mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:33:32 +00:00
Merge branch 'issue50'
Conflicts: hapi-fhir-base/src/main/java/ca/uhn/fhir/model/primitive/BaseDateTimeDt.java
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,22 +23,12 @@ package ca.uhn.fhir.model.api;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
public abstract class BasePrimitive<T> extends BaseIdentifiableElement implements IPrimitiveDatatype<T> {
public boolean isEmpty() {
return super.isBaseEmpty() && getValue() == null;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + getValueAsString() + "]";
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getValue()).toHashCode();
private T myCoercedValue;
private String myStringValue;
public boolean equals(Object theObj) {
@ -55,4 +45,73 @@ public abstract class BasePrimitive<T> extends BaseIdentifiableElement implement
b.append(getValue(), o.getValue());
return b.isEquals();
public T getValue() {
return myCoercedValue;
public String getValueAsString() throws DataFormatException {
return myStringValue;
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getValue()).toHashCode();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return super.isBaseEmpty() && getValue() == null;
public void setValue(T theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myCoercedValue = theValue;
protected void updateStringValue() {
if (myCoercedValue == null) {
myStringValue = null;
} else {
// NB this might be null
myStringValue = encode(myCoercedValue);
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myCoercedValue = null;
} else {
// NB this might be null
myCoercedValue = parse(theValue);
myStringValue = theValue;
* Subclasses must override to convert an encoded representation of this datatype into a "coerced" one
* @param theValue
* Will not be null
* @return May return null if the value does not correspond to anything
protected abstract T parse(String theValue);
* Subclasses must override to convert a "coerced" value into an encoded one.
* @param theValue
* Will not be null
* @return May return null if the value does not correspond to anything
protected abstract String encode(T theValue);
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + getValueAsString() + "]";
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SimpleSetter;
@DatatypeDef(name = "base64Binary")
public class Base64BinaryDt extends BasePrimitive<byte[]> {
private byte[] myValue;
* Constructor
@ -42,36 +40,18 @@ public class Base64BinaryDt extends BasePrimitive<byte[]> {
* Constructor
public Base64BinaryDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name="theBytes") byte[] theBytes) {
public Base64BinaryDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name = "theBytes") byte[] theBytes) {
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else {
myValue = Base64.decodeBase64(theValue);
protected byte[] parse(String theValue) {
return Base64.decodeBase64(theValue);
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
return Base64.encodeBase64String(myValue);
public void setValue(byte[] theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public byte[] getValue() {
return myValue;
protected String encode(byte[] theValue) {
return Base64.encodeBase64String(theValue);
@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
* For unit tests only
static List<FastDateFormat> getFormatters() {
return ourFormatters;
* Add any new formatters to the static block below!!
@ -61,8 +67,8 @@ public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthNoDashesFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyyMM");
private static final Pattern ourYearMonthPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}");
private static final Pattern ourYearPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}");
private static final Pattern ourYearPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}");
static {
ArrayList<FastDateFormat> formatters = new ArrayList<FastDateFormat>();
@ -78,17 +84,59 @@ public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
ourFormatters = Collections.unmodifiableList(formatters);
private TemporalPrecisionEnum myPrecision = TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND;
private TemporalPrecisionEnum myPrecision = TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND;
private TimeZone myTimeZone;
private boolean myTimeZoneZulu = false;
private Date myValue;
private void clearTimeZone() {
myTimeZone = null;
myTimeZoneZulu = false;
protected String encode(Date theValue) {
if (theValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
switch (myPrecision) {
case DAY:
return ourYearMonthDayFormat.format(theValue);
case MONTH:
return ourYearMonthFormat.format(theValue);
case YEAR:
return ourYearFormat.format(theValue);
case SECOND:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(theValue);
case MILLI:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(theValue);
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid precision (this is a HAPI bug, shouldn't happen): " + myPrecision);
* Gets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}, such as {@link Calendar#MONTH}. Default is {@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
@ -98,218 +146,14 @@ public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
return myPrecision;
* Returns the TimeZone associated with this dateTime's value. May return
* <code>null</code> if no timezone was supplied.
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return myTimeZone;
public Date getValue() {
return myValue;
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
switch (myPrecision) {
case DAY:
return ourYearMonthDayFormat.format(myValue);
case MONTH:
return ourYearMonthFormat.format(myValue);
case YEAR:
return ourYearFormat.format(myValue);
case SECOND:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(myValue);
case MILLI:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(myValue);
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid precision (this is a HAPI bug, shouldn't happen): " + myPrecision);
* To be implemented by subclasses to indicate whether the given precision is allowed by this type
abstract boolean isPrecisionAllowed(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision);
public boolean isTimeZoneZulu() {
return myTimeZoneZulu;
* Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a date that is today's date
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@link #getValue()} returns <code>null</code>
public boolean isToday() {
Validate.notNull(myValue, getClass().getSimpleName() + " contains null value");
return DateUtils.isSameDay(new Date(), myValue);
* Sets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}. Valid values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Calendar#SECOND}
* <li>{@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#YEAR}
* </ul>
* @throws DataFormatException
public void setPrecision(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) throws DataFormatException {
if (thePrecision == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Precision may not be null");
myPrecision = thePrecision;
private void setTimeZone(String theValueString, boolean hasMillis) {
int timeZoneStart = 19;
if (hasMillis)
timeZoneStart += 4;
if (theValueString.endsWith("Z")) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf("GMT", timeZoneStart) != -1) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf('+', timeZoneStart) != -1 || theValueString.indexOf('-', timeZoneStart) != -1) {
setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + theValueString.substring(timeZoneStart)));
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone theTimeZone) {
myTimeZone = theTimeZone;
public void setTimeZoneZulu(boolean theTimeZoneZulu) {
myTimeZoneZulu = theTimeZoneZulu;
public void setValue(Date theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
try {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else if (theValue.length() == 4 && ourYearPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
if (isPrecisionAllowed(YEAR)) {
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support YEAR precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 6 && ourYearMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 198401 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 7 && ourYearDashMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MONTH precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 8 && ourYearMonthDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 19840101 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 10 && ourYearDashMonthDashDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() >= 18) { // date and time with possible time zone
int dotIndex = theValue.indexOf('.', 18);
boolean hasMillis = dotIndex > -1;
if (!hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(SECOND)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type does not support SECONDS precision): " + theValue);
} else if (hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(MILLI)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MILLIS precision):" + theValue);
if (hasMillis) {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z"))
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
} else {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z")) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
} else {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (invalid length): " + theValue);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date string (" + e.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
private boolean hasOffset(String theValue) {
boolean inTime = false;
for (int i = 0; i < theValue.length(); i++) {
@ -329,10 +173,179 @@ public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
* For unit tests only
* To be implemented by subclasses to indicate whether the given precision is allowed by this type
static List<FastDateFormat> getFormatters() {
return ourFormatters;
abstract boolean isPrecisionAllowed(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision);
public boolean isTimeZoneZulu() {
return myTimeZoneZulu;
* Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a date that is today's date
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@link #getValue()} returns <code>null</code>
public boolean isToday() {
Validate.notNull(getValue(), getClass().getSimpleName() + " contains null value");
return DateUtils.isSameDay(new Date(), getValue());
protected Date parse(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
try {
if (theValue.length() == 4 && ourYearPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
if (isPrecisionAllowed(YEAR)) {
return ((ourYearFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support YEAR precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 6 && ourYearMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 198401 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
return ((ourYearMonthNoDashesFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 7 && ourYearDashMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
return ((ourYearMonthFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MONTH precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 8 && ourYearMonthDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 19840101 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
return ((ourYearMonthDayNoDashesFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 10 && ourYearDashMonthDashDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
return ((ourYearMonthDayFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() >= 18) { // date and time with possible time zone
int dotIndex = theValue.indexOf('.', 18);
boolean hasMillis = dotIndex > -1;
if (!hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(SECOND)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type does not support SECONDS precision): " + theValue);
} else if (hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(MILLI)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MILLIS precision):" + theValue);
Date retVal;
if (hasMillis) {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z"))
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
} else {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z")) {
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
} else {
retVal = ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
return retVal;
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (invalid length): " + theValue);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date string (" + e.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
* Sets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}. Valid values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Calendar#SECOND}
* <li>{@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#YEAR}
* </ul>
* @throws DataFormatException
public void setPrecision(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) throws DataFormatException {
if (thePrecision == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Precision may not be null");
myPrecision = thePrecision;
private void setTimeZone(String theValueString, boolean hasMillis) {
int timeZoneStart = 19;
if (hasMillis)
timeZoneStart += 4;
if (theValueString.endsWith("Z")) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf("GMT", timeZoneStart) != -1) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf('+', timeZoneStart) != -1 || theValueString.indexOf('-', timeZoneStart) != -1) {
setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + theValueString.substring(timeZoneStart)));
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone theTimeZone) {
myTimeZone = theTimeZone;
public void setTimeZoneZulu(boolean theTimeZoneZulu) {
myTimeZoneZulu = theTimeZoneZulu;
public void setValue(Date theValue) throws DataFormatException {
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
package ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive;
* #%L
* HAPI FHIR - Core Library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2014 University Health Network
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import static ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
public abstract class BaseDateTimeDt extends BasePrimitive<Date> {
* Add any new formatters to the static block below!!
