This commit is contained in:
James Agnew 2016-06-10 10:49:51 -05:00
parent 6c9707b86e
commit 189038ad08
6 changed files with 105 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -355,13 +355,13 @@ public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
} else if (theValue.charAt(0) == 'Z') {
} else if (theValue.length() != 5) {
} else if (theValue.length() != 6) {
throwBadDateFormat(theWholeValue, "Timezone offset must be in the form \"Z\", \"-HH:mm\", or \"+HH:mm\"");
} else if (theValue.charAt(3) != ':' || !(theValue.charAt(0) == '+' || theValue.charAt(0) == '-')) {
throwBadDateFormat(theWholeValue, "Timezone offset must be in the form \"Z\", \"-HH:mm\", or \"+HH:mm\"");
} else {
parseInt(theWholeValue, theValue.substring(0, 2), 0, 23);
parseInt(theWholeValue, theValue.substring(3, 5), 0, 59);
parseInt(theWholeValue, theValue.substring(1, 3), 0, 23);
parseInt(theWholeValue, theValue.substring(4, 6), 0, 59);
setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + theValue));

View File

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
String opName = myOperationBindingToName.get(methodBinding);
if (operationNames.add(opName)) {
// Only add each operation (by name) once
rest.addOperation().setName(methodBinding.getName()).getDefinition().setReference("OperationDefinition/" + opName);
rest.addOperation().setName(opName).getDefinition().setReference("OperationDefinition/" + opName);

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.PortUtil;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.TestUtil;
@ -76,23 +77,39 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
ourLastMethod = "";
public void testConformance() throws Exception {
IGenericClient client = ourCtx.newRestfulGenericClient("http://localhost:" + ourPort);
Conformance p = client.fetchConformance().ofType(Conformance.class).execute();
LoggingInterceptor loggingInterceptor = new LoggingInterceptor();
Conformance p = client.fetchConformance().ofType(Conformance.class).prettyPrint().execute();
List<RestOperation> ops = p.getRest().get(0).getOperation();
assertThat(ops.size(), greaterThan(1));
assertThat(ops.get(0).getDefinition().getReference().getValue(), startsWith("OperationDefinition/"));
OperationDefinition def =;
assertThat(def.getCode(), not(blankOrNullString()));
List<String> opNames = toOpNames(ops);
assertThat(opNames, containsInRelativeOrder("OP_TYPE"));
assertEquals("OperationDefinition/OP_TYPE", ops.get(opNames.indexOf("OP_TYPE")).getDefinition().getReference().getValue());
private List<String> toOpNames(List<RestOperation> theOps) {
ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>();
for (RestOperation next : theOps) {
return retVal;
public void testInstanceEverythingGet() throws Exception {
// Try with a GET
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123/$everything");
CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpGet);
@ -104,9 +121,9 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
assertEquals("instance $everything", ourLastMethod);
assertThat(response, startsWith("<Bundle"));
assertEquals("Patient/123", ourLastId.toUnqualifiedVersionless().getValue());
public void testInstanceEverythingHapiClient() throws Exception {
Parameters p = ourCtx.newRestfulGenericClient("http://localhost:" + ourPort).operation().onInstance(new IdDt("Patient/123")).named("$everything").withParameters(new Parameters()).execute();
@ -115,13 +132,12 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
assertEquals("instance $everything", ourLastMethod);
assertEquals("Patient/123", ourLastId.toUnqualifiedVersionless().getValue());
public void testInstanceEverythingPost() throws Exception {
String inParamsStr = ourCtx.newXmlParser().encodeResourceToString(new Parameters());
// Try with a POST
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123/$everything");
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(inParamsStr, ContentType.create(Constants.CT_FHIR_XML, "UTF-8")));
@ -167,7 +183,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
public void testOperationOnInstance() throws Exception {
Parameters p = new Parameters();
@ -190,11 +206,11 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
Parameters resp = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseResource(Parameters.class, response);
assertEquals("RET1", resp.getParameter().get(0).getName());
* Against type should fail
httpPost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/$OP_INSTANCE");
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(inParamsStr, ContentType.create(Constants.CT_FHIR_XML, "UTF-8")));
status = ourClient.execute(httpPost);
@ -228,7 +244,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
Parameters resp = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseResource(Parameters.class, response);
assertEquals("RET1", resp.getParameter().get(0).getName());
@ -237,7 +253,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
p.addParameter().setName("PARAM1").setValue(new StringDt("PARAM1val"));
p.addParameter().setName("PARAM2").setResource(new Patient().setActive(true));
String inParamsStr = ourCtx.newXmlParser().encodeResourceToString(p);
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/$OP_INSTANCE_OR_TYPE");
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(inParamsStr, ContentType.create(Constants.CT_FHIR_XML, "UTF-8")));
CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpPost);
@ -333,7 +349,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
String response = IOUtils.toString(status.getEntity().getContent());
Bundle resp = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseResource(Bundle.class, response);
@ -353,7 +369,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
Parameters resp = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseResource(Parameters.class, response);
assertEquals("RET1", resp.getParameter().get(0).getName());
public void testOperationWithGetUsingParamsFailsWithNonPrimitive() throws Exception {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/$OP_TYPE?PARAM1=PARAM1val&PARAM2=foo");
@ -367,7 +383,6 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
assertThat(response, containsString("Can not invoke operation $OP_TYPE using HTTP GET because parameter PARAM2 is not a primitive datatype"));
public void testOperationWithListParam() throws Exception {
Parameters p = new Parameters();
@ -479,7 +494,6 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
assertEquals("read", ourLastMethod);
public static void afterClassClearContext() throws Exception {
@ -494,9 +508,9 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
ServletHandler proxyHandler = new ServletHandler();
RestfulServer servlet = new RestfulServer(ourCtx);
servlet.setPagingProvider(new FifoMemoryPagingProvider(10).setDefaultPageSize(2));
servlet.setResourceProviders(new PatientProvider());
servlet.setPlainProviders(new PlainProvider());
@ -644,7 +658,7 @@ public class OperationServerDstu2Test {
return retVal;
@Operation(name = "$everything", idempotent=true)
@Operation(name = "$everything", idempotent = true)
public Bundle patientEverything(@IdParam IdDt thePatientId) {
ourLastMethod = "instance $everything";
ourLastId = thePatientId;

