596 lines
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596 lines
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import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {EventEmitter, ObservableWrapper, PromiseWrapper} from '../src/facade/async';
import {Map, StringMapWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection';
import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions';
import {Type, isBlank, isPresent} from '../src/facade/lang';
import {RouterOutlet} from './directives/router_outlet';
import {ComponentInstruction, DefaultInstruction, Instruction} from './instruction';
import {getCanActivateHook} from './lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector';
import {RouteDefinition} from './route_config/route_config_impl';
import {ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, RouteRegistry} from './route_registry';
let _resolveToTrue = PromiseWrapper.resolve(true);
let _resolveToFalse = PromiseWrapper.resolve(false);
* The `Router` is responsible for mapping URLs to components.
* You can see the state of the router by inspecting the read-only field `router.navigating`.
* This may be useful for showing a spinner, for instance.
* ## Concepts
* Routers and component instances have a 1:1 correspondence.
* The router holds reference to a number of {@link RouterOutlet}.
* An outlet is a placeholder that the router dynamically fills in depending on the current URL.
* When the router navigates from a URL, it must first recognize it and serialize it into an
* `Instruction`.
* The router uses the `RouteRegistry` to get an `Instruction`.
export class Router {
navigating: boolean = false;
lastNavigationAttempt: string;
* The current `Instruction` for the router
public currentInstruction: Instruction = null;
private _currentNavigation: Promise<any> = _resolveToTrue;
private _outlet: RouterOutlet = null;
private _auxRouters = new Map<string, Router>();
private _childRouter: Router;
private _subject: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
public registry: RouteRegistry, public parent: Router, public hostComponent: any,
public root?: Router) {}
* Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable
* component.
childRouter(hostComponent: any): Router {
return this._childRouter = new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent);
* Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable
* component.
auxRouter(hostComponent: any): Router { return new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent); }
* Register an outlet to be notified of primary route changes.
* You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
registerPrimaryOutlet(outlet: RouterOutlet): Promise<any> {
if (isPresent(outlet.name)) {
throw new BaseException(`registerPrimaryOutlet expects to be called with an unnamed outlet.`);
if (isPresent(this._outlet)) {
throw new BaseException(`Primary outlet is already registered.`);
this._outlet = outlet;
if (isPresent(this.currentInstruction)) {
return this.commit(this.currentInstruction, false);
return _resolveToTrue;
* Unregister an outlet (because it was destroyed, etc).
* You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a custom outlet implementation.
unregisterPrimaryOutlet(outlet: RouterOutlet): void {
if (isPresent(outlet.name)) {
throw new BaseException(`registerPrimaryOutlet expects to be called with an unnamed outlet.`);
this._outlet = null;
* Register an outlet to notified of auxiliary route changes.
* You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
registerAuxOutlet(outlet: RouterOutlet): Promise<any> {
var outletName = outlet.name;
if (isBlank(outletName)) {
throw new BaseException(`registerAuxOutlet expects to be called with an outlet with a name.`);
var router = this.auxRouter(this.hostComponent);
this._auxRouters.set(outletName, router);
router._outlet = outlet;
var auxInstruction: any /** TODO #9100 */;
if (isPresent(this.currentInstruction) &&
isPresent(auxInstruction = this.currentInstruction.auxInstruction[outletName])) {
return router.commit(auxInstruction);
return _resolveToTrue;
* Given an instruction, returns `true` if the instruction is currently active,
* otherwise `false`.
isRouteActive(instruction: Instruction): boolean {
var router: Router = this;
var currentInstruction = this.currentInstruction;
if (isBlank(currentInstruction)) {
return false;
// `instruction` corresponds to the root router
while (isPresent(router.parent) && isPresent(instruction.child)) {
router = router.parent;
instruction = instruction.child;
let reason = true;
// check the instructions in depth
do {
if (isBlank(instruction.component) || isBlank(currentInstruction.component) ||
currentInstruction.component.routeName != instruction.component.routeName) {
return false;
if (isPresent(instruction.component.params)) {
(value: any /** TODO #9100 */, key: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
if (currentInstruction.component.params[key] !== value) {
reason = false;
currentInstruction = currentInstruction.child;
instruction = instruction.child;
} while (isPresent(currentInstruction) && isPresent(instruction) &&
!(instruction instanceof DefaultInstruction) && reason);
// ignore DefaultInstruction
return reason && (isBlank(instruction) || instruction instanceof DefaultInstruction);
* Dynamically update the routing configuration and trigger a navigation.
* ### Usage
* ```
* router.config([
* { 'path': '/', 'component': IndexComp },
* { 'path': '/user/:id', 'component': UserComp },
* ]);
* ```
config(definitions: RouteDefinition[]): Promise<any> {
(routeDefinition) => { this.registry.config(this.hostComponent, routeDefinition); });
return this.renavigate();
* Navigate based on the provided Route Link DSL. It's preferred to navigate with this method
* over `navigateByUrl`.
