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yum Cookbook
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The Yum cookbook exposes the `yum_globalconfig` and `yum_repository`
resources that allows a user to both control global behavior and make
individual Yum repositories available for use. These resources aim to
allow the user to configure all options listed in the `yum.conf` man
page, found at http://linux.die.net/man/5/yum.conf
WARNING: Yum cookbook version 3.0.0 and above contain non-backwards
compatible breaking changes and will not work with cookbooks written
against the 2.x and 1.x series. Changes have been made to the
yum_repository resource, and the yum_key resource has been eliminated
entirely. Recipes have been eliminated and moved into their own
cookbooks. Please lock yum to the 2.x series in your Chef environments
until all dependent cookbooks have been ported.
* Chef 11 or higher
* Ruby 1.9 (preferably from the Chef full-stack installer)
* RHEL5, RHEL6, or other platforms within the family
### yum_repository
This resource manages a yum repository configuration file at
/etc/yum.repos.d/`repositoryid`.repo. When the file needs to be
repaired, it calls yum-makecache so packages in the repo become
available to the next resource.
#### Example
``` ruby
# add the Zenoss repository
yum_repository 'zenoss' do
description "Zenoss Stable repo"
baseurl "http://dev.zenoss.com/yum/stable/"
gpgkey 'http://dev.zenoss.com/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-zenoss'
action :create
# add the EPEL repo
yum_repository 'epel' do
description 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux'
mirrorlist 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-6&arch=$basearch'
gpgkey 'http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6'
action :create
``` ruby
# delete CentOS-Media repo
yum_repository 'CentOS-Media' do
action :delete
#### Actions
- `:create` - creates a repository file and builds the repository listing
- `:delete` - deletes the repository file
- `:makecache` - update yum cache
#### Parameters
* `baseurl` - Must be a URL to the directory where the yum repository's
'repodata' directory lives. Can be an http://, ftp:// or file://
URL. You can specify multiple URLs in one baseurl statement.
* `cost` - relative cost of accessing this repository. Useful for
weighing one repo's packages as greater/less than any other.
defaults to 1000
* `description` - Maps to the 'name' parameter in a repository .conf.
Descriptive name for the repository channel. This directive must be
* `enabled` - Either `true` or `false`. This tells yum whether or not use this repository.
* `enablegroups` - Either `true` or `false`. Determines whether yum
will allow the use of package groups for this repository. Default is
`true` (package groups are allowed).
* `exclude` - List of packages to exclude from updates or installs. This
should be a space separated list in a single string. Shell globs using wildcards (eg. *
and ?) are allowed.
* `failovermethod` - Either 'roundrobin' or 'priority'.
* `fastestmirror_enabled` - Either `true` or `false`
* `gpgcheck` - Either `true` or `false`. This tells yum whether or not
it should perform a GPG signature check on packages. When this is
set in the [main] section it sets the default for all repositories.
The default is `true`.
* `gpgkey` - A URL pointing to the ASCII-armored GPG key file for the
repository. This option is used if yum needs a public key to verify
a package and the required key hasn't been imported into the RPM
database. If this option is set, yum will automatically import the
key from the specified URL.
* `http_caching` - Either 'all', 'packages', or 'none'. Determines how
upstream HTTP caches are instructed to handle any HTTP downloads
that Yum does. Defaults to 'all'
* `includepkgs` - Inverse of exclude. This is a list of packages you
want to use from a repository. If this option lists only one package
then that is all yum will ever see from the repository. Defaults to
an empty list.
* `keepalive` - Either `true` or `false`. This tells yum whether or not
HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be used with this repository.
* `make_cache` - Optional, Default is `true`, if `false` then `yum -q makecache` will not
be ran
* `max_retries` - Set the number of times any attempt to retrieve a file
should retry before returning an error. Setting this to '0' makes
yum try forever. Default is '10'.
* `metadata_expire` - Time (in seconds) after which the metadata will
expire. So that if the current metadata downloaded is less than this
many seconds old then yum will not update the metadata against the
repository. If you find that yum is not downloading information on
updates as often as you would like lower the value of this option.
You can also change from the default of using seconds to using days,
hours or minutes by appending a d, h or m respectively. The default
is 6 hours, to compliment yum-updatesd running once an hour. It's
also possible to use the word "never", meaning that the metadata
will never expire. Note that when using a metalink file the metalink
must always be newer than the metadata for the repository, due to
the validation, so this timeout also applies to the metalink file.
* `mirrorlist` - Specifies a URL to a file containing a list of
baseurls. This can be used instead of or with the baseurl option.
Substitution variables, described below, can be used with this
option. As a special hack is the mirrorlist URL contains the word
"metalink" then the value of mirrorlist is copied to metalink (if
metalink is not set)
* `mirror_expire` - Time (in seconds) after which the mirrorlist locally
cached will expire. If the current mirrorlist is less than this many
seconds old then yum will not download another copy of the
mirrorlist, it has the same extra format as metadata_expire. If you
find that yum is not downloading the mirrorlists as often as you
would like lower the value of this option.