View File

@ -88,21 +88,28 @@ import;
* Server FHIR Provider which serves the conformance statement for a RESTful server implementation
* <p>
* Note: This class is safe to extend, but it is important to note that the same instance of {@link Conformance} is
* always returned unless {@link #setCache(boolean)} is called with a value of <code>false</code>. This means that if
* you are adding anything to the returned conformance instance on each call you should call
* <code>setCache(false)</code> in your provider constructor.
* Note: This class is safe to extend, but it is important to note that the same instance of {@link Conformance} is always returned unless {@link #setCache(boolean)} is called with a value of
* <code>false</code>. This means that if you are adding anything to the returned conformance instance on each call you should call <code>setCache(false)</code> in your provider constructor.
* </p>
public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Conformance> {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerConformanceProvider.class);
private boolean myCache = true;
private volatile Conformance myConformance;
private IdentityHashMap<OperationMethodBinding, String> myOperationBindingToName;
private HashMap<String, List<OperationMethodBinding>> myOperationNameToBindings;
private String myPublisher = "Not provided";
private RestulfulServerConfiguration myServerConfiguration;
* Add a no-arg constructor and seetter so that the ServerConfirmanceProvider can be Spring-wired with the RestfulService avoiding the potential reference cycle that would happen.
public ServerConformanceProvider() {
public ServerConformanceProvider(RestfulServer theRestfulServer) {
this.myServerConfiguration = theRestfulServer.createConfiguration();
@ -111,18 +118,6 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
this.myServerConfiguration = theServerConfiguration;
* Add a no-arg constructor and seetter so that the ServerConfirmanceProvider can be Spring-wired with the
* RestfulService avoiding the potential reference cycle that would happen.
public ServerConformanceProvider() {
public void setRestfulServer(RestfulServer theRestfulServer) {
myServerConfiguration = theRestfulServer.createConfiguration();
private void checkBindingForSystemOps(ConformanceRestComponent rest, Set<SystemRestfulInteraction> systemOps, BaseMethodBinding<?> nextMethodBinding) {
if (nextMethodBinding.getRestOperationType() != null) {
String sysOpCode = nextMethodBinding.getRestOperationType().getCode();
@ -165,14 +160,25 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
return resourceToMethods;
private DateTimeType conformanceDate() {
String buildDate = myServerConfiguration.getConformanceDate();
if (buildDate != null) {
try {
return new DateTimeType(buildDate);
} catch (DataFormatException e) {
// fall through
private String createOperationName(OperationMethodBinding theMethodBinding) {
return theMethodBinding.getName().substring(1);
* Gets the value of the "publisher" that will be placed in the generated conformance statement. As this is a
* mandatory element, the value should not be null (although this is not enforced). The value defaults to
* "Not provided" but may be set to null, which will cause this element to be omitted.
* Gets the value of the "publisher" that will be placed in the generated conformance statement. As this is a mandatory element, the value should not be null (although this is not enforced). The
* value defaults to "Not provided" but may be set to null, which will cause this element to be omitted.
public String getPublisher() {
return myPublisher;
@ -283,7 +289,7 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
String opName = myOperationBindingToName.get(methodBinding);
if (operationNames.add(opName)) {
// Only add each operation (by name) once
rest.addOperation().setName(methodBinding.getName()).setDefinition(new Reference(readOperationDefinition(new IdType(opName))));
rest.addOperation().setName(opName).setDefinition(new Reference(readOperationDefinition(new IdType(opName))));
@ -317,7 +323,8 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
OperationMethodBinding methodBinding = (OperationMethodBinding) nextMethodBinding;
String opName = myOperationBindingToName.get(methodBinding);
if (operationNames.add(opName)) {
rest.addOperation().setName(methodBinding.getName()).setDefinition(new Reference(readOperationDefinition(new IdType(opName))));"Found bound operation: {}", opName);
rest.addOperation().setName(opName).setDefinition(new Reference(readOperationDefinition(new IdType(opName))));
@ -328,18 +335,6 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
return retVal;
private DateTimeType conformanceDate() {
String buildDate = myServerConfiguration.getConformanceDate();
