
392 lines
13 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const tmp = require('tmp');
const {runfiles} = require('@bazel/runfiles');
const VERBOSE_LOGS = !!process.env['VERBOSE_LOGS'];
// Set to true if you want the /tmp folder created to persist after running `bazel test`
const KEEP_TMP = false;
// bazelisk requires a $HOME environment variable for its cache
process.env['HOME'] = tmp.dirSync({keep: KEEP_TMP, unsafeCleanup: !KEEP_TMP}).name;
function fail(...m) {
console.error('error:', ...m);
function log(...m) {
console.error(`[${path.basename(__filename)}]`, ...m);
function log_verbose(...m) {
if (VERBOSE_LOGS) log(...m);
* Create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories
* if they do not exist.
function mkdirp(p) {
if (!fs.existsSync(p)) {
* Checks if a given path exists and is a file.
* Note: fs.statSync() is used which resolves symlinks.
function isFile(p) {
return fs.existsSync(p) && fs.statSync(p).isFile();
* Check if a given path is an executable file.
function isExecutable(p) {
try {
fs.accessSync(p, fs.constants.X_OK);
return true;
} catch {
return false;
* Given two arrays returns the longest common slice.
function commonSlice(a, b) {
const p = a.length < b.length ? [a, b] : [b, a];
for (let i = 0; i < p[0].length; ++i) {
if (p[0][i] !== p[1][i]) {
return p[0].slice(0, i);
return p[0];
* Given a list of files, the root directory is returned
function rootDirectory(files) {
let root = path.dirname(files[0]).replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
for (f of files) {
root = commonSlice(root, path.dirname(f).replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/'));
if (!root.length) break;
if (!root.length) {
fail(`not all test files are under the same root!`);
return root.join('/');
* Utility function to copy a list of files under a common root to a destination folder.
function copy(files, root, to) {
for (src of files) {
if (!src.startsWith(root)) {
fail(`file to copy ${src} is not under root ${root}`);
if (isFile(src)) {
const rel = src.slice(root.length + 1);
if (rel.startsWith('node_modules/')) {
// don't copy nested node_modules
const dest = `${to}/${rel}`;
fs.copyFileSync(src, dest);
// Set file permissions to set for files copied to tmp folders.
// These are needed as files copied out of bazel-bin will have
// restrictive permissions that may break tests.
fs.chmodSync(dest, isExecutable(src) ? '755' : '644');
log_verbose(`copied file ${src} -> ${dest}`);
} else {
fail('directories in test_files not supported');
return to;
* Utility function to copy a list of files to a tmp folder based on their common root.
function copyToTmp(files) {
const resolved = => runfiles.resolveWorkspaceRelative(f));
return copy(
resolved, rootDirectory(resolved),
tmp.dirSync({keep: KEEP_TMP, unsafeCleanup: !KEEP_TMP}).name);
* Expands environment variables in a string of the form ${FOO_BAR}.
function expandEnv(s) {
if (!s) return s;
const reg = /\$\{(\w+)\}/g;
return s.replace(reg, (matched) => {
const varName = matched.substring(2, matched.length - 1);
if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(varName)) {
return process.env[varName];
} else {
throw `Failed to expand unbound environment variable '${varName}' in '${s}'`;
* TestRunner handles setting up the integration test and executing
* the test commands based on the config.
class TestRunner {
constructor(config) {
this.config = config;
this.successful = 0;
* Run all test commands in the integration test.
* Returns on first failure.
run() {
for (const command of this.config.commands) {
// TODO: handle a quoted binary path that contains a space such as "/path to/binary"
// and quoted arguments that contain spaces
const split = command.split(' ');
let binary = split[0];
const args = split.slice(1).map(a => expandEnv(a));
switch (binary) {
case 'patch-package-json': {
let packageJsonFile = 'package.json';
if (args.length > 0) {
packageJsonFile = args[0];
log(`running test command ${this.successful + 1} of ${
this.config.commands.length}: patching '${packageJsonFile}' in '${this.testRoot}'`);
} break;
default: {
if (binary.startsWith('external/')) {
binary = `../${binary.substring('external/'.length)}`;
try {
// Attempt to resolve runfiles location if command is expected to
// be in runfiles. For example, $(rootpath @nodejs//:yarn_bin)
const runfilesBinary = runfiles.resolveWorkspaceRelative(binary);
binary = (runfilesBinary && fs.existsSync(runfilesBinary)) ? runfilesBinary : binary;
} catch (e) {
// If resolveWorkspaceRelative then command is likely a built-in
// such as 'mkdir' or 'rm'
log(`running test command ${this.successful + 1} of ${this.config.commands.length}: '${
binary} ${args.join(' ')}' in '${this.testRoot}'`);
const spawnedProcess = spawnSync(binary, args, {cwd: this.testRoot, stdio: 'inherit'});
if (spawnedProcess.error) {
fail(`test command ${testRunner.successful + 1} '${binary} ${
args.join(' ')}' failed with ${spawnedProcess.error.code}`);
if (spawnedProcess.status) {
log(`test command ${testRunner.successful + 1} '${binary} ${
args.join(' ')}' failed with status code ${spawnedProcess.status}`);
return spawnedProcess.status;
return 0;
* @internal
* Patch the specified package.json file with the npmPackages passed in the config.