private static final List<FastDateFormat> ourFormatters;
private static final Pattern ourYearDashMonthDashDayPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}");
private static final Pattern ourYearDashMonthPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayNoDashesFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyyMMdd");
private static final Pattern ourYearMonthDayPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliUTCZFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeUTCZFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM");
private static final FastDateFormat ourYearMonthNoDashesFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyyMM");
private static final Pattern ourYearMonthPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}");
private static final Pattern ourYearPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}");
static {
ArrayList<FastDateFormat> formatters = new ArrayList<FastDateFormat>();
ourFormatters = Collections.unmodifiableList(formatters);
private TemporalPrecisionEnum myPrecision = TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND;
private TimeZone myTimeZone;
private boolean myTimeZoneZulu = false;
private void clearTimeZone() {
myTimeZone = null;
myTimeZoneZulu = false;
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Gets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}, such as {@link Calendar#MONTH}. Default is {@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* @see #setPrecision(int)
public TemporalPrecisionEnum getPrecision() {
return myPrecision;
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return myTimeZone;
public Date getValue() {
return myValue;
>>>>>>> issue50
protected String encode(Date theValue) {
if (theValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
switch (myPrecision) {
case DAY:
return ourYearMonthDayFormat.format(theValue);
case MONTH:
return ourYearMonthFormat.format(theValue);
case YEAR:
return ourYearFormat.format(theValue);
case SECOND:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.format(theValue);
case MILLI:
if (myTimeZoneZulu) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(cal) + "Z";
} else if (myTimeZone != null) {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(myTimeZone);
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.format(cal);
} else {
return ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.format(theValue);
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid precision (this is a HAPI bug, shouldn't happen): " + myPrecision);
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Gets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}, such as {@link Calendar#MONTH}. Default is {@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* @see #setPrecision(int)
public TemporalPrecisionEnum getPrecision() {
return myPrecision;
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return myTimeZone;
>>>>>>> issue50
* To be implemented by subclasses to indicate whether the given precision is allowed by this type
abstract boolean isPrecisionAllowed(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision);
public boolean isTimeZoneZulu() {
return myTimeZoneZulu;
* Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a date that is today's date
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@link #getValue()} returns <code>null</code>
public boolean isToday() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
Validate.notNull(myValue, getClass().getSimpleName() + " contains null value");
return DateUtils.isSameDay(new Date(), myValue);
* Sets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}. Valid values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Calendar#SECOND}
* <li>{@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#YEAR}
* </ul>
* @throws DataFormatException
public void setPrecision(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) throws DataFormatException {
if (thePrecision == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Precision may not be null");
myPrecision = thePrecision;
private void setTimeZone(String theValueString, boolean hasMillis) {
int timeZoneStart = 19;
if (hasMillis)
timeZoneStart += 4;
if (theValueString.endsWith("Z")) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf("GMT", timeZoneStart) != -1) {
} else if (theValueString.indexOf('+', timeZoneStart) != -1 || theValueString.indexOf('-', timeZoneStart) != -1) {
setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + theValueString.substring(timeZoneStart)));
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone theTimeZone) {
myTimeZone = theTimeZone;
public void setTimeZoneZulu(boolean theTimeZoneZulu) {
myTimeZoneZulu = theTimeZoneZulu;
Validate.notNull(getValue(), getClass().getSimpleName() + " contains null value");
return DateUtils.isSameDay(new Date(), getValue());
>>>>>>> issue50
protected Date parse(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
try {
if (theValue.length() == 4 && ourYearPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
if (isPrecisionAllowed(YEAR)) {
return ((ourYearFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support YEAR precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 6 && ourYearMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 198401 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
return ((ourYearMonthNoDashesFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 7 && ourYearDashMonthPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(MONTH)) {
return ((ourYearMonthFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MONTH precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 8 && ourYearMonthDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// Eg. 19840101 (allow this just to be lenient)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
return ((ourYearMonthDayNoDashesFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() == 10 && ourYearDashMonthDashDayPattern.matcher(theValue).matches()) {
// E.g. 1984-01-01 (this is valid according to the spec)
if (isPrecisionAllowed(DAY)) {
return ((ourYearMonthDayFormat).parse(theValue));
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (datatype " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support DAY precision): " + theValue);
} else if (theValue.length() >= 18) { // date and time with possible time zone
int dotIndex = theValue.indexOf('.', 18);
boolean hasMillis = dotIndex > -1;
if (!hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(SECOND)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type does not support SECONDS precision): " + theValue);
} else if (hasMillis && !isPrecisionAllowed(MILLI)) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (data type " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support MILLIS precision):" + theValue);
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (hasMillis) {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z"))
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeMilliFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
Calendar cal;
try {
cal = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(theValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + e.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
if (dotIndex == -1) {
} else {
>>>>>>> issue50
} else {
try {
if (hasOffset(theValue)) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeZoneFormat.parse(theValue);
} else if (theValue.endsWith("Z")) {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeUTCZFormat.parse(theValue);
} else {
myValue = ourYearMonthDayTimeFormat.parse(theValue);
} catch (ParseException p2) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid data/time string (" + p2.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
setTimeZone(theValue, hasMillis);
<<<<<<< HEAD
return cal.getTime();
>>>>>>> issue50
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date/time string (invalid length): " + theValue);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid date string (" + e.getMessage() + "): " + theValue);
<<<<<<< HEAD