* ### Usage
* This method takes an array representing the Route Link DSL:
* ```
* ['./MyCmp', {param: 3}]
* ```
* See the {@link RouterLink} directive for more.
navigate(linkParams: any[]): Promise<any> {
var instruction = this.generate(linkParams);
return this.navigateByInstruction(instruction, false);
* Navigate to a URL. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is complete.
* It's preferred to navigate with `navigate` instead of this method, since URLs are more brittle.
* If the given URL begins with a `/`, router will navigate absolutely.
* If the given URL does not begin with `/`, the router will navigate relative to this component.
navigateByUrl(url: string, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false): Promise<any> {
return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then((_) => {
this.lastNavigationAttempt = url;
return this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(this.recognize(url).then((instruction) => {
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return false;
return this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange);
* Navigate via the provided instruction. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is
* complete.
navigateByInstruction(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false):
Promise<any> {
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return _resolveToFalse;
return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then((_) => {
return this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange));
/** @internal */
_settleInstruction(instruction: Instruction): Promise<any> {
return instruction.resolveComponent().then((_) => {
var unsettledInstructions: Array<Promise<any>> = [];
if (isPresent(instruction.component)) {
instruction.component.reuse = false;
if (isPresent(instruction.child)) {
instruction.auxInstruction, (instruction: Instruction, _: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
return PromiseWrapper.all(unsettledInstructions);
/** @internal */
_navigate(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange: boolean): Promise<any> {
return this._settleInstruction(instruction)
.then((_) => this._routerCanReuse(instruction))
.then((_) => this._canActivate(instruction))
.then((result: boolean) => {
if (!result) {
return false;
return this._routerCanDeactivate(instruction).then((result: boolean) => {
if (result) {
return this.commit(instruction, _skipLocationChange).then((_) => {
return true;
private _emitNavigationFinish(instruction: ComponentInstruction): void {
ObservableWrapper.callEmit(this._subject, {status: 'success', instruction});
/** @internal */
_emitNavigationFail(url: string): void {
ObservableWrapper.callEmit(this._subject, {status: 'fail', url});
private _afterPromiseFinishNavigating(promise: Promise<any>): Promise<any> {
return PromiseWrapper.catchError(promise.then((_) => this._finishNavigating()), (err) => {
throw err;
* Recursively set reuse flags
/** @internal */
_routerCanReuse(instruction: Instruction): Promise<any> {
if (isBlank(this._outlet)) {
return _resolveToFalse;
if (isBlank(instruction.component)) {
return _resolveToTrue;
return this._outlet.routerCanReuse(instruction.component).then((result) => {
instruction.component.reuse = result;
if (result && isPresent(this._childRouter) && isPresent(instruction.child)) {
return this._childRouter._routerCanReuse(instruction.child);
private _canActivate(nextInstruction: Instruction): Promise<boolean> {
return canActivateOne(nextInstruction, this.currentInstruction);
private _routerCanDeactivate(instruction: Instruction): Promise<boolean> {
if (isBlank(this._outlet)) {
return _resolveToTrue;
var next: Promise<boolean>;
var childInstruction: Instruction = null;
var reuse: boolean = false;
var componentInstruction: ComponentInstruction = null;
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
childInstruction = instruction.child;
componentInstruction = instruction.component;
reuse = isBlank(instruction.component) || instruction.component.reuse;
if (reuse) {
next = _resolveToTrue;
} else {
next = this._outlet.routerCanDeactivate(componentInstruction);
// TODO: aux route lifecycle hooks
return next.then<boolean>((result): boolean | Promise<boolean> => {
if (result == false) {
return false;
if (isPresent(this._childRouter)) {
// TODO: ideally, this closure would map to async-await in Dart.
// For now, casting to any to suppress an error.
