* Add cascading delete to client
* Add changelog
* Client delete should return MethodOutcome
* Rerturn more appropriate type for delete operations
* Refactor cascade detection to be reusable
* Validation enhancements
* Work on validation api reworking
* Keep working on validation API
* Keep working on new term API
* Work on validation api
* Ongoing work on validation
* Work on integrating validation
* Work on validation API
* Add to validation API
* Work on validation
* Work on API
* Work on validation
* Work on validation API
* Work on validation API
* Work on validation api
* Work on validation API
* Work on validation api
* Validation API changes
* Work on API
* More work on validationo API
* Work on validation API
* FIxes
* WOrk on validation api
* Work on validation API
* Tests passing!
* More cleanup
* More validation API changes
* Fix intermittent test failure
* Package reorg
* Validation API work
* Work on doocumentation
* Work on API
* More work on new validation API
* Fix errorprone-reported error
* Test fixes
* Documentation updates
* Documentation tweaks
* Work on API
* Bean name adjustments
* Build fixes
* Some test fixes
* Some CI surefire improvements
* Build tweak
* More tweak
* Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
* Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
* One more CI attempt
* Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
* Tweak command line
* Another build test fixc
* More build cleanup
* Version bumps
* FIx build issues
* Address a few Semmle issues
* Work on tests
* Some test fixes
* Test fix
* Fix deletions
* Test fix
* Fix intermittent test failure
* One more dependency bump
* Add some test logging
* Remove bad import
* Add some tests
* Test updates
* Start refactoring terminology delta operations
* Work on delta operations
* Work on concept saving
* Split term services into smaller services
* Work on term delta operations
* Work on term svcs
* Work on term operations
* More work on delta uploader
* Add a test
* Wrk on term service
* Fix compile error
* Some refactoring
* Test fix
* Test fix
* Test fixes
* Test fix
* Test fixes
* Test fixes
* Work on delta
* Work on tests#
* Test fixes
* Improve resequencing logic
* Build test
* More testing
* More build testing
* More work on tests
* CHange test logging
* Fix term service PID issue
* Update src/changes/changes.xml
Co-Authored-By: Diederik Muylwyk <diederik.muylwyk@gmail.com>
* Address review comment
* Some cleanup
* Test fix
* Fix some tests
* Test fixes
Added missing @Override annotations so that if/when methods in superclasses change
there will be a compile-time error if subclasses haven't been changed accordingly.
This was done using IntelliJ IDEA's "Missing @Override annotation" inspection.
* Add some logging
* Add more test logging
* Work on some test logging
* Fix compile error
* Work on codecov
* Work on codecov
* Remove test debug messages
* Start working on subscription processor
* Work on new scheduler
* Test fixes
* Scheduler refactoring
* Fix test failure
* One more test fix
* Updates to scheduler
* More scheduler work
* Tests now all passing
* Ongoing work on export
* Ongoing scheduler work
* Ongoing testing
* Work on export task
* Sync master
* Ongoing work
* Bump xml patch version
* Work on provider
* Work on bulk
* Work on export scheduler
* More test fies
* More test fixes
* Compile fix
* Reduce logging
* Improve logging
* Reuse bulk export jobs
* Export provider
* Improve logging in bulk export
* Work on bulk export service
* One more bugfix
* Ongoing work on Bulk Data
* Add changelog
* Start work on changing over
* Update tests
* More test fixes
* Work on generalizing binary access provider a bit
* Add expunge capability to binary storage, and also support actual binary
* Work on binary provider
* Get the DB bound binary storage service working
* Test fixes
* Compile fix
* Fix compile error
* Test fix
* Test tweak
* Trying to figure out an intermittent failure
* Work on tests
* More work on tests
* Another test fix