Datatypes - Primitive Types have changed from StringDt to StringType - Composite Types have changed from CodeableConceptDt to CondeableConcept - ResourceReferenceDt has changed to Reference - Reference#getReference() returns the reference text, Reference#getReferenceElement() returns the type Setter Names - Names for some component setters/mutators have changed in the new structures. In the old structures if the field type was a primitive (e.g. a string) there would be two setters: setName(String) and setName(StringDt). In the new structures, the setters are called setName(String) and setNameElement(StringType). This is more consistent with the way the getters are named. - addFoo() has been renamed to addFooElement() Resource Metadata - Resource#getId() returns the string ID (e.g. "") - Resource#getIdElement() returns the IdType previously returned by Resource#getId() - Resource metadata lives in Resource#getMeta() instead of using a map - Resource#getMeta()#getLastUpdate() returns the resource's last update time - Resource#getMeta()#getTag() returns the resource's tag list - Resource#getMeta()#getProfile() returns the resource's profile list Contained Resources - Resource#getContained() returns the list of contained resources (previously it returned a useless ContainedDt object which held the list of contained resources) Enums - Enums are named "[EnumName]" instead of "[EnumName]Enum". For example, ConditionVerificationStatusEnum is now called ConditionVerificationStatus Resource/Datatype Components - The Java model classes representing sub-elements within a resource now have a longer name reflecting the containing element name and ending in "Component". For example, the Java structure representing the "Bundle.entry" component was called "Entry" in the HAPI structures but is called BundleEntryComponent in the RI structures. Removed stuff to bring back - Repeating fields "firstRep" methods are gone, e.g. Patient#getNameFirstRep() - Enums and field setters for CodeableConcept types with extendible bindings are gone, e.g. Identifier#setType(IdentifierTypeCodesEnum)