private boolean hasOffset(String theValue) {
boolean inTime = false;
for (int i = 0; i < theValue.length(); i++) {
switch (theValue.charAt(i)) {
case 'T':
inTime = true;
case '+':
case '-':
if (inTime) {
return true;
return false;
* For unit tests only
static List<FastDateFormat> getFormatters() {
return ourFormatters;
* Sets the precision for this datatype using field values from {@link Calendar}. Valid values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Calendar#SECOND}
* <li>{@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#MONTH}
* <li>{@link Calendar#YEAR}
* </ul>
* @throws DataFormatException
public void setPrecision(TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) throws DataFormatException {
if (thePrecision == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Precision may not be null");
myPrecision = thePrecision;
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone theTimeZone) {
myTimeZone = theTimeZone;
public void setTimeZoneZulu(boolean theTimeZoneZulu) {
myTimeZoneZulu = theTimeZoneZulu;
public void setValue(Date theValue) throws DataFormatException {
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
>>>>>>> issue50
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "boolean")
public class BooleanDt extends BasePrimitive<Boolean> {
private Boolean myValue;
* Constructor
@ -41,45 +39,28 @@ public class BooleanDt extends BasePrimitive<Boolean> {
* Constructor
public BooleanDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name="theBoolean") boolean theBoolean) {
public BooleanDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name = "theBoolean") boolean theBoolean) {
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
protected Boolean parse(String theValue) {
if ("true".equals(theValue)) {
myValue = Boolean.TRUE;
return Boolean.TRUE;
} else if ("false".equals(theValue)) {
myValue = Boolean.FALSE;
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Invalid boolean string: '" + theValue + "'");
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(myValue)) {
protected String encode(Boolean theValue) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(theValue)) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
public void setValue(Boolean theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public Boolean getValue() {
return myValue;
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "code")
public class CodeDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements ICodedDatatype, Comparable<CodeDt> {
private String myValue;
* Constructor
@ -46,31 +44,6 @@ public class CodeDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements ICodedDatatype, Com
public String getValue() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else {
String newValue = theValue.trim();
myValue = newValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
public String getValueAsString() {
return getValue();
public int compareTo(CodeDt theCode) {
if (theCode == null) {
@ -79,4 +52,14 @@ public class CodeDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements ICodedDatatype, Com
return defaultString(getValue()).compareTo(defaultString(theCode.getValue()));
protected String parse(String theValue) {
return theValue.trim();
protected String encode(String theValue) {
return theValue;
@ -27,13 +27,10 @@ import java.math.RoundingMode;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SimpleSetter;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "decimal")
public class DecimalDt extends BasePrimitive<BigDecimal> implements Comparable<DecimalDt> {
private BigDecimal myValue;
* Constructor
@ -41,10 +38,6 @@ public class DecimalDt extends BasePrimitive<BigDecimal> implements Comparable<D
public Number getValueAsNumber() {
return myValue;
* Constructor
@ -63,31 +56,6 @@ public class DecimalDt extends BasePrimitive<BigDecimal> implements Comparable<D
* Rounds the value to the given prevision
* @see MathContext#getPrecision()
public void round(int thePrecision) {
if (getValue()!=null) {
BigDecimal newValue = getValue().round(new MathContext(thePrecision));
* Rounds the value to the given prevision
* @see MathContext#getPrecision()
* @see MathContext#getRoundingMode()
public void round(int thePrecision, RoundingMode theRoundingMode) {
if (getValue()!=null) {
BigDecimal newValue = getValue().round(new MathContext(thePrecision, theRoundingMode));
* Constructor
@ -104,58 +72,70 @@ public class DecimalDt extends BasePrimitive<BigDecimal> implements Comparable<D
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else {
myValue = new BigDecimal(theValue);
public int compareTo(DecimalDt theObj) {
if (getValue() == null && theObj.getValue() == null) {
return 0;
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
if (getValue() != null && theObj.getValue() == null) {
return 1;
return myValue.toPlainString();
if (getValue() == null && theObj.getValue() != null) {
return -1;
return getValue().compareTo(theObj.getValue());
public BigDecimal getValue() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(BigDecimal theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
* Sets a new value using an integer
public void setValueAsInteger(int theValue) {
myValue = new BigDecimal(theValue);
protected String encode(BigDecimal theValue) {
return getValue().toPlainString();
* Gets the value as an integer, using {@link BigDecimal#intValue()}
public int getValueAsInteger() {
return myValue.intValue();
return getValue().intValue();
public Number getValueAsNumber() {
return getValue();
public int compareTo(DecimalDt theObj) {
if (myValue == null && theObj.getValue() == null) {
return 0;
protected BigDecimal parse(String theValue) {
return new BigDecimal(theValue);
* Rounds the value to the given prevision
* @see MathContext#getPrecision()
public void round(int thePrecision) {
if (getValue() != null) {
BigDecimal newValue = getValue().round(new MathContext(thePrecision));
if (myValue != null && theObj.getValue() == null) {
return 1;
* Rounds the value to the given prevision
* @see MathContext#getPrecision()
* @see MathContext#getRoundingMode()
public void round(int thePrecision, RoundingMode theRoundingMode) {
if (getValue() != null) {
BigDecimal newValue = getValue().round(new MathContext(thePrecision, theRoundingMode));
if (myValue == null && theObj.getValue() != null) {
return -1;
return myValue.compareTo(theObj.getValue());
* Sets a new value using an integer
public void setValueAsInteger(int theValue) {
setValue(new BigDecimal(theValue));
@ -20,15 +20,17 @@ package ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive;
* #L%
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.*;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IPrimitiveDatatype;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SimpleSetter;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.util.UrlUtil;
* </p>
@DatatypeDef(name = "id")
public class IdDt extends BasePrimitive<String> {
public class IdDt implements IPrimitiveDatatype<String> {
private String myBaseUrl;
private boolean myHaveComponentParts;
@ -166,6 +168,24 @@ public class IdDt extends BasePrimitive<String> {
return ObjectUtils.equals(getResourceType(), theId.getResourceType()) && ObjectUtils.equals(getIdPart(), theId.getIdPart()) && ObjectUtils.equals(getVersionIdPart(), theId.getVersionIdPart());
public boolean equals(Object theArg0) {
if (!(theArg0 instanceof IdDt)) {
return false;
IdDt id = (IdDt)theArg0;
return StringUtils.equals(getValueAsString(), id.getValueAsString());
public int hashCode() {
HashCodeBuilder b = new HashCodeBuilder();
return b.toHashCode();
* Returns the portion of this resource ID which corresponds to the server base URL. For example given the resource ID <code>http://example.com/fhir/Patient/123</code> the base URL would be
* <code>http://example.com/fhir</code>.
@ -312,7 +332,6 @@ public class IdDt extends BasePrimitive<String> {
* Copies the value from the given IdDt to <code>this</code> IdDt. It is generally not neccesary to use this method but it is provided for consistency with the rest of the API.
