name 'apt' maintainer 'Chef Software, Inc.' maintainer_email '' license 'Apache 2.0' description 'Configures apt and apt services and LWRPs for managing apt repositories and preferences' long_description, '')) version '2.7.0' recipe 'apt', 'Runs apt-get update during compile phase and sets up preseed directories' recipe 'apt::cacher-ng', 'Set up an apt-cacher-ng caching proxy' recipe 'apt::cacher-client', 'Client for the apt::cacher-ng caching proxy' %w{ ubuntu debian }.each do |os| supports os end attribute 'apt/cacher-client/restrict_environment', :description => 'Whether to restrict the search for the caching server to the same environment as this node', :default => 'false' attribute 'apt/cacher_port', :description => 'Default listen port for the caching server', :default => '3142' attribute 'apt/cacher_ssl_support', :description => 'The caching server supports upstream SSL servers via CONNECT', :default => 'false' attribute 'apt/cacher_interface', :description => 'Default listen interface for the caching server', :default => nil attribute 'apt/key_proxy', :description => 'Passed as the proxy passed to GPG for the apt_repository resource', :default => '' attribute 'apt/caching_server', :description => 'Set this to true if the node is a caching server', :default => 'false'