethodMetadata, ModuleExportMetadata, ModuleMetadata, isClassMetadata, isConstructorMetadata, isFunctionMetadata, isInterfaceMetadata, isMetadataError, isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, isMetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, isMetadataModuleReferenceExpression, isMetadataSymbolicExpression, isMethodMetadata} from '../metadata/schema';
import {MetadataCache} from '../transformers/metadata_cache';
// The character set used to produce private names.
const PRIVATE_NAME_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
interface Symbol {
module: string;
name: string;
// Produced by indirectly by exportAll() for symbols re-export another symbol.
exports?: Symbol;
// Produced by indirectly by exportAll() for symbols are re-exported by another symbol.
reexportedAs?: Symbol;
// Produced by canonicalizeSymbols() for all symbols. A symbol is private if it is not
// exported by the index.
isPrivate?: boolean;
// Produced by canonicalizeSymbols() for all symbols. This is the one symbol that
// respresents all other symbols and is the only symbol that, among all the re-exported
// aliases, whose fields can be trusted to contain the correct information.
// For private symbols this is the declaration symbol. For public symbols this is the
// symbol that is exported.
canonicalSymbol?: Symbol;
// Produced by canonicalizeSymbols() for all symbols. This the symbol that originally
// declared the value and should be used to fetch the value.
declaration?: Symbol;
// A symbol is referenced if it is exported from index or referenced by the value of
// a referenced symbol's value.
referenced?: boolean;
// A symbol is marked as a re-export the symbol was rexported from a module that is
// not part of the flat module bundle.
reexport?: boolean;
// Only valid for referenced canonical symbols. Produces by convertSymbols().
value?: MetadataEntry;
// Only valid for referenced private symbols. It is the name to use to import the symbol from
// the bundle index. Produce by assignPrivateNames();
privateName?: string;
export interface BundleEntries { [name: string]: MetadataEntry; }
export interface BundlePrivateEntry {
privateName: string;
name: string;
module: string;
export interface BundledModule {
metadata: ModuleMetadata;
privates: BundlePrivateEntry[];
export interface MetadataBundlerHost {
getMetadataFor(moduleName: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined;
type StaticsMetadata = {
[name: string]: MetadataValue | FunctionMetadata;
export class MetadataBundler {
private symbolMap = new Map<string, Symbol>();
private metadataCache = new Map<string, ModuleMetadata|undefined>();
private exports = new Map<string, Symbol[]>();
private rootModule: string;
private privateSymbolPrefix: string;
private exported: Set<Symbol>;
private root: string, private importAs: string|undefined, private host: MetadataBundlerHost,
privateSymbolPrefix?: string) {
this.rootModule = `./${path.basename(root)}`;
this.privateSymbolPrefix = (privateSymbolPrefix || '').replace(/\W/g, '_');
getMetadataBundle(): BundledModule {
// Export the root module. This also collects the transitive closure of all values referenced by
// the exports.
const exportedSymbols = this.exportAll(this.rootModule);
// TODO: exports? e.g. a module re-exports a symbol from another bundle
const metadata = this.getEntries(exportedSymbols);
const privates = Array.from(this.symbolMap.values())
.filter(s => s.referenced && s.isPrivate)
.map(s => ({
privateName: s.privateName !,
name: s.declaration !.name,
module: s.declaration !.module
const origins = Array.from(this.symbolMap.values())
.filter(s => s.referenced && !s.reexport)
.reduce<{[name: string]: string}>((p, s) => {
p[s.isPrivate ? s.privateName ! :] = s.declaration !.module;
return p;
}, {});
const exports = this.getReExports(exportedSymbols);
return {
metadata: {
__symbolic: 'module',
exports: exports.length ? exports : undefined, metadata, origins,
importAs: this.importAs !
static resolveModule(importName: string, from: string): string {
return resolveModule(importName, from);
private getMetadata(moduleName: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined {
let result = this.metadataCache.get(moduleName);
if (!result) {
if (moduleName.startsWith('.')) {
const fullModuleName = resolveModule(moduleName, this.root);
result =;
this.metadataCache.set(moduleName, result);
return result;
private exportAll(moduleName: string): Symbol[] {
const module = this.getMetadata(moduleName);
let result = this.exports.get(moduleName);
if (result) {
return result;
result = [];
const exportSymbol = (exportedSymbol: Symbol, exportAs: string) => {
const symbol = this.symbolOf(moduleName, exportAs);
result !.push(symbol);
exportedSymbol.reexportedAs = symbol;
symbol.exports = exportedSymbol;
// Export all the symbols defined in this module.