public void setId(IdDt theId) {
@ -481,4 +500,9 @@ public class IdDt extends BasePrimitive<String> {
return theIdPart.toPlainString();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return isBlank(getValue());
@ -20,43 +20,19 @@ package ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive;
* #L%
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "idref")
public class IdrefDt extends BasePrimitive<String> {
public class IdrefDt extends StringDt {
private IElement myTarget;
private String myValue;
public IElement getTarget() {
return myTarget;
public String getValue() {
return myValue;
public String getValueAsString() throws DataFormatException {
return myValue;
public void setTarget(IElement theTarget) {
myTarget = theTarget;
public void setValue(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "integer")
public class IntegerDt extends BasePrimitive<Integer> {
private Integer myValue;
* Constructor
@ -48,46 +46,27 @@ public class IntegerDt extends BasePrimitive<Integer> {
* Constructor
* @param theIntegerAsString A string representation of an integer
* @throws DataFormatException If the string is not a valid integer representation
* @param theIntegerAsString
* A string representation of an integer
* @throws DataFormatException
* If the string is not a valid integer representation
public IntegerDt(String theIntegerAsString) {
public IntegerDt(Long theCount) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public Integer getValue() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(Integer theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else {
try {
myValue = Integer.parseInt(theValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DataFormatException(e);
protected Integer parse(String theValue) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(theValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DataFormatException(e);
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
return Integer.toString(myValue);
protected String encode(Integer theValue) {
return Integer.toString(theValue);
@ -26,13 +26,10 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterType;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SimpleSetter;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "string")
public class StringDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterType {
private String myValue;
* Create a new String
@ -45,31 +42,11 @@ public class StringDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterTy
public StringDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name = "theString") String theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public String getValue() {
return myValue;
public String getValueNotNull() {
return StringUtils.defaultString(myValue);
public String getValueAsString() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
return StringUtils.defaultString(getValue());
@ -77,14 +54,14 @@ public class StringDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterTy
public String toString() {
return myValue;
return getValue();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((myValue == null) ? 0 : myValue.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((getValue() == null) ? 0 : getValue().hashCode());
return result;
@ -97,10 +74,10 @@ public class StringDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterTy
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
StringDt other = (StringDt) obj;
if (myValue == null) {
if (other.myValue != null)
if (getValue() == null) {
if (other.getValue() != null)
return false;
} else if (!myValue.equals(other.myValue))
} else if (!getValue().equals(other.getValue()))
return false;
return true;
@ -135,4 +112,14 @@ public class StringDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterTy
return null;
protected String parse(String theValue) {
return theValue;
protected String encode(String theValue) {
return theValue;
@ -20,28 +20,25 @@ package ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive;
* #L%
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterType;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SimpleSetter;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
* Represents a Time datatype, per the FHIR specification. A time is a specification of hours and minutes (and optionally
* milliseconds), with NO date and NO timezone information attached. It is expressed as a string in the form
* <code>HH:mm:ss[.SSSS]</code>
* Represents a Time datatype, per the FHIR specification. A time is a specification of hours and minutes (and optionally milliseconds), with NO date and NO timezone information attached. It is
* expressed as a string in the form <code>HH:mm:ss[.SSSS]</code>
* <p>
* This datatype is not valid in FHIR DSTU1
* </p>
* @since FHIR DSTU 2 / HAPI 0.8
* TODO: have a way of preventing this from being used in DSTU1 resources
* TODO: validate time?
@DatatypeDef(name = "time")
public class TimeDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterType {
private String myValue;
public class TimeDt extends StringDt implements IQueryParameterType {
* Create a new String
@ -55,94 +52,7 @@ public class TimeDt extends BasePrimitive<String> implements IQueryParameterType
public TimeDt(@SimpleSetter.Parameter(name = "theString") String theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public String getValue() {
return myValue;
public String getValueNotNull() {
return StringUtils.defaultString(myValue);
public String getValueAsString() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
* Returns the value of this string, or <code>null</code>
public String toString() {
return myValue;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((myValue == null) ? 0 : myValue.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
TimeDt other = (TimeDt) obj;
if (myValue == null) {
if (other.myValue != null)
return false;
} else if (!myValue.equals(other.myValue))
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setValueAsQueryToken(String theQualifier, String theValue) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getValueAsQueryToken() {
return getValue();
* Returns <code>true</code> if this datatype has no extensions, and has either a <code>null</code> value or an empty ("") value.
public boolean isEmpty() {
boolean retVal = super.isBaseEmpty() && StringUtils.isBlank(getValue());
return retVal;
public String getQueryParameterQualifier() {
return null;
@ -33,7 +33,23 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
@DatatypeDef(name = "uri")
public class UriDt extends BasePrimitive<URI> {
private URI myValue;
* Creates a new UriDt instance which uses the given OID as the content (and prepends "urn:oid:" to the OID string
* in the value of the newly created UriDt, per the FHIR specification).
* @param theOid
* The OID to use (<code>null</code> is acceptable and will result in a UriDt instance with a
* <code>null</code> value)
* @return A new UriDt instance
public static UriDt fromOid(String theOid) {
if (theOid == null) {
return new UriDt();
return new UriDt("urn:oid:" + theOid);
private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(UriDt.class);
* Create a new String
@ -51,57 +67,8 @@ public class UriDt extends BasePrimitive<URI> {
public URI getValue() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(URI theValue) {
myValue = theValue;
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
} else {
try {
myValue = new URI(theValue);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Unable to parse URI value", e);
public String getValueAsString() {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
return myValue.toASCIIString();
public String toString() {
return getValueAsString();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((myValue == null) ? 0 : myValue.hashCode());
return result;
* Compares the given string to the string representation of this URI. In many cases it is preferable to use this
* instead of the standard {@link #equals(Object)} method, since that method returns <code>false</code> unless it is
* passed an instance of {@link UriDt}
public boolean equals(String theString) {
return StringUtils.equals(getValueAsString(), theString);
protected String encode(URI theValue) {
return getValue().toASCIIString();
@ -114,21 +81,42 @@ public class UriDt extends BasePrimitive<URI> {
return false;
UriDt other = (UriDt) obj;
if (myValue == null && other.myValue == null) {
if (getValue() == null && other.getValue() == null) {
return true;
if (myValue == null || other.myValue == null) {
if (getValue() == null || other.getValue() == null) {
return false;
URI normalize = normalize(myValue);
URI normalize2 = normalize(other.myValue);
URI normalize = normalize(getValue());
URI normalize2 = normalize(other.getValue());
return normalize.equals(normalize2);
private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(UriDt.class);
* Compares the given string to the string representation of this URI. In many cases it is preferable to use this
* instead of the standard {@link #equals(Object)} method, since that method returns <code>false</code> unless it is
* passed an instance of {@link UriDt}
public boolean equals(String theString) {
return StringUtils.equals(getValueAsString(), theString);
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
URI normalize = normalize(getValue());
result = prime * result + ((normalize == null) ? 0 : normalize.hashCode());
return result;
private URI normalize(URI theValue) {
if (theValue == null) {
return null;
URI retVal = (theValue.normalize());
String urlString = retVal.toString();
if (urlString.endsWith("/") && urlString.length() > 1) {
@ -141,20 +129,13 @@ public class UriDt extends BasePrimitive<URI> {
return retVal;
* Creates a new UriDt instance which uses the given OID as the content (and prepends "urn:oid:" to the OID string
* in the value of the newly created UriDt, per the FHIR specification).
