Reuse connections in brute force migrator

This commit is contained in:
James Agnew 2019-12-06 16:51:47 -05:00
parent cafb6424f1
commit 438ef70fdb
5 changed files with 90 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -145,6 +145,34 @@ public class HapiFlywayMigrateDatabaseCommandTest {
assertTrue(JdbcUtils.getTableNames(connectionProperties).contains("HFJ_BLK_EXPORT_JOB")); // Late table
public void testMigrateFromEmptySchema_NoFlyway() throws IOException, SQLException {
File location = getLocation("migrator_h2_test_empty_current_noflyway");
String url = "jdbc:h2:" + location.getAbsolutePath() + ";create=true";
DriverTypeEnum.ConnectionProperties connectionProperties = DriverTypeEnum.H2_EMBEDDED.newConnectionProperties(url, "", "");"**********************************************");"Starting Migration...");"**********************************************");
String[] args = new String[]{
"-d", "H2_EMBEDDED",
"-u", url,
"-n", "",
"-p", "",
"--" + BaseFlywayMigrateDatabaseCommand.DONT_USE_FLYWAY
assertTrue(JdbcUtils.getTableNames(connectionProperties).contains("HFJ_RESOURCE")); // Early table
assertTrue(JdbcUtils.getTableNames(connectionProperties).contains("HFJ_BLK_EXPORT_JOB")); // Late table
private File getLocation(String theDatabaseName) throws IOException {
File directory = new File(DB_DIRECTORY);

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@ -23,40 +23,57 @@ package;
import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException;
import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.IParser;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Patient;
public class Parser {
public static void main(String[] args) throws DataFormatException, IOException {
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersions
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu2();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
public static void main(String[] args) throws DataFormatException, IOException {
//START SNIPPET: createParser
// Create a FHIR context
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forR4();
// Disable the automatic stripping of versions from references on the parser
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersions
// Create a Patient resource to serialize
Patient patient = new Patient();
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsCtx
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsCtx
// Instantiate a new parser
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsField
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu2();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
// Serialize it
String serialized = parser.encodeResourceToString(patient)
//END SNIPPET: createParser
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersions
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forR4();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
// Preserve versions only on these two fields (for the given parser)
parser.setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths("AuditEvent.entity.reference", "Patient.managingOrganization");
// Disable the automatic stripping of versions from references on the parser
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersions
// You can also apply this setting to the context so that it will
// flow to all parsers
ctx.getParserOptions().setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths("AuditEvent.entity.reference", "Patient.managingOrganization");
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsField
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsCtx
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsCtx
//START SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsField
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forR4();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
// Preserve versions only on these two fields (for the given parser)
parser.setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths("AuditEvent.entity.reference", "Patient.managingOrganization");
// You can also apply this setting to the context so that it will
// flow to all parsers
ctx.getParserOptions().setDontStripVersionsFromReferencesAtPaths("AuditEvent.entity.reference", "Patient.managingOrganization");
//END SNIPPET: disableStripVersionsField

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ page.introduction.downloading_and_importing=Downloading and Importing
section.model.title=Working With The FHIR Model
page.model.working_with_resources=Working With Resources
page.model.parsers=Parsing and Serializing
page.model.references=Resource References
page.model.profiles_and_extensions=Profiles and Extensions
page.model.converter=Version Converters

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Parsers and Serializers
HAPI FHIR has built-in support for the FHIR [JSON]( and [XML]( encoding formats.
A built in parser can be used to convert HAPI FHIR Java objects into a serialized form, and to parse serialized data into Java objects. Note that unlike some other frameworks, HAPI FHIR does not have separate parsers and serializers. Both of these functions are handled by a single object called the **Parser**.
# Serializing
As with many parts of the HAPI FHIR API, parsing beginis with a [FhirContext](/apidocs/hapi-fhr-base/ca/uhn/fhir/context/FhirContext.html) object. The FhirContext can be used to request an [IParser](/apidocs/hapi-fhir-base/ca/uhn/fhir/parser/IParser.html) for your chosen encodng style that is then used to serialize.
The following example shows a JSON Parser being used to serialize a FHIR resource.

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@ -42,11 +42,12 @@ public class BruteForceMigrator extends BaseMigrator {
public void migrate() {
DriverTypeEnum.ConnectionProperties connectionProperties = getDriverType().newConnectionProperties(getConnectionUrl(), getUsername(), getPassword());
for (BaseTask<?> next : myTasks) {
DriverTypeEnum.ConnectionProperties connectionProperties = getDriverType().newConnectionProperties(getConnectionUrl(), getUsername(), getPassword());
try {