if (module && module.metadata) {
for (let key in module.metadata) {
const data = module.metadata[key];
if (isMetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression(data)) {
// This is a re-export of an imported symbol. Record this as a re-export.
const exportFrom = resolveModule(data.module, moduleName);
const symbol = this.symbolOf(exportFrom,;
exportSymbol(symbol, key);
} else {
// Record that this symbol is exported by this module.
result.push(this.symbolOf(moduleName, key));
// Export all the re-exports from this module
if (module && module.exports) {
for (const exportDeclaration of module.exports) {
const exportFrom = resolveModule(exportDeclaration.from, moduleName);
// Record all the exports from the module even if we don't use it directly.
const exportedSymbols = this.exportAll(exportFrom);
if (exportDeclaration.export) {
// Re-export all the named exports from a module.
for (const exportItem of exportDeclaration.export) {
const name = typeof exportItem == 'string' ? exportItem :;
const exportAs = typeof exportItem == 'string' ? exportItem :;
const symbol = this.symbolOf(exportFrom, name);
if (exportedSymbols && exportedSymbols.length == 1 && exportedSymbols[0].reexport &&
exportedSymbols[0].name == '*') {
// This is a named export from a module we have no metadata about. Record the named
// export as a re-export.
symbol.reexport = true;
exportSymbol(this.symbolOf(exportFrom, name), exportAs);
} else {
// Re-export all the symbols from the module
const exportedSymbols = this.exportAll(exportFrom);
for (const exportedSymbol of exportedSymbols) {
const name =;
exportSymbol(exportedSymbol, name);
if (!module) {
// If no metadata is found for this import then it is considered external to the
// library and should be recorded as a re-export in the final metadata if it is
// eventually re-exported.
const symbol = this.symbolOf(moduleName, '*');
symbol.reexport = true;
this.exports.set(moduleName, result);
return result;
* Fill in the canonicalSymbol which is the symbol that should be imported by factories.
* The canonical symbol is the one exported by the index file for the bundle or definition
* symbol for private symbols that are not exported by bundle index.
private canonicalizeSymbols(exportedSymbols: Symbol[]) {
const symbols = Array.from(this.symbolMap.values());
this.exported = new Set(exportedSymbols);
symbols.forEach(this.canonicalizeSymbol, this);
private canonicalizeSymbol(symbol: Symbol) {
const rootExport = getRootExport(symbol);
const declaration = getSymbolDeclaration(symbol);
const isPrivate = !this.exported.has(rootExport);
const canonicalSymbol = isPrivate ? declaration : rootExport;
symbol.isPrivate = isPrivate;
symbol.declaration = declaration;
symbol.canonicalSymbol = canonicalSymbol;
symbol.reexport = declaration.reexport;
private getEntries(exportedSymbols: Symbol[]): BundleEntries {
const result: BundleEntries = {};
const exportedNames = new Set( =>;
let privateName = 0;
function newPrivateName(prefix: string): string {
while (true) {
let digits: string[] = [];
let index = privateName++;
while (!digits.length || index > 0) {
digits.unshift(base[index % base.length]);
index = Math.floor(index / base.length);
const result = `\u0275${prefix}${digits.join('')}`;
if (!exportedNames.has(result)) return result;
exportedSymbols.forEach(symbol => this.convertSymbol(symbol));
const symbolsMap = new Map<string, string[]>();
Array.from(this.symbolMap.values()).forEach(symbol => {
if (symbol.referenced && !symbol.reexport) {
let name =;
const identifier = `${symbol.declaration!.module}:${symbol.declaration !.name}`;
if (symbol.isPrivate && !symbol.privateName) {
name = newPrivateName(this.privateSymbolPrefix);
symbol.privateName = name;
if (symbolsMap.has(identifier)) {
const names = symbolsMap.get(identifier);
names !.push(name);
} else {
symbolsMap.set(identifier, [name]);
result[name] = symbol.value !;
// check for duplicated entries
symbolsMap.forEach((names: string[], identifier: string) => {
if (names.length > 1) {
const [module, declaredName] = identifier.split(':');
// prefer the export that uses the declared name (if any)
let reference = names.indexOf(declaredName);
if (reference === -1) {
reference = 0;
// keep one entry and replace the others by references
names.forEach((name: string, i: number) => {
if (i !== reference) {
result[name] = {__symbolic: 'reference', name: names[reference]};
return result;
private getReExports(exportedSymbols: Symbol[]): ModuleExportMetadata[] {
type ExportClause = {name: string, as: string}[];
const modules = new Map<string, ExportClause>();
const exportAlls = new Set<string>();
for (const symbol of exportedSymbols) {
if (symbol.reexport) {
// symbol.declaration is guaranteed to be defined during the phase this method is called.
const declaration = symbol.declaration !;
const module = declaration.module;
if (declaration !.name == '*') {
// Reexport all the symbols.
