- The easiest way to get started with HAPI-FHIR is to either download the
- source code from our
- Git Repository
- , or to use Maven:
+ Important note to users of HAPI 0.7 and before: The section below
+ references "hapi-fhir-structures-dstu-[version].jar", which was added for
+ HAPI 0.8 (and this version has not yet been released). If you are using HAPI
+ FHIR 0.7 or before, you only need to include the hapi-fhir-base
+ JAR, not the structures one.
+ To use HAPI in your application, at a minimum you need to include the HAPI-FHIR core
+ JAR hapi-fhir-base-[version].jar, as well as at least one "structures" JAR.
+ The structures JAR contains classes with the resource and datatype definitions for a given
+ version of FHIR. At this time, the only official release of FHIR is the "DSTU1" release,
+ which is available by including the hapi-fhir-structures-dstu-[version].jar.
+ If you use Maven, you can include these JARs with the following dependency tags:
+ HAPI also has a hapi-fhir-structures-dev-[version].jar, which
+ contains the latest versions of the releases. You can include this JAR on
+ your classpath if you want to use resources that were created or updated by
+ HL7 after the DSTU1 release. Be warned though that using these resources
+ can lead to incompatibility between your application and other applications
+ if those applications use libraries that do not support DEV resources.
+ If you are using Maven, ad the following dependency to include DEV resources:
+ Non Maven users can often also find snapshot builds in the Maven repository
+ manually by searching
+ here.
@@ -61,6 +106,17 @@
Some of those libraries are listed here:
+ HAPI requires SLF4j for logging support, and it is recommended to include
+ an underlying logging framework such as Logback. See the
+ logging documentation for
+ more information.