if (buildDate != null) {
try {
return new DateTimeType(buildDate);
} catch (DataFormatException e) {
// fall through
private void handleDynamicSearchMethodBinding(ConformanceRestResourceComponent resource, RuntimeResourceDefinition def, TreeSet<String> includes, DynamicSearchMethodBinding searchMethodBinding) {
@ -384,7 +379,8 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
private void handleSearchMethodBinding(ConformanceRestComponent rest, ConformanceRestResourceComponent resource, String resourceName, RuntimeResourceDefinition def, TreeSet<String> includes, SearchMethodBinding searchMethodBinding) {
private void handleSearchMethodBinding(ConformanceRestComponent rest, ConformanceRestResourceComponent resource, String resourceName, RuntimeResourceDefinition def, TreeSet<String> includes,
SearchMethodBinding searchMethodBinding) {
List<IParameter> params = searchMethodBinding.getParameters();
@ -438,7 +434,7 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(chain)) {
if (nextParameter.getParamType() == RestSearchParameterTypeEnum.REFERENCE) {
for (String nextWhitelist : new TreeSet<String>(nextParameter.getQualifierWhitelist())) {
if (nextWhitelist.startsWith(".")) {
@ -446,7 +442,7 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
if (nextParameter.getParamType() != null) {
@ -485,6 +481,8 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
String name = createOperationName(methodBinding);"Detected operation: {}", name);
myOperationBindingToName.put(methodBinding, name);
if (myOperationNameToBindings.containsKey(name) == false) {
myOperationNameToBindings.put(name, new ArrayList<OperationMethodBinding>());
@ -519,7 +517,7 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
if (!sharedDescription.isIdempotent()) {
if (sharedDescription.isCanOperateAtInstanceLevel()) {
@ -579,14 +577,17 @@ public class ServerConformanceProvider implements IServerConformanceProvider<Con
* Sets the value of the "publisher" that will be placed in the generated conformance statement. As this is a
* mandatory element, the value should not be null (although this is not enforced). The value defaults to
* "Not provided" but may be set to null, which will cause this element to be omitted.
* Sets the value of the "publisher" that will be placed in the generated conformance statement. As this is a mandatory element, the value should not be null (although this is not enforced). The
* value defaults to "Not provided" but may be set to null, which will cause this element to be omitted.
public void setPublisher(String thePublisher) {
myPublisher = thePublisher;
public void setRestfulServer(RestfulServer theRestfulServer) {
myServerConfiguration = theRestfulServer.createConfiguration();
private void sortRuntimeSearchParameters(List<RuntimeSearchParam> searchParameters) {
Collections.sort(searchParameters, new Comparator<RuntimeSearchParam>() {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.blankOrNullString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInRelativeOrder;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
@ -45,12 +46,12 @@ import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.PortUtil;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.TestUtil;
@ -84,10 +85,27 @@ public class OperationServerDstu3Test {
public void testConformance() throws Exception {
IGenericClient client = ourCtx.newRestfulGenericClient("http://localhost:" + ourPort);
Conformance p = client.fetchConformance().ofType(Conformance.class).execute();
LoggingInterceptor loggingInterceptor = new LoggingInterceptor();
Conformance p = client.fetchConformance().ofType(Conformance.class).prettyPrint().execute();
List<ConformanceRestOperationComponent> ops = p.getRest().get(0).getOperation();
assertThat(ops.size(), greaterThan(1));
assertThat(ops.get(0).getDefinition().getReferenceElement().getValue(), startsWith("#"));
List<String> opNames = toOpNames(ops);
assertThat(opNames, containsInRelativeOrder("OP_TYPE"));
OperationDefinition def = (OperationDefinition) ops.get(opNames.indexOf("OP_TYPE")).getDefinition().getResource();
assertEquals("OP_TYPE", def.getCode());
private List<String> toOpNames(List<ConformanceRestOperationComponent> theOps) {
ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ConformanceRestOperationComponent next : theOps) {
return retVal;

View File

@ -319,6 +319,11 @@
<![CDATA[<code>_raw=true</code>]]> mode has been deprecated and
will be removed at some point.
<action type="fix" issue="267">
Operation definitions (e.g. for $everything operation) in the generated
server conformance statement should not include the $ prefix in the operation
name or code. Thanks to Dion McMurtrie for reporting!
<release version="1.5" date="2016-04-20">
<action type="fix" issue="339">