} else {
// Re-export the symbol as the exported name.
let entry = modules.get(module);
if (!entry) {
entry = [];
modules.set(module, entry);
const as =;
const name =;
entry.push({name, as});
return [
...Array.from(exportAlls.values()).map(from => ({from})),
...Array.from(modules.entries()).map(([from, exports]) => ({export: exports, from}))
private convertSymbol(symbol: Symbol) {
// canonicalSymbol is ensured to be defined before this is called.
const canonicalSymbol = symbol.canonicalSymbol !;
if (!canonicalSymbol.referenced) {
canonicalSymbol.referenced = true;
// declaration is ensured to be definded before this method is called.
const declaration = canonicalSymbol.declaration !;
const module = this.getMetadata(declaration.module);
if (module) {
const value = module.metadata[];
if (value && !'___')) {
canonicalSymbol.value = this.convertEntry(declaration.module, value);
private convertEntry(moduleName: string, value: MetadataEntry): MetadataEntry {
if (isClassMetadata(value)) {
return this.convertClass(moduleName, value);
if (isFunctionMetadata(value)) {
return this.convertFunction(moduleName, value);
if (isInterfaceMetadata(value)) {
return value;
return this.convertValue(moduleName, value);
private convertClass(moduleName: string, value: ClassMetadata): ClassMetadata {
return {
__symbolic: 'class',
arity: value.arity,
extends: this.convertExpression(moduleName, value.extends) !,
value.decorators && => this.convertExpression(moduleName, d) !),
members: this.convertMembers(moduleName, value.members !),
statics: value.statics && this.convertStatics(moduleName, value.statics)
private convertMembers(moduleName: string, members: MetadataMap): MetadataMap {
const result: MetadataMap = {};
for (const name in members) {
const value = members[name];
result[name] = => this.convertMember(moduleName, v));
return result;
private convertMember(moduleName: string, member: MemberMetadata) {
const result: MemberMetadata = {__symbolic: member.__symbolic};
result.decorators =
member.decorators && => this.convertExpression(moduleName, d) !);
if (isMethodMetadata(member)) {
(result as MethodMetadata).parameterDecorators = member.parameterDecorators &&
d => d && => this.convertExpression(moduleName, p) !));
if (isConstructorMetadata(member)) {
if (member.parameters) {
(result as ConstructorMetadata).parameters = => this.convertExpression(moduleName, p));
return result;
private convertStatics(moduleName: string, statics: StaticsMetadata): StaticsMetadata {
let result: StaticsMetadata = {};
for (const key in statics) {
const value = statics[key];
result[key] = isFunctionMetadata(value) ? this.convertFunction(moduleName, value) : value;
return result;
private convertFunction(moduleName: string, value: FunctionMetadata): FunctionMetadata {
return {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: value.parameters,
defaults: value.defaults && => this.convertValue(moduleName, v)),
value: this.convertValue(moduleName, value.value)
private convertValue(moduleName: string, value: MetadataValue): MetadataValue {
if (isPrimitive(value)) {
return value;
if (isMetadataError(value)) {
return this.convertError(moduleName, value);
if (isMetadataSymbolicExpression(value)) {
return this.convertExpression(moduleName, value) !;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return => this.convertValue(moduleName, v));
// Otherwise it is a metadata object.
const object = value as MetadataObject;
const result: MetadataObject = {};
for (const key in object) {
result[key] = this.convertValue(moduleName, object[key]);
return result;
private convertExpression(
moduleName: string, value: MetadataSymbolicExpression|MetadataError|null|
undefined): MetadataSymbolicExpression|MetadataError|undefined|null {
if (value) {
switch (value.__symbolic) {
case 'error':
return this.convertError(moduleName, value as MetadataError);
case 'reference':
return this.convertReference(moduleName, value as MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression);
return this.convertExpressionNode(moduleName, value);
return value;
private convertError(module: string, value: MetadataError): MetadataError {
return {
__symbolic: 'error',
message: value.message,
line: value.line,
character: value.character,
context: value.context, module
private convertReference(moduleName: string, value: MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression):
MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression|MetadataError|undefined {
const createReference = (symbol: Symbol): MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression => {
const declaration = symbol.declaration !;
if (declaration.module.startsWith('.')) {
// Reference to a symbol defined in the module. Ensure it is converted then return a
// references to the final symbol.
