This source code repository includes configuration files to materialize an _entire_ server implementation off all project build artifacts in a single virtual machine (VM) image from scratch, allowing you to quickly bootstrap your own local copy of the project. The server will be completely encapsulated within the created VM image. The process _should_ run on OSX, Linux and Windows, but YMMV. The built-in settings support creation of a *VirtualBox*-based image on Ubuntu Linux, though with tuning of the base image you should be able to create images suitable for other hypervisors and cloud-based IaaS providers such as VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS), respectively.
Your new server environment should now be running in a headless virtual machine on your local computer. The following step are performed automatically for you within the VM sandbox environment:
* A complete Ubuntu 14.04 Server VM is launched in headless mode, bridged to whatever host network interface you've selected.
* MySQL Server (Community Edition) is installed from the official 10gen repository. (See the [Vagrantfile]( for the default root password.)
* A "fhir" user is added to tomcat-users.xml. See [fhir.json]( for the default password.