* @param theOid
* The OID to use (<code>null</code> is acceptable and will result in a UriDt instance with a
* <code>null</code> value)
* @return A new UriDt instance
public static UriDt fromOid(String theOid) {
if (theOid == null) {
return new UriDt();
protected URI parse(String theValue) {
try {
return new URI(theValue);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("Unable to parse URI value", e);
return new UriDt("urn:oid:" + theOid);
@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.util.XmlUtil;
@DatatypeDef(name = "xhtml")
public class XhtmlDt extends BasePrimitive<List<XMLEvent>> {
private List<XMLEvent> myValue;
* Constructor
@ -73,18 +71,27 @@ public class XhtmlDt extends BasePrimitive<List<XMLEvent>> {
public void setValueAsString(String theValue) throws DataFormatException {
if (theValue == null) {
myValue = null;
String value = theValue.trim();
if (value.charAt(0) != '<') {
value = "<div>" + value + "</div>";
public boolean hasContent() {
return getValue() != null && getValue().size() > 0;
protected List<XMLEvent> parse(String theValue) {
String val = theValue.trim();
if (!val.startsWith("<")) {
val = "<div>" + val + "</div>";
if (val.startsWith("<?") && val.endsWith("?>")) {
myValue = null;
return null;
try {
@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ public class XhtmlDt extends BasePrimitive<List<XMLEvent>> {
return value;
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new DataFormatException("String does not appear to be valid XML/XHTML (error is \"" + e.getMessage() + "\"): " + theValue, e);
@ -113,14 +120,11 @@ public class XhtmlDt extends BasePrimitive<List<XMLEvent>> {
public String getValueAsString() throws DataFormatException {
if (myValue == null) {
return null;
protected String encode(List<XMLEvent> theValue) {
try {
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
XMLEventWriter ew = XmlUtil.createXmlWriter(w);
for (XMLEvent next : myValue) {
for (XMLEvent next : getValue()) {
if (next.isCharacters()) {
} else {
@ -136,18 +140,4 @@ public class XhtmlDt extends BasePrimitive<List<XMLEvent>> {
public List<XMLEvent> getValue() {
return myValue;
public void setValue(List<XMLEvent> theValue) throws DataFormatException {
myValue = theValue;
public boolean hasContent() {
return myValue != null && myValue.size() > 0;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<installed facet="jst.utility" version="1.0"/>
<installed facet="java" version="1.6"/>
<installed facet="java" version="1.7"/>
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ package ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
@ -26,6 +24,15 @@ public class BaseDateTimeDtTest {
myDateInstantParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
myDateInstantZoneParser = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-02:00"));
public void setTimezoneToZulu() {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt(new Date(816411488000L));
// assertEquals("1995-11-14T23:58:08", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals("1995-11-15T04:58:08Z", dt.getValueAsString());
public void testFormats() throws Exception {
@ -45,48 +52,6 @@ public class BaseDateTimeDtTest {
public void testParseYear() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 4));
assertEquals("2013", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.YEAR, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMalformatted() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt("20120102");
public void testParseMonth() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 7));
assertEquals("2013-02", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MONTH, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMonthNoDashes() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 7));
assertEquals("2013-02", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MONTH, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseDay() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
@ -98,39 +63,13 @@ public class BaseDateTimeDtTest {
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.DAY, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecond() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03 11:22:33", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 19));
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecondZone() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33-02:00", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-02:00"), dt.getTimeZone());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecondulu() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33Z", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(true, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(null, dt.getTimeZone());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMalformatted() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt("20120102");
assertEquals("20120102", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals("2012-01-02", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(dt.getValue()));
@ -143,8 +82,8 @@ public class BaseDateTimeDtTest {
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MILLI, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMilliZone() throws DataFormatException {
InstantDt dt = new InstantDt();
@ -168,4 +107,86 @@ public class BaseDateTimeDtTest {
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MILLI, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMonth() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 7));
assertEquals("2013-02", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MONTH, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseMonthNoDashes() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 7));
assertEquals("201302", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.MONTH, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecond() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03 11:22:33", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 19));
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecondulu() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33Z", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(true, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(null, dt.getTimeZone());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseSecondZone() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013-02-03T11:22:33-02:00", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-02:00"), dt.getTimeZone());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND, dt.getPrecision());
public void testParseYear() throws DataFormatException {
DateTimeDt dt = new DateTimeDt();
assertEquals("2013", myDateInstantParser.format(dt.getValue()).substring(0, 4));
assertEquals("2013", dt.getValueAsString());
assertEquals(false, dt.isTimeZoneZulu());
assertEquals(TemporalPrecisionEnum.YEAR, dt.getPrecision());
public void testSetValueByString() {
InstantDt i = new InstantDt();
assertEquals(1403295729000L, i.getValue().getTime());
@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ public class XhtmlDtTest {
XhtmlDt x = new XhtmlDt();
String actual = x.getValueAsString();
XhtmlDt x2 = new XhtmlDt();
String actual = x2.getValueAsString();
ourLog.info("Expected {}", div.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "\\n"));
ourLog.info("Actual {}", actual.replace("\r\n", "\\r\\n").replace("\n", "\\n"));
@ -50,6 +54,15 @@ public class XhtmlDtTest {
assertEquals("<div>amp &</div>", x.getValueAsString());
public void testOnlyProcessingDirective() {
XhtmlDt x = new XhtmlDt();
x.setValueAsString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>");
assertEquals(null, x.getValue());
assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>", x.getValueAsString());
public void testCharacterEntities() {
@ -60,7 +73,11 @@ public class XhtmlDtTest {
// <div>Sect: § uuml: ü Ü</div>
// <div>Sect: § uuml: ü Ü</div>
assertEquals("<div>Sect: § uuml: ü Ü</div>", x.getValueAsString());
assertEquals("<div>"+input+"</div>", x.getValueAsString());
XhtmlDt x2 = new XhtmlDt();
assertEquals("<div>Sect: § uuml: ü Ü</div>", x2.getValueAsString());
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class CustomThymeleafNarrativeGeneratorTest {
String actual = narrative.getDiv().getValueAsString();
assertThat(actual, containsString("<h1>Name</h1><div class=\"nameElement\"> given <b>FAM1 </b></div><h1>Address</h1><div><span>line1 </span><br/><span>line2 </span><br/></div></div>"));
assertThat(actual, containsString("<h1>Name</h1><div class=\"nameElement\"> given <b>FAM1 </b></div><h1>Address</h1><div><span>line1 </span><br /><span>line2 </span><br /></div></div>"));
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import net.sf.json.JSON;
import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;
import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;
import org.hamcrest.text.StringContainsInOrder;
@ -257,9 +258,11 @@ public class JsonParserTest {
Patient res = (Patient) ourCtx.newJsonParser().parseResource(text);
String value = res.getText().getDiv().getValueAsString();
XhtmlDt div = res.getText().getDiv();
String value = div.getValueAsString();
assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", value);
assertEquals(null, div.getValue());
@ -612,7 +615,7 @@ public class JsonParserTest {
JSON expected = JSONSerializer.toJSON(msg.trim());
JSON actual = JSONSerializer.toJSON(encoded.trim());
String exp = expected.toString().replace("\\r\\n", "\\n").replace("§", "§");
String exp = expected.toString().replace("\\r\\n", "\\n"); // .replace("§", "§");
String act = actual.toString().replace("\\r\\n", "\\n");
ourLog.info("Expected: {}", exp);
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ public class XmlParserTest {
assertEquals("FHIR Core Valuesets", bundle.getTitle().getValue());
assertEquals("http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/valuesets.xml", bundle.getLinkSelf().getValue());
assertEquals("2014-02-10T04:11:24.435+00:00", bundle.getUpdated().getValueAsString());
assertEquals("2014-02-10T04:11:24.435-00:00", bundle.getUpdated().getValueAsString());
assertEquals(1, bundle.getEntries().size());
BundleEntry entry = bundle.getEntries().get(0);
@ -5,10 +5,14 @@ import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Bundle;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.resource.OperationOutcome;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.resource.Patient;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.valueset.ContactSystemEnum;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ public class ResourceValidatorTest {
FhirValidator val = ourCtx.newValidator();
p.getAnimal().getBreed().setText("The Breed");
@ -45,18 +49,43 @@ public class ResourceValidatorTest {
* See issue #50
public void testOutOfBoundsDate() {
Patient p = new Patient();
p.setBirthDate(new DateTimeDt("2000-15-31"));
String encoded = ourCtx.newXmlParser().setPrettyPrint(true).encodeResourceToString(p);
assertThat(encoded, StringContains.containsString("2000-15-31"));
p = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseResource(Patient.class, encoded);