return {
__symbolic: 'reference',
get name() {
// Resolved lazily because private names are assigned late.
const canonicalSymbol = symbol.canonicalSymbol !;
if (canonicalSymbol.isPrivate == null) {
throw Error('Invalid state: isPrivate was not initialized');
return canonicalSymbol.isPrivate ? canonicalSymbol.privateName ! :;
} else {
// The symbol was a re-exported symbol from another module. Return a reference to the
// original imported symbol.
return {__symbolic: 'reference', name:, module: declaration.module};
if (isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression(value)) {
const metadata = this.getMetadata(moduleName);
if (metadata && metadata.metadata && metadata.metadata[]) {
// Reference to a symbol defined in the module
return createReference(this.canonicalSymbolOf(moduleName,;
// If a reference has arguments, the arguments need to be converted.
if (value.arguments) {
return {
__symbolic: 'reference',
arguments: => this.convertValue(moduleName, a))
// Global references without arguments (such as to Math or JSON) are unmodified.
return value;
if (isMetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression(value)) {
// References to imported symbols are separated into two, references to bundled modules and
// references to modules external to the bundle. If the module reference is relative it is
// assumed to be in the bundle. If it is Global it is assumed to be outside the bundle.
// References to symbols outside the bundle are left unmodified. References to symbol inside
// the bundle need to be converted to a bundle import reference reachable from the bundle
// index.
if (value.module.startsWith('.')) {
// Reference is to a symbol defined inside the module. Convert the reference to a reference
// to the canonical symbol.
const referencedModule = resolveModule(value.module, moduleName);
const referencedName =;
return createReference(this.canonicalSymbolOf(referencedModule, referencedName));
// Value is a reference to a symbol defined outside the module.
if (value.arguments) {
// If a reference has arguments the arguments need to be converted.
return {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: value.module,
arguments: => this.convertValue(moduleName, a))
return value;
if (isMetadataModuleReferenceExpression(value)) {
// Cannot support references to bundled modules as the internal modules of a bundle are erased
// by the bundler.
if (value.module.startsWith('.')) {
return {
__symbolic: 'error',
message: 'Unsupported bundled module reference',
context: {module: value.module}
// References to unbundled modules are unmodified.
return value;
private convertExpressionNode(moduleName: string, value: MetadataSymbolicExpression):
MetadataSymbolicExpression {
const result: MetadataSymbolicExpression = { __symbolic: value.__symbolic } as any;
for (const key in value) {
(result as any)[key] = this.convertValue(moduleName, (value as any)[key]);
return result;
private symbolOf(module: string, name: string): Symbol {
const symbolKey = `${module}:${name}`;
let symbol = this.symbolMap.get(symbolKey);
if (!symbol) {
symbol = {module, name};
this.symbolMap.set(symbolKey, symbol);
return symbol;
private canonicalSymbolOf(module: string, name: string): Symbol {
// Ensure the module has been seen.
const symbol = this.symbolOf(module, name);
if (!symbol.canonicalSymbol) {
return symbol;
export class CompilerHostAdapter implements MetadataBundlerHost {
private collector = new MetadataCollector();
constructor(private host: ts.CompilerHost, private cache: MetadataCache|null) {}
getMetadataFor(fileName: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined {
if (! + '.ts')) return undefined;
const sourceFile = + '.ts', ts.ScriptTarget.Latest);
// If there is a metadata cache, use it to get the metadata for this source file. Otherwise,
// fall back on the locally created MetadataCollector.
if (!sourceFile) {
return undefined;
} else if (this.cache) {
return this.cache.getMetadata(sourceFile);
} else {
return this.collector.getMetadata(sourceFile);
function resolveModule(importName: string, from: string): string {
if (importName.startsWith('.') && from) {
let normalPath = path.normalize(path.join(path.dirname(from), importName));
if (!normalPath.startsWith('.') && from.startsWith('.')) {
// path.normalize() preserves leading '../' but not './'. This adds it back.
normalPath = `.${path.sep}${normalPath}`;
// Replace windows path delimiters with forward-slashes. Otherwise the paths are not
// TypeScript compatible when building the bundle.
return normalPath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
return importName;
function isPrimitive(o: any): o is boolean|string|number {
return o === null || (typeof o !== 'function' && typeof o !== 'object');
function getRootExport(symbol: Symbol): Symbol {
return symbol.reexportedAs ? getRootExport(symbol.reexportedAs) : symbol;
function getSymbolDeclaration(symbol: Symbol): Symbol {
return symbol.exports ? getSymbolDeclaration(symbol.exports) : symbol;