return <any>this._childRouter._routerCanDeactivate(childInstruction);
return true;
* Updates this router and all descendant routers according to the given instruction
commit(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false): Promise<any> {
this.currentInstruction = instruction;
var next: Promise<any> = _resolveToTrue;
if (isPresent(this._outlet) && isPresent(instruction.component)) {
var componentInstruction = instruction.component;
if (componentInstruction.reuse) {
next = this._outlet.reuse(componentInstruction);
} else {
next =
this.deactivate(instruction).then((_) => this._outlet.activate(componentInstruction));
if (isPresent(instruction.child)) {
next = next.then((_) => {
if (isPresent(this._childRouter)) {
return this._childRouter.commit(instruction.child);
var promises: Promise<any>[] = [];
this._auxRouters.forEach((router, name) => {
if (isPresent(instruction.auxInstruction[name])) {
return next.then((_) => PromiseWrapper.all(promises));
/** @internal */
_startNavigating(): void { this.navigating = true; }
/** @internal */
_finishNavigating(): void { this.navigating = false; }
* Subscribe to URL updates from the router
subscribe(onNext: (value: any) => void, onError?: (value: any) => void): Object {
return ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this._subject, onNext, onError);
* Removes the contents of this router's outlet and all descendant outlets
deactivate(instruction: Instruction): Promise<any> {
var childInstruction: Instruction = null;
var componentInstruction: ComponentInstruction = null;
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
childInstruction = instruction.child;
componentInstruction = instruction.component;
var next: Promise<any> = _resolveToTrue;
if (isPresent(this._childRouter)) {
next = this._childRouter.deactivate(childInstruction);
if (isPresent(this._outlet)) {
next = next.then((_) => this._outlet.deactivate(componentInstruction));
// TODO: handle aux routes
return next;
* Given a URL, returns an instruction representing the component graph
recognize(url: string): Promise<Instruction> {
var ancestorComponents = this._getAncestorInstructions();
return this.registry.recognize(url, ancestorComponents);
private _getAncestorInstructions(): Instruction[] {
var ancestorInstructions: Instruction[] = [this.currentInstruction];
var ancestorRouter: Router = this;
while (isPresent(ancestorRouter = ancestorRouter.parent)) {
return ancestorInstructions;
* Navigates to either the last URL successfully navigated to, or the last URL requested if the
* router has yet to successfully navigate.
renavigate(): Promise<any> {
if (isBlank(this.lastNavigationAttempt)) {
return this._currentNavigation;
return this.navigateByUrl(this.lastNavigationAttempt);
* Generate an `Instruction` based on the provided Route Link DSL.
generate(linkParams: any[]): Instruction {
var ancestorInstructions = this._getAncestorInstructions();
return this.registry.generate(linkParams, ancestorInstructions);
export class RootRouter extends Router {
/** @internal */
_location: Location;
/** @internal */
_locationSub: Object;
registry: RouteRegistry, location: Location,
@Inject(ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT) primaryComponent: Type) {
super(registry, null, primaryComponent);
this.root = this;
this._location = location;
this._locationSub = this._location.subscribe((change) => {
// we call recognize ourselves
this.recognize(change['url']).then((instruction) => {
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
this.navigateByInstruction(instruction, isPresent(change['pop'])).then((_) => {
// this is a popstate event; no need to change the URL
if (isPresent(change['pop']) && change['type'] != 'hashchange') {
var emitPath = instruction.toUrlPath();
var emitQuery = instruction.toUrlQuery();
if (emitPath.length > 0 && emitPath[0] != '/') {
emitPath = '/' + emitPath;
// We've opted to use pushstate and popState APIs regardless of whether you
// an app uses HashLocationStrategy or PathLocationStrategy.
// However, apps that are migrating might have hash links that operate outside
// angular to which routing must respond.
// Therefore we know that all hashchange events occur outside Angular.
// To support these cases where we respond to hashchanges and redirect as a
// result, we need to replace the top item on the stack.
if (change['type'] == 'hashchange') {
if (instruction.toRootUrl() != this._location.path()) {
this._location.replaceState(emitPath, emitQuery);
} else {
this._location.go(emitPath, emitQuery);
} else {
commit(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false): Promise<any> {
var emitPath = instruction.toUrlPath();
var emitQuery = instruction.toUrlQuery();
if (emitPath.length > 0 && emitPath[0] != '/') {
emitPath = '/' + emitPath;
var promise = super.commit(instruction);
if (!_skipLocationChange) {
if (this._location.isCurrentPathEqualTo(emitPath, emitQuery)) {
promise = promise.then((_) => { this._location.replaceState(emitPath, emitQuery); });
} else {
promise = promise.then((_) => { this._location.go(emitPath, emitQuery); });
return promise;
dispose(): void {
if (isPresent(this._locationSub)) {
this._locationSub = null;
class ChildRouter extends Router {
constructor(parent: Router, hostComponent: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
super(parent.registry, parent, hostComponent, parent.root);
this.parent = parent;
navigateByUrl(url: string, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false): Promise<any> {
// Delegate navigation to the root router
return this.parent.navigateByUrl(url, _skipLocationChange);
navigateByInstruction(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange: boolean = false):
Promise<any> {
// Delegate navigation to the root router
return this.parent.navigateByInstruction(instruction, _skipLocationChange);
function canActivateOne(
nextInstruction: Instruction, prevInstruction: Instruction): Promise<boolean> {
var next = _resolveToTrue;
if (isBlank(nextInstruction.component)) {
return next;
if (isPresent(nextInstruction.child)) {
next = canActivateOne(
nextInstruction.child, isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.child : null);
return next.then<boolean>((result: boolean): boolean => {
if (result == false) {
return false;
if (nextInstruction.component.reuse) {
return true;
var hook = getCanActivateHook(nextInstruction.component.componentType);
if (isPresent(hook)) {
return hook(
nextInstruction.component, isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.component : null);
return true;