assertEquals("2000-15-31", p.getBirthDate().getValueAsString());
assertEquals("2001-03-31", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(p.getBirthDate().getValue()));
ValidationResult result = ourCtx.newValidator().validateWithResult(p);
String resultString = ourCtx.newXmlParser().setPrettyPrint(true).encodeResourceToString(result.getOperationOutcome());
assertEquals(2, result.getOperationOutcome().getIssue().size());
assertThat(resultString, StringContains.containsString("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3"));
public void testSchemaBundleValidator() throws IOException {
String res = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("atom-document-large.xml"));
Bundle b = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseBundle(res);
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
Patient p = (Patient) b.getEntries().get(0).getResource();
try {
@ -76,60 +105,63 @@ public class ResourceValidatorTest {
ValidationResult validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
ValidationResult validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) validationResult.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(1, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
assertThat(operationOutcome.getIssueFirstRep().getDetails().getValue(), containsString("Inv-2: A system is required if a value is provided."));
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) validationResult.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(1, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
assertThat(operationOutcome.getIssueFirstRep().getDetails().getValue(), containsString("Inv-2: A system is required if a value is provided."));
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(p);
public void testSchemaBundleValidatorIsSuccessful() throws IOException {
String res = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("atom-document-large.xml"));
Bundle b = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseBundle(res);
public void testSchemaBundleValidatorIsSuccessful() throws IOException {
String res = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("atom-document-large.xml"));
Bundle b = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseBundle(res);
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
ValidationResult result = val.validateWithResult(b);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) result.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(0, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
ValidationResult result = val.validateWithResult(b);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) result.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(0, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
public void testSchemaBundleValidatorFails() throws IOException {
String res = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("atom-document-large.xml"));
Bundle b = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseBundle(res);
public void testSchemaBundleValidatorFails() throws IOException {
String res = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("atom-document-large.xml"));
Bundle b = ourCtx.newXmlParser().parseBundle(res);
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
FhirValidator val = createFhirValidator();
ValidationResult validationResult = val.validateWithResult(b);
ValidationResult validationResult = val.validateWithResult(b);
Patient p = (Patient) b.getEntries().get(0).getResource();
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(b);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) validationResult.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(1, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
assertThat(operationOutcome.getIssueFirstRep().getDetails().getValue(), containsString("Inv-2: A system is required if a value is provided."));
Patient p = (Patient) b.getEntries().get(0).getResource();
validationResult = val.validateWithResult(b);
OperationOutcome operationOutcome = (OperationOutcome) validationResult.getOperationOutcome();
assertEquals(1, operationOutcome.getIssue().size());
assertThat(operationOutcome.getIssueFirstRep().getDetails().getValue(), containsString("Inv-2: A system is required if a value is provided."));
private FhirValidator createFhirValidator() {
FhirValidator val = ourCtx.newValidator();
return val;
private FhirValidator createFhirValidator() {
FhirValidator val = ourCtx.newValidator();
return val;
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
<text value="Male" />
<birthDate value="19840101" />
<birthDate value="1984-01-01" />
<text value="4016 Canal St." />
<city value="New Orleans" />
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
<text value="Male" />
<birthDate value="19840101" />
<birthDate value="1984-01-01" />
<text value="4016 Canal St." />
<city value="New Orleans" />
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
<text value="Male" />
<birthDate value="19840101" />
<birthDate value="1984-01-01" />
<text value="4016 Canal St." />
<city value="New Orleans" />
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
<text value="Male" />
<birthDate value="19840101" />
<birthDate value="1984-01-01" />
<text value="4016 Canal St." />
<city value="New Orleans" />
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
<text value="Male" />
<birthDate value="19840101" />
<birthDate value="1984-01-01" />
<text value="4016 Canal St." />
<city value="New Orleans" />
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package ca.uhn.fhir.tinder.model;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BasePrimitive;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.composite.ResourceReferenceDt;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt;
public abstract class Child extends BaseElement {
@ -164,6 +164,10 @@ public abstract class Child extends BaseElement {
public String getPrimitiveType() throws ClassNotFoundException {
String name = "ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive." + getSingleType();
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(name);
if (clazz.equals(IdDt.class)) {
return String.class.getSimpleName();
while (!clazz.getSuperclass().equals(BasePrimitive.class)) {
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
if (clazz.equals(Object.class)) {
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
<organization>Boston Children's Hospital</organization>
<name>Laura MacDougall Sookraj</name>
<organization>University Health Network</organization>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<release version="0.8" date="TBD">
<action tyle="add">
<![CDATA[<b>API CHANGE:</b>]]> The "FHIR structures" for DSTU1 (the classes which model the
resources and composite datatypes) have been moved out of the core JAR into their
own JAR, in order to allow support for DEV resources, and DSTU2 resources when thast
@ -85,7 +85,23 @@
<action type="fix">
Resource fields with a type of "*" (or Any) sometimes failed to parse if a
value type of "code" was used. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for reporting!
<action type="add" dev="lmds">
Remove dependency on JAXB libraries, which were used to parse and encode
dates and times (even in the JSON parser). JAXB is built in to most JDKs
but the version bundled with IBM's JDK is flaky and resulted in a number
of problems when deploying to Websphere.
<action type="fix" issue="50">
Primitive datatypes now preserve their original string value when parsing resources,
as well as containing the "parsed value". For instance, a DecimalDt field value of
<![CDATA[<code>1.0000</code>]]> will be parsed into the corresponding
decimal value, but will also retain the original value with the corresponding
level of precision. This allows vadliator rules to be applied to
original values as received "over the wire", such as well formatted but
invalid dates, e.g. "2001-15-01". Thanks to Joe Athman for reporting and
helping to come up with a fix!
<release version="0.7" date="2014-Oct-23">
<action type="add" issue="30">
@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/changes/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/changes/1.0.0 ./changes.xsd">
<author>James Agnew</author>
<title>HAPI FHIR Changelog</title>
<release version="0.8" date="TBD">
<<<<<<< HEAD:src/changes/changes.xml
<action type="add" issue="38">
Profile generation on the server was not working due to IdDt being
incorrectly used. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for the pull request!
<action type="add" issue="42">
<![CDATA[<b>API CHANGE:</b>]]> The "FHIR structures" for DSTU1 (the classes which model the
resources and composite datatypes) have been moved out of the core JAR into their
own JAR, in order to allow support for DEV resources, and DSTU2 resources when thast
version is finalized. See
<![CDATA[<a href="./doc_upgrading.html">upgrading</a>]]>
for more information.
<action type="add" issue="38" dev="wdebeau1">
Profile generation on the server was not working due to IdDt being
incorrectly used. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for the pull request!
<action type="add" issue="42" dev="wdebeau1">
>>>>>>> d22a35788f57e9f7ce64bc8afc2ee7eaf29d94f2:src/changes/changes.xml
Profiles did not generate correctly if a resource definition class had a
defined extension which was of a composite type. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for the pull request!
<action type="add" issue="44" dev="petromykhailysyn">
Remove unnessecary IOException from narrative generator API. Thanks to
Petro Mykhailysyn for the pull request!
<<<<<<< HEAD:src/changes/changes.xml
<action type="add" issue="48" dev="wdebeau1">
Introduced a new
<![CDATA[<code>@ProvidesResources</code>]]> annotation which can be added to
resource provider and servers to allow them to declare additional resource
classes they are able to serve. This is useful if you have a server which can
serve up multiple classes for the same resource type (e.g. a server that sometimes
returns a default Patient, but sometimes uses a custom subclass).
Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for the pull request!
Add a new method <![CDATA[handleException]]> to the server interceptor
framework which allows interceptors to be notified of any exceptions and
runtime errors within server methods. Interceptors may optionally also
override the default error handling behaviour of the RestfulServer.
<action dev="wdebeau1">
Add constants to BaseResource for the "_id" search parameter which all resources
should support.
>>>>>>> d22a35788f57e9f7ce64bc8afc2ee7eaf29d94f2:src/changes/changes.xml
<release version="0.7" date="2014-Oct-23">
<action type="add" issue="30">
<![CDATA[<b>API CHANGE:</b>]]> The TagList class previously implemented ArrayList semantics,
but this has been replaced with LinkedHashMap semantics. This means that the list of
tags will no longer accept duplicate tags, but that tag order will still be
preserved. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for reporting!