_patchPackageJson(packageJsonFile) {
const packageJson = `${this.testRoot}/${packageJsonFile}`;
if (!isFile(packageJson)) {
fail(`no ${packageJsonFile} file found at test root ${this.testRoot}`);
const contents = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJson, {encoding: 'utf-8'}));
let replacements = 0;
// replace npm packages
for (const key of Object.keys(this.config.npmPackages)) {
const path = runfiles.resolveWorkspaceRelative(this.config.npmPackages[key]);
const replacement = `file:${path}`;
if (contents.dependencies && contents.dependencies[key]) {
contents.dependencies[key] = replacement;
log(`overriding dependencies['${key}'] npm package with 'file:${
path}' in package.json file`);
if (contents.devDependencies && contents.devDependencies[key]) {
contents.devDependencies[key] = replacement;
log(`overriding devDependencies['${key}'] npm package with 'file:${
path}' in package.json file`);
if (contents.resolutions && contents.resolutions[key]) {
contents.resolutions[key] = replacement;
log(`overriding resolutions['${key}'] npm package with 'file:${
path}' in package.json file`);
// TODO: handle other formats for resolutions such as `some-package/${key}` or
// `some-package/**/${key}`
const altKey = `**/${key}`;
if (contents.resolutions && contents.resolutions[altKey]) {
contents.resolutions[altKey] = replacement;
log(`overriding resolutions['${altKey}'] npm package with 'file:${
path}' in package.json file`);
// check packages that must be replaced
const failedPackages = [];
for (const key of this.config.checkNpmPackages) {
if (contents.dependencies && contents.dependencies[key] &&
(!contents.dependencies[key].startsWith('file:') ||
contents.dependencies[key].startsWith('file:.'))) {
} else if (
contents.devDependencies && contents.devDependencies[key] &&
(!contents.devDependencies[key].startsWith('file:') ||
contents.devDependencies[key].startsWith('file:.'))) {
const contentsEncoded = JSON.stringify(contents, null, 2);
log(`package.json file:\n${contentsEncoded}`);
if (failedPackages.length) {
fail(`expected replacements of npm packages ${
JSON.stringify(failedPackages)} not found; add these to the npm_packages attribute`);
if (replacements) {
fs.writeFileSync(packageJson, contentsEncoded);
* @internal
* Copy all the test files to a tmp folder so they are sandboxed for the test
* and so that changes made to source files such as patching package.json
* do not persist in the user's workspace.
* In debug mode, do not copy any file but set the testRoot to the user's workspace.
_setupTestFiles() {
if (!this.config.testFiles.length) {
fail(`no test files`);
if (this.config.debug) {
// Setup the test in the test files root directory
const root = rootDirectory(this.config.testFiles);
if (path.isAbsolute(root)) {
fail(`root directory of Bazel test files should not be an absolute path but got '${root}'`);
if (root.startsWith(`../`)) {
fail(`debug mode only available with test files in the root workspace`);
let workspaceDirectory = process.env['BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY'];
if (!workspaceDirectory) {
// bazel test
const runfilesPath = process.env['RUNFILES'];
if (!runfilesPath) {
fail(`RUNFILES environment variable is not set`);
// read the contents of the output_base/DO_NOT_BUILD_HERE file to get
// the workspace directory
const index =[\\/]execroot[\\/]/);
if (index === -1) {
fail(`no /execroot/ in runfiles path`);
const outputBase = runfilesPath.substr(0, index);
workspaceDirectory =
fs.readFileSync(`${outputBase}/DO_NOT_BUILD_HERE`, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
this.testRoot = `${workspaceDirectory}/${root}`;
log(`configuring test in-place under ${this.testRoot}`);
} else {
this.testRoot = copyToTmp(this.config.testFiles);
log(`test files from '${rootDirectory(this.config.testFiles)}' copied to tmp folder ${
* @internal
* Write an NPM_PACKAGE_MANIFEST.json file to the test root with a mapping of
* the npm package mappings for this this test. Integration tests can opt
* to use this mappings file instead of the built-in `patch-package-json`
* command.
_writeNpmPackageManifest() {
if (!this.testRoot) {
fail(`test files not yet setup`);
const manifest = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(this.config.npmPackages)) {
manifest[key] = runfiles.resolveWorkspaceRelative(this.config.npmPackages[key]);
const manifestPath = `${this.testRoot}/NPM_PACKAGE_MANIFEST.json`;
fs.writeFileSync(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2));
log(`npm package manifest written to ${manifestPath}`);
const config = require(runfiles.resolveWorkspaceRelative(process.argv[2]));
// set env vars passed from --define
for (const k of Object.keys(config.envVars)) {
const v = config.envVars[k];
process.env[k] = v;
log_verbose(`set environment variable ${k}='${v}'`);
log_verbose(`env: ${JSON.stringify(process.env, null, 2)}`);
log_verbose(`config: ${JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)}`);
log(`running in ${process.cwd()}`);
const testRunner = new TestRunner(config);
const result =;
log(`${testRunner.successful} of ${config.commands.length} test commands successful`);
if (result) {
if (!config.debug) {
log(`to run this integration test in debug mode:
bazel run ${process.env['TEST_TARGET']}.debug
in debug mode the integration test will be run out of the workspace folder`);
if (config.debug) {
log(`this integration test may be re-run manually from the '${testRunner.testRoot}' folder
for example,
cd ${testRunner.testRoot}
yarn test`);