* `mirrorlist_expire` - alias for mirror_expire
* `mode` - Permissions mode of .repo file on disk. Useful for
scenarios where secrets are in the repo file. If set to '600',
normal users will not be able to use yum search, yum info, etc.
Defaults to '0644'
* `priority` - When the yum-priorities plug-in is enabled, you set
priorities on repository entries, where N is an integer from 1 to 99. The
default priority for repositories is 99.
* `proxy` - URL to the proxy server that yum should use.
* `proxy_username` - username to use for proxy
* `proxy_password` - password for this proxy
* `report_instanceid` - Report instance ID when using Amazon Linux AMIs
and repositories
* `repositoryid` - Must be a unique name for each repository, one word.
Defaults to name attribute.
* `source` - Use a custom template source instead of the default one
in the yum cookbook
* `sslcacert` - Path to the directory containing the databases of the
certificate authorities yum should use to verify SSL certificates.
Defaults to none - uses system default
* `sslclientcert` - Path to the SSL client certificate yum should use to
connect to repos/remote sites Defaults to none.
* `sslclientkey` - Path to the SSL client key yum should use to connect
to repos/remote sites Defaults to none.
* `sslverify` - Either `true` or `false`. Determines if yum will verify SSL certificates/hosts. Defaults to `true`
* `timeout` - Number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing
out. Defaults to 30 seconds. This may be too short of a time for
extremely overloaded sites.
### yum_globalconfig
This renders a template with global yum configuration parameters. The
default recipe uses it to render `/etc/yum.conf`. It is flexible
enough to be used in other scenarios, such as building RPMs in
isolation by modifying `installroot`.
#### Example
``` ruby
yum_globalconfig '/my/chroot/etc/yum.conf' do
cachedir '/my/chroot/etc/yum.conf'
keepcache 'yes'
debuglevel '2'
installroot '/my/chroot'
action :create
#### Parameters
`yum_globalconfig` can take most of the same parameters as a
`yum_repository`, plus more, too numerous to describe here. Below are
a few of the more commonly used ones. For a complete list, please
consult the `yum.conf` man page, found here:
* `cachedir` - Directory where yum should store its cache and db
files. The default is '/var/cache/yum'.
* `keepcache` - Either `true` or `false`. Determines whether or not
yum keeps the cache of headers and packages after successful
installation. Default is `false`
* `debuglevel` - Debug message output level. Practical range is 0-10.
Default is '2'.
* `exclude` - List of packages to exclude from updates or installs.
This should be a space separated list. Shell globs using wildcards
(eg. * and ?) are allowed.
* `installonlypkgs` = List of package provides that should only ever
be installed, never updated. Kernels in particular fall into this
category. Defaults to kernel, kernel-bigmem, kernel-enterprise,
kernel-smp, kernel-debug, kernel-unsupported, kernel-source,
kernel-devel, kernel-PAE, kernel-PAE-debug.
* `logfile` - Full directory and file name for where yum should write
its log file.
* `exactarch` - Either `true` or `false`. Set to `true` to make 'yum update' only
update the architectures of packages that you have installed. ie:
with this enabled yum will not install an i686 package to update an
x86_64 package. Default is `true`
* `gpgcheck` - Either `true` or `false`. This tells yum whether or not
it should perform a GPG signature check on the packages gotten from
this repository.
* `default` - Configures `yum_globalconfig[/etc/yum.conf]` with values
found in node attributes at `node['yum']['main']`
The following attributes are set by default
``` ruby
default['yum']['main']['cachedir'] = '/var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever'
default['yum']['main']['keepcache'] = false
default['yum']['main']['debuglevel'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['exclude'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['logfile'] = '/var/log/yum.log'
default['yum']['main']['exactarch'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['obsoletes'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installonly_limit'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installonlypkgs'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installroot'] = nil
Related Cookbooks
Recipes from older versions of this cookbook have been moved
individual cookbooks. Recipes for managing platform yum configurations
and installing specific repositories can be found in one (or more!) of
the following cookbook.
* yum-centos
* yum-fedora
* yum-amazon
* yum-epel
* yum-elrepo
* yum-repoforge
* yum-ius
* yum-percona
* yum-pgdg
Put `depends 'yum'` in your metadata.rb to gain access to the
yum_repository resource.
License & Authors
- Author:: Eric G. Wolfe
- Author:: Matt Ray (<matt@getchef.com>)
- Author:: Joshua Timberman (<joshua@getchef.com>)
- Author:: Sean OMeara (<someara@getchef.com>)
Copyright:: 2011 Eric G. Wolfe
Copyright:: 2013 Chef
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.