<action type="fix" issue="33">
Server was incorrectly including contained resources being returned as both contained resources, and as
top-level resources in the returned bundle for search operations.
Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for reporting! This also fixes Issue #20, thanks to
lephty for reporting!
<action type="add" dev="suranga">
Documentation fixes
<action type="add" dev="dougmartin">
Add a collection of new methods on the generic client which support the
<b><a href="./apidocs/ca/uhn/fhir/rest/client/IGenericClient.html#read(java.lang.Class,%20ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.UriDt)">read</a></b>,
<b><a href="./apidocs/ca/uhn/fhir/rest/client/IGenericClient.html#vread(java.lang.Class,%20ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.UriDt)">read</a></b>,
and <b><a href="./apidocs/ca/uhn/fhir/rest/client/IGenericClient.html#search(java.lang.Class,%20ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.UriDt)">search</a></b>
operations using an absolute URL. This allows developers to perform these operations using
URLs they obtained from other sources (or external resource references within resources). In
addition, the existing read/vread operations will now access absolute URL references if
they are passed in. Thanks to Doug Martin of the Regenstrief Center for Biomedical Informatics
for contributing this implementation!
<action type="fix">
Server implementation was not correctly figuring out its own FHIR Base URL when deployed
on Amazon Web Service server. Thanks to Jeffrey Ting and Bill De Beaubien of
Systems Made Simple for their help in figuring out this issue!
<action type="fix">
XML Parser failed to encode fields with both a resource reference child and
a primitive type child. Thanks to Jeffrey Ting and Bill De Beaubien of
Systems Made Simple for their help in figuring out this issue!
<action type="fix">
HAPI now runs successfully on Servlet 2.5 containers (such as Tomcat 6). Thanks to
Bernard Gitaadji for reporting and diagnosing the issue!
<action type="fix">
Summary (in the bundle entry) is now encoded by the XML and JSON parsers if supplied. Thanks to David Hay of
Orion Health for reporting this!
<action type="fix" issue="24">
Conformance profiles which are automatically generated by the server were missing a few mandatory elements,
which meant that the profile did not correctly validate. Thanks to Bill de Beaubien of Systems Made Simple
for reporting this!
<action type="fix">
XHTML (in narratives) containing escapable characters (e.g. < or ") will now always have those characters
escaped properly in encoded messages.
<action type="fix">
Resources containing entities which are not valid in basic XML (e.g. &sect;) will have those
entities converted to their equivalent unicode characters when resources are encoded, since FHIR does
not allow extended entities in resource instances.
<action type="add">
Add a new client interceptor which adds HTTP Authorization Bearer Tokens (for use with OAUTH2 servers)
to client requests.
<action type="fix">
Add phloc-commons dependency explicitly, which resolves an issue building HAPI from source on
some platforms. Thanks to Odysseas Pentakalos for the patch!
<action type="add">
HAPI now logs a single line indicating the StAX implementation being used upon the
first time an XML parser is created.
<action type="fix">
Update methods on the server did not return a "content-location" header, but
only a "location" header. Both are required according to the FHIR specification.
Thanks to Bill de Beaubien of Systems Made Simple for reporting this!
<action type="fix" issue="26" dev="akley">
Parser failed to correctly read contained Binary resources. Thanks to Alexander Kley for
the patch!
<action type="fix" issue="29" dev="akley">
Calling encode multiple times on a resource with contained resources caused the contained
resources to be re-added (and the actual message to grow) with each encode pass. Thanks to
Alexander Kley for the test case!
<action type="fix">
JSON-encoded contained resources with the incorrect "_id" element (which should be "id", but some
incorrect examples exist on the FHIR specification) now parse correctly. In other words, HAPI
previously only accepted the correct "id" element, but now it also accepts the incorrect
"_id" element just to be more lenient.
<action type="fix">
Several unit tests failed on Windows (or any platform with non UTF-8 default encoding). This may
have also caused resource validation to fail occasionally on these platforms as well.
Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for reporting!
<action type="fix">
toString() method on TokenParam was incorrectly showing the system as the value.
Thanks to Bill de Beaubien for reporting!
<action type="update">
Documentation on contained resources contained a typo and did not actually produce contained resources. Thanks
to David Hay of Orion Health for reporting!
<action type="add" issue="31" dev="preston">
Add a
<![CDATA[<a href="https://www.vagrantup.com/">Vagrant</a>]]>
based environment (basically a fully built, self contained development environment) for
trying out the HAPI server modules. Thanks to Preston Lee for the pull request, and for
offering to maintain this!
<action type="add" issue="32" dev="jathman">
Change validation API so that it uses a return type instead of exceptions to communicate
validation failures. Thanks to Joe Athman for the pull request!
<action type="add" issue="35" dev="petromykhailysyn">
Add a client interceptor which adds an HTTP cookie to each client request. Thanks to
Petro Mykhailysyn for the pull request!
<release version="0.6" date="2014-Sep-08" description="This release brings a number of new features and bug fixes!">
<action type="add">
Allow generic client ... OAUTH
<action type="add">
Add server interceptor framework, and new interceptor for logging incoming
<action type="add">
Add server validation framework for validating resources against the FHIR schemas and schematrons
<action type="fix">
Tester UI created double _format and _pretty param entries in searches. Thanks to Gered King of University
Health Network for reporting!
<action type="fix" issue="4">
Create method was incorrectly returning an HTTP 204 on sucessful completion, but
should be returning an HTTP 200 per the FHIR specification. Thanks to wanghaisheng
for reporting!
<action type="fix">
FHIR Tester UI now correctly sends UTF-8 charset in responses so that message payloads containing
non US-ASCII characters will correctly display in the browser
<action type="fix">
JSON parser was incorrectly encoding extensions on composite elements outside the element itself
(as is done correctly for non-composite elements) instead of inside of them. Thanks to David Hay of
Orion for reporting this!
<action type="add">
Contained/included resource instances received by a client are now automatically
added to any ResourceReferenceDt instancea in other resources which reference them.
<action type="add">
Add documentation on how to use eBay CORS Filter to support Cross Origin Resource
Sharing (CORS) to server. CORS support that was built in to the server itself has
been removed, as it did not work correctly (and was reinventing a wheel that others
have done a great job inventing). Thanks to Peter Bernhardt of Relay Health for all the assistance
in testing this!
<action type="fix">
IResource interface did not expose the getLanguage/setLanguage methods from BaseResource,
so the resource language was difficult to access.
<action type="fix">
JSON Parser now gives a more friendly error message if it tries to parse JSON with invalid use
of single quotes
<action type="add">
Transaction server method is now allowed to return an OperationOutcome in addition to the
incoming resources. The public test server now does this in order to return status information
about the transaction processing.
<action type="add">
Update method in the server can now flag (via a field on the MethodOutcome object being returned)
that the result was actually a creation, and Create method can indicate that it was actually an
update. This has no effect other than to switch between the HTTP 200 and HTTP 201 status codes on the
response, but this may be useful in some circumstances.
<action type="fix">
Annotation client search methods with a specific resource type (e.g. List<Patient> search())
won't return any resources that aren't of the correct type that are received in a response
bundle (generally these are referenced resources, so they are populated in the reference fields instead).
Thanks to Tahura Chaudhry of University Health Network for the unit test!
<action type="add">
Added narrative generator template for OperationOutcome resource
<action type="fix">
Date/time types did not correctly parse values in the format "yyyymmdd" (although the FHIR-defined format
is "yyyy-mm-dd" anyhow, and this is correctly handled). Thanks to Jeffrey Ting of Systems Made Simple
for reporting!
<action type="fix">
Server search method for an unnamed query gets called if the client requests a named query
with the same parameter list. Thanks to Neal Acharya of University Health Network for reporting!
<action type="fix">
Category header (for tags) is correctly read in client for "read" operation
<action type="add">
Transaction method in server can now have parameter type Bundle instead of
<action type="add">
HAPI parsers now use field access to get/set values instead of method accessors and mutators.
This should give a small performance boost.
<action type="fix">
JSON parser encodes resource references incorrectly, using the name "resource" instead
of the name "reference" for the actual reference. Thanks to
Ricky Nguyen for reporting and tracking down the issue!
<action type="fix">
Rename NotImpementedException to NotImplementedException (to correct typo)
<action type="fix">
Server setUseBrowserFriendlyContentType setting also respected for errors (e.g. OperationOutcome with 4xx/5xx status)
<action type="fix">
Fix performance issue in date/time datatypes where pattern matchers were not static
<action type="fix">
Server now gives a more helpful error message if a @Read method has a search parameter (which is invalid, but
previously lead to a very unhelpful error message). Thanks to Tahura Chaudhry of UHN for reporting!
<action type="fix">
Resource of type "List" failed to parse from a bundle correctly. Thanks to David Hay of Orion Health
for reporting!
<action type="fix">
QuantityParam correctly encodes approximate (~) prefix to values
<action type="fix" issue="14">
If a server defines a method with parameter "_id", incoming search requests for that method may
get delegated to the wrong method. Thanks to Neal Acharya for reporting!
<action type="add">
SecurityEvent.Object structural element has been renamed to
SecurityEvent.ObjectElement to avoid conflicting names with the
java Object class. Thanks to Laurie Macdougall-Sookraj of UHN for
<action type="fix">
Text/narrative blocks that were created with a non-empty
namespace prefix (e.g. <xhtml:div xmlns:xhtml="...">...</xhtml:div>)
failed to encode correctly (prefix was missing in encoded resource)
<action type="fix">
Resource references previously encoded their children (display and reference)
in the wrong order so references with both would fail schema validation.
<action type="add">
SecurityEvent resource's enums now use friendly enum names instead of the unfriendly
numeric code values. Thanks to Laurie MacDougall-Sookraj of UHN for the
<release version="0.5" date="2014-Jul-30">
<action type="add">
HAPI has a number of RESTful method parameter types that have similar but not identical
purposes and confusing names. A cleanup has been undertaken to clean this up.
This means that a number of existing classes
have been deprocated in favour of new naming schemes.
All annotation-based clients and all server search method parameters are now named
(type)Param, for example: StringParam, TokenParam, etc.
All generic/fluent client method parameters are now named
(type)ClientParam, for example: StringClientParam, TokenClientParam, etc.
All renamed classes have been retained and deprocated, so this change should not cause any issues
for existing applications but those applications should be refactored to use the
new parameters when possible.
<action type="add">
Allow server methods to return wildcard generic types (e.g. List<? extends IResource>)
<action type="add">
Search parameters are not properly escaped and unescaped. E.g. for a token parameter such as
<action type="add">
Add support for OPTIONS verb (which returns the server conformance statement)
<action type="add">
Add support for CORS headers in server
<action type="add">
Bump SLF4j dependency to latest version (1.7.7)
<action type="add">
Add interceptor framework for clients (annotation based and generic), and add interceptors
for configurable logging, capturing requests and responses, and HTTP basic auth.
<action type="fix">
Transaction client invocations with XML encoding were using the wrong content type ("application/xml+fhir" instead
of the correct "application/atom+xml"). Thanks to David Hay of Orion Health for surfacing this one!
<action type="add">
Bundle entries now support a link type of "search". Thanks to David Hay for the suggestion!
<action type="add" issue="1">
If a client receives a non 2xx response (e.g. HTTP 500) and the response body is a text/plain message or
an OperationOutcome resource, include the message in the exception message so that it will be
more conveniently displayed in logs and other places. Thanks to Neal Acharya for the suggestion!
<action type="add" issue="2">
Read invocations in the client now process the "Content-Location" header and use it to
populate the ID of the returned resource. Thanks to Neal Acharya for the suggestion!
<action type="fix" issue="3">
Fix issue where vread invocations on server incorrectly get routed to instance history method if one is
defined. Thanks to Neal Acharya from UHN for surfacing this one!
<action type="add">
Binary reads on a server not include the Content-Disposition header, to prevent HTML in binary
blobs from being used for nefarious purposes. See
<![CDATA[<a href="http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/fhir/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_id=677&tracker_item_id=3298">FHIR Tracker Bug 3298</a>]]>
for more information.
<action type="add">
Support has been added for using an HTTP proxy for outgoing requests.
<action type="fix">
Fix: Primitive extensions declared against custom resource types
are encoded even if they have no value. Thanks to David Hay of Orion for
reporting this!
<action type="fix">
Fix: RESTful server deployed to a location where the URL to access it contained a
space (e.g. a WAR file with a space in the name) failed to work correctly.
Thanks to David Hay of Orion for reporting this!
<release version="0.4" date="2014-Jul-13">
<action type="add">
<![CDATA[<b>BREAKING CHANGE:</b>]]>: IdDt has been modified so that it
contains a partial or complete resource identity. Previously it contained
only the simple alphanumeric id of the resource (the part at the end of the "read" URL for
that resource) but it can now contain a complete URL or even a partial URL (e.g. "Patient/123")
and can optionally contain a version (e.g. "Patient/123/_history/456"). New methods have
been added to this datatype which provide just the numeric portion. See the JavaDoc
for more information.
<action type="add">
<![CDATA[<b>API CHANGE:</b>]]>: Most elements in the HAPI FHIR model contain
a getId() and setId() method. This method is confusing because it is only actually used
for IDREF elements (which are rare) but its name makes it easy to confuse with more
important identifiers. For this reason, these methods have been deprocated and replaced with
get/setElementSpecificId() methods. The old methods will be removed at some point. Resource
types are unchanged and retain their get/setId methods.
<action type="add">
Allow use of QuantityDt as a service parameter to support the "quantity" type. Previously
QuantityDt did not implement IQueryParameterType so it was not valid, and there was no way to
support quantity search parameters on the server (e.g. Observation.value-quantity)
<action type="add">
Introduce StringParameter type which can be used as a RESTful operation search parameter
type. StringParameter allows ":exact" matches to be specified in clients, and handled in servers.
<action type="add">
Parsers (XML/JSON) now support deleted entries in bundles
<action type="add">
Transaction method now supported in servers
<action type="add">
Support for Binary resources added (in servers, clients, parsers, etc.)
<action type="fix">
Support for Query resources fixed (in parser)
<action type="fix">
Nested contained resources (e.g. encoding a resource with a contained resource that itself contains a resource)
now parse and encode correctly, meaning that all contained resources are placed in the "contained" element
of the root resource, and the parser looks in the root resource for all container levels when stitching
contained resources back together.
<action type="fix">
Server methods with @Include parameter would sometimes fail when no _include was actually
specified in query strings.
<action type="fix">
Client requests for IdentifierDt types (such as Patient.identifier) did not create the correct
query string if the system is null.
<action type="add">
Add support for paging responses from RESTful servers.
<action type="fix">
Don't fail on narrative blocks in JSON resources with only an XML declaration but no content (these are
produced by the Health Intersections server)
<action type="fix">
Server now automatically compresses responses if the client indicates support
<action type="fix">
Server failed to support optional parameters when type is String and :exact qualifier is used
<action type="fix">
Read method in client correctly populated resource ID in returned object
<action type="add">
Support added for deleted-entry by/name, by/email, and comment from Tombstones spec
<release version="0.3" date="2014-May-12" description="This release corrects lots of bugs and introduces the fluent client mode">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user